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      • Travel writing

        The year I didn't travel to Buenos Aires

        by Saray Encinoso Brito

        Thanks to a cancelled flight Saray Encinoso rediscovers a very particular Argentina through the stories of others: some of them closer to her own story, from her father or his great-grandfather; others, less so, from Andrés Calamaro, Julio Cortázar or Werner Herzog. Why do we travel? Is it travelling seeing what we haven't seen yet or is it enough to imagine it? Maps of songs, lists of 'no-to-visit' places, inspiring books, albums without pictures... Music is an important part in this trip, that's why the book provides access to a Spotify playlist, created by the author for this special voyage. This book is a fascinating and original imaginary guide to a journey that never happened. An honest book that puts the focus on everything that goes unnoticed. On the importance of looking and scaling down. According to journalist Juan Cruz, this is «an extremely beatiful book both Borges and Cabrera Infante would have enjoyed». (Babelia, El País) Booktrailer available here.

      • Fiction

        Lots Happened to Me After I Died

        by Ricardo Adolfo

        Brito is an illegal immigrant in a city he doesn’t know and whose language he doesn’t speak. On a Sunday afternoon, after doing some window shopping, he gets lost on his way home with his wife and their young son. And because he’s convinced that, in order to make the right choice, he must go against his better judgment, it becomes impossible for him to go back home.   After a night out on the streets, Brito realizes that if he doesn’t ask for help, he might be lost for good, but if he does, he might shatter his dream of a new life. In a little over twenty-four hours, Lots Happened to Me After I Died explores what it’s like to live as an immigrant inside oneself — harder than any exile.

      • December 2018

        Lluvia oblicua

        Poesía portuguesa actual

        by Varios autores

        Aparecen en este volumen los autores que contruyen el día a día de la poesía portuguesa. Escribe Lamas: "Esmerados en producir un lenguaje nuevo para su poesía, los poetas nacidos entre 1967 y 1992 en Portugal, más que ser subsidiarios de sus mayores, han sabido asimilar, no sin un sesgo irónico, todos los momentos brillantes del llamado "Siglo de Oro" de la poesía portuguesa, pero a su vez han incorporado con mayor naturalidad que sus predecesores, nociones de otras coordenadas líricas, donde destacan las estrategias discursivas de la poesía norteamericana: el objetivismo, el confesionalismo o el tono narrativo/conversacional de los poetas beat. Además de una más radical asimilación del pathos irracional destilado del dadaismo y el surrealismo. Aparecen antologados en este volumen Joao Luis Barreto Guimaraes, Luis Quintais, Luis Felipe Parrado, Alexandre Sarrazola, Manuel de Freitas, Daniel Jonas, Rui Lage, Miguel Manso, Nuno Brito, Cláudia R. Sampaio, Andreia C. Faria, Breatriz Hierro Lopes, Sara F. Costa, Francisca Camelo, Bruno M Silva, Mafalda Sofía Gomes, J. Carlos Taixera y David Teles Pereira.

      • History

        Historical Studies on a Number of Coins from the Sharjah Archeology Museum

        by Dr. Hamad bin Sarai

        This book provides an analytical historical foresight for 87 coins included in the Sharjah Archeology Museum. It also discusses the symbols, writings, shapes, images, and letters engraved on such coins. These coins were classified according to the material of their manufacture and mint, which were: Roman coins, Southern Arabian coins, Kingdom of Maysan coins, Parthian and Persian coins, Nabataean coins, local Arab coins, as well as Eastern Arabian coins minted between third century BC and the second century AD. This constitutes a prominent evidence on the civil status that the region possessed in that era. At the same time, it serves an evidence on the existence of more than one administrative system in the Southeast Arabia, as the region had a similar cultural setting. Further, it is an evidence on trade exchange and economic communication between the region and the other regions.

      • December 2020

        Why I can't like him/her?

        by Anna Claudia Ramos, Antônio Schimeneck

        Adolescence is a time of many doubts, anxieties and uncertainties. In this phase, sexuality is unfolding, and we are going through — because everyone has gone, is going or will go through — self-questions about all conditions, all desires, including regarding sexuality. If on the one hand, we see in beautiful social networks beautiful movements of self-acceptance and discovery, on the other hand we live in a time of great obscurantism and attempt to cage the desires and contain the experiences of young people – whether at home or at school, and unfortunately, many times, with public authority initiative. This book asks this of young people, who often find themselves trapped by a cultural need (or family pressure) to create heteronormative bonds, when, in fact, they feel the desire for people of the same sex. But this book also understands that it is necessary to take this issue to the world, so that everyone reflects on otherness, sexuality and, mainly, the many possibilities of affection and desire. Por que não consigo gostar dele/dela? is a book with two sides, two covers, four stories and many testimonials.

      • Poetry by individual poets
        May 2011

        Outlandish Blues

        by Honorée Fanonne Jeffers

        Root-wise, soulful poems reinvent the domestic and spiritual spheres.

      • History

        Excavations at ed‐Dur

        by Ernie Haerinck- Translated by Dr. Hamad bin Sarai and Prof. Hanan Salem Al Hashemi

        The late Dr. Ernie Haerinck is one of the most significant European archaeologists, who communicated with the Arab Gulf and carried out many archaeological excavations in the region. Most important of which was the excavation of the ed-Dur site in the Emirate of Umm Al Quwain, which is one of the most important archaeological sites in the Arabian Gulf, dating back to the period from the first century BC to the second century AD. Dr. Haerinck has published a number of works and research on the findings of the excavation at the site, one of which is this book, in which he, along with his team, excavated in ed-Dur temple and its surroundings. The temple is also known as "The Temple of the Sun God". The temple has two doors, eastern and western doors, along with a number of altars near it intended for offering sacrifices. The author believes that this temple is surrounded by a sanctuary, in which the visitors gather, then enter the temple from its eastern door and exit from its western door. The author also believes that this temple is the most notable place of worship discovered so far in the southeast Arabia. The author included an accurate architectural description of the temple, in addition to the surrounding altars, as well as documenting a number of archaeological discoveries that were found during excavation and archaeological surveys, such as: coins, stucco decorations on the walls of the temple, some Roman bronze artifacts such as the saddles, for example, stone statues of a bird likely to be an eagle. The book contains several photos, diagrams and drawings explaining its contents.

      • Memoirs
        December 2012

        Larry's Left Side

        A Life's Journey

        by Laurence A. Cole

        Top U.S. cancer specialist/researcher’s triumph over massive brain damage which occurred while he was a medical student in Britain. Rediscovery of his Jewish faith.

      • The Arts

        Famous Women

        by Giovanni Boccaccio

        De claris mulieribus is a collection of biographies of famous women of ancient and medieval times written by Giovanni Boccaccio in 1361. Boccaccio’s first aim was to offer, especially to his female readers, a collection of short and pleasant stories with lovely invitations to virtue and whipping remarks against vice. The work became very successful between the 14th and the 16th centuries, and was translated and published all around Europe. In some manuscripts the text is accompanied by a series of illustrations. For this edition, with a selection of thirty biographies of the most famous women from history, mythology and religion, the Ms. Royal 16 G.V. from the British Library in London has been chosen, a French manuscript from the second half of the 15th century, the miniatures of which, of exceptional elegance, set the happenings within the refined atmosphere of the transalpine court.

      • Children's & YA

        Turning the Page

        by Leo Cunha and Tino Freitas

        A book written by eight hands. Indeed! Two writers and two illustrators bring to life 11 short stories full of humour, inviting the reader to think about life’s own “turning pages”. The characters are children enduring family, school and personal conflict situations. Amusing illustrations perfectly interact with the text, contributing to a relaxed reading which reveals that, sometimes, we should laugh at ourselves, dust ourselves off, turn the page on and move on.

      • Little Masterpieces for Kids

        by Elisa Delucchi, Laura Tavazzi

        An illustrated series aiming to adapt the great children’s literature masterpieces for the youngest. Each title will focus and develop a main theme that the little children will understand also through some in-depth worksheets. These additional pages will help them with the text comprehension and will develop their logical-mathematical intuition and creative-spatial abilities.

      • Children's & YA

        The Useless Heroes League

        by Alexandre de Castro Gomes and Luiz Antonio Aguiar

        Typical feelings from a teenager´s everyday such as bullying, abandonment, anxiety and rejection are found in this plot which engages with the comic book and superheroes world, with text and illustrations that are in perfect sync. Something that enhances the Reading is that the story is told in the first person and alternates voices in each chapter: each character is different from “normal” people and undergoes a period of physical transformation. This is a breathtaking adventure that will transport you into another universe.

      • Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure

        Mister Lubbock’s Miscellanea of Essential Facts and Useless Trivia

        by Paulo Ferreira

        Did you know that the oxygen you breathe today has already passed through the lungs of Napoleon and Genghis Khan? Or that the water you just drank was acquainted with Jesus Christ’s kidneys? Or that astrology is still based on the location of celestial bodies, even though the universe is expanding? Penicillin was discovered by chance, and so was viagra. And post its only exist because of an attempt to not waste glue that turned out to be a failure (and because God is good). Newton thought that inventing calculus was important, but not as much as studying the distinguished science that was alchemy. This might just be why our brain tries so hard to fill in the blanks in our memory with false imagens and facts. Speaking of fake news, can we stop arguing over whether Columbus was Portuguese or Spanish, because the first people to arrive in America were the vikings.


        by LODOVICA CIMA

        e Creation, Adam and Eve, Noah and the Ark, Moses and thht from Egypt, David and Goliath, the wisdom of Solomon, the birth of Jesus, the parables and miracles of the Gospels, the Lord’s Prayer... an accurate and masterfully narrated selection of 60 among the most beautiful stories of the Old and New Testaments, signed by Lodovica Cima.

      • Architecture
        July 2018


        Urbanism, architecture, sacred art

        by Percival Tirapeli (author)

        The fruit of an extensive research by Professor Percival Tirapeli, this richly illustrated work covers three centuries of Colonial and Baroque art, and is divided in three parts: “Colonial Urbanism”, “Ecclesiastical Architecture” and “Sacred Art – Furniture and Ornamentation”. “Colonial Urbanism” explains the differences and approximations of the layout and planned urbanism between Hispano-American and Portuguese-Brazilian cities. “Ecclesiastical Architecture” analyzes the cathedrals of the viceroyalties, the audiences and the Brazilian sees. The section “Sacred Art – Furniture and Ornamentation” completes the analysis of churches, examining their retable façades, the furniture of the altars and their ornamental complements, such as sculptures and paintings.

      • September 2019

        My Father is a Deep Sea Diver

        by Elisa Sabatinelli, Iacopo Bruno

        At the center of the story is the Marina, the epicenter of the divers’ explorations and the family that founded it. Ettore is the youngest in the family. His dream of becoming a diver, like his father and grandfather, is cruelly destroyed by Amedeo Limonta, an unscrupulous businessman, who builds a fashionable seaside resort right next to the Marina, sending it bankrupt. Ettore’s family is forced to move to the city, far from the sea. But what Amedeo Limonta really wants to do is to capture the Pearl, the soul of the sea, and then sell it for a fortune. Ettore is the one who finds it, though, on his eighth birthday. But the Pearl belongs to the sea, which is where it must return. So begins Ettore’s mission to put all the elements back into their natural order. Illustrated by Iacopo Bruno

      • Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2020


        Society and culture in Dalcidio Jurandir

        by Willi Bolle

        This book presents an overview of Amazonian history and analyzes the novel Cycle of the Far North, by Dalcidio Jurandir, a work that represents the social inequality and exclusion inherent to Amazonian society. Willi Bolle rescues the work of this important, albeit unknown, author, emphasizing Dalcidio Jurandir’s contribution to our understanding of Amazonian culture. In his work, Jurandir describes the quotidian of those living in the periphery of society, and advocates, quite emphatically, quality education for the poor. He also registers the social dialect of the inhabitants of the Amazon, in a document of the cultural memory of the region.

      • NLP for chess

        by Axel Rombaldoni

        Non chiedete ad Axel Rombaldoni di guardare gli scacchi con occhi che non siano nuovi: semplicemente non ne è capace. Nella sua opera prima, il Grande Maestro pesarese condivide con il lettore il percorso che lo ha portato a vincere il titolo di Campione Italiano nel 2014 e ne trae utili strumenti per pianificare il proprio allenamento scacchistico. Il principale protagonista del libro è il ‘Cerchio degli Scacchi’, un innovativo strumento di autovalutazione sviluppato da Rombaldoni secondo i canoni della Programmazione Neuro-Linguistica (PNL). Non secondariamente, il libro è anche un’occasione per vedere da vicino alcune tra le migliori partite di Axel, uno degli scacchisti più fantasiosi d’Italia.

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