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      • Trusted Partner
        September 1995

        Die Umgestaltung des öffentlichen Finanzsystems der Volksrepublik China im Reformprozeß.

        Ein Beitrag zur Theorie der Transformation von Wirtschaftsordnungen.

        by Hong, Zhong

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        August 2016

        The Romance of the Three Kingdoms

        by Luo Guan Zhong

        First of the five great works of traditional prose fiction, this master narrative transforms history into epic and has thereby educated and entertained readers of five centuries with unforgettable exemplars of martial and civic virtue, of personal fidelity and political treachery. "The empire, long divided, must unite; long united, must divide. Thus it has ever been." Echoing the rhythms of Chinese history itself, the monumental tale Three Kingdoms begins. As important for Chinese culture as the Homeric epics have been for the West, this fourteenth-century masterpiece continues to be loved and read throughout China today. Three Kingdoms portrays a fateful moment at the end of the Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-A.D. 220) when the future of the Chinese empire lay in the balance.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2020

        Color illustration of whole body MRI scanning technique

        by Zhong Jinglian Hu Huijun Zeng Weike

        In view of the current situation of rapid development of MRI technology, multiple equipment brands, and diverse clinical needs, the author of this book has formulated the scanning technical specifications for various parts of the body based on decades of comprehensive MRI application experience, and achieved good results and achieved various equipment. Homogenization of inspection. Starting from the needs of clinical examination and diagnosis, this book combines the latest international and domestic guidelines and Yifang’s own experience. For different field strengths and different models of MRI equipment, the book explains the examination technology and procedures of each system and each part with pictures and texts. From the aspects of preparation before scanning, design of body position, scanning sequence and basic parameters, observation key points of each sequence and comparison of positive abnormalities, special precautions, etc., it will be described one by one.

      • Trusted Partner

        The Fat

        by Yingchun Zhu

        Fat is a collection of essays on the topic of fat , which was carefully edited and designed by Zhu Yingchun, the winner of "The most Beautiful Book in the world", after six years of manuscript preparation. The book invites more than 100 authors to tell the story of "fat" together, as well as a number of well-known artists to draw illustrations in the text. The book includes memories of famous people from all walks of life, such as Shen Changwen, Zhong Shuhe, Su Tong, Li 'er, Ye Zhaoyan, Mai Jia, Zhang Jiajia and Jiang Fangzhou, as well as stories of people of different ages and fields and people from other countries and regions. Fat is not only a kind of food, but also a period of memory, which embodies the bitter past, sweet memories and ongoing stories of sweetness, bitterness and bitterness from generation to generation. 《肥肉》是一本以“肥肉”为话题的散文集,由“世界最美的书”获奖者朱赢椿历时六年约稿,精心编辑与设计而成。本书邀请到百余位作者共同讲述“肥肉”的故事,以及多位知名画家制作内文插画。既有沈昌文、钟叔河、苏童、李洱、叶兆言、麦家、张嘉佳、蒋方舟等社会各界知名人士关于肥肉的珍贵记忆,也收录民间不同年龄、不同领域的人和其他国家、地区的人们的肥肉故事。 肥肉不仅是一种食物,更是一段时代记忆,凝聚了一代又一代人辛酸的过往、甜蜜的回忆以及正在发生的酸甜苦辣的故事。物价已回不到往昔,肥肉又有了新故事。全新增订版特别收录陈晓卿、封新城、石光华、地主陆、田原、史航、汪天稳等好文。书中囊括的这几代人的胃,比世间档案更懂中国。

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        January 2023

        Cat Fighter

        by Mu Ling

        A kitten born with spots on her head resembling the seven stars of the Big Dipper is named Ah Dou by her owner. She grows from a pet to a warrior who fights dogs and snakes, but because of the nature of cats to act on their own, she is mistakenly injured by a poacher's trap in the forest, far from the cottage. In order to avoid becoming a meal for the big dogs, she bit off one of the trapped legs and escaped with her life. Because of the pain of the villagers to heal her wound, he misunderstood the villagers and escaped into the jungle, where he became a wild beast in the fight with the falcons, weasels, red jackals and other predators. However, she still lives on, until she becomes a mother.

      • Trusted Partner
        Tourism industry
        October 2010

        Conservation Tourism

        by Ralf C Buckley, James Guy Castley, Julianna Priskin, Augustina Barros, Fiona Clare Morrison, Zhong Linsheng

        The effects of tourism on the ecology and natural environment of tourist destinations are hotly debated and research has expanded in the field of ecotourism and sustainability. This book considers the positive contributions that tourism can make to the conservation of global biodiversity by reviewing and analysing the economic and political contributions of tourism to conservation through establishment of private game and wildlife reserves, lodges and tourist facilities. Featuring 100 international case studies from private marine reserves to bird watching lodges, this book covers key topics including sources of capital and operational funding, corporate and organisational structure, marketing strategies, primary conservation outcomes and spin-off effects, links to public protected areas, future plans and global trends.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner

        L’Ascenseur d’Einstein

        by Félix Dothan

        L’Ascenseur d’Einstein  Les Savants qui ont Changé la Face du Monde - par Félix Dothan Le Pr Félix Dothan parle dams son livre de la vie et l’œuvre de grands savants qui ont réussi à déchiffrer les secrets de la nature et sur des inventions qui ont changé les conditions de vie de l’humanité. Les savants dont il s’agit étaient des hommes et des femmes de chair et de sang, très différents les uns des autres. Parmi eux, (presque) des saints comme Albert Einstein et Lise Meitner, aux côtés d’autres savants venus pratiquement d’un autre monde comme Srinivasa Ramanujan. Il y eut d’éminents chercheurs qui manquèrent d’intégrité intellectuelle comme Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz ou ceux qui provoquent des sentiments à la fois d’admiration et de répulsion, par exemple Fritz Haber. Ou, par exemple, Archimède – un des fondateurs des mathématiques et l’inventeur d’armes perfectionnées; Franklin – homme d’affaires et pionnier de la théorie de l’électricité, diplomate, écrivain et homme d’état; Davy – chimiste brillant et actif; et ainsi de suite jusqu’au célèbre astrophysicien Chandrasekhar, un des hommes de science qui découvrirent de nombreux faits sur l’univers durant la dernière décennie. Parmi les biographies de savants, sont insérées de courtes anecdotes en bordure de la science –à la fois intéressantes et amusantes, mais aussi avec une moralité intellectuelle. Félix Dothan est un professeur émérite de physique à l’Université Hébraïque de Jérusalem. Né en Yougoslavie, il a fait ses études au Technion de Haïfa et a un doctorat de l’Université Hébraïque. Le domaine de sa recherche est la physique des gaz chargés électriquement (les «plasmas») et les technologies des hautes tensions. L’auteur était également chercheur invité au Centre Européen de Recherche Nucléaire (CERN) à Genève, et professeur invité à l’Université de Californie et à l’Université de Yale. Le Pr Dothan a reçu en 2001 le Prix du Chef d’Etat Major de l’armée israélienne pour l’œuvre de sa vie dans le domaine technologique (particulièrement pour l’établissement du projet «Talpioth» pour l’encouragement des soldats intellectuellement doués). Si vous souhaitez étudier la possibilité de publier une édition en français de cet ouvrage, veuillez nous contacter. C'est avec plaisir que nous vous ferons parvenir, une documentation supplémentaire contenant la table des matièreset une séléction de chapitres traduits en français.

      • Science & Mathematics
        May 2018



        by DOU Zhong

        Time is an important basic physical quantity and an important technical support for scientific research and nation building. Many big countries in the world have their own national independent standard time and perfect timing system. China's standard time — Beijing time is established and maintained by the National Time Service Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The long-short wave timing system independently developed by the center is a social welfare-oriented big scientific project, which solves the high-precision timing problem urgently needed for economic construction and national security. After continuous upgrading, the system has become an indispensable technological infrastructure for the development of Chinese society. This book details the working principle and timing service of long and short wave timing systems, international cooperation agencies, and the application of high-precision time in various fields of the national economy. It is a popular time science popularization book and also a technical guide for time application.

      • June 2020

        Zhong Nanshan: Putting Humans First

        by Xiong Yuqun

        This book depicts the moving stories of Dr. Zhong Nanshan and honors his precious sense of responsibility as the backbone of the society in the epidemic, reconstructing the historic fights against “SARS” and “COVID-19” which have great impacts on the country. Dr. Zhong’s courage on academic pursuit is so respectful, his professional ethics so noble and his exploration on science so in-depth that people all gain from him the strength in the battle and the confidence to win. Weaved into the book are also the family history of Dr. Zhong Nanshan, how he grew up and went for study, stories on the expertise and professional ethics of his team and so on, a vivid portrayal of the most revered academician in all dimensions.

      • Health & Personal Development

        Zhong Nanshan Talking about Health

        by ZHONG Nanshan

        Starting from his own health and from a scientific point of view, Dr. Zhong Nanshan talks about people's health, sub-health, decisive factors affecting human health and the cornerstones of human health in an era of rapid change and fierce competition. The main content includes three parts: About Health, Health Is Determined by Healthy Life-style, and the Five Cornerstones of Health.

      • Biography & True Stories

        Nihao, Zhong Nanshan

        by YE Yi

        In 2003, Zhong Nanshan lead a panel of leading experts and saved many lives. 17 years later, he took up the battle again. Read this book and find all about the person he is and the spirit of his.

      • A Special Spring Festival Diary

        by SUN Baoqing

        A Special Spring Festival Diary is a popular science book for primary school students to learn the protection against novel coronavirus. In the book are knowledge of self-protection against novel coronavirus and Zhong Nanshan’s cordial reminders.

      • April 2016

        The Secrets Hidden behind the National Treasures:Decoding the Rarities of San Xi Tang

        by Xiang Si

        San Xi Tang(Room of Three Rarities), the Study of Emperor Qianlong, got its name from three pieces of rare calligraphy works—Kui Xue Shi Qing(Sunny Feelings of Snow) of Wang Xizhi, Zhong Qiu Tie(Mid-Autumn Festival) of Wang Xianzhi and Be Yuan Tie(Reminisce)of Wang Xun—that are the most wanted and the most valuable in the mind of the last emperor Pu Yi. In this book, the author does serious study on the horizontal inscribed boards, digs out the buiding’s meaning and setting up, and tells about the rarities’ legendary spreading and fate.

      • August 2018

        Six Thousand Years in Shanghai

        by Zhong Fulan

        Six Thousand Years of Shanghai based on the documents of Shanghai chronicles is well-organized in line with the historical development of Shanghai. More than an authoritative, scientific and systematic popular book of Shanghai’s history, it is an eminently readable, informative and illuminating with its vivid illustrations, plain language and multiple genres. Covering a span of six thousand years in the prehistoric, ancient, modern and contemporary periods of Shanghai, this book not only emphasizes the history of revolution, construction, reform and opening-up, but also demonstrates Shanghai’s Two Centenary Goals. It contains systematic descriptions and notable highlights of landmark events, representative people as well as remarkable things.

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