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      • Sandu Publishing Co., Limited

        Established in 2001, Sandu Publishing (China) embraces a global vision ever since. Specialized in international design and visual communication, Sandu keeps abreast with the latest design trends and diffuse outstanding and all-round design information. So far Sandu has published Chinese and English books and magazines in more than 70 countries worldwide. Amongst Design 360°, Asian Pacific Design and a series of professional design books are highly appreciated by design institutes and designers. For more info, please go to and

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        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Zeng Guofan (a version explained by Tang Haoming)

        by Tang Haoming

        Zeng Guofan is a long historical novel elaborately created by Tang Haoming. Based on real history, the novel describes the process of Zeng Guofan's mobilization from the Xiang Army to the victory of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and then becoming a minister. This book exclusively includes Mr. Tang Haoming's 1000-minute video. Readers can scan the two-dimensional code in the book to get an exclusive video. Through the video, readers can understand the historical context of Zeng Guofan's time, the world, the social customs, etc.

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        July 2021

        Zeng Guofan's Family Motto

        by Chen Xiaojun

        The Xiangxiang Zeng Guofan family, an influential family in Chinese history for nearly 200 years. During the imperial examinations era, more than 20 members of the Zeng Guofan family passed the imperial examinations to become Hsiu Cai, Supervisory Students, Excellent Grange Students, Excellent Tribute Students, Jurchen and Jinshi; after the abolition of the imperial examinations, more than 160 members of the family received higher education, and many studied in Europe, America or Japan. Many members of the family have made outstanding achievements in various fields such as culture, education, art, chemistry, medicine, diplomacy and military administration.This book is a practical exploration of the role played by the unique family education theories and methods of the Zeng Guofan family in the upbringing of their children. The book contains a selection of 252 family teachings from the Zeng Guofan family, each preceded by an introduction explaining the background and analysing the essence of the meaning, with notes on difficult words and phrases at the end of the chapter for easy reading.The family mottoes of the Zeng Guofan family have extraordinary significance for the present generation in educating their children, dealing with people and achieving success, and readers will be able to glimpse in them the cultural genes that led to the rise and longevity of this illustrious family.

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        October 2020

        Zeng Guofan (Liujin Commemorative Edition)

        by Tang Haoming

        Zeng Guofan is an influential figure in modern Chinese history. Based on historical facts, this book makes appropriate fictions about the event description and plot details, so that the life of Zeng Guofan, an influential historical figure, reappears to readers. This book not only writes about Zeng Guofan's literary and martial arts strategy, but also his attitude towards others and life; not only his difficulties and successes, but also his gains and disfavors. Zeng Guofan's strategy of winning wars, military administration and administration, his unique outlook on life, philosophy of life, his cultural literacy and personality taste, etc., are all wonderfully reflected in the book.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        December 2016 - December 2024


        by Lu Xun,Fan Zeng

        "Scream" is a collection of short stories by modern writer Lu Xun. The collection of novels truly depicts the social life from the Revolution of 1911 to the May Fourth Movement. Every article in the book is accompanied by illustrations drawn by Mr. Fan Zeng, a famous Chinese scholar and teacher of traditional Chinese painting, which vividly presents the world in Lu Xun's novels.

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        November 2016

        Ghosts of the San Juan

        by Donald Willerton

        Mogi Franklin is a typical eighth-grader–except for the mysterious things that keep happening in his life. And the adventures they lead to as he and his sister follow Mogi's unique problem-solving skills–along with dangerous clues from history and the land around them–to unearth a treasure of unexpected secrets.In Ghosts of the San Juan, the mysterious disappearance of four men in 1934 reveals clues to a modern plot to steal Navajo resources–and leads Mogi and Jennifer into a deadly trap. Escape seems impossible unless Mogi can find some way to lure the Ghosts of the San Juan to help.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        December 2019 - December 2024


        by Lu Xun,Fan Zeng

        " Hesitate " is a collection of novels by Lu Xun, which has a total of 11 novels from 1924 to 1925. The entire collection of novels reveals the concern for the peasants and intellectuals living under the weight of feudal forces. Every article in the book is accompanied by illustrations drawn by Mr. Fan Zeng, a famous Chinese scholar and teacher of traditional Chinese painting, which vividly presents the world in Lu Xun's novels.

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        March 2012

        Zheng Guofan(Annotated Edition)

        by Tang Hao Ming

        This book gives a vivid description to Zeng Guofan, the most prominent but controversial person in modern China, and his Xiang Army group. Basing on the historical facts and taking time as its axle, the novel adds some proper fictions to the event description and plot details. In the book, the description of various historical stories, contradictions and intriguing official circle portrays Zeng Guofan’s heroic image of emphasizing on overall situation and national security.

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        November 2008

        Visionen an der Bucht von San Francisco

        Amerikanische Essays

        by Miłosz Czesław, Sven Sellmer, Peter Oliver Loew

        Die Amerika-Essays, die der polnische Nobelpreisträger Czeslaw Milosz vor fast 40 Jahren veröffentlichte und die nun erstmals auf deutsch erscheinen, haben nichts an Frische eingebüßt. Zehn Jahre, nachdem sich der aus dem Osten stammende Autor ganz im Westen der westlichen Welt, bei San Francisco, niedergelassen hatte, schrieb er ein sehr persönliches Buch, eine Reise zu sich selbst: »Wenn man nirgendwohin zurückkehren kann, muß man das Gegebene akzeptieren. Doch wie soll man damit zurechtkommen? Wie soll man es sich aneignen? Und dabei geht es nicht so sehr um Amerika, sondern um die Zivilisation des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts in ihrer kalifornischen Spielart.« Milosz schreibt über die großartige, aber auch furchteinflößende Natur der amerikanischen Westküste, über die Rolle des Intellektuellen in der amerikanischen Gesellschaft, über Zensur, Henry Miller, Herbert Marcuse, die Religion und immer wieder über den Mythos Amerika. Ein großartiges Panorama seiner Zeit und ein persönliches Bekenntnis zugleich. Die New York Times schrieb: »Milosz klingt wie jemand, der Schritt um Schritt direkt aus der Geschichte kommt und verwundert, aber auch dankbar darüber ist, die unhistorische Luft Kaliforniens atmen zu können.«

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        January 2013

        My Life with Lifers

        by Elaine Leeder

        My Life With Lifers Lessons For A Teacher: Humanity Has No Bars "I have always been drawn to darkness," Elaine Leeder writes. "I know I always championed the underdog." As a sociology professor at Ithaca College in the 1990s, she began teaching at Elmira Correctional Facility in upstate New York. When she moved to California, that same desire to help led her to the prison education program at San Quentin. Then, inspired by her lessons, a group of Leeder's students approached her about working with a program the prisoners had established to aid in their long and difficult process of redemption and transformation. She accepted. These members of New Leaf on Life-the San Quentin "lifers"-have been sentenced to terms ranging from fifteen years to life in prison. Unlike Death Row inmates, who will either die in prison or be executed, many of the lifers are eligible for parole after having spent twenty to thirty years behind bars. But too often, they never see that opportunity because of the popular view that they are all "hardened criminals," killers incapable of rehabilitation and unfit to be free. What Leeder has learned, however, is that incarceration does not dictate character. Her students, although they are convicts, are committed to making their time in jail a life sentence in the best sense, not a death sentence. They have gone the extra mile to come to terms with their crimes, and have often managed to redeem their lives. My Life With Lifers shares the journey of a woman "on the outside" as she discovered the true nature of life in prison, and the roadblocks-so many of them unneeded-on the inmates' path to freedom. What Leeder's experiences add up to is both a fascinating human story and a reasoned and impassioned case for prison reform.

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        November 2021

        Worn out from Staying Awake Alone: Guo Songtao and the Big Changes of Late Qing Dynasty

        by Meng Ze

        This book follows the line of the ups and downs of Guo Songtao’s life experience, connecting Zeng Guofan, Zuo Zongtang, Hu Linyi, Li Hongzhang and other important military and political figures in the late Qing Dynasty. By describing the choices and destinies of different figures in the changes unprecedented in the past three thousand years, it reflects the political situation of the late Qing Dynasty which is intertwined with internal and external contradictions.

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        Contemporary Interpretations of Confucianism

        by Zeng Zhenyu

        The book has a total of 22 chapters and 1.5 million words. It was written by more than 20 experts and scholars in the field of Confucianism. The book has two main lines: Confucianism of famous thinkers in the past and Confucianism of folk beliefs. It integrates and interprets Confucianism of more than two thousand years in a clear way, including thoughts of benevolence, righteousness, etiquette, wisdom, integrity, filial piety, friendship, shame, courage, forgiveness, happiness, natural principles, conscience and etc.

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        A Psychological Book for Children

        by Zeng Min

        This is a popular science book on psychology for children. It answers 33 typical questions to be faced during children's growth, and helps to strengthen their confidence, self-control, psychological endurance, emotional management ability, learning ability, and communication ability.

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        Lady Lv Fangshi

        by Can Xue

        Lady Lv Fangshi is born in a family with many siblings. She was not a good-looking girl and no one in her family cared about her. All her family lived in two small and dark rooms with both warmness and horror. As a 21-year-old lady, Lv Fangshi had already met some guys. Zeng Laoliu, the carpet dealer, was quite mysterious to her though he was not the one that excited her most. Is the lifestyle of Lady Lv Fangshi ever possible? We could frequently be face with this kind of question in our daily life.

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        December 2002


        by Heinrich von Kleist, Klaus Müller-Salget

        1777 18. Oktober: Bernd Wilhelm Heinrich von Kleist wird als Sohn des preußischen Offiziers Joachim Friedrich von Kleist und seiner zweiten Frau Juliane Ulrike, geb. von Pannwitz, in Frankfurt an der Oder geboren. 1788 Juni: Tod des Vaters. Kleist wird von dem Prediger und Übersetzer Samuel Henri Catel in Berlin unterrichtet (bis 1792). 1792 Juni: Eintritt als Gefreiter-Korporal in das Garderegiment Potsdam. 1793 Februar: Tod der Mutter. März: Teilnahme am Rheinfeldzug der feudalen Koalition gegen die französische Republik (bis 1795). 1795 Juni: Rückkehr nach Potsdam. 1797 März: Beförderung zum Leutnant. Beginn der lebenslangen Freundschaft mit Ernst von Pfuel. 1799 April: Abschied vom Militär. Immatrikulation an der Universität in Frankfurt/Oder zum Studium der Rechtswissenschaften. Freundschaft und Verlobung mit Wilhelmine von Zenge, der Tochter des Ortskommandanten. 1800 August: Abbruch des Studiums und Rückkehr nach Berlin. Entwurf des Trauerspiels 'Familie Ghonorez', das 1803 u. d. T. Familie Schroffenstein erscheint. November: Anstellung als Volontär im preußischen Wirtschaftsministerium in Berlin. Verlobung mit Wilhelmine von Zenge. 1801 Juli-November: Aufenthalt in Paris. November: Rückreise nach Frankfurt am Main. Reise in die Schweiz. 1802 Februar: Kleist bezieht eine Wohnung auf einer Aare-Insel bei Thun. Arbeit an dem Lustspiel Der zerbrochne Krug und dem Trauerspiel Robert Guiskard, Herzog der Nordmänner. Mai: Bruch mit Wilhelmine von Zenge. Juli-August: Schwere Krankheit. 1803 Januar-März: Aufenthalt auf dem Gut Oßmannstedt von Christoph Martin Wieland in der Nähe von Weimar. Selbstmordpläne. Juli: Reise nach Bern, Mailand, Genf und Paris. Mit dem Plan, in die französische Armee einzutreten, reist Kleist weiter nach Boulogne-sur-Mer. Körperlicher und seelischer Zusammenbruch nach seiner Rückkehr nach Paris. November: Rückkehr nach Deutschland. 1804 Januar-Juni: Aufenthalt in Mainz, wo er von dem Arzt und Schriftsteller Georg Wedekind behandelt wird. September: Wiedereintritt in den preußischen Staatsdienst. 1805 Fertigstellung des Lustspiels Der zerbrochne Krug. Mai: Anstellung in Königsberg als Diätar der Domänenkammer. Beginn des Studiums der Kameralwissenschaft an der Universität Königsberg. Arbeit an den Erzählungen 'Michael Kohlhaas' und 'Die Marquise von O.' sowie an der Tragödie Penthesilea und an dem Lustspiel Amphitryon. 1806 August: Krankenurlaub, fünfwöchige Kur in Pillau. Endgültige Aufgabe der Beamtenlaufbahn. 1807 Februar: Kleist gerät in französische Gefangenschaft. April: Internierung im Kriegsgefangenenlager Chálonssur- Marne. Juli-August: Entlassung aus der Gefangenschaft und Rückreise nach Berlin. Arbeit an dem Drama Käthchen von Heilbronn. 1808 Zusammen mit Adam Müller Herausgabe der Monatsschrift ›Phöbus. Ein Journal für die Kunst‹. 2. März: Uraufführung von Der zerbrochne Krug in Weimar. Dezember: Fertigstellung des Dramas Die Herrmannsschlacht. 1809 Juni-Oktober: Aufenthalt in Prag. Schwere Krankheit. November: Reise nach Frankfurt/Oder. 1810 Januar: Rückkehr nach Berlin. Bekanntschaft mit Adam Müller, Achim von Arnim, Clemens Brentano, Bernhard Anselm Weber, Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué, Rahel und Karl August Varnhagen in der Christlich-deutschen Tischgesellschaft. 17. März: Uraufführung von Das Käthchen von Heilbronn in Wien. Der erste Band der Erzählungen ('Das Erdbeben in Chili', 'Die Marquise von O.'; 'Michael Kohlhaas') erscheint. Oktober: Die erste Ausgabe der von Kleist herausgegebenen Tageszeitung ›Berliner Abendblätter‹ erscheint, u. a. mit Kleists Aufsatz Über das Marionettentheater. 1811 Der zerbrochne Krug erscheint. Juni: Kleist beendet sein Schauspiel Prinz Friedrich von Homburg. Der zweite Band von Kleists Erzählungen ('Die Verlobung in San Domingo'; 'Das Bettelweib von Locarno'; 'Der Findling'; 'Die heilige Cäcilie oder die Gewalt der Musik'; 'Der Zweikampf') erscheint. Um gang mit Marie von Kleist, August Graf Neithart von Gneisenau und Henriette Vogel. September: Kleist wird die Wiedereinstellung als Offizier in Aussicht gestellt. 21. November: Kleist begeht am Kleinen Wannsee bei Berlin gemeinsam mit Henriette Vogel Selbstmord.

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        January 2014


        by Dan Zeng Ping Cuo

        This series introduces hundreds of Chinese traditional handicraft which started from Jiangsu province. It focuses on reorganizing and expressing the traditional handicraft in this area, and will be very helpful for understanding their origin and development.

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