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      • Petra Schier

        Petra Schier, Jahrgang 1978, lebt mit Mann und Hund in einer kleinen Gemeinde in der Eifel. Sie studierte Geschichte und Literatur an der Fernuniversität Hagen und arbeitet seit 2003 freie Autorin. Ihre sehr erfolgreichen historischen Romane erscheinen u.a. im Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, ihre ebenfalls sehr beliebten Weihnachts- sowie Liebesromane bei Rütten Loening, MIRA Taschenbuch, HarperCollins und Weltbild.Unter dem Pseudonym Mila Roth veröffentlicht die Autorin verlagsunabhängig verschiedene erfolgreiche Buchserien.

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      • Trusted Partner
        March 1995

        Sallys Glück


        by Elizabeth Arnim, Schamma Schahadat

        Ein erfrischender und amüsanter Roman um eine unschuldige junge Frau, die das Herz am rechten Fleck hat und, nichts Böses ahnend, in eine versnobte Gesellschaft gerät...

      • Trusted Partner
        March 1996

        Priscilla auf Reisen


        by Elizabeth Arnim, Schamma Schahadat

        Elizabeth von Arnim wurde am 30. August 1866 bei Sydney als Mary Anette Beauchamp geboren und wuchs in England auf. Sie war eine Cousine von Katherine Mansfield, mit der sie in späteren Jahren bis zu deren Tod 1923 auch eine enge Freundschaft verband. Mit 24 Jahren heiratete Elizabeth den preußischen Grafen Henning August von Arnim-Schlagenthin und lebte in Berlin und auf dem Familiengut Nassenheide in Pommern, wo auch ihr erster Roman Elizabeth und ihr Garten (1898) entstand. Als die Familie in finanzielle Schwierigkeiten geriet, mußte das Gut verkauft werden. 1908 trennte sich das Ehepaar. Elizabeth von Arnim kehrte mit den Kindern nach England zurück. Die darauffolgenden Jahre bis 1913 verbrachte Elizabeth von Arnim meist in der Schweiz und in Großbritannien an der Seite von Herbert George Wells. 1916 ehelichte sie Frank Russell, 2. Earl Russell, und Bruder von Bertrand Russell. Die Ehe dauerte bis 1919. Elizabeth von Arnim lebte fortan in Großbritannien; Italien und schließlich in Südfrankreich, 1939 emigrierte sie in die USA. Sie starb am 9. Februar 1941 in Charleston / South Carolina.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        March 2007

        Tage des Glücks

        by Elizabeth Arnim, Angelika Beck, Adelheid Dormagen, Helga Herborth, Karin Schab, Schamma Schahadat, Adelheid Dormagen, Adelheid Dormagen

        »Ich bin immer glücklich, aber auf ganz unterschiedliche Weise, und mein Frühlingsglück ähnelt nicht meinem Sommeroder Herbstglück.« Ein einsamer Garten im Frühjahr mit den ersten Blütenknospen; der bunt blühende Sommergarten mit Schmetterlingen, die laue Luft der mediterranen Landschaft oder ein Spaziergang im Schnee mit dem Hund – für Elizabeth von Arnim hat das Glück viele Facetten. Der vorliegende Band versammelt die schönsten Glücksmomente aus den Werken von Elizabeth von Arnim und zeigt, daß es meist die einfachen Dinge des Lebens sind, die das Herz erfreuen.

      • April 2013

        Lui mi completa

        Out of Print

        by Cardeno C., Barbara Cinelli, Paul Richmond, Paul Richmond

        Un Libro della Serie HomeNemmeno il funerale di sua madre riesce a convincere l’auto proclamato festaiolo Zach Johnson a mettere da parte il suo essere appariscente e a sistemarsi. Lui è ciò che è e nessuno lo farà cambiare. Ma quando incontra Aaron Paulson, il migliore amico di suo fratello, Zach deve fare un passo indietro e riconsiderare la percezione che ha dell’amore e della famiglia.Aaron insiste con il dire che si sta innamorando di lui, ma Zach è certo che Aaron lo veda solo come un altro progetto: un’altra anima persa da salvare per Aaron l’idealista. Zach non è danneggiato, non ha bisogno di essere aggiustato. Aaron è insistente, però, e Zach si sente tentato. Vuole credere nel ‘vissero felici e contenti’, ma sarà in grado di ingoiare il proprio orgoglio abbastanza a lungo da vedere cosa c’è nel cuore di Aaron? ;

      • Literature & Literary Studies

        Sciroppo da more

        Brunette liquide

        by Paolo Bruni

        Talking about sonnets in the twenty-first century might seem somehow outdated. Yet, Bruni's verses are of a stainless vital energy, impervious to the liquid erosion of time. The power of a calibrated verse, the adequate rhyme, the abundance of details determine the evolution of a collection that exudes from every syllable the pure essence of the poet who is absorbed by his own words. ---  Paolo Bruni è un autore dinamico, multiforme, aperto a intraprendere con coraggio strade nuove e a costruire ponti umani, senza paura che crollino. D’altronde, le sue stesse origini sono un crocevia di direttrici culturali che si intersecano: la Sicilia e la Calabria sono le terre dei suoi antenati, mentre Roma è la città in cui sono nati, e tuttora vivono con le rispettive famiglie, il padre Nicola, giornalista di successo, e il poeta stesso.Parlare di sonetti nel ventunesimo secolo potrebbe sembrare a molti fuori tempo massimo. Eppure, leggendo i versi del Bruni, si coglie un’energia vitale inossidabile, impermeabile alla liquida erosione del tempo. Il potere di un verso calibrato, la rima adeguata, la dovizia di particolari che volge al dettaglio sempre e comunque determinano l’evoluzione di una raccolta che trasuda da ogni sillaba l’essenza pura del poeta che viene assorbito dalle sue stesse parole.Si colgono momenti in cui la dolcezza è come un mare calmo, lievemente increspato da una brezza disposta ad accarezzarlo, che si tramuta di colpo in tempesta. In “Sciroppo da more – Brunette liquide” le emozioni divengono musica, poiché l’armonia si sposa perfettamente con l’arte ardita della parola ed entrambe danzano insieme scivolando giù fino a un bivio inatteso, dove si palesa l’alter ego dell'autore, quel Paul Bernàc che, con prepotenza quasi irriverente, si fa largo là dove il Bruni non oserebbe metter piede. Qui, da questo suggestivo sdoppiamento, nasce un’irresistibile fascinazione la quale genera, per incanto, la poesia della vita, che nasce come un incontro effimero ma, proprio per questo, magico e irripetibile.

      • May 2023


        by Nina Avellaneda

        Souza lays carpet in apartments and Luiza is an actress; their lives are dominated by precarity, failure, and sacrifice. After a chance meeting they feel a mutual interest. It’s hard to say if they fall for each other because that’s not how they move through the world. Still, this is a story, and Souza and Luiza are the gravitational center of a narrator writing about them while sitting in a crowded cafe; she’s interested in exploring people, feelings, but principally, the art of fiction.Souza is a refreshing work situated between ambiguity and voraciousness, it’s exquisite and subtle, intelligent and poetic, and Nina Avellaneda is an author to keep a close eye on.

      • Children's & YA

        Heroes Atlas

        by Miralda Colombo

        One hundred and one inspiring stories of the notable men and women who shaped the world with their ideas, their genius, their creativity or courage. From super scientists to clued-up creatives, from writers to dreamers, these profiles explore the life of each personality in detail, with gorgeous illustrations. This educational book includes worldwide famous figures, as well as lesser-known personalities, but all very inspiring for children.

      • February 2020


        Dall’eterotopia alla rigenerazione

        by Emanuele, Iula

        The book presents an original philosophical reflection on the urban suburbs, on their birth and their functioning, as well as on the human suburbs, with the experience of those who live "remotely", as a peripheral being. The path followed leads to a substantial reformulation of our way of understanding the suburbs, in the wake of the pastoral attention of the magisterium of Pope Francis, with the aim of opening new paths of meaning.

      • The Arts

        The Journey of the Three Wise Men

        by John of Hildesheim

        Written in the second half of the 14th century, this book by John of Hildesheim is an outstanding document of Medieval literature and historiography. The text is accompanied by some of the most wonderful illustrations taken from the great artistic tradition dating from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance and it shows the inspiration that John of Hildesheim has given to the whole Christian iconography of Christmas and to some of the most outstanding works of art. “The remarkable iconography accompanying this volume, with forty-three different representations of the story of the three wise men (from Gentile da Fabriano to Lippi, from Giotto to Botticelli, from Benozzo Gozzoli to Piero della Francesca), is an evidence of the appeal of a story in which history, devotion, theology are closely intertwined, starting from the very journey of those three figures as the symbolic guiding thread of the Gospel narration.” (Card. Gianfranco Ravasi)

      • Children's & YA

        Benni, Celestina e 3 piani in ascensore

        by Patrizia Fortunati, Roberta Procacci

        The story of a great friendship between different generations. The last bell of the year rings and Benni is finally free from the school! Will she be able to relax? Of course not! She will have to get to work immediately to save the old De Profundis from a sad destiny: the retirement home. With her, the inseparable parrot Celestina, a group of old friends and a Chinese maid with a Sicilian accent. Amidst twists and small lies, the brigade will devise the most adventurous plans to save De Profundis... Will they be able to save their old friends? They certainly will not give up easily!

      • Fiction
        September 2020


        by Sacha Naspini

        Cillerai’s widow can’t seem to be able to shed a tear for her husband’s death. She hasn’t cried when she found his body, she hasn’t cried at his funeral. When her daughter goes back home in France, Nives is left alone in her estate, with her animals and her little home. Nights are the toughest. She can’t sleep – her body feels numb and completely awake; one day she decides to take her favourite chicken, Giacomina, from the henhouse and keep her with her in the bedroom. Her anxiety immediately evaporates. She feels relieved and guilty: how could she replace her dead husband with a chicken?   She sleeps safe and sound now, silence and loneliness don’t scare her anymore. She even starts feeling inexplicably happy… Then one day, Giacomina ends up paralyzed in front of the tv, hypnotized by a detergent ad. Nives tries everything to wake her, but the chicken seems to be completely frozen. The only choice she is left with is to call the vet, Loriano Bottai.   Follows a phone call that seems to last a lifetime. Soon the conversation slips from the chicken to the past – the tension on the line changes, it becomes something else. Something that echoes regrets, rage and unforgivable memories – lost loves and bitterness.   Beyond Our Souls at Night, Nives is the stories we tell ourselves at night, when we can’t sleep. Stories of unspoken passions, of abandonment, of silent, heart-breaking nostalgia. We go back and forth in time with Nives, and we feel her anger, her loneliness, her desperate generosity in giving all of herself to Loriano and to the reader. With rage and infinite dignity, she breaks down and slowly takes the pieces of her life, of a life she told herself was hers, back together in one phone call – oftentimes it seems she is not even listening to the other side, but more speaking to her past self. She wants to fill the void that has haunted her for thirty years. What to do of that past, of all the roads we wanted to take we never had the guts to follow? What to do with all the years spent living lies? But ultimately – is life ever a lie, or is it just what it is? Are the sliding doors just stories we tell ourselves when we are not able to accept who we truly are?   With this new, ground-breaking novel, Naspini explores the core of who we are with such delicateness, such humanity, that it is impossible not to recognize yourself in the flawed, sad, messy, beautiful lives these characters have built for themselves. Nives’ story, her inner world, her courage in finally embracing the truth of her life, makes her story universal and necessary – she is honest, raw, clean, incorruptible. A fierce new heroine of Italian contemporary literature, one that is finally not afraid to look at herself in the mirror.

      • Made in Italy

        treasures, ingredients and traditional recipes

        by Marino Marini

        A book dedicated to all that is typical of Italian gastronomy, with particular attention given to the concept of excellence: Italian delicacies, places and flavours, and above all, 150 of the best traditional recipes. The book is grouped into 10 geographic areas: for each, we present the most representative dishes, the best typical products and producers of excellence, as well as a selection of eateries and restaurants, which are often outside the “official” circuit but always characterized by great quality. A masterpiece that is a must-have for the bookcase of every gourmand, tourist and simple food-enthusiasts.


        freedom stories for boys and girls chasing big dreams


        An engaging collection of biographies of present-day heroes: women and men who stand out for struggling for love and freedomFrom Rudol’f Nureev to Tiziano Ferro, from Christian Andersen to Keith Haring, a collection of 12 biographies of famous people who have distinguished themselves in thht against sexual and gender discriminatioe computer was invented by Alan Turing; Darla, a famous character from the cartoon Nemo, owes its name to the Pixar producer who invented it; the captain of the American national football team that won the women’s World Cup is Megan Rapinoe, who with her charisma has enchanted men and women all over the world. If recently the editorial proposal on the LGBTQ theme has focused on “coming out”, this book - through compelling stories of courage - conveys a message completely indipendent from the sexual orientation of the reader, and focuses on the exemplarity of the actions that make these personalities prominent and true examples for future generations.

      • Etica dell'acquario

        by Ilaria Gaspari

        Gaia is beautiful, self-centred and unhappy. One day in November she returns to the city where she studied, after an absence of ten years. Nothing seems to have changed in Pisa, but everything has. Gaia meets up again with her old friends and the love of her university days, but now they are divided by the years they spent apart and the loss of a fellow student, Virginia, who died in obscure circumstances. The investigation into the mysterious suicide winds its way through the streets of the city and the colleges of the Scuola Normale, amidst buried memories and obsessions that come to light.


        by LODOVICA CIMA

        e Creation, Adam and Eve, Noah and the Ark, Moses and thht from Egypt, David and Goliath, the wisdom of Solomon, the birth of Jesus, the parables and miracles of the Gospels, the Lord’s Prayer... an accurate and masterfully narrated selection of 60 among the most beautiful stories of the Old and New Testaments, signed by Lodovica Cima.

      • January 2019

        La città post-secolare

        Il nuovo dibattito sulla secolarizzazione

        by Paolo Costa

        The secularization debate went through a big change during the last fifty years. Could this change be described as a paradigm shift? The volume, after an introduction that deeply analyses the “secularization” concept, picks up and discusses in eight chapters several exemplary figures in the recent debate (H. Blumenberg, D. Martin, C. Taylor, H. Joas, T. Asad, M. Gauchet, J. Habermas, G. Vattimo).Thus, the Author gives for the very first time, a systematic reconstruction of the changes and developments in this debate, ending in a real paradigm shift. The conclusion is however hesitant. It is unclear, Costa claims, whether this concept is still helpful to understand what is going on around us now and is in store for us in the near future. Winner of the Book Prize of the European Society for Catholic Theology (category: senior scholar)

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