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      • Martini Maria Cristina | MMC Edizioni

        MMC EDIZIONI is a publishing house based in Rome.Born in 2001 as a generalist, along the time it has specialized almost exclusively in non-fiction, dedicated in particular (but not only) to the city of Rome.The main series, called "A walk with history" offers an alternative vision of the city through the historical reconnaissance and analysis of some of its urban furnishings that are not taken into consideration such as small fountains, clocks, inscriptions, sacred shrines, plaques. This series stands out for a particular graphic style and for the abundance of photographs, specially made for these books.Other series on Rome are instead dedicated to in-depth studies on specific historical and customs themes, or on the mysterious aspects of the city that also reveal its dark side.In the MMC catalogue are other non-fiction books on topics such as Music, Interculture, Anthropology and a series of stories for children encouraging solidarity, non-violence and respect for the environment

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        Veterinary medicine
        December 2014

        Rabbit Behaviour, Health and Care

        by Marit Emilie Buseth, Richard Saunders

        This book is an essential, thorough, very practical guide to understanding and caring for your rabbit. By following the advice in this book, both rabbit owners and veterinary health professionals report healthier and more content rabbits. Developed from the successful Norwegian text Den Store Kaninboka by the award-winning author Marit Emilie Buseth, Rabbit Behaviour, Health and Care will help you: - develop an understanding of the rabbit's nature, which will help you to spot normal and abnormal behaviour; - learn about the correct living conditions in which to keep domestic rabbits, in terms of their behavioural, physical and social needs; - acquire essential knowledge about rabbit nutrition, dentistry and disease; - discover a new and improved approach to rabbit-keeping through stories and case examples of real rabbits; - gain a rewarding owner-pet relationship. Rabbits are extremely popular pets, but misconceptions about their care and behaviour are widespread. Most illnesses or behaviour problems are a direct or indirect result of poor nutrition and care. This book helps veterinarians and rabbit owners to overcome these challenges by understanding the rabbit's nature and needs.

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        Borrowed Identity

        A Dramatic Novel

        by Hadassa Ashdot

        Borrowed Identity is a moving novel that tells the story of three generations of men and women. Through the eyes and the stories of each, a chilling plot unfolds over different periods of time, in Israel and abroad. But whose story is it? Is it that of the Israeli hero, the secret agent under diplomatic cover whose life is poised at the crossroads between one cloak-and-dagger operation and another, poised for any mission, always ‘in the name of’, always for the cause? Or is it that of the woman, the giver of life, who lives in the shadow of her men: father, husband, son, friends, lovers? On the memorial day for her son Uri, a fighter pilot who lost his life in one of Israel’s many battles, Marit, remaining alone after the visitors have left, takes stock of her life and the significant others in it: Hanoch, her intelligence officer husband, unable to face the loss of his son, has left her; and Uri, the dead son, who was laid trussed and bound on the sacrificial altar, as Israeli fathers inspired by a sense of mission and heroism sacrifice their sons for the homeland. Through Marit’s personal acquaintance with death and bereavement, and through the collective encounter, she conveys a dark, heroic Israeli reality of love and death – Eros and Thanatos. This is a story of love: the passionate love between a man and a woman; the love for a country you die for; the affectionate love of parents for their son, which turns out to be a love that kills him – and them too. It is also a story of death, and of the failure of that desperate love. Psychologist and university lecturer Hadassa Ashdot was born in Tel Aviv and grew up in Jerusalem. Her short stories have appeared in two leading Israeli literary magazines, Moznayim and Prosa. To date, Ashdot has published two novels (in Hebrew): Borrowed Identity and Marianne of the Snow. The author's experience as an army psychologist dealing with war-caused bereavement and problems associated with the trauma of shell shock are clearly reflected in her works of fiction.

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        Identidad perdida – Una novela dramática

        by Hadassa Ashdot

        Identidad perdida – Una novela dramática  por Hadassa Ashdot Identidad perdida es una novela conmovedora que cuenta la historia de tres generaciones de hombres y mujeres. A través de los ojos y los relatos de cada uno, una trama escalofriante se desarrolla por diferentes espacios de tiempos, en Israel y en el extranjero. ?Pero sobre quién es esta historia? ?Es acaso sobre el héroe israelí, el agente secreto bajo tapadera diplomática, cuya vida gira en torno a la encrucijada entre una operación de "capa y puñal" o entre cualquier otra misión, siempre ‘en el nombre de’, siempre por la causa? ?O es acaso sobre una mujer, la que brinda la vida, quien vive bajo la sombra de los hombres de su vida: su padre, marido, hijo, amigos y amantes? En el aniversario del fallecimiento de su hijo Uri, un piloto de combate que perdió su vida en una de la muchas batallas de Israel, Marit, se queda sola después de que los invitados se van, reconsidera su vida y las personas significativas que toman parte en ella: Hanoch, su marido oficial de inteligencia, incapaz de enfrentar la perdida de su hijo, la ha abandonado; y Uri, el hijo fallecido, que fue acostado y atado a un altar de sacrificio, como padres israelíes inspirados por el sentido de la causa y el heroísmo, sacrifican a sus hijos por la patria. A causa de que Marit conoce personalmente la muerte y el luto, en el encuentro colectivo, transmite oscuridad, una realidad israelí heroica de amor y muerte – Eros y Thánatos. Esta es una historia de amor: el apasionado amor entre un hombre y una mujer; el amor a un país que causa muerte; el amor afectuoso de los padres por su hijo, que resulta ser un amor que lo mata y a ellos también. Es también una historia sobre la muerte, y el fracaso de ese amor desesperado. Psicóloga y profesora de universidad Hadassa Ashdot nació en Tel Aviv y creció en Jerusalén. Sus cuentos cortos han aparecido en dos revistas literarias destacadas, Moznayim y Prosa. Hasta la fecha, Ashdot ha publicado dos novelas (en hebreo): Identidad perdida y Marianne de la nieve. La experiencia de la autora como psicóloga del ejercito que enfrenta el luto a causa de las guerras y problemas asociados con traumas a causa de neurosis de guerra, son reflejados claramente en sus trabajos de ficción.

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        Identité Empruntée

        by Hadassa Ashdot

        Identité Empruntée   Un roman dramatique par Hadassa Ashdot Identité Empruntée est un roman émouvant contant l'histoire de trois générations d'hommes et de femmes. A travers les yeux et les histoires de chacun, une froide intrigue se déroule à différentes périodes, en Israël et hors de ce pays.   Mais quelle en est l'histoire ? Celle d'une héroïne israélienne, un agent secret sous couverture diplomatique dont la vie balance entre une « opération confidentielle » et une autre, prête à toute mission, toujours « au nom de », toujours pour la cause ? Ou bien est-ce celle de la femme, celle qui a donné la vie, celle qui vit dans l'ombre de ses hommes : père, mari, fils, amis, amants ?   Le jour de la commémoration de la mort de son fils Uri, un pilote de chasse qui perdit la vie dans l'une des nombreuses batailles d'Israël, Marit, restée seule après le départ des invités, dresse l'inventaire de sa vie et des siens : Hanoch, son mari officier dans les renseignements, incapable de faire face à la disparition de son fils, qui l'a quittée ; et Uri, son fils décédé, qui fut allongé et ligoté sur l'autel du sacrifice, comme les pères israéliens, inspirés par le sens de la mission et de l'héroïsme, sacrifient leurs fils pour leur terre.   A travers les expériences personnelles de Marit avec la mort et l'affliction et à travers la rencontre collective, elle transmet une réalité israélienne noire, héroïque de l'amour et de la mort – Eros et Thanatos.   C'est l'histoire de l'amour : l'amour passionné entre un homme et une femme ; l'amour d'un pays pour lequel on meurt ; l'amour affectueux des parents pour leur fils, qui entraîne sa mort – et la leur aussi. C'est aussi l'histoire de la mort, et de l'échec d'un amour désespéré. Psychologue et conférencière universitaire, Hadassa Ashdot née à Tel-Aviv a grandi à Jérusalem. Ses histoires courtes ont été éditées dans deux grands magazines littéraires israéliens, Moznayim et Prosa. L'auteur a publié deux romans (en hébreu) : Identité Empruntée et Marianne de la Neige. L'expérience de l'auteur comme psychologue de l'armée habituée à gérer les afflictions causées par l'armée et les problèmes associés aux chocs post-traumatiques sont clairement mises en reflet dans ses œuvres de fiction.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Married to the empire

        by Mary A. Procida

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        Geliehene Identität

        by Hadassa Ashdot

        Geliehene Identität - von Hadassa Ashdot Geliehene Identität spielt im heutigen Israel. Marit blickt am Todestag ihres Sohnes Uri, der sein Leben als Luftwaffenpilot in einem der vielen Konflikte Israels verloren hat, auf ihr Leben und die Menschen, die ihr etwas bedeutet haben, zurück. Da ist Hanoch, ihr Ehemann, ein hochdekorierter Geheimdienstoffizier, der den Tod seines Sohnes nicht verkraften konnte und sie deshalb verlassen hat. Dann Uri, ihr toter Sohn, dessen Tod ihr jetzt so wie der Tod der vielen anderen, von sendungsbewußten israelischen Vätern als Helden für das Vaterland geopferten Söhne erscheint. Angesichts ihrer unmittelbaren Begegnung mit dem Tod und dem Zerbrechen ihrer Liebe kommt eine dunkle, heroische und spezifisch israelische Wirklichkeit zu Tage, in der Liebe und Tod, Eros and Thanatos, sehr nahe beieinander liegen. Hadassa Ashdot erzählt von den unterschiedlichen Formen einer gescheiterten und verzweifelten Liebe aus der persönlichen Perspektive der Protagonisten - der leidenschaftlichen Liebe zwischen einer Frau und einem Mann, der Liebe zu einem Land, für das man sein Leben geben würde und schließlich der Elternliebe. Um wessen Geschichte handelt es sich dabei letztlich? Ist es die Geschichte eines israelischen Geheimdienstoffiziers, dessen Leben in den kurzen Pausen zwischen seinen Einsätzen im Untergrund vergiftet wird?  Oder ist es die Geschichte einer Frau, die lediglich als Lebensspenderin im Schatten ihrer Männer lebt – dem Vater, Ehemann, Sohn, Freund oder Liebhaber? Hadassa Ashdot ist Psychologin, wurde in Tel Aviv geboren und wuchs in Jerusalem auf. Ihre zahlreichen Kurzgeschichten sind in zwei führenden israelischen Literaturzeitschriften Moznayim und Prosa erschienen. Sie hat neben Geliehene Identität die Erzählung  Marianne und der Schnee (Tel Aviv, 2002) veröffentlicht. Die unmittelbaren Erfahrungen, die Sie als Militärpsychologin mit Soldaten während der militärischen Konflikte in ihrem Land gemacht hat, bilden einen wichtigen Hintergrund für ihr Werk. Rechte in deutscher und anderen Sprachen noch erhältlich!

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2013

        Women in England, 1275–1525

        by P. J. P. Goldberg

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2020

        Marital violence in post-independence Ireland, 1922–96

        by Cara Diver

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2024

        Bartered bridegrooms

        Transacting Muslim masculinities as colonial legacy

        by Suriyah Bi

        In this eye-opening ethnography, we learn about the experiences of Muslim migrant husbands from Pakistan and Kashmir, who marry their British counterparts in the hope of marital and global social mobility bliss. For many, the parallel and intertwined migration and marital journeys do not pan out in the way they had hoped. Many experience precarity and vulnerability within the household and/or in employment, with some even being subjected to harrowing forms of domestic violence. Migrant husbands navigate an increasingly hostile British immigration system not only in public but also in private, at the hands of their wives and in-laws. The ethnography demonstrates how citizenship can be deployed as a performance of white power within single group identity, differentiated through colonial legacies of 'Britishness'.

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        The Story of Liu Tianzuo

        by Shi Zhongshan

        The story takes place in the early 1980s. Liu Tianzuo has a talent for playing suona, so he was recruited into a certain art propaganda team. In the army, Liu Tianzuo's talent in playing attracted Fu Yao, a nurse in the medical department of the military department. The two fell in love, but after Fu Yao's mother objected and failed, Fu Yao also married others. A few years later, Tianzuo married before the reduction and demobilization of the army, and transferred to work in a company affiliated to the Foreign Trade Bureau. After that, he resigned and went to the sea to do feed business and earned his first pot of gold. The band was recalled and the performance was very popular. Later, a performance company was formed and became the "home of veterans" for demobilized soldiers. The business became more prosperous...

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2020

        The "Danger" and "Operation" of Human Reproduction

        by Liu Ximing

        This book integrates environmental protection, reproductive physiology, reproductive health, integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine treatment, and assisted reproductive technology. It explains the various harms caused by environmental pollution, sexually transmitted diseases and bad lifestyles to human reproduction, and introduces the main assisted reproduction methods today. Technology and its development prospects, as well as some frontier information of medical science and technology at home and abroad, aim to awaken people's awareness of the "danger" and "opportunity" of human reproduction. This is a popular science book that is both scientific, practical and interesting. It can be read by married young people and married and unborn couples, and can also be used as a reference for medical students majoring in reproductive medicine or medical staff engaged in this profession. It helps people to gain in-depth understanding of infertility and improve the knowledge of reproductive medicine.

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        John and Yoni

        Twin brothers - two religions - two nations - one soul!

        by Mike Carmel

        John and Yoni - Twin brothers - two religions - two nations - one soul! Mike Carmel The result of an illicit tempestuous affair between a young psychology student and her married lecturer in 1979, twin brothers John and Yoni are involuntarily separated during their first month of life and raised in different adopting families. John grows up in Liverpool, England, in the Roman Catholic faith. Yoni grows up in Ra'anana, Israel, in the Jewish faith. At age 21, they meet up for the first time. Both are devout believers, each in his own religious conviction, and an interesting process of mutual discovery follows as their diverse cultural paths merge. What follows is a captivating, stimulating, inquisitive, amusing, and occasionally conflicting story, which often verges on the bizarre. Then, one of them tragically ends his life as a victim of a suicide bombing, and the other twin is left to endure the harsh process of reinterpreting his personal identity, once again alone in the world. Mike Carmel was born in 1956 in Liverpool, and studied economics at Liverpool University and at Brunel University in London. Although the author had an Anglican upbringing, in 1980 he decided to convert to Judaism. He consequently maintains a deep respect for both religions. Working in the hi-tech sector, Mike has been living in Israel for the past 25 years. He served in the Israel Defense Forces as a medic, and has also worked in several educational capacities in both countries. Mike married his Israeli wife in 1981, and they have 3 children. His daughter, to whom the book has been dedicated, was seriously injured  her army service by a suicide bomber in 2003.

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