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      • Ediciones Uniandes / Universidad de los Andes

        Ediciones Uniandes, Universidad de los Andes’s press, in Bogotá, Colombia, publishes scholarly books and music CDs, thus making available the research and arts production of professors and researchers within the university. Our aim is to consolidate a rigorous catalog with high academic and editorial standards, and to publish relevant titles while promoting collaboration with other key institutions, both in Colombia and abroad, and intercultural exchange; we also support editorial policies such as open access. Our catalog includes a wide range of topics with special emphasis on Social Sciences, Humanities and Law, but also Economics, Sciences, Management, Architecture, Design, and Medicine.

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      • Trusted Partner
        November 2004

        Thomas Mann in Venedig

        Eine Spurensuche

        by Reinhard Pabst

        Rund 170 historische Fotos und Ansichtskarten, die hier zum größten Teil erstmals veröffentlicht werden, entführen den Leser in das Venedig Thomas Manns. Reinhard Pabst führt auf den Spuren des Dichters durch die Lagunenstadt und zu den Originalschauplätzen der Novelle Der Tod in Venedig. Wie einst Gustav Aschenbach, der Held der Novelle, kann sich der Leser im luxuriösen »Grand Hôtel des Bains« auf dem Lido ergehen, das mondäne Badeleben genießen und sich dem »Vergnügen an den Bildern eines soignierten Strandes« hingeben, an dem sich auch Arthur Schnitzler, Peter Altenberg, Karl Kraus, Georg Trakl und viele andere tummelten.Ein einzigartiges Buch über eine vergangene, faszinierende Epoche.

      • Trusted Partner


        by Israel (Puchu) Wiesler

        RAMÓN QUE SE LE PERDIÓ EL PANTALÓN (En medio del baile) por Israel (Puchu) Wiesler Este es un cuento acerca de un niño flaco, que al principio no le apetecía comer y que era muy delgado, pero que después, cuando al fin comenzó a comer, no podía parar. Era horrible: cuando era flaco se le caían los pantalones y al subir de peso le reventaban las costuras. ?Que se podía hacer? Preguntad a su madre, que tenía una solución para cada problema. Este libro, que en los últimos diez años ha registrado ventas muy buenas en Israel, se ha vuelto últimamente de mayor aceptación, gracias a la creciente conciencia tanto de padres como de niños sobre el problema de la obesidad en la infancia. Aun cuando este relato tiene una moraleja, su gran éxito (?hasta ahora se han publicado 12 ediciones!) deriva principalmente de lo divertido que es para los lectores jóvenes. El autor, Israel Wiesler, cuyo apodo es “Puchu”, nació en Tel Aviv y publicó su primer libro, “Qué pandilla” a los 26 años. Desde entonces ha escrito Wiesler más de treinta libros y docenas de libretos para series de televisión destinados a niños y a adultos jóvenes. Las obras de Wiesler, escritas con un cálido y especial sentido del humor, fueron galardonadas con seis premios literarios en Israel. El acreditado “Léxico Ofek” de literatura para niños en hebreo, describe a Wiesler como “como el mejor escritor humorista para niños y adultos jóvenes de Israel”. Puchu ha sido uno de los tres únicos escritores israelíes que fueron honrados el año pasado con la emisión de un sello de correo que muestra la portada de uno de sus libros.

      • Geography & the Environment
        September 2010

        Walks in Venice

        12 historical-artistic itineraries

        by Ernesto Maria Sfriso

        "Walks in Venice" is a detailed guide rich in historical-artistic information able to satisfy the needs of the most demanding traveller, but also the spontaneous curiosity of those who simply want to relax by immersing themselves in the particular iridescent atmospheres of light and water of this unique city.The twelve lagoon itineraries proposed by Ernesto Maria Sfriso - a writer with a long experience as a tourist guide in Venice - aim to accompany the visitor step by step in the discovery of the magnificent palaces, the splendid churches, the numerous civic or private museums and the historical monuments that follow one another along the calli and squares of each sestiere, dwelling punctually on the rich harvest of works of art that the Republic of Venice has been able to produce and welcome during its millenary history of political and commercial power.The routes also lead to the islands surrounding Venice - Murano, Burano, Torcello, the Lido, but also to the smaller convents and cultural centres - to then move inland through Mestre and on to visit the stately homes along the route to Treviso, the beautiful Venetian villas that are reflected in the waters of the Riviera del Brenta, and finally the airy streets of Chioggia.

      • Fiction


        by Paolo Cammilli

        In Lido di Magra, a village of few souls and a handful of houses a few kilometers from Versilia, the sea there, but only in summer. Because life around here lasts the time ofa season. Fabio Arricò, son of a quarrymen just fired fromthe drifts of the crisis, is a normal boy. But at seventeen, being normal means doing what others do, adjusting to the choices of the group even if you realize they’re wrong. The group, however, has a weakness and is called Caterina Valenti. She is tormented, fierce and irreverent. Too beautiful and disrespectful not to trigger an ambiguous short circuit. Deaf to the feeling that Fabio refuses to confess, but that he cannot even hide. More. There is something in his gaze that reveals a strange pleasure in humiliating him and making him suffer. As if he had something to make him pay. Adults, a sample of comic and inconclusive human figures, always arrive late. In this small world in which common lives doze, you suffer, you love, you fight but always in the wrong way. First I hurt, then I hid my face. And the result, a clockwork device that loads with frustration, is the most uncontrolled hatred, the one that drags down. What forces you to devise a night of unprecedented violence against those who cannot defend themselves.

      • Manual práctico para escribir una tesis

        by Enrique Gallud Jardiel

        Este Manual práctico para escribir una tesis es un libro directo, claro y muy útil para todo aquel que aspire a obtener el título de Doctor en cualquier disciplina. Pero también puede servir perfectamente como guía para la elaboración de otros trabajos distintos: ensayos, disertaciones para un máster, trabajos de fin de carrera, monografías, etc., pues la metodología y los pasos a seguir son semejantes e igualmente válidos.

      • Poetry
        July 2019

        Hubo fiestas

        by Álvaro Luquín

        Salir a buscar la fiesta es salir a buscar ciertos olores, ciertos tipos de cicatrices. Las fiestas son el terreno de lo impredecible, ese lugar al que vas con la esperanza de que pase algo: un trago, un beso, un toque, una línea, una pelea.   Entrar es un acto de fe, un salto al vacío, hacer fila para electrocutarse. Una fiesta encierra la posibilidad de mitificar al mundo, de crear nuevos códigos, inestables y volátiles, sí, pero válidos durante el periodo histórico en que la fiesta ocurre. Cuando todo termina, lo que se queda contigo es el sonido vacío de los envases de cerveza, el olor a vómito, el dolor de cabeza, la aplastante sensación de que el espectáculo debe continuar.   Ánuar Zúñiga Naime

      • 2020

        Covid-19, Meio Ambiente e Políticas Públicas

        by Cury M. Mathias, João Felippe

        "É preciso romper o silêncio", ir fundo nos impactos multidimensionais da pandemia que nos assola. Este livro compartilha saberes de um grupo de pesquisadores de meio ambiente, políticas públicas e economia, que acreditam que o princípio de ciência-cidadã esteja aqui incorporado, não apenas com o objetivo restrito de divulgação científica, mas de transformar todas as pessoas. Comunicar com a sociedade é vital para tornar o mundo um lugar melhor, e os livros são as nossas mais poderosas armas. O livro reúne textos de economistas preocupados com a questão ambiental. O livro reúne reflexões dos pesquisadores do Grupo de Economia do Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Sustentável (GEMA-IE/UFRJ)Trata das relações entre a pandemia, políticas públicas, com foco na economia e meio ambiente, e nossa dívida social. São textos curtos, para serem lidos por especialistas mas também por não-economistas, leigos interessados em caminhos alternativos ao ajuste fiscal obsessivo e concentrador de renda que dominou a política econômica recente no Brasil e em vários países do mundo.

      • October 1997

        Jugamos como nunca

        by Mario Salazar Montero

        Kurzinformation ISBN 978-3-9520219-0-3 Titel „Jugamos como nunca“. Mario Salazar Montero. Novela La proverbial viveza latina, devaluada y desvirtuada en el transcurso de los últimos tiempos como recurso válido para sobrevivir y alcanzar una vida digna para sí mismo y seres cercanos en circunstancias económicas difíciles, resulta además inútil para enfrentar otro tipo de viveza, una abusiva, enquistada en la jerarquía de poder de un país en Suramérica. La audacia sigue siendo un privilegio de juventud, que sumada a la escasez de medios y al descaro, conforman los ingredientes suficientes para que los protagonistas de esta historia emprendan una aventura de desafio a esa jerarquía. Si el intermediario para poder llevarlo a cabo es un idealista convencido de poder manipular ese poder para darle una dimensión universal y futurista de generosidad, la aventura promete y cumple, así el final no corresponda el esperado.

      • Manual de bioética laica (I). Cuestiones clave

        by María Casado, Manuel Jesús López Baroni

        La bioética es un campo de conocimiento que requiere planteamientos plurales y soportes científicos sólidos para analizar con el suficiente rigor las consecuencias éticas, legales y sociales de la biotecnología y la biomedicina. Por ese motivo, el presente Manual de bioética laica, fruto de largos años de docencia e investigación, pretende proporcionar la información necesaria a quienes se aproximen a la materia. El objetivo último es suministrar argumentos y propuestas que fomenten la autonomía y la responsabilidad, de forma que las decisiones bioéticas redunden en la construcción de una sociedad más transparente y democrática. Esta perspectiva explica que los autores aboguen por el paradigma laicista, basado en la idea de que los derechos humanos reconocidos en los textos internacionales deben constituir el suelo ético mínimo de carácter universal, como modelo jurídico-político idóneo para que estos debates sean fructíferos, plurales y no se fundamenten solo en creencias, tanto religiosas como de cualquier otro tipo.

      • October 1997

        Cara o Sello

        by Mario Salazar Montero

        Kurzinformation ISBN 978-3-9525331-3-0 Titel “Cara o Sello”. Mario Salazar Montero. Cuentos Cualquiera que sea la forma permitida, obligada o seleccionada por hombres y mujeres como el recurso personal válido disponible para dejar atrás el estigma de una pobreza, heredada o impuesta, esta implica una interacción con una realidad en tiempo presente. En esa realidad suramericana, con sus circunstancias inherentes, existe sin embargo una gama bien diversa, tanto de víctimas como de abusadores. El afán de algunos por equilibrar un déficit de bienestar económico recurriendo al crimen no siempre encuentra la mansedumbre de los abusados. Existe la ley tácita del desquite, a falta de una justicia que merezca su nombre. Estos cuentos intentan desentrañar la esencia de algunos desquites y despojos, sin ánimo de definir estereotipos. De eso ya hay bastante, es difícil quitarselos de encima y no sirven más. Mario Salazar Montero. Geboren in Kolumbien, Südamerika. Lebt seit vielen Jahren in der Schweiz. Schriftsteller und Ingenieur. Hat mehrere Romane und Kurzgeschichten veröffentlicht. Spanisch und Deutsch. Mehr zum Autor und seinem literarischen Werk unter

      • Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2020


        Society and culture in Dalcidio Jurandir

        by Willi Bolle

        This book presents an overview of Amazonian history and analyzes the novel Cycle of the Far North, by Dalcidio Jurandir, a work that represents the social inequality and exclusion inherent to Amazonian society. Willi Bolle rescues the work of this important, albeit unknown, author, emphasizing Dalcidio Jurandir’s contribution to our understanding of Amazonian culture. In his work, Jurandir describes the quotidian of those living in the periphery of society, and advocates, quite emphatically, quality education for the poor. He also registers the social dialect of the inhabitants of the Amazon, in a document of the cultural memory of the region.

      • Fiction
        December 2017

        La biblia aria

        by Jordi Matamoros

        The renowned professor of mineralogy Leonid Kulik, is appointed to carry out the investigation of a great explosion that took place in 1980, June the 30th, in the Siberian tundra of Tunguska. Together with his assistant, good friend and also professor Alekséi, he will enter an inhospitable territory considered cursed by the locals, who attribute the disaster to divine punishment. Superstitions, the weather and the difficulties of the road will not prevent them from locating the epicenter where a meteorite allegedly impacted, allegedly destroying more than 10 million trees. There they will find something very different from what they expected: no trace of a crater or a fireball, although, anchored in the air, an oval object of unknown nature, waiting to be found. The investigation of what clearly appears to be an extraterrestrial ship, will trigger a series of events in which the teachers will be involved. A Nazi secret society, commanded by the Führer himself, will traverse time to the very cradle of humanity, to discover that nothing is as they have told us. * * * El reconocido profesor de mineralogía Leonid Kulik, es designado para llevar a cabo la investigación de una gran explosión que tuvo lugar el 30 de junio de 1908 en la tundra siberiana de Tunguska. Junto a su ayudante, buen amigo y también profesor Alekséi, se adentrará en un inhóspito territorio considerado maldito por los lugareños, que atribuyen el desastre a un castigo divino. Las supersticiones, el clima y las dificultades del camino no impedirán que localicen el epicentro en el que supuestamente impactó un meteorito que habría arrasado más de 10 millones de árboles. Allí hallarán algo muy distinto a lo que esperaban: ni rastro de cráter ni de bólido, aunque sí, anclado en el aire, un objeto oval de naturaleza desconocida, esperando a ser encontrado. La investigación de lo que a todas luces parece ser una nave extraterrestre, desencadenará una serie de acontecimientos en los que los profesores se verán implicados. Una sociedad secreta nazi, comandada por el Führer en persona, surcará el tiempo hasta la misma cuna de la humanidad, para descubrir que allí nada es como nos lo han contado.

      • Humour

        Table 44

        by rapha Pinheiro

        Everybody has a bar story to tell. Table 44 is a collection of these stories, written and drawn at the bar, after a year and a half going to the same place and sitting at the same table every Saturday. All of these are true stories, heard or lived while having a beer. This book is the result of the author’s Masters of Fine Arts in Communication Technologies and Languages at ECO UFRJ. His work covers the difficulties of making comic books in loco.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2019


        Policies of oblivion

        by Giselle Beiguelman

        Giselle Beiguelman assembles textual and visual essays in the field of the aesthetics of memory that gravitate around experimental works and research conducted in artistic interventions, in order to propose a reflection on the right to memory as opposed to the systematic policies of oblivion.

      • Individual actors & performers

        On the Beat

        My Story

        by Graham Cole

        Actor Graham Cole pounded the beat in ITV1 police drama The Bill for more than two decades and won plaudits for his carefully crafted portrayal of dependable PC Tony Stamp, the television cop most like the real thing. While on screen Tony Stamp became a Sun Hill stalwart and the sort of old-fashioned policeman you would want on your side, off-screen Graham worked tirelessly with the real police to make sure he's kept up to date with frontline officers. Graham worked in the NHS as a porter before starting his acting career doing summer seasons and working in holiday camps. His television break came as an extra playing monsters in Doctor Who and appearing in episodes of shows such as Only Fools and Horses and Secret Army. Later his skill at stage fighting landed him work as an extra in The Bill and it wasn't long before he was given a full-time job as area car driver and all round good guy Tony Stamp. Now, in a witty and candid memoir, he reveals just what it was like to star in one of television's most enduring series, the key events he's seen during his time on the show and how he really felt about leaving after 25 years. On The Beat is the entertaining autobiography of a likeable star who reveals the inside story behind the scenes of Britain's favourite police drama and the ups and downs of an actor's life.

      • The Boy and the Sparrow

        by Daniel Munduruku

        A charming story about freedom and independence. During a nice walk with his mom, a little boy finds a cute baby sparrow that has fallen from its nest. Unable to locate the sparrow’s mother, the boy decides to adopt it. From this day on, the boy takes care of the bird with a great deal of love and affection, caring for its survival and development. However, as the sparrow grows, it refuses to be looked after by the boy, since it wishes to fly and find food by itself. Despite his broken heart, the boy has to accept that the bird is meant to be free.

      • December 2020

        Why I can't like him/her?

        by Anna Claudia Ramos, Antônio Schimeneck

        Adolescence is a time of many doubts, anxieties and uncertainties. In this phase, sexuality is unfolding, and we are going through — because everyone has gone, is going or will go through — self-questions about all conditions, all desires, including regarding sexuality. If on the one hand, we see in beautiful social networks beautiful movements of self-acceptance and discovery, on the other hand we live in a time of great obscurantism and attempt to cage the desires and contain the experiences of young people – whether at home or at school, and unfortunately, many times, with public authority initiative. This book asks this of young people, who often find themselves trapped by a cultural need (or family pressure) to create heteronormative bonds, when, in fact, they feel the desire for people of the same sex. But this book also understands that it is necessary to take this issue to the world, so that everyone reflects on otherness, sexuality and, mainly, the many possibilities of affection and desire. Por que não consigo gostar dele/dela? is a book with two sides, two covers, four stories and many testimonials.

      • November 2020

        Epaminondas Goiabeira & the Hapiness Machine

        by Júlio Emílio Braz

        Julio Emilio Braz brings us a story where time is the preponderant element: the past dialogues with the more-than-perfect past tense. And, in this confluence of times, the Spanish flu comes, a more striking plague that plagued humanity in the last century. Lightly, but at the same time dense, Júlio brings strong themes such as the loss of loved ones and new affectionate relationships. The graphic design is by Raquel Matsushita, who already brings some of the gear of this time machine to the cover. Finalist book AEI-LIJ Literature Award.

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