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        The Complete Works Of Wu Guanzhong

        by Shui Tianzhong, Wang Hua

        Owing to the spirit of exploration and experimentation in artistic practice, Mr. Wu Guanzhong has become an influencing and outstanding artist in the circle of Chinese fine arts. Mr. Wu Guanzhong has been diligent at creation. Excluding those work pieces lost or damaged deliberately by himself, nearly 5,000 paintings made by Mr. Wu Guanzhong have gone round in the world, including 500 oil paintings, about 3,000 wash paintings and around 1,500 sketches, watercolor paintings and drafts. The book consists of 9 volumes, ingathering 2,200 paintings and 1,500 thousand words. These paintings are his magnum opuses of all the periods of his creation, exhibiting his exploration and originality in art. His essays written in nearly 1,000 thousand words reflect his viewpoints and thoughts. The book exhibits his works vividly and demonstrates tridimensionally what Mr. Wu Guanzhong thought about and what he pondered on.

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        Moonlight at that Time

        by Wu Ran

        The book Moonlight at that Time is a prose collection of the famous writer Wu Ran that tells his childhood. It shows readers Yunnan residents’ traditional folk customs, which are full of kids’ joy, and presents to children a special gift of “education of love, of beauty, and of nature”.

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        August 2019

        Darwin's War

        by Wu Jingping

        The content of this book is derived from Wu Jingping's audio program "The Origin of Species" broadcast on the Internet platform.In the form of storytelling, it vividly and interestingly narrates how the theory of evolution was widely accepted and how Darwin went through the process of challenges one after another.

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        Learning Tongue Diagnosis As Beginner

        by Wu Zhongchao

        The tongue contains many secrets, the color and thickness of coating on the tongue, the body of the tongue, all of these are all signals of our physical condition. If we feel uncomfortable, we will have corresponding displays on the tongue.   In this book, Professor Wu ZhongChao has received 120 cases of real tongue diagnosis in the past 30 years, so that you can see tongue and identify diseases. It is rare that the author carries out a detailed analysis of each case, and gives the corresponding solutions of Chinese medicine, acupoint, dietonherapy, from the whole process of reading the tongue to the treatment of the disease.

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        Health & Personal Development

        The importance of enhance Vital energy and blood

        by Wu Zhongchao

        The central point health specialist Wu Zhongchao wrote 50 common health problems and 1000 ways of enhancing vital energy and blood.     内容简介 中央保健会诊专家吴中朝先生,专门写给千万气血亏虚者的“补气血”方案。50种常见身体问题,1000种补气血方法!轻松改善手脚冰凉、精神不振、失眠健忘、便秘等健康问题。

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        August 2016

        Journey to the West(Digital Edition)

        by Wu Cheng En

        Journey to the West is a Chinese classic fantastic novel. It mainly describes a long journey to the Western Heaven to fetch the Buddhist sutras. The main characters of this novel are a monk, named Xuanzang, and his four disciples, named Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Sha Wujing and Yulong Santaizi. Throughout the journey, the four brave disciples have to protect their master from various monsters and calamities. After encountering eighty-one disasters, they finally reaches their destination. The most definitive version of this novel was written by Wu Chengen in his old age and published in 1592.

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        150 acupuncture points selected massage for illness

        by Wu Zhongchao

        6 large colourful pictures, easy to find and massage the acupuncture points. The central point health specialist Wu Zhongchao shows you how to massage by yourself at home. You can remit the unwell was of headache, bad cold, high blood pressure, diabetes and so on by massaging the certain acupuncture point.       内容简介 一穴配有6张大彩图,找穴快又准,用穴方法全,中央保健会诊专家吴中朝先生手把手教你在家做保健!只要一个穴位就能缓解头痛、感冒、高血压、糖尿病等所引起的不适症状,用起来方便快捷,疗效好。

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        November 2019


        by Zhou Jing, Wu Haijia

        Fuxi was recounted by ancient children's literature writer Zhou Jing and contemporary painter Wu Haijia, the latter recarving stories and characters in the style of Chinese painting. The integration of the poetry of the text and the richness of the painting is a wonderful interpretation of ancient myths, which expresses the unique Chinese charm and Chinese spirit. The story of this book is an in-depth description of the mythical figure of Fuxi, and unfolds the legendary Fuxi's contribution to humanity. The book tells the stories of Fuxi started making fire, portray, and divination, fishing with nets, breeding, singing, and dancing, etc. Using repeated techniques, the author applies the poetic deconstruction of traditional elements in the book. By depicting the image of Fuxi, the book celebrates the creativity and self-improvement of the Chinese nation.

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        September 2010



        by Wojciech Kuczok, Renate Schmidgall

        Der Roman "Dreckskerl" verschaffte Wojciech Kuczok den Ruf, der stilsicherste, musikalischste und leidenschaftlichste Schriftsteller der polnischen Gegenwartsliteratur zu sein. Sein neues Buch handelt von drei Menschen und ihrem Beschluß, das eigene Leben zu verändern. Adam, ein junger Arzt, flieht vor seinem dominanten Vater vom Dorf in die Stadt. In der Liebe zu einem jungen Mann, einem homophoben Kleinkriminellen, findet er sein Glück. Robert ist ein alternder Schriftsteller, den seine Schreibblockade, seine hysterische Ehefrau und seine Schwiegereltern in die Verzweiflung treiben. Eines Tages erfährt er von etwas, das sein Leben verändert. Róza, eine erfolgreiche Schauspielerin und Werbeikone, lebt in unglücklicher Ehe. Doch sie beschließt, aktiv zu werden und ihrer Lethargie ein Ende zu setzen. Mit psychologischer Präzision und sprühendem Witz gelingt Kuczok die schonungslose Analyse zwischenmenschlicher Beziehungen – und nebenbei eine bitterböse Satire der zwischen Popkultur und erzkonservativen Positionen zerrissenen polnischen Gesellschaft. »Wojciech Kuczok ist ein Star der jungen polnischen Literatur« Der Spiegel »Wojciech Kuczok ist ein bemerkenswerter Stilist … Man möchte mehr lesen von diesem Autor!« Tageblatt

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        June 2008

        Höllisches Kino

        Über Pasolini und andere

        by Wojciech Kuczok, Gabriele Leupold, Dorota Stroinska

        Wojciech Kuczok arbeitet seit Jahren als Filmkritiker, an der Verfilmung seines preisgekrönten Erfolgsromans Dreckskerl war er als Kameramann und Drehbuchautor beteiligt. Nun widmet er sich in fünfzehn Essays Filmen, die an Tabus rühren und die Schwelle des Erträglichen überschreiten. Von Pasolini bis Haneke, von Lars von Trier bis Greenaway folgt er der Spur des Bösen in den Bildern. Im anarchischen Impuls eines Pasolini oder Noé, in der antimoralischen Geste sieht er einen Akt der künstlerischen Souveränität, die sich einzig dem Willen zur Wahrhaftigkeit verpflichtet fühlt. Leidenschaftlich verdichtet Kuczok das Nachdenken über die Höllenfahrten im Kino zu Parabeln über elementare Themen wie Liebe, Sexualität und Tod.

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        March 2006

        Im Kreis der Gespenster


        by Wojciech Kuczok, Friedrich Griese

        "Unter der beeindruckenden Zahl guter junger Autoren in Polen gilt Wojciech Kuczok als herausragender Stilist. Mit seinem Gespür für die feinsten Risse, in denen sich der Fassadensturz eines ganzen Lebens ankündigt, scheint er prädestiniert für die elementaren Themen: Liebe, Sexualität, Tod. Im Kreis der Gespenster, sein jüngster Prosaband aus fünf langen Erzählungen und vier knappen »Interludien«, die mit vier Préludes aus op. 28 von Chopin betitelt sind, handelt von Menschen an der Schwelle. Der Geschäftsmann, der auf einer Bank im Park, von einem Bettler grotesk belästigt, seine Homosexualität entdeckt; der Psychoanalytiker, der sich der geladenen Waffe eines verrückten Patienten gegenübersieht; die Witwe, die eines Tages das Grab ihres Mannes nicht mehr findet – alle kippen sie in einem Augenblick gleißender Erkenntnis aus ihrem Alltag heraus und gehen sich verloren. Wie die junge Frau in der Titelgeschichte, die offenbar schon von der anderen Seite der Wirklichkeit her auf ein Liebesdelirium zurückschaut. Kuczok versteht es meisterhaft, in die ruhige realistische Erzählung das Unfaßbare einbrechen zu lassen – auch darin, nicht nur in ihrer Poesie und Melancholie, sind seine geschliffenen Prosastücke der nervösen Klaviermusik des polnischen Romantikers verwandt. "

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        May 2001

        Wu wei

        Die Lebenskunst des Tao

        by Fischer, Theo

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        January 1995

        Wu Hi?

        Arno Schmidt in Görlitz Lauban Greiffenberg

        by Herausgegeben von Reemtsma, Jan Ph; Herausgegeben von Rauschenbach, Bernd

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        Children's & YA

        The Child in Three-Story Attic

        China Story Picture Books

        by Zhang Qiusheng

        China Story Picture Books is the first set of children's picture books launched by the Bingxin Award Committee. This set of books covers the works of seven Bingxin Award-winning writers of different ages including children's literature masters and promising young writers. The illustrations are full of traditional Chinese cultural elements such as dragon lantern dance, paper cutting, oil paper umbrella, and bamboo. Powerful painters at home and abroad are invited to do illustrations, which brings interesting fusion and collision of Chinese and foreign cultures to the books. In addition to the original illustrations, the stories are more touching. Every child can harvest the courage and wisdom for growing up from these stories.   The series consists of 7 picture books: The Dragon Lantern, The Path of Golden Flowers, The Child in Three-Story Attic, The School Day Gifts, The Secret of Crossing, The Slope of Sisters.   The Child in Three-Story Attic tells a story of growing up in the alley of Shanghai of Old China. The protagonist lives in a three-story attic in an old alley from the age of one to twelve. On a typhoon night, the protagonist curled up in the corner of the attic found a copy of The Adventures of Pinocchio and began his writing. Now although the old alley has disappeared, his memory of the attic will never die.

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        June 2003

        Wu wei: Sorgenfrei leben

        Die Kunst des Loslassens

        by Fischer, Theo

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        Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        December 2019 - December 2024

        Tian Gong Kai Wu

        by Song Yingxing,Xia Jianqin

        Tian Gong Kai Wu is the first comprehensive work on agriculture and handicraft industry in the world. It introduces the production technology of machinery, bricks, ceramics, sulphur, candles, paper, weapons, gunpowder, textile, dyeing, salt making, coal mining and oil pressing in ancient China. It is also known as the "Encyclopedia of China's 17th century crafts". The book is illustrated in the original text, and the translation is easy to understand.

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