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      • Angelo Pontecorboli Editore Firenze - EDAP

        Angelo Pontecorboli Editore - Florence – ItalyAcademic Contents, Professional Editing, Premium Design, Online Distribution and Marketing. Editore indipendente con sede a Firenze.  Le riviste e gli articoli pubblicati riguardano principalmente l’Antropologia, l’Architettura, il Giardino e le Scienze Umane. Independent publisher based in Florence (Italy). The Journals and Articles it publishes are concentrated mainly in the areas of Anthropology, Architecture, Gardens, and Human Sciences.

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      • AG Book Publishing / AG Solutions sas di Angela Cristofaro & C.

        AG BOOK PUBLISHING is a small, independent, strictly no-fee, Rome–based publishing house. We publish a wide range of fiction and non-fiction titles, with particular attention to performing arts, environment and nature, social and educational issues, and children's literature.

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      • Trusted Partner

        History of the German Language

        A textbook for German studies; Part 1: Introduction, prehistory and history; Part 2: Old High German, Middle High German and Early New High German

        by Wilhelm Schmidt, Edited by Dr. Elisabeth Berner and Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c. Norbert Richard Wolf

        The 12th revised and updated version of the History of the German language – long regarded as an indispensable standard work for German Studies, has just been published. From now on, this comprehensive textbook on the history of the language is divided into two volumes. In addition to introducing questions about historical linguistics, the first volume provides a detailed account of the prehistory and history of German right up to the present day. Based on extensive source analyses, the focus is on aspects of culture and social history; only the chapters on the Indo-Germanic and Germanic language include key information about structural history. The second part contains concise, but readily understandable accounts of Old, Middle and Early New High German in terms of phonology, graphemics, morphology and syntax. Not only are synchronous descriptions given of the particular language period, but also the development of German language construction at all structural levels is explained. The association of grammatical synchrony and structural diachrony is a particular characteristic of this second part of Schmidt’s work on the history of language.

      • Trusted Partner
        Society & culture: general


        by Harald Jähner

        A dance among the ruins: Harald Jähner’s major new portrait of Germany’s post-war societyCountless former soldiers drift through the towns and cities; countless children grow up without a father. The old order has been destroyed and although the streets seem eerily empty, the traditional annual street carnivals are soon back in full swing, jazz can be heard among the ruins, intellectuals rekindle a culture of discussion and debate.Harald Jähner’s book is the first history of Germany’s national mentality in the immediate post-war period. It focusses on the German people in all their diversity: the “re-educators” Alfred Döblin and Rudolf Herrnstadt, who tried in two different zones of occupation to win the trust of their fellow Germans; Beate Uhse, owner of a mail order company for “marital hygiene”, who questioned the old moral code governing what was deemed proper; the many nameless black market traders, pockets stuffed with Lucky Strike cigarettes; stylish housewives sitting at kidney-shaped coffee tables that were to become emblematic for a freer and affordable world. Using major political developments as a backdrop, this book weaves a series of life stories into a nuanced panorama that makes the monumental changes affecting the nation tangible for its readers. 1945 to 1955 was a raw, wild decade poised between two eras, portrayed here as a period that proved decisive for Germany’s future development – and one starkly different to how most Germans imagine it today.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1980

        Insel-Almanach auf das Jahr 1980

        by Angelika Gundlach

        Angelika Gundlach, geboren 1950 in Hamburg, lebte als freie Übersetzerin in Frankfurt am Main. Sie übertrug Texte aus dem Schwedischen, Dänischen, Norwegischen, Französischen und Englischen ins Deutsche. Gundlach starb am 18. August 2019 in Seligenstadt.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2023

        The bad German and the good Italian

        by Paul Barnaby, Filippo Focardi

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2011

        Der Koran

        Handkommentar mit Übersetzung von Angelika Neuwirth. Bd. 1: Poetische Prophetie. Frühmekkanische Suren

        by Angelika Neuwirth, Angelika Neuwirth

        In ihrem 2010 im Verlag der Weltreligionen erschienenen Buch „Der Koran als Text der Spätantike” hat Angelika Neuwirth die Grundlage für ihre fünfbändige Übersetzung und Kommentierung des Koran gelegt (Abschluss voraussichtlich 2014/2015). Der nun folgende erste Band enthält die Anfänge der Verkündigung Muhammads. In chronologischer Ordnung, beginnend mit der vermutlich ältesten Sure 93, analysiert und deutet Neuwirth die Entwicklung seiner prophetischen Botschaft. Jede Sure wird in Umschrift und neuer Übersetzung vorgestellt und dann eingehend kommentiert. Herzstück eines jeden Surenkommentars ist eine Vers-für-Vers-Auslegung, in der neben sprachlichen und inhaltlichen Erläuterungen die denkerische Auseinandersetzung mit der religiösen Umwelt sowie die innerkoranische Weiterentwicklung zentraler Themen nachgezeichnet werden.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2020

        The German Channel

        A Mythology from the FRG

        by Frank Uekötter

        A historic big infrastructure project in the nexus of federal government policy planning From Berlin Airport to Stuttgart 21 – public building projects seem to get out of hand with growing frequency. Frank Uekötter follows the example of the Elbe Lateral Canal, which was opened in 1976, to show that institutional failure is not a new phenomenon. The virtually forgotten story of the Elbe Lateral Canal represents an inglorious episode of German federal policy planning. The benefit of the 115 km long waterway, which connects the Mittelland Canal with the River Elbe, was completely out of proportion to the level of investment. Despite this, the project was soon unstoppable in the nexus of corporate interests, political aims and the policy for growth. A dam ruptured at Lüneburg only weeks after its opening. Uekötter argues for a social rethink based on the clear chronology of these “organized irresponsibilities”.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 1984


        Aus dem Schwedischen von Angelika Gundlach

        by Lars Norén, Angelika Gundlach

        Angelika Gundlach, geboren 1950 in Hamburg, lebte als freie Übersetzerin in Frankfurt am Main. Sie übertrug Texte aus dem Schwedischen, Dänischen, Norwegischen, Französischen und Englischen ins Deutsche. Gundlach starb am 18. August 2019 in Seligenstadt.

      • Trusted Partner

        German for Pharmaceutical Practice

        Communicate, research, present

        by Nadine Yvonne Sprecher, Annette Thomas, Annegret Lehmann and Anke Schichte. In collaboration with Christiane Schneider

        In the pharmacy, the staff communicate with customers, colleagues, the medical profession, sales representatives and nursing home staff. Pharmacy employees produce written information based on well-chosen sources and represent the pharmacy to the outside world through presentations, on social media, or with the help of flyers, posters and other promotional materials. All this presupposes the confident use of language, and is best trained in advance. Part A of this work provides assistance for the most diverse communicative requirements in the pharmacy. A short theoretical explanation is always followed by several tasks so that you can immediately put what you have learned into practice and try it out. The „Brief overview of grammar and language knowledge“ boxes point out linguistic stumbling blocks. Those who are not yet sure of the technical terms can make themselves fit in Part B. Here one learns how to conduct a good counselling interview according to the BAC guideline. Extensive lists of technical terms and their explanations suitable for everyday use – all arranged according to organ systems – contain the most important vocabulary for everyday pharmacy work. A totally practical German lesson!

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2021


        by Angelika Overath

        Kraut und Kohl, früher als Notgemüse der Armen verschrien, haben die Keller und Kohlmieten hinter sich gelassen und sind bis in die Hipster-Lofts von London und die Feinschmeckerlokale Berlins aufgestiegen: Federkraut und Pak Choi, Weißkraut, Wirsing und Brokkoli werden heute als »Superfood« gefeiert.Vom Millionen Jahre alten Kerguelenkohl, dem eleganten Filderkraut bis zu den Flower Sprouts der jüngsten Züchtungen führt Angelika Overath durch eine kleine Kulturgeschichte dieser Gemüse-Wohltäter. Sie vergegenwärtigt die legendäre Heilwirkung der Pflanze, die seit der Antike überliefert wird, und erinnert an James Cooks Südsee-Expeditionen, deren Erfolg sich dem Sauerkraut verdankte. Sie verrät erprobte Rezepte gegen Arthrose und zur Gewichtsreduktion, erzählt von persönlichen Krauterlebnissen und widmet sich in liebevollen Porträts der Schönheit und dem besonderen Wesen von Kohlpflanzen.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2022

        Nordic Gothic

        by Maria Holmgren Troy, Johan Hõglund, Yvonne Leffler, Sofia Wijkmark

        Nordic Gothic traces Gothic fiction in the Nordic region from its beginnings in the nineteenth century, with a main focus on the development of Gothic from the 1990s onwards in literature, film, TV and new media. The volume gives an overview of Nordic Gothic fiction in relation to transnational developments and provides a number of case studies and in-depth analyses of individual narratives. It creates an understanding of this under-researched cultural phenomenon by showing how the narratives make visible cultural anxieties haunting the Nordic countries, their welfare systems, identities and ideologies. Nordic Gothic examines how figures from Nordic folklore function as metaphorical expressions of Gothic themes and Nordic settings are explored from perspectives such as ecocriticism and postcolonialism. The book will be of interest to researchers and post- and- undergraduate students in various fields within the Humanities.

      • Trusted Partner
        Terrorism, armed struggle
        February 2009

        German politics today

        Second edition

        by Geoffrey K. Roberts

        This revised and updated edition provides the reader with a comprehensive description and analysis of the institutions of the German political system. The historical development of German politics is surveyed, and special attention is given to the causes, course and consequences of German reunification. Where more detailed explanations of special topics are required, such as surplus seats in the electoral system, or the political career of Chancellor Merkel, these are provided in boxes set within the relevant chapters. Some information is provided in tabular form, such as the list of federal chancellors and federal presidents, the membership of trade unions, or election results. Appendices contain examples of important constitutional court cases, plus a survey of the political features of the sixteen Länder which make up the federal structure of the state. Each chapter offers suggestions for further reading. Accessibly written, with suggestions for further reading, this book offers a sound basis for all undergraduate courses focused on, or including, study of the German political system. The author's familiarity with all aspects of the German political system is evident from the authority with which he explains the structures and processes which form the basis of German politics.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2020

        German politics today

        Third edition

        by Geoffrey Roberts

        This revised and updated third edition provides readers with a comprehensive description and analysis of the German political system, and of the political behaviour within the context of that system. It surveys the historical development of German politics, including the background, processes and political consequences of reunification, and recent changes to the electoral system, party system and recent Bundestag and Land elections. This authoritative yet accessible textbook presents certain specialised topics, such as the career of Angela Merkel and the Eurozone crisis, in separate sections within the relevant chapters, and provides tables for key information including election results, the membership of trade unions and lists of presidents and chancellors. The appendices include a review of significant constitutional court cases, a survey of the more important political features of each of the sixteen Länder, and the Bundestag election campaigns since 1949. Each chapter also offers suggestions for further reading. This new edition of German politics today offers a sound foundation for undergraduate courses focused on, or involving, study of the German political system.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 1987

        Werke in zeitlicher Folge. Frankfurter Ausgabe in zwölf Bänden

        Zehnter Band: 1903–1905. Einsam. Die Gotischen Zimmer. Schwarze Fahnen

        by August Strindberg, Walter Baumgartner, Angelika Gundlach, Alken Bruns, Walter Baumgartner

        Angelika Gundlach, geboren 1950 in Hamburg, lebte als freie Übersetzerin in Frankfurt am Main. Sie übertrug Texte aus dem Schwedischen, Dänischen, Norwegischen, Französischen und Englischen ins Deutsche. Gundlach starb am 18. August 2019 in Seligenstadt.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 1996

        Verzauberte Gärten

        Geschenkausgabe in vier Bänden

        by Elizabeth von Arnim, Angelika Beck, Leonore Schwartz, Adelheid Dormagen

        Band 1: Elizabeth und ihr Garten. Aus dem Englischen von Adelheid Dormagen. Band 2: Einsamer Sommer. Aus dem Englischen von Leonore Schwartz. Band 3: Der Garten der Kindheit. April, May und June. Aus dem Englischen von Leonore Schwartz und Angelika Beck Band 4: Verzauberter April. Aus dem Englischen von Adelheid Dormagen

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        November 2019


        Biographie einer großen Stadt

        by Jens Bisky

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2023


        Biographie einer großen Stadt

        by Bisky, Jens

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2016

        The Awful German Language

        by Mark Twain

        Auf seinen Reisen durch Europa, die er in A Tramp Abroad höchst amüsant schildert, macht Mark Twain auch Bekanntschaft mit der deutschen Sprache. Bemüht sich, sie zu erlernen, verzweifelt aber schier an Kasus, Parenthese, Satzstellung und Geschlecht: Die Steckrübe ist weiblich, das hübsche Mädchen aber nicht. Und ist es der Regen, die Regen oder das Regen? The Awful German Language bietet Trost für all jene, die sich mit den Schrecken der deutschen Sprache beschäftigen.

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