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      • Trusted Partner

        Yalda’s Night

        by Ghada Al-Absi

        The life of poet Hafez Al-Shirazi forms the background from which this novel draws its great ideas about life, love and poetry. And although this book is based on the visions of this great poet, it is not a heterosexual biography of his life but rather an imagined novel inspired by his poetry.   The events of the novel take place in one night when Hafez dies, only to be born again. Throughout the long night, the author reviews stories, conflicts and milestone events in history, and Hafez has the chance to meet the poles of Sufi love in multiple chronological paths within the novel. He contemplates the black death and is defeated by the Farsi language with his early failures in poetry, but he finds salvation in the Arabic language by memorising the entire Qur’an. As a result, Shams Al-Din chooses another name inspired by him: Hafez, who the world will embrace until the Shiraz baker becomes a minister, on a human journey in which the Shirazi tests and loses everything successively.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2019

        Neuer Antisemitismus?

        Fortsetzung einer globalen Debatte

        by Doron Rabinovici, Natan Sznaider, Christian Heilbronn

        Worauf lassen wir uns ein, wenn wir Antisemitismus begreifen wollen? Meinen wir ein Gefühl, ein Ressentiment, eine Haltung, ein Gerücht oder gar nur ein Vorurteil über eine bestimmte soziale und kulturelle Gruppe, die Juden genannt wird? Ressentiments gegen Juden kommen von Rechten, Linken, der Mitte, von Muslimen, sogar von anderen Juden. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist es Zeit, Bilanz zu ziehen, und eine erweiterte Fassung des mittlerweile zum Standardwerk avancierten Sammelbandes zur Frage des »neuen Antisemitismus« vorzulegen. Die bisherigen Beiträge werden ergänzt um neue Texte, unter anderem zur aktuellen Situation in Großbritannien, Frankreich und Polen sowie um Erörterungen zur Agitation im Netz und um eine Untersuchung zu antisemitischen Einstellungen unter Flüchtlingen. Die älteren Texte sind jeweils zudem durch ein Postskriptum der Autoren angereichert. So ist das Buch nun mehr als ein Diskussionsband, es ist eine Dokumentation und eine Fortsetzung der globalen Debatte über den »neuen Antisemitismus« zugleich. Mit Texten von Omer Bartov, Tony Judt, Judith Butler, Gerd Koenen, Sina Arnold, Michel Wieviorka, Matthias Küntzel, Katajun Amirpur, Ian Buruma, András Kovács, Rafał Pankowski, Jan T. Gross, Brian Klug, Anshel Pfeffer, Monika Schwarz-Friesel, Ingrid Brodnig, Moshe Zimmermann und Dan Diner.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2017



        by Walter Lucius, Andreas Ecke

        Eine toughe Journalistin im Kampf gegen ein mächtiges kriminelles Netzwerk Kaum der Geiselhaft entkommen, ist die Journalistin und Kampfsportlerin Farah Hafez weiter dem russischen Oligarchen Valentin Lavrov auf der Spur - dem Kopf hinter einem internationalen Netz aus Korruption, Wirtschaftskriminalität und Menschenhandel. Als Farah in Indonesien auf neue Beweise stößt, begibt sie sich auf eine lebensgefährliche Mission. Nachdem sie in Moskau spektakulär aus den Fängen tschetschenischer Rebellen befreit wurde, ist die Journalistin Farah Hafez in Indonesien untergetaucht. Lange kann sie sich dort allerdings nicht erholen. Schon bald erfährt sie von einem großen Kernenergieprojekt der indonesischen Regierung mit dem russischen Oligarchen Valentin Lavrov. Er ist der Mann, der Farahs Entführung in Auftrag gegeben hatte. Sie beginnt, Lavrovs Machenschaften zu recherchieren. Während Lavrov seinerseits mehr als interessiert an einem Wiedersehen mit Farah ist – einem Wiedersehen, das tödlich ausgehen könnte.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2012

        Du durchschaust mich nicht!

        Das Geheimnis der Magie

        by Farid

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2002

        Die syrische Außenpolitik unter Präsident Hafez Assad

        Balanceakte im globalen Umbruch

        by Stäheli, Martin

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2012

        Islam und Moderne. Die neuen Denker

        by Rachid Benzine, Hadiya Gurtmann

        Intellektualität und Frömmigkeit zu vereinbaren, das ist das Ziel einer ganzen Generation muslimischer Denker. Unabdingbare Voraussetzung dafür ist die Entwicklung einer neuen Hermeneutik der Koraninterpretation, zu der muslimische Gelehrte aus zahlreichen Ländern ihren Beitrag leisten und dafür mitunter Kopf und Kragen riskieren. Ihre Namen sind hierzulande noch kaum bekannt, da die wenigsten ihrer Schriften ins Deutsche übersetzt worden sind. Dennoch findet ihr Beitrag zur Versöhnung des Islams mit der Moderne auch in Deutschland hohe Anerkennung: So war zum Beispiel der 2010 verstorbene gebürtige Algerier Mohammed Arkoun, Professor an der Sorbonne in Paris, Fellow am Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, desgleichen der ebenfalls 2010 verstorbene Ägypter Nasr Hamid Abu Said. Andere Vertreter, die Benzine in seinem Buch darstellt, sind Fazlur Rahman, Farid Esack (Südafrika), Abdul Karim Sorush (Iran) und Abdelmajid Charfi (Tunesien). Neben dem leidenschaftlichen Engagement für die Sache, der sich diese neuen Denker verschrieben haben und so zu Hoffnungsträgern für viele Muslime geworden sind, beeindruckt die persönliche Opferbereitschaft, die manchem von ihnen abverlangt wurde. Abu Saids Ehe etwa wurde zwangsgeschieden, er erhielt Morddrohungen und mußte ins niederländische Exil flüchten.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Agronomy & crop production
        July 2015

        Advances in Protected Cultivation

        by Brahma Singh, Balraj Singh, Naved Sabir & Murtaza Hansan

        Unlike other aspects of agricultural sciences, little literature is available on protected cultivation in India. Protected cultivation in India has vast potential under changing environmental parameters and reducing land and water resources. The book contains consolidated and concise information on design, construction and maintenance of protected structures and production technologies under protected cultivation with contributions from eminent scientists and researchers from institute like DIHAR- DRDO, ICAR, CIAE, CIPHET, CPCT, IIVR, CAZRI, NRCs and various SAUs.

      • 2017

        Washington's Long War on Syria

        by Stephen Gowans

        When President Barack Obama demanded formally in the summer of 2011 that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad step down, it was not the first time Washington had sought regime change in Damascus. The United States had waged a long war against Syria from the very moment the country’s fiercely independent Arab nationalist movement came to power in 1963. Assad and his father Hafez al-Assad were committed to that movement. Gowans examines the decades-long struggle for control of Syria.To learn more about this publisher, click here:

      • January 2020

        The Communist Labor Party in Syria (1979-1992). A Chapter from the History of the Syrian Left.

        by Rateb Shabo

        It is interesting how the author succeeded, in a political book some would necessarily see as a dry text, in making the reader involved and not neutral. But the emotional influx that penetrates the narration never lessens the power of a text whose author could connect the daily details of a revolutionary communist organization to the developments of the regional and international situation; beginning with the Palestinian case, to the extending Lebanese crisis and ending with the fluctuations of the unpitiable Soviet communism – all overshadowed by the tyrant authority of Hafez Al-Assad and his men.         Rateb Shabo’s book is a special text in the wide-perspective political analysis from a point of view that is biased to the interests of the oppressed. Though it seems from the story of the book that it tells a marginal story about a small communist organization whose time passed more than twenty-five years ago, Rateb Shabo, the communist author and struggler, drew (while telling the story of the “League”) a live intense painting of the struggling and political history of Syria in the period after the defeat in June 1967 to the collapse of the Eastern Bloc led by the Soviet Union. The story of giving birth to “a new Marxism” in the 1970s, and quite into 1980s – but not a new story. It is not just an Egyptian, Syrian or Arab story; but it is an extending international phenomenon that began with the upheavals of 1968 in all the world, especially in France. This international phenomenon of the raise of new left took different forms from a country to another according to its conditions of conflict and the level of its capacities.

      • Il giardino degli aranci

        by Dario Voltolini

        Nino Nino, this is the name of the protagonist,met Luciana in high school and fell in love with herin the extreme and daring way that belongs only to afirst love: to attract her attention he exposes himselfwithout restraint, he draws rainbows and offers them to her as giftsevery day at the interval between classes.Luciana, bewildered, accepts these bizarre tributes,but then inexplicably 'gets engaged' to Attilioand the story with Nino Nino ends even beforeto begin. Now, after many years, Lucianaand Nino Nino have a date at the Giardinodegli Aranci:...

      • Graphic novels
        February 2023

        Black Deker - Deep South Story

        by Fernando De Felipe

        Texas, 2033. Black Deker and his partner, Top Chop, recover the Lady in the Dark, an old Mississippi steamboat patched together with the remnants of old war materials. Scrap dealers by trade, they use the boat to salvage the scrap from battles fought in the rivers and jungles of the new state. But Black Deker decides to take on an unusual assignment: rescue A. Bierce, a prisoner of the fearsome Coronel Snark, from death row at the China (New León) maximum-security prison. A new instalment from the Fernando De Felipe library, which collects the complete works of the Aragonese author in a series of new editions with additional unpublished material. The perfect introduction or a chance to rediscover one of our seminal graphic novel artists.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2018

        Great Thinkers, Great Minds

        Sunway University Professorial Lecture Series

        by Graeme G Wilkinson, Poh Chit Laa, Stephen J Hall, Glenda Crosling, Peter J Heard, Goh Cheng Teik, Pua Eng Chong, Edward R T Tiekink, Harold Thwaites, Naveed Ahmed Khan

        Great Thinkers, Great Minds: Sunway University Professorial Lecture Series presents 10 lectures from the Professorial Lecture Series presentations as thought-provoking papers that will remind readers of the importance of research in advancing modern society.   This first volume delves into the areas of sciences, arts, higher education and global politics. Among the topics discussed include — but are not limited to — the role of satellite data in the sustainable management of our environment, the search for and development of antiviral therapeutics against Enterovirus 71, the understanding of molecular assembly in crystals, the use of digital technologies in modern museum experience, and the relevance of diversity in higher education.   This book is suitable for readers who wish to keep abreast of novel research ideas and breakthroughs that will impact the way we live our lives in the 21st century.   Click here for more information

      • Educational material
        March 2020

        El Sistema solar

        El Universo

        by Selvi, Santi / Morocho, Luis

        The union of a doctor in Astronomy and Maths and a comic book artist, brings the whole family closer to the secrets of the Universe, an informative comic book.

      • Praying to the West

        The Story of Muslims in the Americas, in Thirteen Mosques

        by Omar Mouallem

        Muslims have lived in the New World for over 500 years, before Protestantism even existed, but their contributions were erased by revisionists and ignorance. In this colorful alternative history o f the Americas, we meet the enslaved and indentured Muslims who changed the course of history, the immigrants who advanced the Space Race and automotive revolution, the visionaries who spearheaded civil rights movements, and the 21st-century Americans shifting the political landscape while struggling for acceptance both within and outside their mosques.   In search of these forgotten stories, Mouallem traveled 7,000 miles, from the northwest tip of Brazil to the southeast edge of the Arctic, to visit thirteen pivotal mosques. What he discovers is a population as diverse and conflicted as you’d find in any other house of worship, and deeply misunderstood. Parallel to the author’s geographical journey is a personal one. A child of immigrants, Mouallem discovers that, just as the greater legacy of Western Islam was lost on him, so were the stories of prior generations in his family. An atheist since the 9/11 attacks, Mouallem reconsiders Islam and his place within it.   Meanwhile, as the rise of hate groups threaten the liberties of Muslims in the West, ideologues from the East try to suppress their liberalism. With pressures to assimilate coming from all sides, will Muslims of the Americas ever be free to worship on their own terms?

      • 2017

        Nueve cuentos azules

        by Pablo Fraile Dorado / Alberto Sastre

        Un vampiro pacífico recibe una visita inesperada en su castillo, un joven neandertal observa a un grupo de invasores desde lo alto del valle, un caballero andante busca al último dragón vivo en una cueva helada, tres extraterrestres llegan a la Tierra para estudiar su variada y abundante vida. Estos son algunos de los argumentos y personajes de Nueve cuentos azules, nueve historias en que caben la fantasía, la aventura o la ciencia ficción, géneros que, en ocasiones, se entremezclan, se revuelven, se agitan hasta tomar forma de dinosaurio o de robot, de Bigfoot o de planeta, de nave espacial o de Abominable Hombre de las Nieves. Nueve relatos para leer en voz baja o en voz alta, con o sin compañía, con un ojo puesto en los cuentos clásicos y el otro en las historias más actuales. Atrévete a mirar dentro...

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