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      • Trusted Partner
        January 2017

        Die Reichs-Versicherungsgesetzgebung.

        (Staats- und socialwissenschaftliche Forschungen XVI.4).

        by Bödiker, Tonio

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2011


        Ein Requiemroman

        by A. F. Th. Heijden, Helga Beuningen

        Worüber man nicht reden kann, darüber muß man einen Roman schreiben, so lautet die Lebens- und Überlebensmaxime A. F. Th. van der Heijdens. Es ist die einzige Art und Weise, wie er dem Schicksal seines 22jährigen Sohnes begegnen kann. Tonio van der Heijden starb am 23. Mai des Jahres 2010 in Amsterdam: Ein Auto überfuhr ihn am frühen Morgen auf dem Weg nach Hause. In einem zweiteiligen Roman findet und erfindet der Ich-Erzähler Adri die ersten sechs Lebensjahre seines Sohnes, und zwar von der Geburt im Juni 1988 bis zum Schuleintritt. Dieser Romanteil gehorcht dem Motto: den Sohn festhalten, ihn schützen vor allen Gefahren. Der zweite Teil konstruiert, in Form eines Kriminalromans, die für sich betrachtet völlig unlogischen Todesumstände von Tonio. Entstanden ist auf diese Weise ein berührender und bewegender Roman über das Unglück schlechthin, über die Unbegreifbarkeit des Unvorstellbaren – zugleich ein Buch über die unabweisbaren Fragen nach der eigenen Schuld, ein Buch der Trauer. Wenn es angesichts der Unfaßbarkeit des Todes eine Form der Trauer gibt, die den Lebenden Zukunft eröffnet und Zuversicht ermöglicht – so muß sie die Gestalt dieses Herz und Kopf in Bann schlagendes Requiems besitzen. Dieses Buch dementiert die weitverbreitete Meinung, angesichts des Todes sei alles sinnlos.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Awa

        by Zelia Abadie, Gwenaëlle Doumont

        More info and inside pages here:   A new endearing heroine who speaks true about light and serious topics, making us laugh and think!   Awa is seven years old. She lives in Belgium with Maia, her older sister, her parents, her mother Fatou, who was born in Guinea, and Tonio, originally from Italy. She feels Belgian, Guinean, Italian… and lefthanded. She has a lot of friends, some “no friends”, she is good at school and raises a lot of questions.   She is curious, funny, stubborn and is ready to share her daily life with her readers…

      • May 2015

        Il ladro di ragazze (The Girl Snatcher)

        by Carlo Silini

        Set in the 17th century, in what is now the Italian-speaking part of Switzerland, a string of disappearances has the locals whispering in bewilderment. The missing people are young women – the local peasants’ daughters – and there is little chance anyone will go looking for them. After all, the ones that weren’t married – either to a man or to God – were nothing but mouths to be fed, at a time when food is scarce. Too bad if some girl doesn’t make it home after a day in the fields.As the “Girl Snatcher” casts its menacing shadow all across Ticino, a young man must face all sorts of challenges and dangers in a quest for his lost beloved.Drawing inspiration from his land’s lore, Carlo Silini has brought his novel’s world to life with fictional characters and people from the actual, documented past. The Ticino of old becomes the stage of a far-reaching, relentless manhunt. But there’s also room for romance, murder, stories of brigands and nobles and peasants, betrayal and revenge – churning out a tale of horror, passion and humour.

      • Children's & YA

        A war against profs!

        Leonardo Damiani and Sister Bernardina’s Miracle

        by Maggi Andrea

        GUERRA AI PROF! Leonardo Damiani e il miracolo di suor Bernardina (A war against profs! Leonardo Damiani and Sister Bernardina’s Miracle) 3 reprints, 3000 copies sold Genre: fiction middle-grade/YA Age: 11+ Pages: 156   Leonardo goes to secondary school, and enjoys inventing pranks, such as throwing a dog at the postman and adding laxative to the teachers’ coffee. He doesn’t like studying, and he is always playing videogames. But one day Leonardo becomes himself the target of a prank, and in trying to fix the damage he meets the almost centenary nun Bernardina, a distant relative. The old lady will prove extremely funny and, against all odds, the two will became close friends. Bernardina will eventually help Leonardo to solve his problems once and for all.

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