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      • Semente Editorial

        Semente Editorial has the intention to buy other rights and expand its titles to the international markets. We bought our first rights at the end of 2019, in Spanish, at the Guadalajara Book Fair

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2019

        No oco do mundo

        Colectânea de contos traduzidos pelos vencedores do Concurso de Tradução Literária 2020

        by Sandra Tamele

        Um homem encontra e fica obcecado por um buraco, admirando-o busca conhecer-lhe as origens, implicações e acaba apaixonado. Um conto escrito depois dos ataques ao Charlie Ebdo em França… Uma mulher, frustrada por ter estudado filosofia e estar desempregada, para ter a companhia do marido na vida de dona de casa usa a fachola herdada pelo marido para cortá-lo ao meio e fazê-lo em dois, quatro, oito, até ao infinito com resultados inesperados… A meio de uma noite de luar de jade na China um casal é assaltado em casa, a empregada doméstica atada, a mulher, uma cabeleireira, abusada, o homem, sarado e cinturão negro de kung fu não reage e deixa os ladrões escaparem. A polícia investiga, estará a empregada envolvida? Porque não reagiu ele?... As peripécias de Akissi e seus amigos quando a mãe manda a menina ao mercado e uma das referências para encontrar o lugar se perde e gatos roubam o peixe que devia levar e as curiosidades próprias da infância numa África sem meninos barrigudos de fome com olhos chorosos e ramelados… Um casal conversa e fica no ar uma ameaça. Terá ele um(a) amante? Ela desconfia? Ele lê nas entrelinhas do diálogo com a mulher ameaças de morte veladas e trata de certificar-se de não haver armas em casa, partindo até a bengala que usa para se apoiar…

      • Trusted Partner


        How to survive in a world where you can’t pay rent, can’t afford to focus, be healthy or to remain principled. Dijana Matković tells a powerful story of searching for a room of her own in the late stages of capitalism.


        It is a coming-of-age story for Generation Z. How to grow up or even live in a world where no steady jobs are available, you can’t pay your rent and can’t afford medical or living expenses. Moreover, it touches on how to be a socially engaged artist in such a world, and more so, a woman in a post-me too world? Dijana, a daughter of working-class immigrants, tells the story of her difficult childhood and adolescence, how should became a journalist and later a writer in a society full of prejudices, glass ceilings and obstacles. How she gradually became a stereotypical ‘success story’, even though she still struggles with writing, because she can’t afford a ‘room of her own’.   Dijana is a daughter of working-class immigrants, who came to Slovenia in the eighties in search of a better future. The family is building a house but is made redundant from the local factory when Yugoslavia is in the midst of an economic crisis. When her parents get divorced, Dijana, her older sister and mother struggle with basic needs. She is ashamed of their poverty, her classmates bully her because of her immigrant status, but mostly because of her being ‘white trash’. In the local school she meets teachers with prejudices against immigrants, but is helped by a librarian who spots her talent. When Dijana goes to secondary school, she moves in with her older sister who lives in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. Her sister is into rave culture and Dijana starts to explore experimenting with drugs, music and dance. At the secondary school, she is again considered ‘the weird kid’, as she isn’t enough of a foreigner for other immigrant kids because she is from the country, yet she isn’t Slovenian enough for other native kids. She falls even deeper into drug addiction, fails the first year of school and has to move back to live with her mother. She takes on odd jobs to make ends meet. Whilst working as a waitress she encounters sexism and sexual violence from customers and abuse from the boss. She finishes night school and graduates. She meets many ‘lost’ people of her generation along the way, who tell her their stories about precarious, minimum wage jobs, lack of opportunities, expensive rent, etc. Dijana writes for numerous newspapers but loses or quits her job, because she isn’t allowed to write the stories she wants or because of the bad working conditions or the blatant sexual harassment. Due to the high rent in the capital, Dijana has to move to the countryside to live with her mother. She feels lonely there, struggles with anxiety and cannot write a second book, because she is constantly under pressure to make a living. She realises that she must persevere regardless of the obstacles, she must follow her inner truth and by writing about it, try to create a community of like-minded people, a community of people who support each other – all literature/art is social.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 1991

        Der Tag der Wunder

        Roman. Aus dem Portugiesischen von Maralde Meyer-Minnemann. Nachwort von Dieter Offenhäußer

        by Lídia Jorge, Maralde Meyer-Minnemann, Dieter Offenhäußer

        Lídia Jorge wurde 1946 in der Ortschaft Boliqueime in der Algarve geboren. Ihre Jugend verbrachte sie dort als Einzelkind bei der Mutter und anderen weiblichen Familienmitgliedern. Alle Männer, der Großvater, der Vater und dessen Brüder, waren ins Ausland abgewandert. Die Abwesenheit der Männer, der enge Kontakt mit der ländlichen Umgebung, mit dem "Geruch der Erde", dem Wechsel der Jahreszeiten prägten ihre Kindheitserlebnisse ebenso wie die vielen wunderbaren, oft wundersamen Geschichten, die man sich dort erzählte. Nach ihrer Schulzeit in Faro zog sie nach Lissabon und studierte Romanistik. Während des Kolonialkrieges hielt sie sich mit ihrem ersten Mann, einem Offizier der Luftwaffe, einige Jahre in Afrika auf: zunächst in Angola (1969 - 1970), dann in Mosambik (1972 - 1974). Nach ihrer Rückkehr unterrichtete sie an einem Gymnasium in der Hauptstadt, arbeitete für das portugiesische Erziehungsministerium und lehrte an der Universität Lissabon Literaturwissenschaft. Bereits ihre beiden ersten Romane, O dia dos prodígios (1980, Der Tag der Wunder) und O cais das merendas (1982), wurden zu Hauptwerken der neueren portugiesischen Literatur, die sich in der Nachfolge der Nelkenrevolution von 1974 entwickelte. 1984 erschien ihr dritter Roman, der die magische Welt der beiden ersten Bücher verläßt und in Lissabon spielt, Notícia da cidade silvestre (Nachricht von der anderen Seite der Straße). Auch dieser Roman wurde von der Kritik als ein Meisterwerk der portugiesischen Gegenwartsliteratur gefeiert. Für O cais das merendas und Notícia da cidade silvestre bekam sie jeweils den Preis der Stadt Lissabon verliehen. Wie für viele Angehörige ihrer Generation war die Erfahrung des Kolonialkrieges für Lídia Jorge ganz entscheidend: "Die Geschichte dieses Krieges", so meinte sie in einem Gespräch, "muß erst noch geschrieben werden." Und sie schreibt sie: aus der Perspektive einer Frau, in dem 1988 erschienenen Roman A costa dos murmúrios (Die Küste des Raunens). Die Erzählerin sieht nach zwanzig Jahren jene Monate, die sie als junge Frau eines kriegsbegeisterten Offiziers in Mosambik in einer Atmosphäre latenter Gewalt erlebte, nun in ihrer ganzen Zwiespältigkeit. 1992 wurde ihr Roman A última dona und die Erzählung A instrumentalina (Eine Liebe) veröffentlicht, gefolgt von dem Roman O jardim sem limites (1995, Paradies ohne Grenzen), der in Lissabon spielt. 1996 erschien das Theaterstück A Maçon und 1997 der Erzählungsband Marido e outros contos. Ihr letztes Buch O vale da paixão (1998, Die Decke des Soldaten) wurde mit vielen Preisen ausgezeichnet, darunter dem Preis des portugiesischen Pen-Clubs, dem Dom Dinis-Preis, dem Máxima de Literatura-Preis, dem Bordalo Pinheiro-Preis und dem Jean Monet-Literaturpreis. Von der französischen Regierung wurde ihr im Jahr 2000 der Grad eines Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres verliehen. 2006 ist Lídia Jorge gemeinsam mit ihrer Übersetzerin Karin von Schweder-Schreiner erste Trägerin des neu geschaffenen internationalen Literaturpreises Albatros. Die Auszeichnung wird von der Bremer Günter Grass Stiftung vergeben. Jorge erhält den Preis für ihr Romanwerk, sie habe - so die Jury - die »Dämonen lusitanischer Geschichte, die Kolonialkriege und die Nachwirkungen der Diktatur im intimen Rahmen von Familien und Gruppen aufgespürt«. Schweder-Schreiner habe die geschichtenreichen Bücher Jorges »meisterlich« übersetzt. 2007 erhält Lídia Jorge den »Grande Prémio SPA/Millennium« für ihr Lebenswerk. Der Preis in Höhe von 25.000 Euro wird vom Portugiesischen Schriftstellerverband vergeben und von der Millennium Bank unterstützt. Ihre Bücher sind immer autobiographisch, niemals aber Autobiographie; stets Annäherung an die Wirklichkeit, sind sie dennoch nicht ihr Abbild. "Literarische Kühnheit und analytische Schärfe" bescheinigen ihr die Kritiker. "Ich schreibe aus Instinkt. Wie im Leben. Ohne Netz und ohne Deckung", sagt Lídia Jorge.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 1998

        Eine Liebe


        by Lídia Jorge, Karin Schweder-Schreiner

        Lídia Jorge wurde 1946 in der Ortschaft Boliqueime in der Algarve geboren. Ihre Jugend verbrachte sie dort als Einzelkind bei der Mutter und anderen weiblichen Familienmitgliedern. Alle Männer, der Großvater, der Vater und dessen Brüder, waren ins Ausland abgewandert. Die Abwesenheit der Männer, der enge Kontakt mit der ländlichen Umgebung, mit dem "Geruch der Erde", dem Wechsel der Jahreszeiten prägten ihre Kindheitserlebnisse ebenso wie die vielen wunderbaren, oft wundersamen Geschichten, die man sich dort erzählte. Nach ihrer Schulzeit in Faro zog sie nach Lissabon und studierte Romanistik. Während des Kolonialkrieges hielt sie sich mit ihrem ersten Mann, einem Offizier der Luftwaffe, einige Jahre in Afrika auf: zunächst in Angola (1969 - 1970), dann in Mosambik (1972 - 1974). Nach ihrer Rückkehr unterrichtete sie an einem Gymnasium in der Hauptstadt, arbeitete für das portugiesische Erziehungsministerium und lehrte an der Universität Lissabon Literaturwissenschaft. Bereits ihre beiden ersten Romane, O dia dos prodígios (1980, Der Tag der Wunder) und O cais das merendas (1982), wurden zu Hauptwerken der neueren portugiesischen Literatur, die sich in der Nachfolge der Nelkenrevolution von 1974 entwickelte. 1984 erschien ihr dritter Roman, der die magische Welt der beiden ersten Bücher verläßt und in Lissabon spielt, Notícia da cidade silvestre (Nachricht von der anderen Seite der Straße). Auch dieser Roman wurde von der Kritik als ein Meisterwerk der portugiesischen Gegenwartsliteratur gefeiert. Für O cais das merendas und Notícia da cidade silvestre bekam sie jeweils den Preis der Stadt Lissabon verliehen. Wie für viele Angehörige ihrer Generation war die Erfahrung des Kolonialkrieges für Lídia Jorge ganz entscheidend: "Die Geschichte dieses Krieges", so meinte sie in einem Gespräch, "muß erst noch geschrieben werden." Und sie schreibt sie: aus der Perspektive einer Frau, in dem 1988 erschienenen Roman A costa dos murmúrios (Die Küste des Raunens). Die Erzählerin sieht nach zwanzig Jahren jene Monate, die sie als junge Frau eines kriegsbegeisterten Offiziers in Mosambik in einer Atmosphäre latenter Gewalt erlebte, nun in ihrer ganzen Zwiespältigkeit. 1992 wurde ihr Roman A última dona und die Erzählung A instrumentalina (Eine Liebe) veröffentlicht, gefolgt von dem Roman O jardim sem limites (1995, Paradies ohne Grenzen), der in Lissabon spielt. 1996 erschien das Theaterstück A Maçon und 1997 der Erzählungsband Marido e outros contos. Ihr letztes Buch O vale da paixão (1998, Die Decke des Soldaten) wurde mit vielen Preisen ausgezeichnet, darunter dem Preis des portugiesischen Pen-Clubs, dem Dom Dinis-Preis, dem Máxima de Literatura-Preis, dem Bordalo Pinheiro-Preis und dem Jean Monet-Literaturpreis. Von der französischen Regierung wurde ihr im Jahr 2000 der Grad eines Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres verliehen. 2006 ist Lídia Jorge gemeinsam mit ihrer Übersetzerin Karin von Schweder-Schreiner erste Trägerin des neu geschaffenen internationalen Literaturpreises Albatros. Die Auszeichnung wird von der Bremer Günter Grass Stiftung vergeben. Jorge erhält den Preis für ihr Romanwerk, sie habe - so die Jury - die »Dämonen lusitanischer Geschichte, die Kolonialkriege und die Nachwirkungen der Diktatur im intimen Rahmen von Familien und Gruppen aufgespürt«. Schweder-Schreiner habe die geschichtenreichen Bücher Jorges »meisterlich« übersetzt. 2007 erhält Lídia Jorge den »Grande Prémio SPA/Millennium« für ihr Lebenswerk. Der Preis in Höhe von 25.000 Euro wird vom Portugiesischen Schriftstellerverband vergeben und von der Millennium Bank unterstützt. Ihre Bücher sind immer autobiographisch, niemals aber Autobiographie; stets Annäherung an die Wirklichkeit, sind sie dennoch nicht ihr Abbild. "Literarische Kühnheit und analytische Schärfe" bescheinigen ihr die Kritiker. "Ich schreibe aus Instinkt. Wie im Leben. Ohne Netz und ohne Deckung", sagt Lídia Jorge. Karin von Schweder-Schreiner, geboren 1943 in Posen (Polen), studierte Portugiesisch und Französisch in Mainz und Lissabon. Seit 1978 arbeitet sie – nach einer Tätigkeit als Fremdsprachenkorrespondentin – als freie Übersetzerin und erhielt zahlreiche Übersetzerpreise. Nach längeren Aufenthalten in Brasilien, Schweden, Frankreich und Portugal lebt Karin von Schweder-Schreiner heute in Hamburg.

      • Medicine
        April 2013

        Review of the Department of Labor's Site Exposure Matrix Database

        by Committee on the Review of the Department of Labor's Site Exposure Matrix (SEM) Database; Board on the Health of Select Populations; Institute of Medicine

        Beginning with the development of the atomic bomb during World War II, the United States continued to build nuclear weapons throughout the Cold War. Thousands of people mined and milled uranium, conducted research on nuclear warfare, or worked in nuclear munitions factories around the country from the 1940s through the 1980s. Such work continues today, albeit to a smaller extent. The Department of Energy (DOE) is now responsible for overseeing those sites and facilities, many of which were, and continue to be, run by government contractors. The materials used at those sites were varied and ranged from the benign to the toxic and highly radioactive. Workers at DOE facilities often did not know the identity of the materials with which they worked and often were unaware of health risks related to their use. In many instances, the work was considered top secret, and employees were cautioned not to reveal any work-related information to family or others. Workers could be exposed to both radioactive and nonradioactive toxic substances for weeks or even years. Consequently, some of the workers have developed health problems and continue to have concerns about potential health effects of their exposures to occupational hazards during their employment in the nuclear weapons industry. In response to the concerns expressed by workers and their representatives, DOL asked the Institute of Medicine (IOM) to review the SEM database and its use of a particular database, Haz-Map, as the source of its toxic substance-occupational disease links. Accordingly, this IOM consensus report reflects careful consideration of its charge by the committee, and describes the strengths and shortcomings of both. To complete its task, IOM formed an ad hoc committee of experts in occupational medicine, toxicology, epidemiology, industrial hygiene, public health, and biostatistics to conduct an 18-month study to review the scientific rigor of the SEM database. The committee held two public meetings at which it heard from DOL Division of Energy Employee Occupational Illness Compensation (DEEOIC) representatives, the DOL contractor that developed the SEM database, the developer of the Haz-Map database, DOE worker advocacy groups, and several individual workers. The committee also submitted written questions to DOL to seek clarification of specific issues and received written responses from DEEOIC. The committee's report considers both the strengths and weaknesses of the SEM and the Haz-Map databases, recognizing that the latter was developed first and for a different purpose. The committee then discusses its findings and recommends improvements that could be made in both databases with a focus on enhancing the usability of SEM for both DOL claims examiners and for former DOE workers and their representatives. Review of the Department of Labor's Site Exposure Matrix Database summarizes the committee's findings.

      • Fiction
        June 2019

        The Morals of the Doily

        Coming out to a Sicilian mother

        by Alberto Milazzo

        Three siblings have a frenemy to fight: Manon, their mother – a Sicilian woman who spends her days deep-frying eggplants, and whose life follows her own peculiar motto: “Happiness is possible only when based on the average of our mutual sorrows”. Manon’s universe is all about a code of conduct made of high morals, piety and the myth of unhappiness; But their children challenge this strict set of rules through a series of failures, a divorce and – worst of all – a sexual orientation that is not at all proper. When the modern world suddenly strikes Manon’s life, will she be able to face such a deep revolution?Witty, moving and thought-provoking, The Morals of the Doily is an autobiographical novel that shifts between exhilarating pages and epic drama.

      • Fiction
        February 2018

        Goodbye, Molly Buck

        by Vito di Battista

        A debut novel that sings as the voice-over behind a Masterpiece.Florence, 1977. Once a famous movie star, Molly Buck dies in a private clinic. Sitting outside the front gate, there is a young man that she chose as her biographer. In their sleepless nights together, he had meticulously recorded his muse’s memories and her life unfolds now through their voices. This is the beginning of a backwards tale that follows Molly Buck’s career, from her retirement to the splendor of her younger years. But nothing is ever as it seems...L'ultima diva dice addio is a circular novel on memory and its lies, investigating the power of words and how it can be able to redeem a whole existence.

      • Education

        Structural Equation Modeling in Educational Research

        Concepts and Applications

        by Teo, T.

        Over the years, researchers have developed statistical methods to help them investigate and interpret issues of interest in many discipline areas. These methods range from descriptive to inferential to multivariate statistics. As the psychometrics measures in education become more complex, vigorous and robust methods were needed in order to represent research data efficiently. One such method is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). SEM is a statistical technique that allows the simultaneous analysis of a series of structural equations. It also allows a dependent variable in one equation to become an independent variable in another equation. It is a comprehensive statistical approach to testing hypotheses about relations among observed and latent variables. SEM is commonly known as causal modeling, or path analysis, which hypothesizes causal relationships among variables and tests the causal models with a linear equation system. As educational research questions become more complex, they need to be evaluated with more sophisticated tools. The pervasive use of SEM in the literature has shown that SEM has a potential to be of assistance to modern educational researchers. This book will bring together prominent educators and researchers from around the world to share their contemporary research on structural equation modeling in educational settings. The chapters provide information on recent trends and developments and effective applications of the different models to answer various educational research questions. This book is a critical and specialized source that describes recent advances in SEM in international academia.

      • Fiction

        To noč sem jo videl/I Saw Her That Night

        by Drago Jančar

        Five people in the Balkans recall their lives before and during World War II and one unusual woman they all knew in this quietly impressive tale by the leading Slovenian writer.   In I Saw Her That Night, the beautiful, headstrong Veronika appears first as a dreamy vision for a captured Serbian cavalryman who hasn’t seen her in seven years, since 1937. Their affair was sparked when her wealthy husband arranged for her riding lessons with the officer. She leaves her spouse and lives in poverty with the horseman on the Bulgarian border but returns to her husband and the new manor he has bought in Slovenia. Veronika’s mother and a live-in housekeeper from the manor each revisit their memories of her and wonder about the night she and her husband disappeared in the company of anti-German partisans. A military doctor who was among the German officers regularly visiting the manor and who once held Veronika’s hand receives a letter asking if he knows what happened to her. But it is Ivan, a workman at the manor, who supplies the key missing pieces as he aids the partisans after seeing Veronika and the doctor holding hands. Each recollection establishes a distinctive character and voice and another facet of the woman who touched them all. Each also provides a different view of the war.

      • Crime & mystery fiction (Children's/YA)
        February 2021

        El misteri del paper de vàter volador | The Mystery of the Flying Toilet Paper

        by Anna Cabeza

        A thrilling series of adventures with humour, chases and cunning… a lot of cunning. A new adventure full of humour and nods to real life. This time in New York! This Coscorrón sisters have to travel to New York, where the International Granny Detective Conference is being held, the world’s biggest conference of its kind. The Plaza Hotel is full of celebrities: the Tiatrappo sisters from Italy, the Akí Mekedos from Japan, and even Donald Trompazo himself. Amid the hubbub there is a mystery: the hotel’s toilet paper has all disappeared without explanation. The Coscorróns, Marcel and his new friend Max follow the trail of a culprit. Who will it be?

      • October 2020

        Once the sun will rise again

        by Wim Witvrouwen / Gewout Esslink

        Every day Sem is ready to watch how the puppeteer entertains people with his puppets. People are standing in rows looking at the cheerfulness. Sem dances and sings along with the puppets. But it seems as if the puppets and the puppeteer become less lively as the sun disappears behind the clouds. Sem comes up with a plan to make the puppeteer and the puppets shine like never before. An inspiring picture book that makes everyone happy on sunny and cloudy days.

      • Fiction
        February 2020

        Sea of stars

        by Laia Aguilar

        Winner of the 2020 Josep Pla Prize.  A group of friends. A house in front of the sea. A sea of stars and an unresolved past.  A group of friends meet five years after a tragic accident in a house in Cap de Creus, an idyllic seaside enclave, with the excuse of seeing a sea of stars.They enjoy the reunion and share secrets, but jealousies also flourish, and an old love story and still-smoldering sentiments unearth an issue from the past that remains unresolved.None of them can imagine how the night will end. A night that has one more surprise in store.“She couldn’t say if it was because Nis had asked her or because she had let herself be dragged along. But she had come. It was two weeks ago. With two suitcases and an uncertain future, following the steps of the man who had seduced her. ‘We’ll be happy there, Olivia, we’ll be good. Trust me,’ Nis had repeated into her ear.”

      • March 2020

        Women, empowerment and legacy

        by Silvana Mello

        Woman, empowerment and legacy, offers the possibility to discuss woman in a brazilian and overall scenario, their challenges, particularities, difficulties and the reflection and analysis of the unequal society that we face everyday. Through the choose of a strong theme like this, the author Silvana Mello, searches to contribute and leaves a positive mark for the future female generations.

      • Health & Personal Development
        November 2017


        by Elsa Punset

        A fantastic blend of inspiration and awareness brings us close to happiness through a great voyage. With exceptional warmth, this book gives the reader the tools to reach happiness through wisdom that has built up in humanity over the course of the centuries all over the world. An open, vivid book that invites us to take a fascinating journey and gives us a thousand possibilities so that each one of us can find their own way to feel good.

      • October 2019

        Semióticas del cine y del audiovisual

        by Juan Alberto Conde, Torben Grodal,Buckland, Warren, Oakley, Todd, Odin, Roger. Echeverri Jaramillo, Andrea. Díaz Roa, César Augusto. Duarte, German A. Ríos, Diego Felipe. Finol, José Enrique. Finol, David Enrique. Corral Cuartas, Álvaro. Sosa, Diego Hernando.

        El presente volumen reúne una serie de textos escritos y publicados en las dos primeras décadas del siglo XXI, que abordan los problemas y objetos tradicionales de la semiótica fílmica y audiovisual, o que proponen nuevos objetos de indagación, nuevas preguntas. La primera parte está consagrada a las teorías generales, y en ella tiene preponderancia el denominado “giro cognitivo” de los estudios fílmicos, a partir de traducciones de textos inéditos en castellano: la teoría del flujo PECMA del investigador danés Torben Grodal; la semántica cognitiva aplicada a la interpretación audiovisual del británico Warren Buckland, o una nueva aproximación a la experiencia del espectador frente al dispositivo audiovisual por parte de Todd Oakley. En esta parte también se incluyen traducciones de dos textos de Roger Odin, pionero del enfoque semiopragmático, que permiten ver su pertinencia para abordar tanto problemas de la historia del cine y el audiovisual, como de sus manifestaciones contemporáneas.

      • Trusted Partner
        Biography & True Stories

        THE PATH


        “Anyone looking for a goal will remain empty when it will be reached, but whoever finds a way, will always carry the goal inside.” Nejc Zaplotnik   THE PATH is a novel by Slovenian author and climber Nejc Zaplotnik (1952-1983). It was first published in Ljubljana 1981. The book narrates, in a novelized way, Zaplotnik’s life and experiences as an alpinist in postwar Slovenia, culminating in the ascension of both Makalu and Everest. It is 41 years since Andrej Štremfelj and Nejc Zaplotnik made history as the first Slovenians who reached the summit of the highest mountain in the world. By 1979, the summit of Mount Everest had been reached by every major ridge, yet a large expedition from Yugoslavia arrived to top their last achievement of making the first ascent of Makalu South Face. The West Ridge of Everest was a long unconventional line to the top. It was first climbed by the Americans in 1963, and is still well celebrated in the United States today. Except the Americans climbed only the upper half. The Yugoslavians came to traverse it all starting at the base, low in the Lho La pass. Like many national expeditions in those days, it was huge. It included 25 Yugoslavian mountaineers, 19 Sherpas, three cooks, three kitchen boys, two mail runners, 700 porters and 18 tons of gear. The ascent had to overcome a steep and severe gap, which required a winch to overcome so it was possible to haul the gear over the broken portion of the ridge. All efforts and ingenuity combined, the Yugoslavians positioned three Slovenian climbers at Camp V who were close to each other, Nejc Zaplotnik, Andrej Stremfelj, and Andrej’s brother, Marko Stremfelj. The aim of the expedition was to climb the West Ridge, first time in history. An expedition that worked in the spirit of a time when collective consciousness ruled to achieve a goal would not work as it did if it were not logistically and organizationally well managed. From Khumbu Glacier at 5350 m, where the base camp was located, rises 700m high rock wall of the Lho La saddle, followed by a 1200-meter-high slope of the Western Shoulder, continuing into a 2500-meter long, laid but sharp and windy ridge, at the end of which is the beginning of the steep and vibrant peak of the Everest Pyramid. Because the wall of the Lho-La saddle was overhanging in the upper part, cargo could not be carried on the back, so Stefan Marenče constructed a manual ropeway at home, with the help of which more than 5 tonnes of equipment was used for the altitude supply of the camps.  The goal of the expedition was reached on 13 May 1979 at 13.51, when Andrej Štremfelj and Nejc Zaplotnik stood as the first Slovenes on the roof of the world. “We sit by the Chinese pyramid and we don’t know what to do!” (Nejc Zaplotnik) On May 15, 1979 at 2.30pm, Stane Belak-Schrauf, Croat Stipe Bozic and Sherpa Ang Phu also reached the summit. Ang Phu accidentally slipped 2000 meters deep onto the Chinese side when descending. Format: 18,8 x 12,5 cm 282 pages Paperback

      • Religious & spiritual fiction
        March 2020

        Exu te ama

        by Adriano Paciello (author)

        Assassinados em decorrência de suas escolhas malditas, Pedro e seu irmão caíram. Cinquenta anos depois, Pedro reencarna e tem uma nova chance de aprender, enquanto seu irmão, torna-se o exu que o acompanha, com a missão de reencontrar Pedro e ajudá-lo a descobrir trajetos mais dignos, tentar mudar-lhe o futuro e dirimir novos enganos.Exu não é inquisidor, mas sim o portador da luz nas trevas, mas só a recebe quem merece. Um dia resgatado, agora cabe a ele resgatar, pois é este seu trabalho: separar espíritos obsessores dos dignos, apontar os espíritos de luz e desencaminhar os mal-intencionados.Exu é tudo isso e muito mais. Laroiê! Exu é mojubá!

      • Fiction
        July 2020

        Men who talks with stars

        by João Torcato Justa

        In this novel by John Torcato Justa, a narrator witnesses the history of their ancestry through the protagonist, mother and best friend uncle, recreating a line of magical time crossing the border of Alto Alentejo and reaches the neighboring plain Extremadura, in Spain. Anthony, known in the small Alentejo village by Lobo, is an adventurous young bohemian, fearless and womanizer. The day that your heart is taken away by the unmistakable beauty of the Spanish Soledad, wife of one of the most powerful men in Spain, marks the beginning of a journey defined by Destiny, the Stars and the courage of men and women who make miracles. As background, a rural Alentejo marked by the customs of a Portugal, in the times of Salazar, and the neighboring Spanish province of Extremadura, in a terrible process of healing wounds of the Civil War. John, a participant narrator, invites us to the family memories that turned his family and region, revealing the amazing dramatic density of his characters and an unconventional plot affective links and metaphysical touch with reality.

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