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      • Microcosmic International Culture Creative Ltd.

        The strongest IP in history has appeared. From Taiwan Future World Center. The ultimate answer to human life that human beings around the world are waiting for.

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        We are a Japanese publisher of Light Novels, Comics, Literary Fiction, and Picture Books for children. Our titles are translated and distributed by our licensee in 8 countries in Asia, China, Europe and the US.Our publication consist of two companies: 1) MICRO MAGAZINE(MM), and 2) Kill Time Communication (KTC).

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      • October 2023


        【忘れられた記憶を解き放つシリーズ 003】

        by Microcosmic International Culture Creative Ltd.

        《黙示録的時代の王の中の王》: 人生の秘密を明らかにする感動の作品無限の宇宙で、私たちは星の海を旅し、自分たちの起源、存在理由、そして最終的な目的地について熟考します。 《終末後の王の中の王》は、ダスト・インターナショナル・カルチュラル・クリエーションより出版された、人生に対する究極の答えを明らかにすることを目的とした衝撃的な作品です。 この本は、東洋と西洋の両方の宗教の古代の聖人の知恵を組み合わせて、時間と空間を超えた人類文明の真の歴史を探求する旅に私たちを導きます。この革新的な作品で、著者は人類の起源を明らかにし、聖書の黙示録に記されている王たちの謎を説明します。 この本では、創造主がどのようにして王や領主たちを地球に導いたのかが説明され、宇宙の真の構造が示されています。 この壮大な物語は数千年に渡り、宇宙の誕生、発展、変容を目撃してきました。《黙示録後の王の中の王》では、東洋と西洋の古代聖人の予言が明らかになり、人類文明の真の歴史を再評価し理解する機会を提供します。 この本は、私たちの生活における最も基本的な疑問を感情的なタッチで考察しています。 "私は誰?" 「なぜ私はここにいるのですか?」 "どこに向かってるの?" 本作では東洋と西洋の宗教の謎が解き明かされ、真実への扉が開かれます。この作品は、人類の真実の理解を書き換える歴史的傑作であるだけでなく、感動的で人生を肯定する感情的な作品でもあります。 それは、混沌とした世界で答えを見つけるのに役立ち、人生の温かさと美しさを感じるように私たちを導きます。 この本を読むと、星空の海の岸に立っているような気分になり、日常生活で直面する困難や葛藤を克服するのに役立つユニークな体験を提供します。結論として、《黙示録後の時代における王の中の王》は、読者に新たな視点とインスピレーションを提供する独創的で革新的な本です。 この素晴らしい旅に参加して、この美しい宇宙の秘密を解き明かしましょう。 本書は、真実を追い求める冒険家のための究極のガイドとなるだろう。最後に、《黙示録後の時代における王の中の王》は、私たちと宇宙とのつながりについて考える素晴らしい機会を提供します。 これを通じて、私たちはより深く、より有意義な方法で自分自身、他者、そして周囲の世界とつながり、共感することができます。 この本があなたの心に響き、あなたの人生に豊かさと成長の種をもたらしますように。

      • Postapokalyptische Ära Der König Der Könige

        by Microcosmic International Culture Creative Ltd.

        Mit einem einzigen Gedanken des Mitgefühls ging der "Schöpfer" durch die Schichten der Welten hinunter und kam in die Welt der Sterblichen mit Tausenden von Gottheiten und Buddhas..Nach dem 21. Dezember 2012 sind wir in die “postapokalyptische Ära” eingetreten, da das “Siebte Siegel” frühzeitig geöffnet wurde....... Das “Siebte Siegel” wurde vom “Schöpfer” neu gemischt und kombiniert, damit die Menschheit und die Erde vorerst verschont sein werden. Deshalb nennen wir es die “postapokalyptische Ära”. Wir werden also eine Chance haben....Wisse es zu schätzen!Wenn du der Auferweckte bist.Du trägst die Verantwortung dafür,Den Rest Deiner Freunde, die noch schlafen, aufzuwecken.Denn sie sind genau wie du,Sie sind tapfer genug, um auf die Erde zu kommen.Ihr seid auch durch einen sehr starken Bund miteinander vereint.Wer auch immer in der Welt verloren ist,Diejenigen, die erwacht sindmüssen ihr Leben damit verbringen, sie aufzuwecken.(Dies ist das Gelübde, das alle Könige und Herren des Universums einander gegeben haben.)

      • June 2022

        The Appearance of the Saint

        The Great Prophecy of The Century in The Final Dharma and The Final Kalpa

        by Hung Ming Chen

        Graphical summary of East and West prophecies.A prophecy related to the birth of a saint whom mankind is looking for.

      • October 2022 - December 2026

        Nostradamus & Easter

        Microcosmic Audiobook Series

        by The Creator Dafa Team

        Nostradamus & Easter Contents and Overview 1.Secrets of July 1999 2.Magical Goose Egg and Rabbit Inspiration 3.Creator's Prophecy Reference 4.Easter and the Eastern Sage 5.True Christianity is already in the East 6.The source of all religions and the appearance of the Messiah ( Maitreya )

      • September 2022

        Prehistoric star wars of earth humans

        by MicroStar

        This book is the first time in human history thatThe truth about the creation of man on earthThe truth about man building the moonThe truth of the alien invasion of the solar system more than 4,000 years ago, besieging the earth and then being repelledThe truth about aliens intervening in human space on Earth 200 years ago to launch the Industrial Revolution. --------------------------------- Dieses Buch is das erste Mal in der Geschichte der Menschheit, dass Die Wahrheit über die Erschaffung des Menschen auf der Die Die Wahrheit über den Menschen, der den Mond baut Die Wahrheit über die außerirdische Invasion des Sonnensystems vor mehr als 4.000 Jahren, die die Erde belagerte und dann zurückgeschlagen wurde Die Wahrheit über Aliens, die vor 200 Jahren in den menschlichen Weltraum auf der Erde eingriffen, um die industrielle Revolution einzuleiten。

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2019

        Chasing Dreams

        by Yang Wenhui

        This is a microcosm of the development that reflects the 40 years of reform and opening up. It is also a song of passionate struggle. It is also a life picture that reflects the local customs, interprets the changes of the times, and writes the love of men and women.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2020

        Shangtang Book

        by Sun Huifen

        This is a classic novel constructed by literature on the mundane world of the countryside. In the eyes of the world, Shangtang is just a little-known and insignificant village on a vast map; in the author's writing, it is an existence worth treating as a life, and a microcosm of contemporary Chinese rural areas. From a bird’s-eye panoramic perspective, the work describes its geography, politics, transportation, communications, education, trade, culture, marriage, and history in turn. It is mixed with natural depictions of rural landscapes such as houses, streets, old wells, and roads. The vivid silhouettes of the characters, they live and die in love and hatred, and indifferent life and death, all their weaknesses and virtues are swayed freely on them, forming the spiritual territory of Shangtang.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        April 2024

        Riddles at work in the early medieval tradition

        Words, ideas, interactions

        by Megan Cavell, Jennifer Neville

        Capitalising on developments in the field over the past decade, Riddles at work provides an up-to-date microcosm of research on the early medieval riddle tradition. The book presents a wide range of traditional and experimental methodologies. The contributors treat the riddles both as individual poems and as parts of a tradition, but, most importantly, they address Latin and Old English riddles side-by-side, bringing together texts that originally developed in conversation with each other but have often been separated by scholarship. Together, the chapters reveal that there is no single, right way to read these texts but rather a multitude of productive paths. This book will appeal to students and scholars of early medieval studies. It contains new as well as established voices, including Jonathan Wilcox, Mercedes Salvador-Bello and Jennifer Neville.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2012

        The Library and archive collections of the University of Aberdeen

        An introduction and description

        by Edited by Iain Beaven, Peter Davidson and Jane Stevenson

        This volume commences with the the books and manuscripts given at the foundation of King's College in 1495, continues with the collections which accrued to Marischal College from its foundation in 1593, and comes together with the fusion of the two colleges in 1860 in the modern University of Aberdeen. From the beginning, the scope and focus of the University was international, and its developing collections represent a microcosm of the world of knowledge as it changed over the centuries. The University Colleges of Aberdeen have a distinct intellectual tradition: pragmatically tolerant in times of persecution; dissident from the religious and political policies of the Lowlands; looking outwards to the world of northern Europe and to the territories of the Jacobite diaspora. The book introduces one of the oldest continually-evolving academic library collections of the Anglophone world, surveys its history and includes a series of studies of items or collections of particular interest. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        June 2024

        Round our way

        Sam Hanna's visual legacy

        by Heather Nicholson

        Sam Hanna (1903-96), a pioneering filmmaker from Burnley, Lancashire, was dubbed the 'Lowry of filmmaking' by BBC broadcaster Brian Redhead in the 1980s. The well-meant label stuck, even though it misses the variety of Hanna's remarkable output. Hanna's intimate glimpses into the lives of strangers enable us to imagine the possible stories that lie behind the images. Away from mid-century exponents of documentary filmmaking and photography, Hanna shows us humanity and a microcosm of a world in change, where his subjects are caught up in issues far beyond their grasp that we, as onlookers years later, encounter and see afresh. Written and curated by historian Heather Norris Nicholson, Round our way combines stills, essays and archive photography to document Hanna's unique visual record on film, particularly in northern England, but also further afield, during decades of profound change.

      • Trusted Partner

        Le Camp De Frau Gruber

        by Ted Barr

        Le Camp De Frau Gruber Le manifeste des cendres du coq par Ted Barr   Quelles sont les frontières du mal ? Que signifie la vie life on the verge au seuil d’une mort arbitraire soudaine ? Cela vaut-il la peine de vivre derrière une clôture électrifiée ? Le camp de Frau Gruber est une allégorie exaltante à propos de garder la foi en l’humanité dans ses périodes les plus noires ; elle rappelle fortement le chef d’œuvre de George Orwell La Ferme des animaux. Un monde dans lequel il existe des personnes telles que Frau Gruber, Herr Schickl, et leurs associés morbides n’est pas le même que celui dans lequel nous vivons. Bien que sous d nombreux aspects leur monde paraît lui ressembler, il constitue en fait davantage un univers parallèle, retiré de la réalité que nous connaissons. Et pourtant, par moments, le lecteur peut passer outre les différences et s’y laisser plonger. Dans ce roman surprenant et énigmatique, le lecteur se trouve doucement et lentement submergé dans un microcosme imaginaire – un monde fantastique, à la foi poétique et terrible, qui parfois brise le cœur et qui, à d’autres moments, horrifie, dans lequel la vie n’est guère plus qu’un accessoire transparent. Les coqs, en tant qu’êtres humains, sont seulement des visiteurs momentanés dans un scenario bien plus étendu, dont la signification est trop élevée pour eux pour la saisir (mis à part le vieux coq Ba Ba Loop qui, à l’instar des prophètes d’antan, a des yeux pour voir, mais ne possède pas le pouvoir de changer quoi que ce soit). La seule manière d’apporter une signification à des temps d’une horreur telle est de tout investir pour la mémoire, ce qui constitue le cadre dans lequel ce roman est fondé : la foi en l’homme, oublier, se souvenir et l’essence de la vie au sein d’une époque impossible. Bien que se démarquant d'une description, principalement évoquée, de la petite enfance d'Adolf Hitler, Le camp de Frau Gruber ne se contente pas de raconter une histoire qui est, en de nombreux points, parallèle à l'histoire du judaïsme européen. Ce livre se transforme, au contraire, en une fable sur l'expérience vécue par l’humanité entière au XXème siècle, écrite à travers les yeux du XXIème siècle comme une bravade contemporaine. L'auteur, Ted Barr, 54 ans, a une maîtrise en économie et des diplômes dans des zones d'intérêt variées, y compris l'histoire allemande, le symbolisme, les tactiques de bataillon et de division, ainsi qu’en astronomie. Barr est un artiste de renom, spécialisé dans les galaxies et autres éléments du ciel. L'auteur a développé une technique de peinture unique, qu’il enseigne dans des ateliers dans le monde entier. Barr est le fondateur du groupe Current Art, et l’on peut avoir un aperçu de son activité artistique sur son site d'art, Une édition du Camp de Frau Gruber est parue pour la première fois en Israël, en hébreu, en 2006, suivant le premier livre de Barr, Krombee, un livre pour enfants paru en 1990.

      • Trusted Partner
        Family & home stories (Children's/YA)
        October 2020


        by María José Ferrada, Pep Carrió

        The authors of this book take us on a journey through the different ways of inhabiting a house. Based on illustrations by Pep Carrió made with acrylic markers, the writer María José Ferrada uses poetic language and humor to propose a set of micro stories that invite readers to observe their own ways of inhabiting the world.

      • Biography & True Stories
        October 2021 - October 2025

        the moon creator and the legend of human origin

        by Microcosmic

        【內容】 ◎宇宙起源、地月傳說◎ 第1節楔子(1) 第二節 盤古大神開天闢地,小宇宙誕生(三) 第三節 銀河中的智慧(5) 第四節 月亮是古人造的(8) 第五節 月神之星際旅行(十) 第六節 主,微妙智慧的大神,重建地球(14) 第七節 神創造人的傳說是真實的。黃色、白色、紅色和黑色物種的神 (16)   ◎守護地月文明◎ 第8節:保護地球的月球古人類:地球上的五個王國(19) 第九節 六千七百萬年前五米高的巨人和恐龍的滅絕(21) 第十節 星際航行仍是金字塔文明(24) 第11節 冰封的南極洲,後代的寶庫(26) 第十二章 亞特蘭蒂斯的文明與墮落(二十九) 第13章 亞特蘭蒂斯與穆大陸之戰,影響月中之月(32) 第十四條:天罰。兩大洲一夜之間沉入海底 (37) 第15話女媧修天助地人修月女媧(40)

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2021

        Post-Apocalyptic Era The King Of Kings

        by Disciples of the Creation Fa

        IntroductionAll the ancient predestined affinities are linked together,By the grace of the “Creator” and the “King of Kings”.The time has finally come for mankind to rise again.Thousands of years of waiting… During the countless reincarnations and refining of everyone,Favor and Vengeance...Repaying kindness and taking revenge,All will be reconciled today.To and fro in heaven and hell, it’s not just the countless autumns.After the lives full of twists and turns, ups and downs, the one who can still read this:It is a blessing in a thousand, because of the care of the divine covenant!The lives of innumerable beings are bound up in the "Holy King",To ensure the safety of lives in the universe.After thousands of years of waiting, it's finally time to go home.Startled to hear! Someone is "in search of the Wandering King in the mortal world".Who's the King that hasn't woken up yet?The beings of his world long for the return of their King.If you wake up, you mustn't forget of:Those unawakened Kings by your side.Urge them,To find the truth. The truth will bring back memories.You are the luckiest person,For you are also the King of Heaven!This is a book that cannot be bought with human wealth.It's because of your origin and your predestined affinity with Fa,That qualifies you for a glimpse into the billions of years of unexplained heavenly secrets.Therefore,No matter who you are, what your religion or social status is,This book will reveal to you the truth about life and the universe.Delivering this book to you,That was our covenant before we even descended to the human world!I have fulfilled my vow!Pointing you to the "Cosmic Truth" that originally belonged to you.Here's a poem that has been passed down among men:In Search of the Wandering King in the Mortal WorldBy opening the curtain on this return of life to your origin,Perhaps a flicker of your ancient memories will come back to you.

      • Children's & YA

        The Puddle

        Discovering the diversity of a hidden microcosm

        by Angelika Huber-Janisch/Annette Zacharias

        The fascination of the everyday Children are irresistibly drawn to puddles: it rains, a small amount of water accumulates on the path, and two minutes later, they are splashing happily about in it. But a puddle is so much more! This book describes the diversity of a hidden microcosm. It explains what makes one puddle different from another, why the number of puddles is decreasing, the lifecycle of a puddle and the living organisms it contains. Who would have thought a puddle could be home to such exciting creatures as hairybacks and water bears?

      • ABSOLVO TE

        by Georgi Bardarov

        EUROPEAN LITERATURE PRIZE FOR 2021! The novel “Absolvo te” is based on two true stories – one about World War II and the Holocaust, and the other about the Arab-Israeli conflict. The main characters are a Palestinian, a Jewish man and a Nazis officer. Each of them must forgive and look past each other’s sins. They’re all in need of “Absolve te”, which translated from Latin means ‘’forgiveness of all sins’’.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences

        The Korean-American Dream

        Portraits of a Successful Immigrant Community

        by James Flanigan

        Chairman Yang Ho Cho, head of Korean Air and Hanjin, talks of Los Angeles as a “microcosm of the United States—a land built of immigrants who want to do one thing: improve their lives.”In The Korean-American Dream, respected and distinguished business journalist James Flanigan uncovers the struggles and contributions of the people who have made Los Angeles the largest Korean city outside of Seoul.This intimate account illustrates how Korean immigrants have preserved their culture and history as well as adapted to the American culture of E Pluribus Unum, the radical promise of “out of many, one.” Flanigan shows how Los Angeles emerged as a capital of the Asia Pacific region.At less than 2 million, Korean Americans are a relatively small group compared to new Americans from China, the Philippines, and India. But with energy and drive, they are building landmarks in New York as well as L.A., lobbying for causes in Washington, founding businesses, heading universities and hospitals, and holding public office in all parts of the U.S.

      • Children's & YA
        April 2022

        The Wild Meadow

        Discover the diversity of a hidden world

        by Angelika Huber-Janisch, Annette Zacharias

        Crawling, chirping, flying and buzzing: a meadow is full of action! And a wild meadow is a fascinating place: A miniature biotope just waiting to be discovered. This book aims to raise awareness among children and adults of how to help preserve what we consider to be everyday, run-of-the-mill meadows, because they are not only home to a wide range of flowers, but innumerable creatures above and below ground. Meadows play a decisive role in a well-functioning ecosystem. This book takes a look at the flowers and plants, fungi and mosses which grow here and which children can then examine more closely on their next walk. And there are various animals and phenomena underground, too – an exciting microcosm whose diversity is little known.

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