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      • Edições Sesc São Paulo

        Educate, provoke, communicate and expand debates proposed by Sesc in its cultural centers. These are the ideals that define the work developed by Edições Sesc São Paulo. Exploring Sesc's socio-cultural programming - aimed at non-formal education - as one of its main references, the publisher has been expanding the themes of its books to diverse areas of knowledge. The titles comprise a wide thematic variety in culture: visual arts; anthropology; architecture and urbanism; biographies; mind and behavioral sciences; cinema; communication and journalism; design; education; sports and body practices; philosophy and politics; photography; cultural management; history; ageing, books and reading; environment and sustainability; music; sociology; theater and dance. Seeking to stimulate access to knowledge and reading, Edições Sesc São Paulo has added to its catalog an increasing number of e-books. This initiative includes books published exclusively in digital format, distributed worldwide.

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      • Contrappunto House of Books Literary Agency

        Contrappunto House Of Books accompanies its authors in every aspect of their publishing journey: review and editing of the manuscript, negotiation with potential publishers, promotion, press and communication office. Thanks to its professional staff, the company covers the entire publishing chain, providing authors with a path that combines the creative aspect of writing with editorial and commercial ones. Contrappunto House Of Books goes beyond the traditional concept of a literary agency, working on the development of the Personal Branding of each author. The Agency also works along with publishers on the promotion of their catalogs, enhancing the "mission" of each brand. From the work on the text to that of promotion, from the organization of events to the participation in book fairs, Contrappunto traces an original path for each individual author.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Insecticide & herbicide technology
        August 2007

        Biological Control

        A Global Perspective

        by Charles Vincent, Mark S. Goettel, George Lazarovits, Michael J. Wilson

        Biological control, the management of pests by the use of living organisms, has a long history of application to agriculture around the world. However, the effective use of beneficial organisms is constrained by environmental, legal, and economic restrictions, forcing researchers to adopt increasingly multi-disciplinary techniques in order to deploy successful biological control programs. It is this complex process, including the mindset and the social environment of the researcher as well as the science being pursued, that this book seeks to capture. Chapters reveal the experiences of scientists from the initial search for suitable control agents, to their release into ecosystems and finally to the beneficial outcomes which demonstrate the great success of biological control across diverse agro-ecosystems. Drawing together historical perspectives and approaches used in the development of biological control as well as outlining current debates surrounding terminology and differential techniques, Biological Control: A Global Perspective will be a valuable resource.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2019

        Dayu Control Flood

        by Zhou Jing,Qian Dinghua

        Dayu Control Flood was recounted by children's literature writer Zhou Jing and contemporary painter Qian Dinghua, the latter recarving stories and characters in the style of Chinese painting. The integration of the poetry of the text and the richness of the painting is a wonderful interpretation of ancient myths, which expresses the unique Chinese charm and Chinese spirit. This book takes a unique approach and tells the love story of Dayu and Tushanshi, offering Dayu, a deity figure, a humanistic charm. Starting from the well-known myth story of 'Dayu Controls Flood', the author chose a different entry point to retell the story. The affection of Dayu and Tushanshi is rarely mentioned but fascinating. Although this book is about the theme of love, the main theme is still the sacrifice spirit of Dayu who cares about the people.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        September 2022

        Diario de un defensor de pibes chorros (Journal of a juvenile delinquent's defender)

        by Julian Axat

        This book chronicles Julián's journey to his role as a juvenile defender in the province of Buenos Aires, from which they sought to oust him through harassment and political trials. Others would follow the path he paved: those trained by him, officials and defenders who, witnessing his work, learned to commit to the adolescents and their heart-wrenching stories that he brought to light and presents to us again in these tales.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Air power and colonial control

        by David Omissi

        Air policing was used in many colonial possessions, but its most effective incidence occurred in the crescent of territory from north-eastern Africa, through South-West Arabia, to North West Frontier of India. This book talks about air policing and its role in offering a cheaper means of 'pacification' in the inter-war years. It illuminates the potentialities and limitations of the new aerial technology, and makes important contributions to the history of colonial resistance and its suppression. Air policing was employed in the campaign against Mohammed bin Abdulla Hassan and his Dervish following in Somaliland in early 1920. The book discusses the relationships between air control and the survival of Royal Air Force in Iraq and between air power and indirect imperialism in the Hashemite kingdoms. It discusses Hugh Trenchard's plans to substitute air for naval or coastal forces, and assesses the extent to which barriers of climate and geography continued to limit the exercise of air power. Indigenous responses include being terrified at the mere sight of aircraft to the successful adaptation to air power, which was hardly foreseen by either the opponents or the supporters of air policing. The book examines the ethical debates which were a continuous undercurrent to the stream of argument about repressive air power methods from a political and operational perspective. It compares air policing as practised by other European powers by highlighting the Rif war in Morocco, the Druze revolt in Syria, and Italy's war of reconquest in Libya.

      • Trusted Partner

        A Partir de Rien

        by Ron Adam

        A Partir de RienUn thriller apocalyptique par Ron Adam Tout comme dans les tragédies grecques, l’Amérique va droit à la collision inévitable avec l’ultime menace : la combinaison fatale de l’Islam fanatique avec les armes nucléaires et les ressources énergétiques les plus riches du monde. Le 11 septembre 2001, Osama Bin Laden a démontré au monde comment on pouvait aisément retourner les dollars américains et la technologie des Etats-Unis et les utiliser comme un boomerang frappant droit au cœur de l’Amérique. Il est à la fois facile et terrible d’imaginer ce qui peut arriver si un tel zèle fanatique réussit à s’équiper de la puissance monstrueuse des armes nucléaires.Un coup d’œil rapide à la carte montre que les Etats-Unis ont appris la leçon et que les guerres en Afghanistan et en Iraq doivent juste refermer le cercle autour de la menace véritable – l’Iran.A Partir de Rien vous entraîne dans le tourbillon qui balaie le monde, depuis une guerre locale dans le Golfe Persique, en passant par un coup d’état militaire en Russie - la nouvelle ancienne alliée de l’Iran – jusqu’à un véritable holocauste nucléaire.L'équipe d'un sous-marin américain, constituée d'hommes uniquement, qui sans le vouloir, a joué un rôle actif dans la destruction de l’humanité, découvre au lendemain de la catastrophe que c’est sur ses épaules qu’incombe d’accomplir la tâche opposée – recréer la race humaine – A Partir de Rien. Après neuf mois passés sous l’eau, ils vont émerger vers une île lointaine du Pacifique sur laquelle les conditions peuvent de nouveau supporter la vie. Equipés des technologies les plus sophistiquées, ils emportent avec eux deux douzaines d’ovaires fertilisés congelés, qui sont chacun destinés à devenir une nouvelle Eve, et qui, ensemble, constitueront les mères d’une nouvelle humanité.Cependant les « Adams » sont malheureusement trop nombreux sur cette île ! Plus d’une centaine d’hommes attendent impatiemment que les 24 petites filles grandissent pour mûrir et devenir des femmes, et le combat pour prendre contrôle de cette précieuse « ressource » est par conséquent inévitable.Ces hommes découvrent que la nature humaine ne peut être changée. Même après la guerre ultime qui a tout détruit, l’homme continuera à se servir de la force pure pour obtenir ce qu’il veut et pour résoudre les disputes.En dépit de sa trame pessimiste, le livre est essentiellement optimiste et est guidé par la foi dans la loi de l’histoire : il se peut que les bons doivent souffrir et payer un lourd tribut mais, à la fin du compte, ils gagneront.L’auteur : un pilote de chasse, officier naval et ingénieur supérieur de Hi-Tech. Ron Adam a mené une carrière militaire impressionnante, du service dans un sous-marin et un torpilleur de la marine israélienne en passant par l’aviation israélienne comme pilote de chasse, capitaine sur un porte-avions, instructeur de vol et officier du personnel de guerre électronique. Possédant un diplôme d’ingénieur en électronique, Adam a dirigé un programme de défense de 1,2 milliards de dollars et a également fondé trois entreprises start-up dans le high-tech. Aujourd’hui, Adam est ingénieur-conseil supérieur dans les industries aéronautiques et il partage son temps entre la technique de haut niveau et l’écriture de livres et de scénarios. Il est marié et a trois enfants.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2021

        A Tale of a Man, a Worm and a Snail

        The Schistosomiasis Control Initiative

        by Alan Fenwick, Wendie Norris, Becky McCall

        Schistosomiasis is Africa's second most prevalent infectious disease, but in many high-risk areas the Schistosomiasis Control Initiative (SCI) has helped achieve up to a 75% reduction in its prevalence. Exploring the work and experiences involved in forming, establishing and managing a health intervention such as the SCI, this book divulges important lessons for anyone looking to replicate its success. Widely recognised as a cost-effective and successful intervention, its knock-on effects include improving overall physical health, school attendance and future prospects. Evaluating the SCI's development, implementation and results through an engaging personal story and written in an approachable style, this book covers: - Key strategic challenges faced and how the SCI overcame them to achieve and maintain low infection rates; - Methods used for raising funding for control and drug donations; - Mobilisation and mechanics of partnerships to facilitate supply and access to drugs; - Nature of working relationships and implementation across Africa; - Ways in which schistosomiasis control can be integrated into, and serve as a model for, other Neglected Tropical Disease programmes (NTD). Written from Professor Alan Fenwick's unique perspective as Director of the SCI, The Schistosomiasis Control Initiative is an essential resource for researchers, policymakers, health professionals and students in the fields of NTD control and global health.

      • Trusted Partner
        Insecticide & herbicide technology
        December 2001

        Biological Control Programmes in Canada, 1981-2000

        by Edited by Peter G Mason, J T Huber

        This book follows on from a previous volume 'Biological Control Programmes against Insects and Weeds in Canada, 1969-1980' published in 1984. It includes chapters written by well known scientists involved in work on biological control between 1981 and 2000. The work reported provides models that will be applicable in many other countries.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2020

        Impulse Control Disorders, Second Edition

        by Christine Adamec

        When an individual suffers from an impulse control disorder, that person has little or no control over repeated impulsive acts, causing problems for him or her. Impulse control disorders include pathological gambling, pyromania, kleptomania, intermittent explosive disorder, and trichotillomania, or hair-pulling disorder. People with these disorders usually know their behavior is wrong or strange, but they cannot refrain from such behavior. Though each of these troubling disorders can be psychologically disabling, treatment can be usually helpful to sufferers. Impulse Control Disorders discusses the most common of these disorders, their treatments, and other psychological disorders commonly associated with them.Chapters include: Pathological Gambling Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED) Pyromania Trichotillomania Kleptomania Psychiatric Problems Commonly Found with Impulse Control Disorders Treatment of Impulse Control Disorders.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2017

        Un chemin de tables (AT)

        by Maylis de Kerangal, Andrea Spingler

        Maylis de Kerangal, geboren 1967, veröffentlichte im Jahre 2000 ihren ersten Roman. Ihre Romane und Erzählungen wurden vielfach ausgezeichnet. Andrea Spingler, geboren 1949 in Stuttgart, ist seit 1980 als freie Übersetzerin tätig. Sie hat unter anderem Werke von Marguerite Duras, Alain Robbe-Grillet, Patrick Modiano, Jean-Paul Sartre, André Gide ins Deutsche übertragen. 2007 wurde sie mit dem Eugen-Helmlé-Preis für herausragende deutsch-französische Übersetzungen ausgezeichnet, 2012 mit dem Prix lémanique de la traduction. Sie lebt in Oldenburg und Südfrankreich.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2020

        2019-nCov Prevention and Control Manual

        by Editorial board

        In response to the recent coronavirus epidemic, this book introduces possible causes, clinical manifestations, self-protection methods, precautions in public places, etc., and provides relevant knowledge for scientific prevention and control of the epidemic and popularization of new coronavirus infections, especially for the new semester How to avoid infection on campus after school starts is of great significance.

      • Trusted Partner
        Insecticide & herbicide technology
        December 2000

        Evaluating Indirect Ecological Effects of Biological Control

        by Edited by Eric Wajnberg, John K Scott, Paul C Quimby

        A major concern for biological control has always been the risk of indirect unwanted effects on the ecology of other organisms. Our understanding of the ecological and evolutionary processes underlying these effects has until now been limited and experimental methods sometimes lacking. This book presents the key papers from of the first International Organisation for Biological Control global symposium, held in Montpellier, France, in October 1999. It addresses the issues and concerns involved in biological control, and assesses the current status of evaluation of the ecological effects.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2012

        Das Collège de Sociologie


        by Denis Hollier, Horst Brühmann, Irene Albers, Stephan Moebius

        Kaum eine intellektuelle Gruppierung des 20. Jahrhunderts hat eine vergleichbare Wirkung und Faszinationskraft entfaltet wie das Collège de sociologie, das 1937 von Georges Bataille zusammen mit Roger Caillois und Michel Leiris gegründet wurde. Den Mitgliedern des Collège geht es im Anschluß an die Religionssoziologie von Durkheim und Mauss um die Etablierung einer Soziologie des Sakralen, das aus seinen religionswissenschaftlichen und ethnologischen Bezügen gelöst und für eine allgemeine Wissenschaft moderner Gesellschaften fruchtbar gemacht werden soll. Einer sich rapide individualisierenden Gesellschaft, deren atomistischer und anomischer Zustand sie besonders anfällig für faschistische Propaganda macht, setzen die Collègiens die Schaffung frei wählbarer Gemeinschaften entgegen, die durch Erfahrungen der kollektiven Ekstase, von Festen und Mythen zusammengehalten werden. Die reich kommentierte Edition von Denis Hollier hat den Diskussionszusammenhang des Collège de sociologie erstmals erschlossen und zeitlich nachvollziehbar gemacht. Zahlreiche Texte sind nur in dieser Ausgabe zugänglich; nun liegt sie erstmals in vollständiger deutscher Übersetzung vor. Editorisch bearbeitet und mit einem Nachwort von Irene Albers und Stephan Moebius.

      • Trusted Partner
        Science & Mathematics
        June 2019

        Community-based Control of Invasive Species

        by Paul Martin, Theodore R. Alter, Donald W. Hine, Tanya M. Howard

        Invasive species are among the greatest challenges to environmental sustainability and agricultural productivity in the world. One of the most promising approaches to managing invasive species is voluntary citizen stewardship. However, in order for control measures to be effective, private citizens often need to make sustained and sometimes burdensome commitments. Community-Based Control of Invasive Species is based on five years of research by leading scholars in natural resource and human behavioural sciences, which involved government and citizen groups in Australia and the United States. It examines questions including, 'how can citizens be engaged in voluntarily managing invasive species?', 'what communication strategies will ensure good motivation and coordination?' and 'how can governing bodies support citizens in their efforts?'. With chapters on institutional frameworks, changing governance, systems thinking, organisational learning, engagement, communication and behavioural change, this book will be a valuable reference for researchers and practitioners involved in natural resources management.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2023

        Kiki Man Ray

        Kunst, Liebe und Rivalität im Paris der 20er Jahre

        by Mark Braude

        Man nannte ihn »Man Ray« und sie die »Königin von Montparnasse«: Emmanuel Radnitzky und Alice Ernestine Prin.Kiki de Montparnasse begeisterte als Sängerin in Nachtclubs, plauderte mit Jean Cocteau und Marcel Duchamp in den angesagten Cafés von Paris und saß Malern wie Modigliani, Calder und Soutine Modell. Ihre Autobiografie – mit einem Vorwort von Ernest Hemingway – kam in Frankreich ganz groß raus und in Amerika auf den Index. Und das alles noch vor ihrem dreißigsten Lebensjahr.Als Kiki und Man Ray sich kennenlernen, ist sie 20 und eine feste Größe in der Montparnasse-Bohème, er 31, ein namenloser Fotograf aus Amerika, gerade erst in Paris angekommen. Er fotografiert sie, sie werden ein Paar, es folgt eine acht Jahre währende stürmische Liebesbeziehung. Mit ikonischen Aufnahmen wie »Violon d’Ingres« und »African mask« – ihr Rücken, ihr makelloses Gesicht – begründet Man Ray seine Karriere, sie öffnet ihm die Türen zu Galeristen und Künstlern. Er ermuntert sie, selbst zu malen: Alltagsszenen, Erinnerungen an ihre Kindheit im Burgund. Aber als sie auch damit Erfolg hat, ist er eifersüchtig und macht sie klein. Wa war es, das diese junge Frau wie keine andere zur Verkörperung einer ganzen Ära machte? In seinem akribisch recherchierten, glänzend geschriebenen Buch versucht Mark Braude, dem Mythos Kiki auf die Spur zu kommen, das Rätsel ihrer Anziehungskraft zu entschlüsseln. Erstmals wird Kikis prägender Einfluss nicht nur auf Man Ray, sondern auf die gesamte Künstlerszene vom Montparnasse deutlich.

      • Trusted Partner
        Science & Mathematics
        November 2016

        Review of Invertebrate Biological Control Agents Introduced into Europe

        by Esther Gerber, Urs Schaffner

        An overview of all documented releases of exotic invertebrate biological control agents (IBCAs) into Europe. The book summarizes key information on 176 IBCAs released against 58 target pests, and includes a summary chapter on releases in Europe over the past 110 years. The information is largely based on the BIOCAT database, originally developed by the late D.J. Greathead (former director of the International Institute of Biological Control, now part of CABI) and updated by CABI scientists. ; This book provides an overview of all documented releases of exotic (non-European) invertebrate biological control agents (IBCAs) into the environment in Europe and summarizes key information on the target species as well as on the biological control agent released. ; 1: Exotic Insect Biocontrol Agents Released in Europe2: European Insect Biocontrol Agents Released in Europe3: Weed Biocontrol4: Discussion

      • Trusted Partner

        El baile de la abuela muerta (Dead grandma's dance)

        by Elina Malamud

        A hundred years of history from two branches of a Jewish family, set against the backdrop of Tsarist Russia, from the early 19th century to their migration to Argentina in the early 20th century. It's not just the tradition of the Jews from Eastern Europe, but a vivid portrayal of the characters that inhabited this complex and diverse society of declining nobility, gypsies, and Bolsheviks. Clandestine loves, uprisings, and persecutions are described with nostalgic detail, alongside an unexpected display of Hasidic humor and magic.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Contes de la forêt et de la savane

        Fables d'ici et d'ailleurs

        by Ntsama Abah, Balafun studio by K. Willy

        "Contes de la forêt et de la savane (Fables d'ici et d'ailleurs)" is a collection of tales that immerses us at the crossroads of different Cameroonian cultures and, in a broader sense, of Central Africa. Here, through a very surprising mixture of French-speaking literature and mother tongue which is based on this particular cultural context, the author allows the power and delicacy of oral transmission to shine through in all simplicity in our regions. Consisting of ten tales of unequal lengths, the book presents the exceptional adventures of different living beings in which man meets much more than his “animal” or “insect” brothers… Indeed, and through these multiple adventures, the reader rubs shoulders with wisdom as well as its history and that of the world in which he lives.

      • Trusted Partner
        Infectious & contagious diseases
        May 2013

        Biological and Environmental Control of Disease Vectors

        by Sandy Cairncross, Ulrike Fillinger, S K Ghosh, Bart Knols, Steve Lindsay, Sarah Moore, Yen Nguyen, Annabel Howard, Jo Lines. Edited by Mary Cameron, Lena Lorenz.

        Covering the theory and practice of non-insecticidal control of insect vectors of human disease, this book provides an overview of methods including the use of botanical biocides and insect-derived semiochemicals, with an overall focus on integrated vector management strategies. While the mainstay of malaria control programmes relies on pesticides, there is a resurgence in the research and utilisation of non-insecticidal control measures due to concerns over rapid development and spread of insecticide resistance, and long-term environmental impacts. This book provides examples of successful applications in the field and recommendations for future use.

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