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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        August 2021

        Benzin im Blut

        Die Auto-Biografie eines Visionärs

        by Willi Weber

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1994

        Schreiben ohne Ende

        Siebte Publikation der Marcel Proust Gesellschaft

        by Rainer Warning

        Warning, Rainer: Schreiben ohne Ende. Prousts Recherche im Spiegel ihrer textkritischen Aufarbeitung. Keller, Luzius: Annäherungen an Albertine. Milly, Jean: Albertine disparue. Neue textgenetische und literarische Probleme infolge des wiederaufgefundenen Typoskripts. Grésillon, Almuth: Prousts vagabundierendes Schreiben. Zur Genese der "Matinée" in La Prisonnière. Nitsch, Wolfram: Phantasmen aus Benzin. Prousts Automobile in textgeschichtlicher Sicht. Compagnon, Antoine: Die "danse contre seins". Hölz, Karl: Das Motiv des "aéroplane" bei Marcel Proust. Die narrative Verwandlung eines Avant-Textes in einen Kon-Text. Sprenger, Ulrike: Genese und Genesis - Abraham in Combray. Dällenbach, Lucien: Rochengeschichte. Von Chardins "Raie" zu Prousts "Cris de Paris". Stierle, Karlheinz: ;arcel in der Arena-Kapelle.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • The Other in the Islamic Society in the Medieval Era

        by Mahmoud Hadiya (Prof.)

        An image of the other was represented in the Islamic heritage during the medieval era, which was formulated from a cultural domain full of a homogeneous belief system, which differed altogether from the system of the other, which proved that its cultural, historical and civilizational reality was not formed by proving itself except through denial, exclusion, and distortion of the image of the other, unlike what  It was in the Islamic community during long periods of its history.  Accordingly, defining the essence of the relationship with the other in the Islamic world does not cease to monitor the reality of the Islamic community in the medieval era, for the civilizational and cultural value of it is represented by the bright human principles it has achieved, which exceeded its limits to spread its humanity to others, even if they have different  religion, gender and language, and the resulting successive social interactions  associated with those societies and regions that submitted to Islamic sovereignty.  The Islamic society became a social and societal melting pot in which civilizations were mixed since the many people of open areas entered Islam, in addition to the intermix and contact between Muslims and others. So the Islamic society became a pot in which those cultures and religions - especially the Jews - melted, so they became an integral part of the Islamic society's social fabric during the medieval era, so they assumed a distinguished position formed through the state of coexistence and tolerance that existed, so they integrated into the society, performed works and participated in many activities. This book comes as an attempt to understand the social and economic situation of the other - the Jewish community - in the Islamic society by analyzing the reality deduced from the Geniza documents, and trying to answer some questions, including: How did the members of the Jewish community live in the Islamic community?  Did social factors affect it?  How was its structure and economic structure?  What are its commercial sources?  And the size of its economic relations in the Islamic metropolis?  All these questions stem from the concept of the other in the Islamic society during the medieval era.

      • Agriculture & farming
        June 2008

        Organic Spices

        by V.A.Parthasarathy, K. Kandinnan &  V. Srinivasan

        The global changes warranted fastness in food production system and fast foods. In tune with demand, crop production also oriented accordingly. However, the proverb ‘Health is a Wealth is reminded us to keep vigil on system and method of food production and food safety. The ill-effect of conventional chemical based farming well documented and public realized the importance organically produced food and efforts are being made to popularize the organic production. India is a Land of Spices, each state or union territory in India cultivates one or other spice. Since spices form a part of many medicines the demand for organically produced spices is increasing considerably. Assuming a market growth of 10% in Europe, USA and Japan for organic spice products the world demand for organic spices may grow to 57000 tonnes in the next 10 yeaLarge scale use of high analysis fertilizers and pesticides result environmental hazards and imbalances in soil nutrients. Since spices are high valued and export oriented in nature it is imperative to keep the levels of pesticide residues below tolerance limits in view of the standards set by the importing countries. Hence the book on Organic Spices is timely and covers all aspects of organic spice production. The topic includes historical spice trade and importance of spices in food chain. Brief account on organic agriculture movement in the world and its present status and opportunity for organic spices in the world market are given. The chemistry and different methods of composting are included in the organic manures will be informative. Microbes play a greater role in agriculture, a separate devoted on microbes and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria would definitely enrich the reader not only that, the topics on biological control of insect pests, nematodes, fungus and bacteria of spices highlighted in separate chapters would be of interest in organic production system. The importance, composition, uses, botany and varieties, organic way of production of spices like black pepper, cardamom, ginger, turmeric, chillies and paprika, nutmeg, vanilla, seed spices like cumin, fennel, fenugreek, coriander and their harvest and post harvest processing are enumerated. The chapters on good agricultural practices (GAP) and organic certification procedures outlined for adoption. This would serve as a reference book for researchers, teachers and students besides farmers, traders and consumers.

      • Biography & True Stories
        April 2020


        Ein autobiografischer Roman

        by Ingeborg Lange

        Inge ist 17, als sie Rolf, den erfolgreichen, charismatischen Architekten aus großbürgerlichem Hause kennenlernt. Ende der 60er Jahre teilen sie eine Leidenschaft miteinander – die Leidenschaft für Autorennen auf dem Nürburgring. Er ist Rennfahrer, Ehemann, Vater ... und zwölf Jahre älter als sie. Nach einem Rennen wird aus der Beifahrerin Inge die Geliebte ... und die beiden ein heimliches Liebespaar. Doch im Alltag hat ihre Beziehung keine Chance. Schließlich gilt es für Rolfs Familie, gesellschaftliche Konventionen zu wahren ...Inge und Rolf begegnen sich über Jahrzehnte hinweg immer wieder in verschiedenen Lebenssituationen – sie können nicht miteinander, aber auch nicht ohne einander leben. Und ihre Leben sind geprägt von Abhängigkeiten: von Rolfs Abhängigkeit von gesellschaftlichen Verpflichtungen und dem Alkohol, dem er verfällt und der ihn letztendlich völlig zerstört, weil er an der Diskrepanz zwischen dem, was er glaubt, darstellen zu müssen, und dem, was er wirklich ist, zerbricht. Zum anderen aber auch von der Abhängigkeit Inges von diesem Mann, den sie liebt ... und doch nicht halten und retten kann.Ingeborg Langes autobiografischer Roman handelt von ihrer Beziehung zu diesem Mann – mit all ihren Höhen und Tiefen – und der ausweglosen Dramatik der Suchterkrankung ihres Lebensgefährten, der 2002 starb. Das Buch entstand 2003, als die Autorin nach dem Tod ihres Partners versuchte, diese seelische Belastung auf irgendeine Art zu verarbeiten.

      • June 2023

        Der Schnee und die Angst

        Eingeschneit und gefangen im Haus eines religiösen Fanatikers und mörderischen Psychopathen.

        by Klaus Hansen

        English:No man had ever experienced anything like it, no man could have imagined such a catastrophe, and no man was on it prepared. One could only watch as the snow inexorably covered and buried all life. It just didn't stop: snow, nothing but snow!The curator Henny Butenschön rents a room at Oltmanns Hof in Dithmarschen to find out whether the painting by Pieter Brueghel the Elder hidden there is real. J. comes from the depots of Nazi-looted art. The excessively religious householder who hides more than just a dark secret stands in her way.Another guest at Oltmann's farm: Holm Martens, who is secretly looking for a sign of life from his sister, who disappeared here under mysterious circumstances.At the same time, two brothers are struggling through the snowstorm who have unwittingly come into possession of a shipment of drugs. On your heels: a cold-blooded killer. When the three paths cross, outrageous truths come to light and suddenly it is a matter of life and death.Deutsch:Kein Mensch hatte so etwas je zuvor erlebt, kein Mensch hätte sich solch eine Katastrophe vorstellen können, und kein Mensch war darauf vorbereitet. So konnte man nur zusehen, wie der Schnee unaufhaltsam alles Leben zudeckte und unter sich begrub. Es hörte einfach nicht auf: Schnee, nichts als Schnee!Die Kuratorin Henny Butenschön mietet sich auf Oltmanns Hof in Dithmarschen ein, um herauszufinden, ob das dort versteckte Gemälde von Pieter Brueghel d. J. aus den Depots der NS-Raubkunst stammt. Dabei stellt sich ihr der exzessiv religiöse Hausherr in den Weg, der mehr als nur ein dunkles Geheimnis verbirgt.Ebenfalls Gast auf Oltmanns Hof: Holm Martens, der verdeckt nach einem Lebenszeichen seiner Schwester sucht, die hier unter mysteriösen Umständen verschwunden ist.Zur gleichen Zeit kämpfen sich zwei Brüder durch den Schneesturm, die unwissentlich in den Besitz einer Lieferung Drogen gelangt sind. Ihnen auf den Fersen: ein kaltblütiger Killer. Als sich die drei Wege kreuzen, kommen ungeheuerliche Wahrheiten ans Licht und auf einmal geht es um Leben und Tod. Aber auch um Geborgenheit und Liebe.

      • Aerospace & aviation technology
        January 1996

        Spacecraft Maximum Allowable Concentrations for Selected Airborne Contaminants

        Volume 2

        by Subcommittee on Spacecraft Maximum Allowable Concentration, National Research Council

        The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has developed spacecraft maximum allowable concentrations (SMACs) for contaminants that might be found in the atmosphere within spacecraft during space missions to ensure the health and well-being of astronauts traveling and working in this unique environment. In volume 1 of this series, NASA developed SMACs for 11 compounds: acetaldehyde, ammonia, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, Freon 113, hydrogen, methane, methanol, octamethyltrisiloxane, trimethylsilanol, and vinyl chloride. Volume 2 includes SMACs for 12 more airborne contaminants: acrolein, benzene, carbon dioxide, 2-ethoxyethanol, hydrazine, indole, mercury, methylene chloride, methyl ethyl ketone, nitromethane, 2-propoanol, and toluene. In developing SMACs from the toxicological literature, NASA followed the Guidelines for Developing Spacecraft Maximum Allowable Concentrations for Space Station Contaminants published in 1992 by the National Research Council.

      • Aerospace & aviation technology
        November 2008

        Spacecraft Maximum Allowable Concentrations for Selected Airborne Contaminants

        Volume 5

        by Committee on Spacecraft Exposure Guidelines, Committee on Toxicology, National Research Council

        NASA is aware of the potential toxicologic hazards to crew that might be associated with prolonged spacecraft missions. Despite major engineering advances in controlling the atmosphere within spacecraft, some contamination of the air appears inevitable. NASA has measured numerous airborne contaminants during space missions. As the missions increase in duration and complexity, ensuring the health and well-being of astronauts traveling and working in this unique environment becomes increasingly difficult. As part of its efforts to promote safe conditions aboard spacecraft, NASA requested the National Research Council to develop guidelines for establishing spacecraft maximum allowable concentrations (SMACs) for contaminants and to review SMACs for various spacecraft contaminants to determine whether NASA's recommended exposure limits are consistent with the guidelines recommended by the committee. This book is the fifth volume in the series Spacecraft Maximum Allowable Concentrations for Selected Airborne Contaminants, and presents SMACs for acrolein, C3 to C8 aliphatic saturated aldehydes, C2 to C9 alkanes, ammonia, benzene, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, 1,2-dichloroethane, dimethylhydrazine, ethanol, formaldehyde, limonene, methanol, methylene dichloride, n-butanol, propylene glycol, toluene, trimethylsilanol, and xylenes.

      • Children's & YA
        October 2014

        The Girl in the Castle

        The Live Story of Duchess Anna Amalia

        by Annette Seemann (Author), Ulrike Müller (Author), Brigitte Geyersbach (Illustrator)

        250 years ago, the childhood of Amélie was far from that of a fairytale princess. There were strict rules and a busy daily schedule. She never felt loved. Nevertheless, that did not stop her. She was very stubborn and creative and found other ways to secure the freedom she needed: nature, art and unusual friendships.

      • Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        September 2019

        Landschaftswandel. Das Mitteldeutsche Seenland – Die Erde hat Gedächtnis

        by Eißmann, Lothar/Junge, Frank W.

        The uniquely documented transformation of the mining region in Central Germany tells a story of global dimensions. An insight into the natural mutability of the earth and its living creations, incomparable in space and time, becomes visible. The layers exposed in the open-cast lignite mines become a journey through time for those in the know, through the millions of years of our earth up to the present day. Stages and witnesses of the transformation in a region: from the natural tropical moorland, sea and ice age land, to the settlement and cultural land of early man, to the mining and industrial land and the new beginning, the transformation of a large region into a lake landscape.Today's man-made lake district is taking shape and becoming a global model and testing ground for the large-scale transformation of a post-mining landscape. The experiences of the Central German region become a global model case of wound healing of man-made, hostile landscape interventions and an opportunity to design in reverence and adaptation to "Mother Earth".

      • Complementary therapies, healing & health

        Energy Mismatch

        Hormones, Enzymes, Viruses, Heavy Metals, and More

        by Jane Thurnell-Read

        A book for kinesiologists, EAV practitioners and dowsers explaining a simple system for detecting and correcting allergies, and rebalancing the body for hormones, vitamins, toxins and much more.

      • Agriculture & related industries
        January 2015

        Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals

        Sources and Their Developmental Techniques

        by C.S.Rair, D.C.Saxena, Sukhcharan Singh, Vikas Nada & Navdeep Jindal

        The papers included in this book have a broad coverage of the topics related to new technologies in functional foods and nutraceuticals, fruits and vegetables and their by-products as valuable ingredients for functional foods and nutraceuticals, potential bioactive components from various food sources, trends and development of nutraceuticals and functional foods as well as functional food and nutraceuticals as ingredients in the value addition for health promotion, standardization and quality control. This workhelps to overcome the problems faced in exploring the potential of nutraceuticals in naturopathy and device strategies to encounter such problems.

      • Agriculture & farming
        January 2011

        Advances in Preservation and Processing Technologies of Fruits and Vegetables

        by S. Rajarathnam & R.S. Ramteke

        The book consists of 19 s on different subjects and in different dimensions, with particular emphasis on the post-harvest handling and processing of fruits and vegetables, including mushrooms. Scope for the technology on fruits and vegetables, non-destructive methods to evaluate fresh quality, radiation preservation, chemistry of pectin and pigments and their applications, nutraceutical compounds, membrane processing of liquid fruits, dehydrated and intermediate moisture products,importance of bamboo and mushrooms as food, influence of process conditions on product quality, food additives in product preparation, packaging aspects, microbiological safety concerns, relevant analytical methods, mushroom nutraceuticals and bio-technological interventions for improvement of banana with a final note on conclusions in the last .

      • Animal husbandry
        March 2017

        Canine Cancer

        by Swapan Kumar Maiti

        This book covers most of the topics with latest information on canine cancer in general and canine mammary cancer in particular. The book is divided into 21 chapters covering almost all aspects of canine cancer including its overview, occurrence, etiology, classifications, polymorphism, radiological-immuno-hormonal-sex hormone profiles, enzymatic-genetic-tissue prognostic markers and different modern diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. This book also includes different research findings on canine mammary cancer. The main objective of this book is to provide the latest information to meet the requirements of not only undergraduate and post-graduate students but also to the teachers and clinicians involved in canine practice. The book contains more than 150 good quality colour photographs of canine cancer, cancer diagnosis and cancer treatments. This book would be of immense use to the students, teachers and practitioners engaged in the field of cancer research and treatment.

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