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      • Soore Mehr Publishing Co.

        Soore Mehr Publishing Co. is one of the Best and huge Publishing group in Iran, and established 1998, we selected 7 years as the best Publisher in Iran and get the prize with cultural ministry Of Iran. we published about 5000 title books up to now, and we publish about 300 new title( 1st edition) every year, we have fiction, Non-fiction, Poem, War story and Memory for Adults. we translate and published mor than 150 titles to Foreign languages, it's included: English,Arabic,Russian,spanish,.... 5 Audio books in English Language. we published up to 2000 titles E-books at Private e-book Reader.

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        India-based Mehta Publishing House is one of the leading publishers and trendsetters in Marathi Publishing. It was established in 1976, moving from publishing only Marathi titles to specialising in translations. They now also publish original English titles and reprints on a wide range of subjects.

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      • Trusted Partner
        May 1999

        Kamasutra ohne Leistenbruch

        Mehr Spass zu zweit

        by Asam, Rani

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2007

        Islam in Europa

        Eine internationale Debatte

        by Thierry Chervel, Anja Seeliger, Thierry Chervel

        Wen soll der Westen unterstützen: gemäßigte Islamisten wie Tariq Ramadan oder islamische Dissidenten wie Ayaan Hirsi Ali? Der französische Philosoph Pascal Bruckner sorgte Anfang 2007 für Aufsehen, als er in einer polemischen Streitschrift den vermeintlichen liberalen Konsens im Umgang mit dem Islam attackierte. Beweglicher und schneller, als das in den traditionellen Medien möglich gewesen wäre, entwickelte sich auf den Seiten der Internetplattformen und eine kontroverse Debatte, die den aktuellen Stand der Diskussion um Multikulturalismus in Europa markiert – und darüber hinausweist.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Pest control
        August 2001

        Fungi as Biocontrol Agents

        Progress, Problems and Potential

        by Edited by Tariq Butt, Chris Jackson, Naresh Magan

        There is increasing interest in the use of fungi for the control of pests, weeds and diseases. This book brings together perspectives from pathology, ecology, genetics, physiology, production technology, to address the use of fungi as biological control agents.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2006

        Schwarze Notizen

        Geschichten der Teilung

        by Saadat Hassan Manto, Christina Oesterheld, Lothar Lutze, E. Zaidi, M. Zaidi, Christina Oesterheld, Tariq Ali

        Was Isaak Babel für den der Oktoberrevolution von 1917 folgenden Bürgerkrieg, das leistete der Schriftsteller und Journalist Saadat Hassan Manto (geboren 1912, gestorben 1955 in Lahore/Pakistan, nahe der indischen Grenze) mit seinen Geschichten von der blutigen Teilung des indischen Subkontinents 1947: die bleibende Verdichtung des Gehörten, Gesehenen und Erlebten zu Szenen schmerzhaft gesteigerter Gegenwart, eines angesichts des Todes auf die Spitze getriebenen Lebens.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        September 2024

        Potential Pulses

        Genetic and Genomic Resources

        by Rahul Chandora, T Basavaraja, Aditya Pratap, Daniel B. Adewale, Michael Abberton, Gopal Katna, Parul Sharma, Kanishka Chandora, Martial Nounagnon, Gautier Roko, Nadège Adoukè Agbodjato, Durand Dah-Nouvlessounon, Olubukola Oluranti Babalola, Lamine Baba-Moussa, Mithlesh Kumar, Kirti Rani, Shailesh Kumar Jain, Moti Lal Mehriya, Gayacharan, Swarup K. Parida, Amit Kumar Singh, Debashish Chattopadhyay, D. C. Joshi, P.S. Basavaraj, Ramya Rathod, Krishna Kumar Jangid, K.M. Boraiah, C.B. Harisha, H.M. Halli, Kuldeep Tripathi, K. Sammi Reddy, Carine Nono Temegne, Isabel Milagros Gavilan Figari, Esaïe Tsoata, Paul Agendia, Francis Ajebesone Ngome, Anupam Tripathi, S. Gurumurthy, C. Mahadevaiah, Devindrappa

        The fight against global hunger demands a fresh perspective. Lesser-known legumes, often called 'potential pulses', can play a pivotal role. These underutilized powerhouses, including adzuki bean, bambara groundnut, faba bean, cowpea, grass pea and horse gram, among others, are currently untapped resources. Their potential goes beyond their ability to thrive in harsh environments (caused by high temperature, drought, etc.) and fix nitrogen. With increased understanding of these legumes and their genetic and genomic potential, we can unlock a new world of sustainable and nutritious food sources. This book explores: The rich genetic diversity of potential pulses and its role in resilience. How advanced genomics can identify traits for improved yields, pest resistance, and climate adaptation. Strategies for conserving and utilizing these valuable genetic resources. Breeding programmes harnessing genetic potential to create next-generation pulse varieties. Focusing on the untapped genetic and genomic potential of these legumes, this book empowers researchers, breeders, and policymakers to unlock a new era of food and nutritional security. By leveraging the power of their genes, we can transform underutilized pulses into the nutritional heroes of tomorrow.

      • Trusted Partner


        How to survive in a world where you can’t pay rent, can’t afford to focus, be healthy or to remain principled. Dijana Matković tells a powerful story of searching for a room of her own in the late stages of capitalism.


        It is a coming-of-age story for Generation Z. How to grow up or even live in a world where no steady jobs are available, you can’t pay your rent and can’t afford medical or living expenses. Moreover, it touches on how to be a socially engaged artist in such a world, and more so, a woman in a post-me too world? Dijana, a daughter of working-class immigrants, tells the story of her difficult childhood and adolescence, how should became a journalist and later a writer in a society full of prejudices, glass ceilings and obstacles. How she gradually became a stereotypical ‘success story’, even though she still struggles with writing, because she can’t afford a ‘room of her own’.   Dijana is a daughter of working-class immigrants, who came to Slovenia in the eighties in search of a better future. The family is building a house but is made redundant from the local factory when Yugoslavia is in the midst of an economic crisis. When her parents get divorced, Dijana, her older sister and mother struggle with basic needs. She is ashamed of their poverty, her classmates bully her because of her immigrant status, but mostly because of her being ‘white trash’. In the local school she meets teachers with prejudices against immigrants, but is helped by a librarian who spots her talent. When Dijana goes to secondary school, she moves in with her older sister who lives in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. Her sister is into rave culture and Dijana starts to explore experimenting with drugs, music and dance. At the secondary school, she is again considered ‘the weird kid’, as she isn’t enough of a foreigner for other immigrant kids because she is from the country, yet she isn’t Slovenian enough for other native kids. She falls even deeper into drug addiction, fails the first year of school and has to move back to live with her mother. She takes on odd jobs to make ends meet. Whilst working as a waitress she encounters sexism and sexual violence from customers and abuse from the boss. She finishes night school and graduates. She meets many ‘lost’ people of her generation along the way, who tell her their stories about precarious, minimum wage jobs, lack of opportunities, expensive rent, etc. Dijana writes for numerous newspapers but loses or quits her job, because she isn’t allowed to write the stories she wants or because of the bad working conditions or the blatant sexual harassment. Due to the high rent in the capital, Dijana has to move to the countryside to live with her mother. She feels lonely there, struggles with anxiety and cannot write a second book, because she is constantly under pressure to make a living. She realises that she must persevere regardless of the obstacles, she must follow her inner truth and by writing about it, try to create a community of like-minded people, a community of people who support each other – all literature/art is social.

      • Peace studies & conflict resolution
        August 2015

        An Appraisal of Pakistan's Anti-Terrorism Act

        by Tariq Parvez, Mehwish Rani

        Pakistan passed the Anti-Terrorism Act in 1997 in response to the rising threat of terrorism within its borders. The law was designed to help law enforcement combat terrorism. Instead, conceptual difficulties within the law and procedural problems in implementing it have led to an alarmingly high number of acquittals. This report examines the weaknesses in the Anti-Terrorism Act and suggests ways to improve the law and its application to better fight terrorism in Pakistan.

      • Peace studies & conflict resolution
        September 2016

        The Islamic State in Pakistan

        by Tariq Parvez

        This brief assesses the activities of the Islamic State, or Daesh, in Pakistan, drawing on interviews with Pakistani security of cials and other open sources. Tariq Parvez retired as director general of the Federal Investigation Agency of Pakistan and was the rst national coordinator at the National Counter Terrorism Authority in Pakistan. He was awarded Sitara-e-Imtiaz, the third highest civilian award, for his role in combating terrorism in Pakistan. The author would like to thank Mehwish Rani for research assistance and the United States Institute of Peace for comments.


        by Alekhya Punjala

        Rani Rudrama Devi, a thirteenth century Kakatiya warrior ruler was an able administrator, the boldest of warriors, an indomitable conqueror, an adorable daughter and a loving mother. Besides having immense love for their motherland, women like Rani Rudrama Devi have shown great strength and conviction in their own selves. This title has been published under women pioneers.

      • Peace studies & conflict resolution
        May 2013

        Empowering the Pakistan Police

        by Robert M. Perito, Tariq Parvez

        This report is based on interviews with seventy Pakistani police officers conducted in Islamabad, Lahore, and Washington, DC. Interviewees included seven former inspectors general of police, active duty inspectors general, and other senior officers, including women police. The report is also based on written materials submitted by Pakistani police officers describing actions they had taken to improve police-community relations. It is part of a project conducted by the U.S. Institute of Peace on the role of police in countering insurgency, terrorism, and violent crime.

      • Peace studies & conflict resolution
        August 2014

        A Counterterrorism Role for Pakistan's Police Stations

        Developing Accountability

        by Robert M. Perito, Tariq Parvez

        This report is based on a series of roundtable discussions held in January 2014 in Islamabad and Lahore with Pakistani police officers from all parts of the country, attorneys, civil society representatives, journalists, and media personalities. The interviews and the report are part of a U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP) project begun in 2010 to increase Pakistan’s capacity to counter terrorism by highlighting initiatives undertaken by Pakistani police officers.

      • Peace studies & conflict resolution
        June 2016

        Supporting Civil Society to Combat Violent Extremism in Pakistan

        by Jumaina Siddiqui, Sehar Tariq

        Gravitation toward CVE programming is new for most Pakistani organizations as large amounts of funding only recently became available. However, there is little emphasis on the technical capacity to understand the nature of violent extremism and how CSOs can fight it. This brief discusses both the challenges to implementing CVE programs and recommendations for how stakeholders can overcome these challenges. Jumaina Siddiqui is the program officer for Pakistan at USIP. Sehar Tariq is USIP’s country representative for Pakistan.

      • Science & Mathematics
        September 2018

        Formulas and Computations in Agriculture

        by Brajendra, A K Vishwakarma, Meghna Sarma & Varsha Rani

        This book aims to be a basic and fundamental book for the students and researchers in numerical solving. The book has been designed in a very simple language. Formulas have been presented in the most fundamental and basic calculations. The book has been divided into several chapters and broadly reflects the need of such subject selection as most of the calculations in agriculture pertains to those areas. This proceeds with the most basic and fundamental conversions and formulas required for computing a calculation. Most of the units, dimensions and relevant symbols have been noted in the form of their actual notations

      • Humanities & Social Sciences

        Ungal Manitham Jaathiyataratha?

        by Jeya Rani

        We understand patriotism as loving the country. What is a country? Its geographical boundaries? Boundaries are variable. In fact the country is its people. If the people are destroyed or expelled it is not the country. If the majority, for the sake of power, begins to destroy, there is no alternative but to cut off the last two human lives on Earth and kill each other. Our Constitution makes India the largest democracy in the world, rich in caste, religion, language, gender, color and ethnicity. It was built on the principles of justice, freedom, equality and brotherhood. The fundamental rights of everyone across birthmarks were guaranteed. What could true patriotism be other than respecting it as good people and walking with brotherhood?

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2019



        by Christian Chesnot / Georges Malbrunot

        Les « Qatar papers » révèlent la cartographie du régime en France et en Europe menée par Qatar Charity, l’ONG qatarie la plus puissante. Ces documents confidentiels, pour la première fois, détaillant la plupart des 140 projets de financement de mosquées, d’écoles et de centres islamiques, au profit d’associations aux Frères musulmans. Ils révèlent le salaire versé à Tariq Ramadan, une figure de l’islam politique que Doha paraine en dehors des ses frontières. A l’issue d’une enquête menée dans six pays européens et une dizaines de villes de France, les auteurs exposent la dissimulation, parfois la double langue, des associations musulmanes sur leur finance étranger, aisi que la politique de l’autruche suivre par de nombreux maires, par électoralisme ou ignorance. Ils soulignent l’absurdité de la situation : avec l’argent des fidèles seul comme subvention, commentez les mosquées de France pourrait-elles se priver de l’aide de l’étranger ? Un voyage dans les coulisses d’une ONG riche et opaque liée au sommet de l’Etat qatari, comme le sénateur par plusieurs membres de la famille régnante, l’Al Thani.

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