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      • Palabras de Agua Editorial

        Editorial Palabras de agua is a company founded in 2013 dedicated to the publication of novels and children's literature. It publishes very selected works by Spanish and international authors.

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        September 1991

        Mexikanischer Tango

        Roman. Aus dem Spanischen von Monika López

        by Ángeles Mastretta

        Ángeles Mastretta wurde 1949 in Puebla, Mexiko, geboren. Sie studierte Kommunikationswissenschaften an der Fakultät für Politik- und Sozialwissenschaften der Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), u.a. bei Juan Rulfo. Nach ihrer Promotion war sie bis 1985 als Redakteurin und Mitarbeiterin im Rundfunk, Fernsehen und bei verschiedenen mexikanischen Zeitschriften tätig. Ángeles Mastretta widmete sich immer auch der schriftstellerischen Tätigkeit, deren Früchte sie nur zum Teil veröffentlichte, so 1975 ihren Gedichtband La pájara pinta. Den Titel für ihren ersten Roman, der 1985 in Mexiko erschien, fand sie in dem zeitgenössischen Tango Arráncame la vida (dt. Mexikanischer Tango, 1988) des mexikanischen Komponisten und Musikers Agustín Lara. Für diesen Roman erhielt sie im selben Jahr den hochangesehenen Literaturpreis Premio Mazatlán, der vor ihr u.a. an Octavio Paz, Juan Rulfo, Elena Poniatowska und Isabel Allende verliehen wurde. 1990 folgte die Veröffentlichung ihres dritten Buches Mujeres de ojos grandes (dt. Frauen mit großen Augen, 1992). Für ihren zweiten Roman, Mal de Amores (1996, dt. Emilia, 1998), für den sie 1997 als erste Frau mit dem bedeutendsten Literaturpreis Lateinamerikas, dem Rómulo-Gallegos-Preis, ausgezeichnet wurde. Angeles Mastretta lebt mit ihrem Mann, dem Schriftsteller und Journalisten Héctor Aguilar Camín, und ihren beiden Kindern in Mexiko-Stadt.

      • Trusted Partner
        True stories (Children's/YA)
        August 2018


        by María Jose Ferrada, María Elena Valdez

        Thirty-four poems, one for each of the young children (all under the age of 14) that were executed, arrested or disappeared during the Chilean dictatorship. A book dedicated to all those little Chilean victims, but also to all the children that each day suffer the consequences of violence.

      • Trusted Partner
        Poetry (Children's/YA)
        August 2018


        Poemas breves salvajes

        by María José Ferrada, Ana Palmero

        "Hidden in his horn he guards the secret of the jungle”. This might be as well the beginning of a novel, but it's an inspired riddle about wild animals. The illustrations in high varnish of this edition highlight the different skin textures of each animal and invites the reader to discover a new way of reading in a tactile and playful way.

      • Fiction
        February 2020

        Sea of stars

        by Laia Aguilar

        Winner of the 2020 Josep Pla Prize.  A group of friends. A house in front of the sea. A sea of stars and an unresolved past.  A group of friends meet five years after a tragic accident in a house in Cap de Creus, an idyllic seaside enclave, with the excuse of seeing a sea of stars.They enjoy the reunion and share secrets, but jealousies also flourish, and an old love story and still-smoldering sentiments unearth an issue from the past that remains unresolved.None of them can imagine how the night will end. A night that has one more surprise in store.“She couldn’t say if it was because Nis had asked her or because she had let herself be dragged along. But she had come. It was two weeks ago. With two suitcases and an uncertain future, following the steps of the man who had seduced her. ‘We’ll be happy there, Olivia, we’ll be good. Trust me,’ Nis had repeated into her ear.”

      • Fiction
        September 2023

        Those who listen

        by Diego SÁNCHEZ AGUILAR

        Sinopsis : The closing ceremony of the Future Summit has an unexpected ending that puts the G7 presidents in an awkward position. While their advisors try to find out who has caused this problem and how to solve it, scenes from the lives of characters united by one fact are interspersed: they all hear a strange noise, the origin of which they cannot determine. This sound has side effects that will make them rethink their lives and their ethical convictions in a world that seems to be crumbling by the minute. When the future seems like a territory populated by ghosts, Diego Sánchez Aguilar explores, in Those who listen, all the forms of anxiety and fear that define contemporary society. And it will be difficult to emerge unscathed from his relentless enquiry. In Those who listen, Diego Sánchez Aguilar explores all the forms of Anxiety and Fear that define our contemporary society. “A thoughtful novel that avoids sermons: the best way to be a political novel” José María Pozuelo Yvancos . A novel that reminds us Thomas Pinchon, David Foster Wallace, Don DeLillo, and the Bulgarian Guéorgui Gospodínov. And something to do as well with Vivir abajo by Gustavo Faverón. The second novel by Murcian writer Diego Sánchez Aguilar (first one, Factsbook) is an extensive book with a deep political, contemporary and current commitment. A novel about anxiety, family, care, madness, the planet, capitalism and language. It is also a novel about language, about the way in which language constructs the world and, above all, about what future is possible, thinkable or imaginable within the horizon of meanings of a language dominated by the ideology of marketing and economic profit and infinite growth. Diego Sánchez Aguilar shows, with humour and precision, how this language determines common sense, and defines what is reasonable and what is madness.

      • Fiction

        The Geography of your Memory

        by Laia Soler

        Ciara has returned to the village where she grew up with one clear aim: she wants to renovate the house her mother left her in her will and use the money made from selling it to start afresh somewhere else, far from that little village in the south of Ireland where rumours are the daily currency and everybody criticises her behind her back. She knows what they say: “what a bad daughter, she abandoned her mother”. However, Ciara cannot escape voices from the past which resurge with every plate she throws out, with every piece of furniture she takes apart and every wall she paints. Each memory, each secret, further distorts what she thought she knew about her family and turns her past into unknown territory. And what if she never knew the truth about her mother? What if she only knew how to see the sad, wrinkled, fragile Edna? When you open doors to the past, you run the risk of not being able to close them.

      • Children's & YA

        The Rollettes #1

        Let's 'put our skates on and roll!

        by Laia Soler, Mili Koley

        Starting high school is not easy, but Lira has it all planned. The problem is that nothing turns out as you expect: her best friend is not speaking to her and on her first day she ends up in the principal’s office. But to her surprise, it’s the best thing that could have happened. There she meets Jimena, and Lira wastes no time in helping her to set up a new after-school activity: an artistic skating club which will change their lives.

      • Children's & YA

        Summer in Barcelona

        by Andrea Izquierdo, Elena Pancorbo

        XIMENA arrives in Barcelona with just one goal in mind:to put herself to the test. Perhaps her new flatmate LAIAcan coax her out of her shell. After all, studying in adifferent city is the perfect opportunity to find yourself. Ifthat’s not the case, someone needs to tell LILY, who’s lefteverything behind to move to London... and now she’sleft TOM too. Not even AVA gets what’s going on betweenthose two. JC’s just as confused about his own relationshipstatus as well as his best friend ALFRED’s love life. Whoon Earth’s going to understand the on-off relationshiphe’s got going on with MIREIA? Especially now he’s metXIMENA... They say the spark of a summer romanceignites quickly but leaves you with your fingers burnt. Butsometimes, just sometimes, the flame keeps on burning...

      • Self-help & personal development
        February 2020

        Comunicar en la Universidad y en la vida profesional

        by Jiménez Yáñez, Ricardo María

        ¿Te gustaría redactar con fluidez un examen, un informe o un trabajo académico? ¿Quieres escribir correos electrónicos eficaces? ¿Te bloqueas al hablar delante de otros? ¿Quieres exponer en público con seguridad y convicción? Este libro de comunicación escrita y oral se dirige a universitarios y a profesionales que quieran expresarse mejor. En él se presentan las claves para dar fluidez a las ideas y para lograr escribir y hablar con claridad, precisión y corrección, incluso con elegancia. El autor de esta obra cuenta con 30 años de experiencia en las aulas.

      • November 2020

        Portable altarpiece

        by Daniel Rodríguez Barrón

        “Retrato portátil by Daniel Rodríguez Barrón is an essay in which the author recovers the modern definition of this genre, proposed by Michel de Montaigne five centuries ago: it is that wandering and exploring oneself, from the exterior of the body to the interior of the conscience or spirit in order to recognize oneself and the world. In this way, the author puts himself to the test before the centaur of genres to try and think about concepts such as existence and reality, between objects and their reproduction, distorted or not, in an image, but he does so through the memory of his readings and visits to museums and art galleries. In a casual way but following a serious critical route, this is an essay told as a chronicle of a trip and memories through the library and the author's memory, where he makes the apparent improvisation of references a machine of doubts, answers, and stories that the reader must activate with the key of reflection.” Marcos Daniel Aguilar

      • May 2018

        The District's Rural Public Policy of Bogotá, D.C. Implementation of an Environmental Policy under the Human Development Framework

        by Estíbaliz Aguilar Galeano, Julián Francisco Figueroa Espinel

        The District’s Public Policy (ppdr) was formulated for Bogotá City (Colombia) in 2006. It came up as an administration tool for the territorial sustainable environmental management and for overcoming the exclusion of the population, from a human development approach. We present here the process and results of a case study in which we intended to analyze the  implementation of the ppdr to contribute to understand the obstacles, successes and new  challenges occurred by the inclusion of human development in public environmental policies.  The study focused on environmental issues reported by the District´s public entities, corresponding to the government periods 2008-2011 “Bogotá Positiva: Para Vivir Mejor” and 2012 - 2015 “Bogotá Humana”. The analysis of the actions implemented under the ppdr framework showed that these have contributed in the betterment of human development in rural areas. It shows the importance of developing policies focused on the nature conservation as well as social and economic development of the populations living in direct contact with it, by integrating completely the equity issues into the environmental policies.

      • Oncology
        January 2010

        Fast Facts: Colorectal Cancer

        by Irving Taylor, Garcia-Aguilar, Robyn Ward

        Early detection is essential if patients are to be offered the best chance of survival from colorectal cancer. Many of the genetic and environmental factors that contribute to the development of this disease are now well recognized. In addition, new drug therapies have changed the way colorectal cancer is treated. Fast Facts: Colorectal Cancer delivers concise and highly practical information on all aspects of this all too common disease. This fully updated third edition provides invaluable information for the primary care team, who are key to the screening and diagnosis of the disease, and essential to the provision of optimal support services. Written by three international specialists, this new edition has been substantially revised and expanded, and includes: discussion of the latest therapeutic developments in both the adjuvant and metastatic setting, updated information on the genetic factors that contribute to development of the disease and expert guidance on diagnosis, screening and treatments. Table of contents: Epidemiology and pathophysiology Clinical presentation Diagnosis and staging Screening and surveillance Treatment of the primary disease Large bowel obstruction Advanced and recurrent disease Multidisciplinary management Future trends

      • Children's & YA

        Look and Find. Barcelona's Museums

        by Robert García

        1 city, 11 museums, and more than 150 objects to find! Hours of fun for all ages on an amazing visit to the most outstanding museums in Barcelona. From Museu Blau to CosmoCaixa, going through Museu del Disseny, Museu Egipci, La Casa dels Entremesos, MACBA, Museu Marítim, Fundació Joan Miró, Museu de la Música, Fundació Antoni Tàpies or Museu de la Xocolata. Illustrated by Robert Garcia, Gaur Estudio.

      • Illustration
        October 2022


        The silence of images

        by Guridi

        In this new book, Guridi off ers us his creative vision of the picture book. He delves into the relationship between images and text, between space (physical and mental) and characters, and especially the intervals—the interstitial spaces that give rise to deep meaning of works of this kind, inviting the active participation of readers. His practical advice sets us on the path to our own truth and shows us how to capture it through the empty spaces of images.

      • Children's & YA
        February 2021


        by Gloria Castanares Marti

        “Never” is a book that brings us closer to the reality of bullying, narrated in the first person by the protagonist. As a teenager Alvaro accumulated a great deal of problems. When he moved to a new city, his father was ill and in the new high school he was the target of all sort of aggressions of a group of students. Alvaro discovered Pablo another student suffering bullying too. Helping Pablo might be the way to solve his own problems. The book shows us the effects of bullying in the state of mind, in food, in physical deterioration. How Alvaro talks to himself, his lack of self-love. He becomes desensitized to the violence he suffers. How much damage does he need to react and call for help? It is a dynamic story that addresses other dimensions of the lives of the protagonists, delving into their personal desires and family life. Fear, anguish and pain, but also hope... a crack that allows us to glimpse that another reality is possible.

      • General fiction (Children's/YA)

        The Girl Who Got Lost in Her Hair

        by Andrés Kalawski, Andrea Ugarte

        Lucia is a girl who gets easily angry. When she does, she covers her face with her beautiful long black hair. One day, she got very angry and did not find any better idea that proceed as usual. By the time she tried to get out from those multiple strands, she saw a light and walked towards it, thinking she would finally find the way out. But only when she got there, she discovered what was really hidden inside her hair… A journey into a girl who learns to overcome her own fears.

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