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Decision theory: general

Cognitive Decision-Making - Head Work

by Editor(s): Benoit Hardy-Vallée


Cognitive Decision-Making is an interdisciplinary collection of essays in psychology, philosophy, neuroscience and biology about decision-making. While it has been a topic for economists, logicians and psychologists for many years, decision-making is gaining more attention now from a diverse array of approaches. In 2005, a conference was held at the Université du Québec at Montreal (UQAM) and allowed researchers from various fields to interact and discuss such issues. Cognitio 2005 was an occasion for philosophers, cognitive scientists and biologists to present the latest development in their discipline, and this book aims at providing a general overview of current research in the field of cognitive decision-making. This book is intended for scholars interested in the nature, modeling, evolution and substrate of decision-making.
Cognitive Decision-Making

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Author Biography

Benoit Hardy-Vallée is a postdoctoral fellow and visiting researcher in the department of philosophy of the University of Waterloo (Canada). His current research interest includes philosophy of science (cognitive science, economics, biology), naturalistic philosophy, epistemology, neuroeconomics and embodied cognition. See webpage:

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