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      • Grupo edebé

        At the beginning of the 1990s, edebé embarked on a very solid literary project that included readers for children of all ages. Now edebé has several collections such as My Favourite Tales Tren azul, Tucán (blue, green, orange, red) or Periscopio, ... Some of these collections have already reached 100 titles and have obtained several national and international awards & mentions (Spanish National Children’s and Young Adult Literature Prize, Strega Award, IBBY, White Ravens, Banco libro Venezuela, Cento Award...). Moreover, in 1993 EDEBE promoted the edebé Literature Award acknowledged as one of the most prestigious awards of Children’s and Young Adult’s Literature in our country given the solid, skilled range of writers who have already been awarded, in some cases acting as a springboard for their literary career (see the list in our catalogue).

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      • Grupo Planeta

        Grupo Planeta is Spain’s leading family-owned publishing and media group and it boasts an extensive product offering at the service of culture, learning, news and audiovisual entertainment. In the years since Editorial Planeta was founded in Barcelona by José Manuel Lara Hernández, in 1949, the Group has become a multinational enterprise. It combines a solid business tradition with its capacity for innovation and its European and international vocation, with an especially prominent presence in Spain, France, Portugal and Latin America.

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      • Trusted Partner


        by Mestre Ricardo (Cachorro)

        LA DESCONOCIDA CAPOEIRA: Secretos ocultos de la capoeira brasileña original por Mestre Ricardo (Cachorro) Capoeira es un arte marcial desarrollado por esclavos africanos en Brasil a partir del siglo XVI, como resultado de la fusión de diversos grupos étnicos que originalmente trajeron consigo a Sudamérica su identidad cultural, así como su simiente de libertad. A pesar de la sólida evidencia de la influencia de una gran variedad de otras formas de artes marciales africanos, la capoeira es esencialmente una expresión brasileña, con muchos aficionados y profesionales que la practican en todos los continentes. Aunque la capoeira valora muchos de sus aspectos culturales e históricos, que nadie se lleve a engaño, ?pues se trata de un sistema de lucha eficaz y mortífero! Como resultado de su desarrollo a través de los años, la capoeira se ha convertido en el arte marcial más rico, espectacular y hermoso del mundo. No obstante, la mayoría de los capoeiristas no saben que, en las manos de un profesional serio y disciplinado, este fascinante arte marcial puede convertirse en un arma graciosamente atlética y también mortal. En este libro aprenderá los secretos de la capoeira, tal y como se ejecuta en la roda o en un combate real. Maniobras, combate cuerpo a cuerpo y técnicas aéreas se describen en detalle a un nivel de perfección, mediante cientos de ilustraciones. En los diagramas se explican maniobras especiales, jamás antes publicadas en el mundo de las artes marciales. Además, los lectores tienen libre acceso a apasionantes archivos animados en formato GIF, para presenciar las numerosas maniobras que se presentan en el libro. Mestre Ricardo, alias Cachorro, graduado del Grupo Bantus de Capoeira del Mestre Adilson en Morro do Pavão y Pavãozinho —barrios pobres y marginados en medio de los ricos suburbios de Río de Janeiro— fue el primer Mestre del Grupo Capoeira de la Asociación Cristiana de Jóvenes en la isla del Gobernador, habiendo recibido dicho honor en 1975. Al año siguiente se convirtió en Mestre certificado de la FCP, la primera Federación de Capoeira de Río de Janeiro y en el mismo año presentó a la capoeira en un programa de televisión en vivo filmado en Carolina del Norte, patrocinado por la Asociación Cristiana de Jóvenes (YMCA) local. En la década de 1970, Mestre Ricardo fue integrante del equipo de gimnasia olímpica del Club de Fútbol Fluminense de Río de Janeiro, donde se especializó en ejercicios de suelo. Durante su carrera como profesional de capoeira, Ricardo aprendió y practicó boxeo, karate Shotokan y judo, como medio para comprender mejor los mecanismos de movimiento del cuerpo involucrados en diversas artes marciales. Se prevé la publicación de una versión en inglés americano, en el otoño de 2009. Otra nueva obra de la serie de Capoeira: La increíble historia de la Capoeira

      • Trusted Partner


        by Mestre Ricardo (Cachorro)

        DIE UNBEKANNTE CAPOEIRA Die Geheimnisse der traditionellen brasilianischen Kampfsportart von Mestre Ricardo (Cachorro) Capoeira ist eine Kampsportart, die von afrikanischen Sklaven im 16. Jahrhundert in Brasilien entwickelt wurde. Sie hat ihre Entstehung dem Mix verschiedener ethnischer Gruppen zu verdanken, die ihre kulturelle Identität und ihren Freiheitsdrang mit nach Südamerika brachten. Trotz der Hinweise auf verschiedene Einflüsse anderer Formen traditioneller afrikanischer Kampfsportarten ist Capoeira im wesentlichen eine typisch brasilianische Entwicklung, die mittlerweile viele Anhänger auf allen Kontinenten hat. Obwohl Capoeira die kulturellen und historischen Aspekte sehr betont, sollte man sich nicht täuschen lassen: Es handelt sich um eine effiziente und potenziell tödliche Kampfweise. Aufgrund der erstaunlichen Verbreitung in den vergangenen Jahren gilt Capoeira mittlerweile als die spektakulärste und schönste Kampfsportart der Welt. Was jedoch selbst die meisten Capoeiristas nicht wissen, ist, dass diese faszinierende Kampfsportart in den Händen eines ernsthaften Praktizierenden zu einer eleganten athletischen, aber auch tödlichen Waffe werden kann. In diesem Buch werden die Geheimnisse der Capoeira vorgestellt, wie sie in der Roda, dem eigentlichen Kampf, praktiziert werden. Bewegungen, Bodenkampf und Sprungtechniken werden mit Hilfe von Hunderten Illustrationen bis ins kleinste Detail beschrieben. Diagramme erläutern spezielle Manöver, die nie zuvor in der Kampfsportliteratur veröffentlicht wurden. Leser erhalten freien Zugriff auf Online-Grafiken für die zahlreichen im Buch vorgestellten Bewegungen. Mestre Ricardo, alias Cachorro, Absolvent der Mestre Adilson’s Grupo Bantus de Capoeira in Morro do Pavão e Pavãozinho – einer Gegend mit ärmlichen Slums inmitten der reichen Vorstädte von Rio de Janeiro – war der erste Mestre der YMCA Capoeira-Gruppe in Governor’s Island, der diesen Ehrentitel bereits 1975 erhielt. Im folgenden Jahr wurde er von der ersten Federation of Capoeira of Rio de Janeiro, der FCP, als Mestre anerkannt und im Jahr darauf führte er Capoeira in einer Live-TV-Sendung ein, die im US-Bundesstaat North Carolina gefilmt und vom dortigen YMCA gesponsort wurde. In den siebziger Jahren war Mestre Ricarod Mitglied des Gymnastik-Olympiateams des Fußballvereins Fluminense in Rio de Janeiro, wo er sich auf Bodenübungen spezialisierte. Während seiner Laufbahn als Capoeira-Lehrer lernte Ricardo außerdem Boxen, Shotaka Karate und Judo, um die Bewegungsabläufe in verschiedenen Kampfsportarten besser zu verstehen. Eine englische Ausgabe für Nordamerika erschien im October 2009.

      • Trusted Partner

        UNKNOWN CAPOEIRA :Volume I

        secret Techniques of the Original Brazilian Martial Art

        by Mestre Ricardo (Cachorro)

        Capoeira is a martial art developed by African slaves in Brazil from the 16th century, as a result of the fusion of several ethnic groups that originally brought with them to South America their cultural identity, as well as their seeds of liberty. Despite the strong evidence of influence from a plurality of other forms of ancient African martial arts, capoeira is essentially an original Brazilian expression with many practitioners and enthusiasts in every continent. Although capoeira values much of its cultural and historical aspects, no one should be misled - it is an efficient and deadly fighting system! As a result of its development throughout the years, capoeira became the richest and the most spectacular and beautiful martial art on the planet. However, what even most capoeiristas do not know is that this fascinating martial art can turn into a gracefully athletic and also lethal weapon at the hands (and feet) of any disciplined, serious practitioner. In this book you will learn unique secrets of capoeira as performed in the roda or in actual combat. Moves, ground fighting and aerial techniques are fully described to the level of perfection, with the help of hundreds of pictures. Diagrams explain special maneuvers never before published in the world of martial arts. Additionally, readers will have free access to exciting animated GIF files for the numerous moves presented in the book. Mestre Ricardo, a.k.a. Cachorro, a graduate of Mestre Adilson’s Grupo Bantus de Capoeira at Morro do Pavão e Pavãozinho – poverty-stricken slums in the midst of the rich suburbs of Rio de Janeiro – was the first Mestre of the YMCA Capoeira Group in Governor’s Island, achieving this honor in 1975. The following year, he became a certified Mestre from the first federation of capoeira of Rio de Janeiro, the FCP, and in the same year he introduced capoeira in a live TV show filmed in North Carolina, sponsored by the local YMCA. In the 1970’s Mestre Ricardo was a member of the Olympic gymnastics team of Rio de Janeiro’s Fluminense Football Club, where he specialized in floor exercises. During his professional career as a capoeira practitioner, Ricardo learned and practiced boxing, Shotokan karate and judo as a means to better understand the body mechanics of motion involved in different martial arts. An English-language edition was  publlished in fall 2009, 288 pages, two colors, 16.5X24 cm, 200-plus illustrated practical moves. Further new title in the Capoeira series: The Amazing History of Capoeira

      • Trusted Partner

        Les secrets cachés de la capoeira

        by Mestre Ricardo (Cachorro)

        La capoeira, cette inconnue Les secrets cachés de la capoeira brésilienne originale par Mestre Ricardo (Cachorro) La capoeira est un art martial développé par les esclaves africains au Brésil à partir du 16ème siècle, résultant de la fusion de différents groupes ethniques qui avaient originellement apporté avec eux leur propre identité culturelle en Amérique du Sud, en même temps que leur esprit de liberté. En dépit de la forte évidence des influences d'une diversité d'autres formes des anciens arts martiaux africains, la capoeira est essentiellement une expression originale brésilienne avec de nombreux adeptes et de fans enthousiastes sur tous les continents. Bien que la capoeira tienne en haute estime ses aspects culturels et historiques, il ne faut pas s'y tromper : il s'agit d'une méthode de combat efficace et mortelle ! A la suite de son développement au long des années, la capoeira est devenue l'art martial le plus riche, le plus spectaculaire et le plus beau de la planète. Cependant, ce que même la plupart des capoeiristas ne savant pas, c'est que cet art martial fascinant peut devenir une arme à la fois athlétique et gracieuse, mais aussi mortelle entre les mains (et les pieds) de n'importe quel adepte le pratiquant de manière disciplinée et sérieuse. Dans ce livre, vous apprendrez les secrets particuliers de la capoeira telle qu'elle est exécutée dans une roda ou dans un véritable combat. Les mouvements, le combat au sol et les techniques aériennes sont entièrement décrits au niveau de la perfection, à l'aide de centaines d'illustrations. Des diagrammes expliquent des manœuvres spéciales encore jamais publiées dans l'univers des arts martiaux. De plus, les lecteurs disposeront du libre accès à de passionnants fichiers animés GIF illustrant les nombreux mouvements présentés dans le livre. Mestre Ricardo, connu de son surnom de Cachorro, qui appartenait au Grupo Bantus de Capoeira de Mestre Adilson, à Morro do Pavão e Pavãozinho – un bidonville frappé de pauvreté planté au milieu des riches banlieues de Rio de Janeiro – fut le premier Mestre du groupe de Capoeira du YMCA à Governor’s Island, à New York, obtenant cet honneur en 1975. L'année suivante, il devint un Mestre licencié par la Première Fédération de Capoeira de Rio de Janeiro, la FCP, et la même année il présenta la capoeira dans une émission de télévision en direct filmée en Caroline du Nord, patronnée par la section locale du YMCA. Dans les années 1970, Mestre Ricardo était un membre de l'équipe de gymnastique olympique du Fluminense Football Club de Rio de Janeiro, où il se spécialisa dans les exercices au sol. Au cours de sa carrière professionnelle d'adepte de la capoeira, Ricardo a étudié et pratiqué la boxe, le karaté Shotokan et le judo, les utilisant pour mieux comprendre les mécanismes de mouvement du corps rencontrés dans les différents arts martiaux. Une édition en anglais pour l'Amérique du Nord a été publiée en automne 2009.

      • Trusted Partner

        El misterioso túnel de la calle Basel

        by Pnina Ofir

        El misterioso túnel de la calle Basel por Pnina Ofir El relato se escenifica en un típico barrio de los viejos tiempos en el centro de Tel Aviv. Durante décadas podían verse en el barrio una estación de bomberos, una clínica para emergencias médicas y un colorido mercado popular al aire libre. Hasta que un día el aspecto de la calle cambió por completo. Enormes palas mecánicas comenzaron a derribar los edificios para reemplazarlos por dos modernas casas de varios pisos y una plaza pública pavimentada. Un grupo de niños del sexto grado que viven en el barrio descubren que además de las excavaciones realizadas por la compañía constructora hay alguien excavando simultáneamente por su propia cuenta. Se trata de un par de criminales que aprovechan el ruido y el tumulto de la construcción para desenterrar un misterioso baúl que había sido enterrado hace mucho tiempo bajo la estación de bomberos. La curiosidad y el valor de los niños conduce a la captura de los criminales momentos antes de la aparición del baúl resolviendo así el misterio.

      • Trusted Partner

        La increíble historia de la Capoeira

        by Mestre Ricardo Cachorro

        La increíble historia de la Capoeira / Mestre Ricardo Cachorro   La capoeira, una disciplina original afrobrasileña, es bastante difícil de definir dadas sus múltiples facetas, como arte marcial mortal y danza exótica, que se inspira en una antigua cultura remota. Casi cuatrocientos años de trata de esclavos han legado a Brasil un patrimonio cultural envidiable, basado en una afluencia continua de diversos grupos étnicos que, en combinación con las distintas expresiones regionales autóctonas, africanas y europeas y sus constantes cambios geopolíticos, ha producido una única, colorida y vibrante sociedad multicultural y multiétnica inmersa en su nueva identidad brasileña. Del siglo XVIII al XIX, las duras condiciones a las que fueron sometidos los esclavos negros llevaron a una creciente ola de revueltas de esclavos en las Américas, donde los fugitivos formaron comunidades cimarronas independientes en las Antillas francesas, españolas, británicas y holandesas, así como las comunidades quilombolas en Brasil y emprendieron guerras de guerrillas contra los amos y dueños de plantaciones, dando lugar a campañas contra la esclavitud en Europa y a la abolición de la esclavitud en las Américas. La capoeira fue el resultado de la experiencia diaspórica propia de Brasil, una rama de un gran árbol que creció hasta convertirse en un arte social único y complejo, que no se puede disociar de su perspectiva histórica y antropológica. La increíble historia de la Capoeira, escrita por el experto brasileño en capoeira Ricardo Mestre Cachorro, da a conocer la Era de la exploración y la trata de esclavos resultante y presenta la esclavitud africana ya en el siglo XV, mucho antes de que los esclavos negros fueran llevados al Nuevo Mundo. La fascinante saga de la familia Akindele, del hermoso reino yoruba de Adágún Lwá, le llevará al seno del África precolonial y a las tierras de la recién explorada Bahía de Todos los Santos en 1531, donde comenzó la historia casi sagrada de la capoeira. De los nuevos hallazgos en África a los descubrimientos en Brasil, este libro cautivante navega a través de las feitorías y capitanías —los molinos de caña del siglo 17— la verdadera y casi desconocida cuna de la capoeira. Saca a luz hermosos aspectos históricos y culturales de los períodos coloniales, con sus artes, su música y su religión, el crisol africano que se formó de la fusión de las antiguas culturas de África y de los nuevos escenarios rurales y urbanos afrobrasileños y, por último, los antiguos y los modernos creadores de la capoeira. La increíble historia de la Capoeira es una delicia para todos los aficionados, los profesionales y los instructores de capoeira que desean saber más acerca de esta original disciplina afrobrasileña, así como para estudiantes de historia, antropología, arte, música, teatro y ámbitos anexos, desde el investigador académico al amante curioso de la historia y la cultura. Se prevé la publicación de una versión en inglés, en la primavera de 2011. Si todo esto le hace desear dedicarse a la práctica del arte de la capoeira en la roda, le recomendamos leer: LA DESCONOCIDA CAPOEIRA - Secretos ocultos de la capoeira brasileña original

      • Trusted Partner
        Zoology & animal sciences
        May 2021

        Nutrition and Feeding Organic Cattle

        by Robert Blair

        Organic cattle farming is on the increase, with consumer demand for organic milk and meat growing yearly. Beginning with an overview of the aims and principles behind organic cattle production, this book presents extensive information about how to feed cattle so that the milk and meat produced meet organic standards, and provides a comprehensive summary of ruminant digestive processes and nutrition. Since the publication of the first edition, global consumers have increasingly become concerned with the sustainability of meat production. Here, Robert Blair considers the interrelationships of sustainable practices and profitability of organic herds, reviewing how to improve forage production and quality, and minimizing the need for supplementary feeding using off-farm ingredients. This new edition also covers: - Managing a recurrent shortage of organic feed ingredients, due to increased GM feed crop cultivation worldwide - Current findings on appropriate breeds and grazing systems for forage-based organic production - Diet-related health issues in organic herds and the effects of organic production on meat and milk quality. Required reading for animal science researchers, advisory personnel that service the organic milk and beef industries and students interested in organic milk and meat production, this book is also a useful resource for organic farming associations, veterinarians, and feed and food industry personnel.

      • Trusted Partner
        Horror & ghost stories, chillers (Children's/YA)
        October 2021

        El año de la rata

        by Jorge Alderete

        Our forests are shrinking every year due to fires forestry. Trees and all life that inhabits them, from tiny microorganisms to families of birds and animals are destroyed by flames that in most cases, are caused by we, humans.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2018

        Nutrition and Feeding of Organic Poultry

        by Robert Blair

        Organic poultry production has increased significantly in recent years to keep up with increasing consumer demand for organic eggs and meat. There are many guidelines and restrictions on what should go into the feed of organically-farmed poultry, from which difficulties arise when trying to ensure a well-balanced nutritious diet without the use of any unapproved supplements. This, the second edition of Robert Blair's classic and bestselling book on the nutrition and feeding of organic poultry, presents advice for organic producers, and the agencies and organizations serving them. It covers: - Selecting suitable ingredients. - Preparing appropriate feed mixtures and integrating them into organic poultry production systems. - International standards for organic feeding. - Breeds that are most suitable for organic farming. - Examples of diets formulated to organic standards. Completely updated and revised to address how to formulate organic diets in situations where there is a declining supply of organic feed, this new edition also includes up-to-date information on the nutritional requirements of poultry and feed-related disease incidence in organic flocks. Also including the feasibility of utilizing novel feed, such as insect meal, and their acceptability by consumers of organic meat products, this book forms a comprehensive reference for students, organic farmers, veterinarians and researchers.

      • Children's & YA

        Werewolf. Furtive

        by Pedro Riera

        In that mountainous region, the belief in the existence ofwerewolves had been part of a centuries-old tradition thateveryone felt very proud of, even though few took it seriously.However, young Eduardo starts having doubts about it aftera couple of close encounters with a strange presence in theforest, like some kind of predator is stalking... To makematters worse, a certain rumour starts spreading, involvinga werewolf hunter and a writer that has just arrived at thevillage.

      • 2022

        Cómo sobrevivir a… la Antigua Roma

        by El Fisgón Histórico

        Bloodthirsty emperors, erupting volcanoes, games where you can lose your head... Are you sure you could survive in Ancient Rome? The age of the Caesars is one of the most exciting times in history, but beware! It's not all about gladiators or relaxing in the baths -danger is around every corner! Luckily, the Historical Snoop comes to your rescue. With this comprehensive survival guide, you'll learn all about the Romans and the threats of the time, and maybe, just maybe... you'll make it out of Ancient Rome in one piece! If you think history is boring, it's because you don't know it!

      • 2022


        by Amaya García Arregui y Alberto Mínguez

        When the space shuttle Sila V takes off for the far reaches of the Solar System, it does so with the wrong crew: twelve children. The boys and girls, selected by WASA (the future NASA) to promote the Lunae 2 mission, come from twelve different countries and have very different social backgrounds. Faced with the impossibility of turning around, and during the two years of the trip, they will have to live in a framework of isolation and multiple difficulties, such as the demands of a hard training, the low gravity or the unknowns regarding their unexpected take-off.

      • 2022

        El jardín de las mentiras

        by Antonio G. Iturbe

        Farah had emigrated to Mars with her grandparents when she was ten years old after losing her parents due to the great environmental catastrophe of Earth. In New Tokyo, she becomes the youngest police lieutenant in the entire Solar System. She was the first of her promotion and surpassed other candidates in all the exams. However, she is also the one who accumulates more sanction for breaching the protocols. Farah does not usually accept orders with which she does not agree... That is why her boss offers her to lead a small quick intervention team, with carte blanche, abnormal or exceptional situations in which not even the highest AI police robots are effective. And so begins her first mission: a homicide case at the V-66 biotech research station on Venus.

      • 2021

        Operación Primavera

        by Caty Guzmán Rodrigo

        Spring revolution is the first title in the collection, and is related to the importance of preserving the planet. Mane, a curious and imaginative girl like any other, finds a pocket watch that has 17 numbers instead of 12, and only one hand that incessantly dials five numbers. Images of a beautiful, living planet appear from the watch. Mane, her brother and her inseparable friend have in the watch the perfect guide to change the world.

      • 2022

        La niña que quería ser tortuga

        by Pedro Riera

        Silvia and Fabio are classmates. For her, Fabio is a superficial posh boy who thinks he can solve everything with his snake charmer's smile. He sees Silvia as a haughty girl who considers herself superior to her classmates. There is little chance of them becoming friends. And yet, when the social studies teacher pairs them up to do an assignment, they discover they have more in common than they thought. Then war breaks out in Yemen. Fabio's friend, Amina, the girl who once wanted to be a turtle, suddenly finds herself under the bombs, in an extreme situation. Fabio and Silvia will try to help her. But is it possible to help someone who is trapped in a war six thousand kilometres away?

      • 2022

        La tercera máscara

        by Care Santos

        This harsh realist novel is a fiction masterfully created by the writer Care Santos, but it might not be. It could well be a journalistic investigation about a true event, one of those newspaper articles that shocks consciences and makes us ask how something like this has happened? How could someone so young commit such an atrocity? Some people may believe that there are things that it is better not to go deep into, that it is better to turn a blind eye. But if we do so then, how can we prevent it from happening again?

      • Astronomy, space & time

        Look at the stars

        by Grupo Astrófilo Lariano

        * A true guide from heaven, extending (if necessary) to the southern hemisphere, the most explored today. * Stars, nebulae, galaxies, supernovae, variable and double stars, etc. He knows the wonders of the universe not only by having read the description of it, but by having seen them with his own eyes, following the precise indications that he will find in the text and on the maps. * The origin of the constellations: the history of the most famous groups of stars * The various celestial objects: their origins and physical characteristics. * The characteristics of the sky in the different seasons of the year. * Constellations and objects visible in the spring months, summer, autumn, winter and in the southern skies. * Stellar alignments: an indispensable instrument for orient yourself in the sky. * Photos of the most spectacular celestial objects. With tables and data to recognize them. * A book that broadens your horizons from Earth to infinity, from your window to the depths of the universe. The Astrófilo Lariano Group of Como, in Italy, has been collecting for twenty-five years the observations from more than one hundred passionate astronomy partners. These experiences have led to the organization of innumerable informative meetings in schools, libraries, cultural circles and universities. In addition to publishing a newsletter, some of its partners regularly contribute to specialized magazines and newspapers. In Editorial De Vecchi he has published Practical Astronomy Course, a manual that complements what is explained in this book.

      • The Arts
        October 2020


        by José F. Colaço Guerreiro

        Considered by Unesco as World Heritage, the art of Cante is one of the most ancient and pure singing art form in Portugal. Along with this marvellous tradition, there are a few people that still keep the art of playing the Viola Campaniça, an acoustic guitar invented centuries ago in the region of Alentejo.The author, José Francisco Colaço, rescued this lost tradition from oblivion researching for more than twenty years, tracking the guardians of this old knowledge and bringing them back to the spotlight through audio records, radio programmes and, of course, writing.

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