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      • Bach Doctor Press

        Darin Dance started his own publishing and photography business in 2014: The Bach Doctor Press after researching and taking photographs for many book projects while working collaboratively with fellow Ngāi Tahu writers.  He firmly believes that with the retrenchment of the main publishing houses back to Australia, America and Europe, our remarkable “Kiwi” voices and stories will be lost and unheard unless new publishing ventures are prepared to fill this void.  This has become his mission to promote our unique kōrero and pakiwaitara (stories and legends).

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      • Trusted Partner

        Wissen ist Macht: Die Geschichte von HEMED

        by Prof. Uriel Bachrach

        Wissen ist Macht: Die Geschichte von HEMED Wie das israelische Wissenschaftskorps gegründet wurde von Prof. Uriel Bachrach Uriel Bachrach wurde 1926 in Deutschland geboren und wanderte 1933 nach Palästina aus. 1945 begann er ein Chemiestudium an der Hebräischen Universität in Jerusalem. Ende 1947 erkannte der zukünftige israelische Ministerpräsident David Ben-Gurion, dass sobald die britischen Streitkräfte im Mai 1948 Palästina verließen sieben arabische Länder den neu gebildeten jüdischen Staat angreifen würden, in dem zu diesem Zeitpunkt nur 600.000 Menschen lebten – einschließlich Frauen und Kindern und älteren Menschen, darunter viele Überlebende des Holocaust. Der Staat hatte nur 10.000 Gewehre und 3.800 Pistolen, keine Panzerabwehrwaffen und keine Artillerie. Waffen konnten aufgrund eines Embargos nicht aus dem Ausland gekauft werden, daher beschloss Ben-Gurion, Waffen vor Ort zu produzieren. Am 2. Februar 1948 wurde Bachrach zu einem geheimen Treffen einberufen, bei dem er und zwanzig Chemie- und Physikstudenten aufgefordert wurden, die Nation zu retten. Drei Wochen lang drangen sie in die Geheimnisse von Sprengstoff, Brand, Gas und Rauch ein. Allmählich schlossen sich mehr junge Wissenschaftler der Gruppe an und am 17. März 1948 wurde ein IDF-Wissenschaftskorps namens HEMED gegründet. 1949 kehrte Bachrach an die Hebräische Universität zurück und wurde Vorsitzender der Abteilung für Molekularbiologie. Er war Gastprofessor an verschiedenen amerikanischen und europäischen Universitäten und wurde von der Universität Bologna mit der Ehrendoktorwürde ausgezeichnet. Die hebräische Version dieses Buches wurde 2009 veröffentlicht und der Autor erhielt von Präsident Shimon Peres einen Sonderpreis für den Staat Israel. Uriel Bachrach hält in verschiedenen Foren Vorträge über dieses einzigartige Kapitel in der Geschichte Israels. Eine englischsprachige nordamerikanische Ausgabe wurde Anfang 2016 von Samuel Wachtmans Sons, Inc., CA, veröffentlicht. 256 Seiten, 15 x 22,5 cm.

      • Trusted Partner

        The Eagle's Secret

        by Erez Aharoni

        The Eagle's Secret Ido Barnea, an Israeli combat pilot, is flying a routine night flight over the Negev desert when suddenly his reliable Skyhawk jet fighter starts to vibrate uncontrollably and finally crashes, forcing Ido to eject at the last possible second. At that exact moment a young girl in the heart of Brussels is kidnapped. What’s the connection between these two events? Who’s behind them? Accused of betrayal, Ido is forced into a dizzying chase to clear his name. Naama Sharon, a beautiful Mossad agent, is sent after him and the two encounter powerful arms dealers, cynical terrorists, and corrupt army officers. In their struggle, they discover that the two mysterious events hide a deplorable crime. The Eagle's Secret is an original, thrilling novel, full of jet-fighter-like twists and turns. Its fast pace will leave you breathless and wanting more.   Erez Aharoni completed his fighter pilot training course in the Israeli Air Force in 1978. He served as a pilot in the Hercules squadron and participated in various flights and missions, including the immigration of Ethiopian Jews. After his discharge, the author became one of Israel's foremost commercial lawyers and one of the founders and managing partner of the international law firm of Zysman, Aharoni, Gayer & Co., as well as a partner and an owner of the U.S. law firm ZAG/S&W. In 2004, the author's story “Cackling” won first prize in the prestigious Uriel Ofek short fiction competition. His first book, Half a Moustache, was published in Hebrew in 2006, followed by The Eagle's Secret, and then the novel Wildfire. 360 pages, 15X22 cm

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2001

        Uriels Auftrag

        Das Buch Enoch, die Freimaurer und das Geheimnis der Sintflut

        by Knight, Lomas; Christopher, Rob

      • Trusted Partner

        Das Geheimnis des Adlers

        by Erez Aharoni

        Das Geheimnis des Adlers / Erez Aharoni   Ido Barnea, ein israelischer Kampfpilot, fliegt einen routinemäßigen Nachtflug über die Wüste Negev, als plötzlich sein zuverlässiger Skyhawk-Düsenjäger unkontrolliert zu vibrieren beginnt und schließlich abstürzt und Ido zum Absprung per Schleudersitz in der letzten Sekunde zwingt. Genau in diesem Moment wird ein junges Mädchen im Herzen von Brüssel entführt. Was ist der Zusammenhang zwischen diesen beiden Ereignissen? Wer steckt dahinter? Ido wird des Verrats beschuldigt und in eine schwindelerregende Verfolgungsjagd gezwungen, um seinen Namen zu klären. Naama Sharon, eine attraktive Mossad-Agentin, wird auf seine Spur gesetzt, und die beiden geraten in ein Netz aus Waffenhändlern, zynischen Terroristen und korrupten Armeeoffizieren. Auf ihrem Abenteuer entdecken sie, dass die beiden mysteriösen Ereignisse ein bedauerliches Verbrechen verbergen. Das Geheimnis des Adlers ist ein origineller, aufregender Roman voller temporeicher Wendungen. Sein schnelles Tempo wird Sie in Atem halten und Lust auf mehr machen.   Erez Aharoni absolvierte 1978 seine Ausbildung zum Jagdflieger bei der israelischen Luftwaffe. Er diente als Pilot in der Herkules-Staffel und nahm an verschiedenen Flügen und Missionen teil, unter anderem an der Einwanderung äthiopischer Juden. Nach seiner Entlassung wurde der Autor einer der führenden Wirtschaftsanwälte Israels und einer der Gründer und geschäftsführenden Gesellschafter der internationalen Anwaltskanzlei Zysman, Aharoni, Gayer & Co. sowie Partner und Inhaber der US-amerikanischen Anwaltskanzlei ZAG/S&W. 2004 gewann die Autorengeschichte „Cackling“ den ersten Preis im renommierten Kurzspielwettbewerb Uriel Ofek. Sein erstes Buch, Half a Moustache, erschien 2006 auf Hebräisch, gefolgt von The Eagle's Secret und dem Roman Wildfire. 360 Seiten, 15 x 22 cm.

      • Mind, Body, Spirit: thought & practice

        Meditation to Connect With Archangel Uriel

        by Diana Cooper

        In this wonderful meditation, you will:- connect with Archangel Uriel- release your fears- reconnect with your deepest wisdom- find inner peace- open up to new beginnings Music by Andrew Brel12 tracks, 52 minutes

      • Romance
        April 2014

        A Wilder Kind of Love

        by Barbara Cartland

        Brought up in London by her widowed mother and her step-uncle and Guardian, Sir Uriel Reece, the beautiful Rosaleena knows little about the estate in Ireland she is about to inherit together with the lovely Rosscullen House. All she knows is that it is the place where she was born and where her father, the late Lord Rosscullen, died. She knows when he died and where, but how is a complete mystery. To Rosaleena amazement the subject is never discussed in Sir Uriel’s household – indeed, it is a matter that is actively avoided by everyone and no one will tell her the truth of what happened. Now, on the eve of her twenty-first birthday, Rosaleena is about to meet the man who will bring her face to face with her unknown past – the enigmatic and mysterious Colonel Joyce. When Rosaleena invites the Colonel to her birthday ball at Sir Uriel’s London house and he graciously accepts much to the strangely virulent disapproval of Sir Uriel, she sets in motion a sequence of events that will turn her life upside down. Journeying from fashionable London Society to the rugged mountains of a remote part of Ireland, Rosaleena will discover not only that true love never does run smooth but that it is by its nature never tame. After many twists and turns and disappointments, she gradually discovers the horrifying truth about her father’s death and how eventually she finds her heart’s desire is all told in this intriguing tale by BARBARA CARTLAND.

      • August 2022

        The Saxon War

        by Bruno of Merseburg, Bernard S. Bachrach, David Bachrach

        Bruno, a cleric who served the archbishop of Magdeburg and subsequently the bishop of Merseburg during the course of the 1060s to the 1080s, composed one of the most important historical works treating the tumultuous period in the history of the German kingdom in the second half of the eleventh century. Bruno’s main focus in his Saxon War is the civil wars that engulfed the German kingdom from the mid 1060s through the end of the 1080s. However, as a historian of contemporary affairs, Bruno also offers crucial insights regarding the so-called Investiture Controversy, which Bruno treats largely as a political conflict between a tyrannical German ruler and the Saxons with some papal intervention, social conflict within the German kingdom, as well as the development of economic and military institutions. Unlike his contemporary Lampert of Hersfeld, Bruno was closely connected to the foremost leaders of the Saxon resistance against King Henry IV, and provides unique insights regarding their plans, hopes, and fears. Bruno also provides nearly two dozen full-text copies of letters that were sent by the main participants in the intra-German conflict as well as ten letters from Pope Gregory VII, four of which do not appear in any other source including the papal register. An additional important feature of Bruno’s history is that he treats military matters in an extraordinarily detailed manner, and is the most important narrative source for understanding the conduct of war during the second half of the eleventh century. Bruno’s detailed treatment of military matters is based upon his very extensive contacts with leading military figures, as well as his own personal observations regarding the numerous battles that punctuated the struggle between the Saxons and their erstwhile ruler. In sum, Bruno offers both unique perspectives and unique information about a crucial period in both German and European history, which make this text valuable not only for scholars, but also for a broader audience interested in the political, religious, and particularly military history of the eleventh century. This will be the first English translation of this work.

      • Magic, spells & alchemy

        The Grimoire of Saint Cyprian

        Clavis Inferni : Sive Magia Alba Et Nigra Approbata Metratona

        by Stephen Skinner

        There have been many grimoires attributed to St Cyprian of Antioch due to his reputation as a consummate magician before his conversion to Christianity, but perhaps none so intriguing as the present manuscript. This unique manuscript (unlike the more rustic examples attributed to St Cyprian called the Black Books of Wittenburg, as found in Scandinavia, or the texts disseminated under his name in Spain and Portugal) is directly in line with the Solomonic tradition, and therefore relevant to our present series of Sourceworks of Ceremonial Magic. It is unique in that instead of being weighed down with many prayers and conjurations it addresses the summoning and use of both the four Archangels, Michael, Raphael, Gabriel and Uriel as well as their opposite numbers, the four Demon Kings, Paymon, Maimon, Egyn and Oriens. The later are shown in their animal and human forms along with their sigils, a resource unique amongst grimoires. The text is in a mixture of three magical scripts, Greek, Hebrew, cipher, Latin, (and reversed Latin) with many contractions and short forms, but expanded and made plain by the editors. The title literally means 'The Key of Hell with white and black magic as proven by Metatron'.

      • Children's & YA
        April 2021


        by Antonio Ramos Revillas

        Efraín’s life —complicated and with shortcomings— continues impassive, until one day his Mum is violently taken by the police. He and his brothers, Fredy and Marcos, will have to look for all the ways to release her from a cruel system that labels and discriminates them. To build a future for their family, they will have to be cautious of asking help from the wrong people, as any false step could entangle them with the cartels of his neighborhood.

      • Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)
        March 2004

        Hungry Generations

        A Novel

        by Daniel C. Melnick

        At the center of “Hungry Generations” is the great European piano virtuoso Alexander Petrov, one of the émigré geniuses who lived in the incredible community of gifted Europeans in Los Angeles during the Second World War. Fleeing from Nazi Germany, the legendary classical pianist – like Schoenberg, Stravinsky, the Werfels, and the Manns – settled in L.A. and attempted to raise a family there on the edge of the Pacific. In September of 1972, Jack Weinstein – a young composer and a distant relation of Petrov – is newly arrived in L.A., living near Venice beach and seeking a job in the movie studios. Jack develops a friendship with the émigré virtuoso, who is nearing seventy and struggling to maintain his psychic and physical health in the midst of intense conflicts with his wife and his adult children. The renowned pianist tells the young man stories of his life from the thirties to the present, and soon Jack is absorbed into the family life of the Petrovs. Jack becomes a catalyst for confrontations among the Petrovs, as he intrudes on the family’s delicate balances. He falls in love with the pianist’s daughter, Sarah, who becomes Jack’s troubled muse, and in one climax, the father erupts in jealousy and desperation, assaulting his daughter’s lover. The son Joseph Petrov is a gifted, cynical, intense pianist himself, who also befriends Jack; resentments – new and old – build between son and father, and these too erupt in destruction and self-destructiveness. Also, Joseph is gay, and after a surreal New Year’s Eve party at the Polo Lounge, he makes a pass at drunk, dismayed Jack. Then there is Petrov’s wife, Helen, and her confession to Jack is one of the final assaults on the young composer. The remarkable expatriates living in Los Angeles during World War II figure both in Petrov’s stories and in Jack’s inner struggle to resurrect himself in the face of his experience of the Petrovs, of music, of sex, of the movie studios, of L.A. itself. During the year 1972-73, Jack composes a piano sonata infused with his love of Petrov’s famed recording of Beethoven’s Hammerklavier Sonata as well as the music of Stravinsky and Schoenberg – those composers even begin to enter Jack’s dreams, simultaneously blessing and critiquing him as he works in his Venice apartment. Hungry Generations paints a vivid portrait of the conflicts and struggles which erupt in L.A.’s singular expatriate community. At the center of the novel is finally the confrontation between émigré parents who survived the Holocaust at the peculiar remove of Los Angeles and their grown children. Each “hungry generations” reveals its yearning for meaning, love, and transcendence.

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