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      • Trusted Partner


        by Mestre Ricardo (Cachorro)

        DIE UNBEKANNTE CAPOEIRA Die Geheimnisse der traditionellen brasilianischen Kampfsportart von Mestre Ricardo (Cachorro) Capoeira ist eine Kampsportart, die von afrikanischen Sklaven im 16. Jahrhundert in Brasilien entwickelt wurde. Sie hat ihre Entstehung dem Mix verschiedener ethnischer Gruppen zu verdanken, die ihre kulturelle Identität und ihren Freiheitsdrang mit nach Südamerika brachten. Trotz der Hinweise auf verschiedene Einflüsse anderer Formen traditioneller afrikanischer Kampfsportarten ist Capoeira im wesentlichen eine typisch brasilianische Entwicklung, die mittlerweile viele Anhänger auf allen Kontinenten hat. Obwohl Capoeira die kulturellen und historischen Aspekte sehr betont, sollte man sich nicht täuschen lassen: Es handelt sich um eine effiziente und potenziell tödliche Kampfweise. Aufgrund der erstaunlichen Verbreitung in den vergangenen Jahren gilt Capoeira mittlerweile als die spektakulärste und schönste Kampfsportart der Welt. Was jedoch selbst die meisten Capoeiristas nicht wissen, ist, dass diese faszinierende Kampfsportart in den Händen eines ernsthaften Praktizierenden zu einer eleganten athletischen, aber auch tödlichen Waffe werden kann. In diesem Buch werden die Geheimnisse der Capoeira vorgestellt, wie sie in der Roda, dem eigentlichen Kampf, praktiziert werden. Bewegungen, Bodenkampf und Sprungtechniken werden mit Hilfe von Hunderten Illustrationen bis ins kleinste Detail beschrieben. Diagramme erläutern spezielle Manöver, die nie zuvor in der Kampfsportliteratur veröffentlicht wurden. Leser erhalten freien Zugriff auf Online-Grafiken für die zahlreichen im Buch vorgestellten Bewegungen. Mestre Ricardo, alias Cachorro, Absolvent der Mestre Adilson’s Grupo Bantus de Capoeira in Morro do Pavão e Pavãozinho – einer Gegend mit ärmlichen Slums inmitten der reichen Vorstädte von Rio de Janeiro – war der erste Mestre der YMCA Capoeira-Gruppe in Governor’s Island, der diesen Ehrentitel bereits 1975 erhielt. Im folgenden Jahr wurde er von der ersten Federation of Capoeira of Rio de Janeiro, der FCP, als Mestre anerkannt und im Jahr darauf führte er Capoeira in einer Live-TV-Sendung ein, die im US-Bundesstaat North Carolina gefilmt und vom dortigen YMCA gesponsort wurde. In den siebziger Jahren war Mestre Ricarod Mitglied des Gymnastik-Olympiateams des Fußballvereins Fluminense in Rio de Janeiro, wo er sich auf Bodenübungen spezialisierte. Während seiner Laufbahn als Capoeira-Lehrer lernte Ricardo außerdem Boxen, Shotaka Karate und Judo, um die Bewegungsabläufe in verschiedenen Kampfsportarten besser zu verstehen. Eine englische Ausgabe für Nordamerika erschien im October 2009.

      • Trusted Partner


        by HUGO N. GERSTL

        POLITIK DES HASSES – Ein entlarvender Einblick in die Politik der USA von HUGO N. GERSTL   Wie Quertreiber, Medien und Interessengruppen die USA zu einem Dritte-Welt-Land machen und wie wir diesen Trend umkehren können   Amerika wird systematisch zerstört – nicht von Terroristen von außen, sondern von Interessengruppen von innen. Es wird zerstört von Politikern, Talkshow-Moderatoren, Medienmogulen und populistischen Demagogen, die um jeden Preis ihr Schäfchen ins Trockene bringen wollen, indem sie alle Gesetze verhindern, die der Allgemeinheit nützen würden – durch skandalöse Lügen und Verleumdungen, negative Kampagnen und Beleidigungen der schlimmsten Sorte. Diese selbsternannten „Retter“ haben keinerlei konstruktive Ideen zu bieten, um das Land aus dem Sumpf zu ziehen, in dem es sich gegenwärtig befindet. Diese Politiker denken nicht über den Tellerrand der nächsten Wahl hinaus. Sprecherhonorare von 100.000 USD wirken auf sie wie ein Aphrodisiakum. Doch der Geruch der Macht wirkt noch viel stärker. Politiker, Angstmacher, Fernsehköpfe und Industriekapitäne sonnen sich in ihrem Ruhm, ihrem Glanz und ihrer selbstherrlichen Weisheit, während das Land einen höheren Schuldenberg als je ein Land zuvor in der Geschichte anhäufen und wir von Jahr zu Jahr immer weiter in Richtung Dritte-Welt-Nation abrutschen. Wenn die Öffentlichkeit begänne, eins und eins zusammenzuzählen, sollte die Antwort eigentlich „zwei“ lauten. Doch der Durchschnittsamerikaner lässt sich noch immer weismachen, dass es alles Mögliche ist, wenn es die Spin-Meister ihnen vorgaukeln. Schlimmer noch, über 40 % aller Amerikaner lassen sich von der Politik der Angst, der Zwietracht und der Ausbeutung anstecken, ohne auch nur einen Moment zu überlegen, was diese politischen Hetzer ihnen dafür zu bieten haben, dass sie die andere Fraktion in die Wüste schicken und die Vorzüge der Macht für sich selbst sichern. Trotz der politischen Grabenkämpfe und externen Kriege ist dieser Streit vergleichbar mit dem Streit zweier Flöhe darum, wem der Hund gehört. Wir erkennen scheinbar nicht, dass wir längst keine Zeit und kein Geld mehr haben, dass wir uns den Luxus politischer Spielchen und dümmlicher Streitereien eigentlich längst nicht mehr leisten können. Dieses Buch kommt genau zur rechten Zeit. Es scheut zwar nicht davor zurück, mit dem Finger auf die Schuldigen zu zeigen, doch es geht noch einen Schritt weiter und zeigt auf, wie Amerika, die mächtigste Nation der Erde, sein Schicksal wieder in die Hand nehmen und von innen heraus gesunden kann.   HUGO N. GERSTL hält einen Abschluss in Politikwissenschaften und Geschichten der University of California Los Angeles und absolvierte dann ein Jurastudium an der UCLA School of Law. Er lehnte eine Einladung der Republikanischen Partei ab, für den Kongress zu kandidieren, um nicht gegen seinen Freund und Anwaltskollegen Leon Panetta anzutreten, der gerade seine erste Amtszeit im Kongress abschloss. Hugo N. Gerstl arbeitet seit sechsundvierzig Jahren als Strafverteidiger und ist ein unerschütterlicher Optimist, wenn es um das Durchhaltevermögen des amerikanischen Volkes geht.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2024

        Dragon Fruit

        Botany, Production and Uses

        by Sisir Mitra, Nigel P. Taylor, Pradyot K. Pathak, Kundan Kishore, Ankita Sahu, Prinya Wongsa, Taner Bozkurt, Özhan Simsek, Joanna Cho Lee Ying, Phebe Ding, Long Haibo, Tang Liangde, Li Huadong, Hamide Gubbuk, Recep Balkic, Lokman Altinkaya, Leila Aparecida Salles Pio, Renato Paiva, Mai Van Tri, Dinh Thi Yen Phuong

        Dragon fruit (pitaya) is a perennial climbing cactus, native to the tropical areas of North, Central and South America. It is suited to tropical and subtropical regions and is commercially grown in an increasing number of countries, including Israel, Australia and the USA. Dragon fruit generates considerable consumer interest because of its exotic appearance and potential health benefits. The fruit is rich in nutrients and phytochemical compounds. It can be eaten fresh or used in the preparation of juices, jellies, jams, etc. The natural bioactive compounds in pitaya have the potential to be exploited in food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. Increasingly cultivated worldwide, the plant is drought-resistant, easily adapts to light intensity and high temperatures, and has a tolerance to a wide range of soil salinities. With ongoing global warming, dragon fruit has great potential as a new crop for many more countries. This book is a compilation of the current state of knowledge on dragon fruit physiology, cultivation, production technology, postharvest management and processing, and is written by leading international authors.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2024

        Sustainable Ecological Restoration and Conservation in the Hindu-Kush Himalayan Region

        A Comprehensive Review

        by Zhanhuan Shang, Allan Degen, Devendra Gauchan, Madan Koirala, Muhammad Khalid Rafiq, Awais Iqbal, Binyu Luo, Dawei Zhang, Diwakar Adhikari, Dongmei Li, Furbe Lama, Haonan Guo, Hui Xu, Huma Ali, Jalal Hayat Khan, Jiayi He, Jie Lian, Mei Huang, Monika Ghimire, Narayan Prasad Gaire, Peipei Liu, Qinghui Fang, Ramesh Prasad Sapkota, Ramesh Raj Pant, Rashila Deshar, Ritika K.C, Rui Zhang, Rukhsanda Aziz, Srijana Khanal, Tianyun Qi, Udhab Raj Khadka, Usha Rai, Usman Ali, Wenyin Wang, Xiaoping Jing, Yamuna Ghale, Youyan Liu, Zhen Peng, Zhiqiang Dang

        The years 2021 to 2030 have been designated as "The United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration". Ecological restoration and biodiversity conservation efforts face unprecedented challenges, especially in developing countries and areas, such as the Hindu Kush-Himalayan (HKH) region. This huge HKH region, which includes areas in eight separate countries (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal, India, China, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Bhutan), is a biodiversity hotspot with a vast array of ecosystems, landscapes, peoples and cultures. It is known as one of 'the pulses of the world'. However, the HKH is also the world's largest and poorest mountain region, where landscapes and environments have been severely damaged as a result of climate change and human activities. Coordinating conservation and restoration policies, sharing knowledge and funds, and maintaining livelihoods are major challenges and are in urgent need of improvement. This book details the past and current ecological problems in the HKH region, and the threats and challenges that ecosystems and local people face. It pays special attention to developments of transformative adaptations and presents examples of sustainable conservation and ecological restoration management practices. Three primary questions are addressed: (1) Do the existing conservation strategies of international organizations and government policies really protect ecosystems and solve biodiversity problems? (2) Can these management measures be one-time solutions? and (3) What is the strategic framework and scenario prognosis for the future based on the historical trajectory of ecological conservation and restoration in the region? This book is essential reading for ecologists and conservation biologists involved in large-scale ecological restoration projects, along with practitioners, graduate students, policy makers and international development workers.

      • To Mo is telling Vietnamese culture – Mother’s lullaby

        by Dang Phuong Anh

        To Mo is telling Vietnamese culture series consist of five books. The Vietnamese culture is always so interesting theme to children. All books have represented understandable knowledge of the Vietnamese culture in a very approachable way for the children. Through it, the children are going to be aware of their root and identity. It is a useful tool to help them enter into the digital world. Mother’s lullaby is one of them. Mother is a very special figure to every child. She is the first cultural cradle for her own children. Her lullabies will follow them until they become mature. It is a unique connection. In other words, she has contributed to identifying them. The book has employed old and modern illustrations that display a whole picture of the Vietnamese culture in front of the children’s eyes. The author has also compared cultures among countries to seek out how unique the Vietnamese culture is. Besides, the creative ways of designing its content will make the children to learn how to be logical, curious and artistic.

      • Mom is Doctor Chef

        by Trần Thị Ánh Phương & Virgo Phan

        Along with vietnam’s socio-economic development, the household income increases. Parental concerns are from “how to eat full” to “how to eat enough.” When the attraction of “fast food”, the “refusing to eat green vegetables” or snack food are more and more common, parents can’t help wondering how to creat a diet like for their children. But there is a fact that unhealthy dishes are often more delicious and more gorgeous colors, so children are often attracted to that. Parents often give up when their children insist and some is more resolute but it leads to quarrels or make family atmosphere tense. Obviously, we only want what’s best for them. So how can you help your child build a healthy eating habit? The book “Mom is Doctor Chef ” is written by health coach Tran Thi Anh Phuong but she is also a mother, who cooks each family meal with the best wishes for her child. Through the book, parents will know: How to help children voluntarily receive and classify foods that are good and bad for their health. Why do both children and parents need to “learn to eat”? Is the food supplement really good? With the contents associated with the fairy tales, the familiar images with children not only attract but also make nutritional knowledge become receptive and applicable.

      • Studying Mathematics through Fairy Tales

        by Le Anh Vinh

        Studying Mathematics through Fairy Tales have been compiled by Assoc. Prof. Le Anh Vinh and his colleagues. They combine Fairy Tales with modern Mathematics. From there, 6-to-8-year-old children not only learn great lessons about life, but also approach to colorful painting of Mathematics. The first, second and third ones in the series is Cay Khe, Coc Kien Troi and Cay Tre Tram Dot in turn. The authors have created a lot of interesting puzzles. Each character and detail of the series have easily become materials to develop mathematical solutions. Their own content has also increased from easy to difficult level step by step. Through reading the main story and solve such puzzles, children can define images, color, ways of calculating and old mathematical terms. Besides, they also can acquire moral lessons for themselves and comprehend the great value of traditional culture and literature. Assoc. Prof. Le Anh Vinh is a very enthusiastic person who has always found out new ways to teach children Mathematics. His aim is to motivate children to study Mathematics.

      • Health & Personal Development

        Eternal Youth Secrets

        How to Have Beautiful Hair, Glowing Skin At Any Age

        by Vicki Tuong Vi, Ngoc Anh, Minh Trang

        This book  shares the secrets for giving your skin the proper nutrition and loving care so it can continue to function efficiently. The methods of cleaning, prevention and maintenance included in the book are skin and face massages, face exercises, palming, EFT, acupressure points and herbal supplements.   These methods are the combination of ancient mysteries with modern technologies to allow you to have beautiful skin and hair, stay younger and live longer in balance and harmony. There is much more in this book than just about skin and hair as your body is an incredible organic machine. You can explore the multi-dimensions of it biologically, spiritually, emotionally, and intellectually with Sounds & Vibrations as well as the unique Healing H.A.P.P.Y. Bubbles Systems. The primary purpose is to give your skin (body) what it needs to fulfill your needs of love, happiness, nurturing, respect, ease, and grace for your Highest Good as well as others’ Highest Good. Vicki Tuong Vi Eaton, CEO of Complete Wellness Network, is a best-selling author, health and beauty herbalist, holistic trauma clearing expert, and Internet radio show host. She has over 32 certifications in Energy Healing among other modalities. Vicki is the Founder of Healing H.A.P.P.Y. Bubbles Systems, which was created by Earth & Divinity Teams to help Humans expand and grow. Vicki’s enlightenment came after a car accident more than a decade ago, which rendered her with many illnesses such as obesity, depression, acid reflex, and heart and skin diseases. After asking to learn from Earth & Divinity, Vicki has learned how to make the mystical choice to be happy. She has cleared most of her sufferings and pains and published this book as her first book to promote Happiness with Dignity. Now in her 60s, Vicki jumps on the trampoline daily. She has a metabolic age of a 36 year old and even joined Life Guard training at the YMCA in Montclair New Jersey. Her life’s mission is to share the secrets, experiences and insights that liberate her clients and her audiences, allowing them to clear the roadblocks impeding their lives and offering them eternal beauty… for the Highest Good of All. Ngoc Anh is a Product Manager, Acupressure and Traditional Medicine Researcher. Minh Trang is an English Teacher, Translator and Humanities Faculty of English Linguistics and Literature.

      • Traditional Chinese Culture: Tombs

        by Dang Mingfang

        The Chinese culture is rich and profound, and a great heritage of the world's civilizations. It is a legacy left by the ancestors, which still influences our daily life. This series of books explores excellent traditional Chinese culture. Based on in-depth research, the series comprehensively demonstrates the essence of traditional Chinese culture with more straightforward and easy-to-understand expression. It aims to improve the quality of the national culture in an accurate and rigorous way and popularize the traditional Chinese culture. It will play a key role in the promotion of public awareness. The authors of this series are all well-known experts in the studies of traditional Chinese culture.

      • Peace studies & conflict resolution
        June 2015

        Addressing Land Conflict in Afghanistan

        by Erica Gaston, Lillian Dang

        Disputes over land in Afghanistan have become one of the key drivers of conflict and criminal violence. Both formal and informal mechanisms for land dispute resolution are weak. The legal framework fails to recognize the reality of informal or customary ownership arrangements. The current land law, revised in 2008, is a fraught one—to establish ownership a person must already have formal documents proving ownership, and if ownership by an individual cannot be proved, title defaults to the state. However, formal documentation is scarce: no more than 20 percent of land is titled. This report discusses a new approach to addressing the problem and offers recommendations for reform.

      • Children's & YA
        December 2019

        Im Land der vergessenen Erinnerungen

        by Gina Chiabudini

        Am Morgen ihres achtzehnten Geburtstages findet Gwendolyn Darling eine kleine Kette mit einem merkwürdigen Anhänger. Sie ahnt nicht, dass diese ein magischer Schlüssel zu einer anderen Welt ist, in die sie unerwartet gerät. Plötzlich findet sie sich in den Armen von Peter Pan wieder. Er behauptet, dass Gwendolyn schon einmal bei ihm war und doch kann sie sich nicht daran erinnern. Wer ist dieser mysteriöse Junge, der fliegen kann und sie angeblich beschützen will wirklich? Und warum ist der grausame Captain James Hook auf der Suche nach ihr? Gwendolyn bleibt nur sehr wenig Zeit, die Wahrheit herauszufinden, bevor es für immer zu spät ist, um jemals wieder nach Hause zurückzukehren.

      • Fiction
        October 2020


        When Gerfaut learns that Brittany, land of legends, is also called the gate of hell, he knows that he will have to face the impossible.

        by Gilles Milo-Vacéri

        In Brittany (western France), near Yeun Elez, a ghosthunter vanishes during an investigation, two childrendisappear and a man is crucified and beaten to death.The prosecutor panics and calls Major Gerfaut as abackup. When the latter learns that this land of legendsis also called the gate of hell, he knows that he will haveto face the impossible, starting with the secret of theFortress of the Cursed.Used to sadistic killers and defying the invisible, Gerfautexpects the worst. Unfortunately, there is always aworse than the worst ...


        When Oksana meets Max, the attraction she feels for him is instantaneous, almost too strong. But Max is fierce and difficult to understand. What does he hide deep inside?

        by Océane Ghanem

        One winter evening, Oksana goes to a nightclub to celebrate her best friend Steeve’s birthday. To get away from his sister Camelia, she sits at the bar and orders a beer. Oksana eventually notices a man in the crowd who catches her eye. He fascinates her upon first glance. She herself doesn’t understand this obsession of hers, this want to know his every move throughout the evening. She only wishes to rid herself of the sadness she feels deep down.As for Max, he enjoys his evening with his friends and roommates. However, the constant gaze of this woman at the bar intrigues and disturbs him much more than he would like. He tests her reactions, sometimes by slipping away from the dance floor while she looks away, sometimes by provoking her with mindless flirting and dancing. This curiosity will finally drive him to join her at the bar. A relationship develops between them over time, creating a strong and powerful bond.Despite this, both protagonists have secrets they would rather keep to themselves. How far will they be willing to go to prevent the other from knowing?

      • Places & peoples: pictorial works

        Von Anderswo und anderen Orten

        by Anselm Pahnke, Sönke Schmidt

        “Von Anderswo und anderen Orten” ist eine Sammlung von Farben und Klängen aus fernen Welten. Rhythmisch und harmonisch, mal leise, mal laut, aber auch dissonant. Text und Gestaltung ergeben zusammen eine Melodie, die sich für jeden anders anhört. Rhythmus und Struktur der Schrift und der Sprache selbst wirken performativ.   Dieser außergewöhnliche Reisebericht stellt die Frage, wie sich eine langjährige Reise durch die vielfältigen Kontinente dieser Welt anfühlen kann und was es mit einem Menschen macht, wenn er nach Hause zurückkehrt. Welcher Blick auf die westliche Gesellschaft entsteht und mit welchen Sehnsüchten, Ängsten und Erwartungen die Gesellschaft womöglich zurückschaut. Wie es ist, auf sich allein gestellt zu sein und wie es ist, Menschen kennenzulernen, die ganz anders leben als man selbst. Geschildert aus der Perspektive des jungen Anselms, vom Fahrrad aus.   Konzipiert und gestaltet wurde “Von Anderswo und anderen Orten” von dem Kreativen Sönke Schmidt. Statt einer klassischen Lektüre will er durch die Wechselwirkung von Text und Gestaltung ein Erlebnis für die Lesenden schaffen. Ohne strenges Raster möchte dieses Buch entdeckt werden, nicht so sehr mit dem Verstand, umso mehr mit dem Herzen.Dieses Buch erzählt die Geschichte des erfolgreichen Kino-Dokumentarfilm "Anderswo. Allein in Afrika" weiter. Der Film sammelte über 100.000 Zuschauer, gewannt den Gilde Filmpreis für den besten Dokumentarfilm 2019 und läuft aktuell auf Netflix.  Es wird hochwertig produziert und voraussichtlich ab Anfang Dezember 2020 verfügbar sein. Die 1. Auflage wird von AVALIA STUDIOS im Eigenverlag herausgegeben.

      • Fiction
        May 2021

        What the River Said

        A Novel

        by Sandra Cavallo Miller

        Book 3 in the Dr. Abby Wilmore Series In this riveting conclusion in the Dr. Abby Wilmore series, Dr. Abby has returned to her medical clinic in Grand Canyon National Park, happy to be reunited with her partner, Dr. John Pepper, and her staff, busy treating park visitors and personnel as well as local residents. But a wave of heart attacks among apparently healthy hikers creates a new puzzle, and soon there are rumors of a ranger selling performance-enhancing drugs. Abby’s situation deteriorates when a new female friend suddenly disappears, and Abby berates herself for missing the woman’s depression. Meanwhile, Dr. Pepper is preoccupied by a mysterious threat from his past, then badly injured in an apparent fall. While he recuperates, Abby finds herself taking over much of the clinic work while they provide a home for Pepper’s troubled teenage niece and an adopted stray dog. Abby soon discovers that something more sinister is at play and that a dangerous criminal might be behind the recent troubling events. In this exhilarating and terrifying conclusion, Abby must learn to confront her past in order to stand up for the ones she loves.

      • History of Art / Art & Design Styles
        August 2014

        Mediating Netherlandish Art and Material Culture in Asia

        by Edited by Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann and Michael North

        Scholars have extensively documented the historical and socioeconomic impact of the Dutch East India Company. They have paid much less attention to the company’s significant influence on Asian art and visual culture. Mediating Netherlandish Art and Material Culture in Asia addresses this imbalance with a wide range of contributions covering such topics as Dutch and Chinese art in colonial and indigenous households; the rise of Hollandmania in Japan; and the Dutch painters who worked at the court of the Persian shahs. Together, the contributors shed new light on seventeenth-century Dutch visual culture“and the company that spread it across Asia.

      • Children's & YA
        January 2021

        Lottie Loves Nature: Bee-ware

        by Jane Clarke, ill. by James Brown

        A Brand New Eco-Adventure Series for Young Readers. There are four book in the series.   Lottie loves wildlife and dreams of becoming a nature show presenter like Samira, host of her favourite programme "Every Little Thing". Lottie wants to encourage wildlife into her garden, but Mr. Parfitt, her neighbour, hates creepy crawlies and wants to rid his garden of all insects. So when he finds a bees' nest, he wants to exterminate them. Lottie has to save the bees! Lottie convinces Mr. Parfitt to call a beekeeper instead - because every little thing matters.   Nature Hooks: Bee and insect facts, how to make a bug hotel and butterfly feeder.

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