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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        June 2004

        Der Graf von Monte Christo

        by Alexandre (d. Ä.) Dumas, Pavel Brom, Dagmar Bromova, Meinhard Hasenbein

        Alexandre Dumas (d. Ä.) wurde 1802 als Sohn eines napoleonischen Generals in Villers-Cotterêts geboren, mit 19 Jahren ging er nach Paris ans Theater. Seine Dramen sind heute vergessen, seine Romane dagegen, wie Die drei Musketiere (1844) oder Der Graf von Monte Christo (1845-46) machten ihn berühmt. Alexandre Dumas starb 1870 in Puys bei Dieppe.

      • Trusted Partner

        Mais pourquoi moi ?!

        by Noga Marron

        Mais pourquoi moi ?! par Noga Marron Concernant l'édition originale en hébreu de Mais pourquoi moi ?!, qui a déjà été publiée avec six réimpressions, il a été positivement établi qu'elle aide vraiment les jeunes lecteurs à rehausser leur propre estime en soulignant que personne n'est parfait et que « l'herbe n'est pas forcement plus verte de l'autre côté de la barrière ». De nombreux éducateurs utilisent ce livre dans des ateliers et, au moyen de lectures dirigées, aident leurs élèves à surmonter leurs problèmes personnels. Le livre contient vingt scénarios, consacrés chacun à un enfant différent. Dans ces scénarios, l'enfant, en dépit de ses avantages personnels, est préoccupé par une certain difficulté personnelle et il, ou elle, envie l'enfant de la scène suivante. Dans le dernier scénario, on rencontre un enfant qui voudrait bien être l'enfant du premier scénario… Avec son texte en rimes et ses amusantes illustrations, le livre réussit à affronter gaiement le sujet sérieux qu'il attaque. Depuis 1987, Noga Marron, née à Jérusalem, a publié un total de 32 livres, surtout adressés aux écoliers et aux jeunes adultes. Elle a travaillé pendant de nombreuses années dans l'enseignement, professeur puis directrice et membre du Comité Directeur de l'Association des Enseignants en Israël. Mme Marron a une licence en littérature et éducation de l'Université Bar Ilan.

      • Trusted Partner

        C’est de l’être humain qu’il s’agit

        by Harout Bedrossian

        C’est de l’être humain qu’il s’agit– une variété de silhouettes du Vieux Jérusalem par Harout Bedrossian Harout Bedrossian, un jeune écrivain arménien du Vieux Jérusalem, réussit à dépeindre, dans ce roman compact, divers personnages venant d’horizons divers que la vie, d’une manière inattendue, amène à se rencontrer et met en relation, en dépit de leurs points de vue différents. C’est le combat d’un jeune homme de coefficient intellectuel limité pour se faire accepter. Lui, que l’on considère comme dépourvu d’émotions, ostracisé par la société et maltraité par son père – il tombe amoureux et, à la grande surprise de sa mère, une femme lui rend son amour et l’accepte tel qu’il est. Un athlète, qui a connu la célébrité, puis l’a perdue et est retombé dans la masse anonyme, trouve le réconfort apporté par une jeune femme compréhensive et indulgente. Un psychiatre a traité le « mauvais patient » et en voit toute sa vie bouleversée ; il est obligé de s’exiler hors de la Russie et se retrouve entouré d’une culture complètement différente dans son nouveau pays, alors que son passé continue à le hanter. Un jeune homme, chrétien fervent, est accusé à tords et il finit en prison. Pourtant, il reste plein de vie et d’espoir, continuant à faire confiance au Seigneur et gardant la foi que tout ce qui arrive, dans la vie, a une raison. La malheureuse victime d’un viol apprend à aimer de nouveau ; et plusieurs autres personnages se découvrent eux-mêmes à travers leurs rencontres mutuelles. L’auteur ne mentionne pas la nationaliste de la plupart des personnages, vu que leurs problèmes et leurs combats sont purement humains et universels, qu’il s’agisse d’israéliens, de palestiniens, de chrétiens, de musulmans ou de juifs – affirmant que, pour l’essential, nous nous trouvons en présence des mêmes éléments humains. Le récit prend place principalement à Jérusalem, et l’auteur a tiré son inspiration de personnes qu’il a rencontrées au cours de sa vie professionnelle, lors de la visite des services psychiatriques, où est représentée une diversité de population que l’on peut trouver seulement dans un pays multiculturel comme Israël. Les éléments humains, que dépeint Bedrossian, peuvent rappeler ceux du célèbre auteur arménien-américain William Saroyan, qui a amusé des millions de lecteurs en contant les péripéties de l’eternel perdant qui est déterminé à réussir. Harout Bedrossian est né en 1972 à Jérusalem. Il a fait des études en Floride en 1989 et, après être sorti de l’école secondaire de West Palm Beach, il est rentré à Jérusalem, où il a commencé à travailler comme aide-enseignant et a obtenu une licence en psychologie et criminologie de l’Université d’Afrique du Sud. Etant né et ayant grandi dans une famille arménienne de Jérusalem, il s’est trouvé exposé à la fois aux cultures arménienne, arabe et juive, et il parle couramment l’arménien, l’anglais, l’hébreu et l’arabe.

      • Trusted Partner
        Biography & True Stories
        February 2017

        Jackie Chan:Never Grow Up, Only Get Older

        by Jackie Chan, Zhu Mo

        This is an autobiography of Chinese Kongfu star Jackie Chan. The book is a true recording of this international superstar’s growth and life experience for the last 50 years. It tells us the legendary actor’s stories, and also reflects a fantastic acting age.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA


        by Fiston Mudacumura

        Sugira est une fille de 7 ans qui vit avec sa mère, Kamaliza. Elle n'aime pas se brosser lesdents. Un jour, elle va à l'école. Ses camarades de classe s'ennuient et l'intimident pour sonodeur. Elle s'est évanouie. Ses deux amies du même quartier commencent également à fuir.Kamaliza, sa mère ne cesse de lui rappeler de se brosser les dents après avoir mangé mais elle n'aime pas ça. Une nuit, elle dort. Dans ses rêves, elle se retrouve dans le royaume de la cavité buccale des microbes surnommé «Imitananana». Il existe de bons microbes quiprotègent les dents et servent la protection de l'hygiène buccale en général. Les bonsmicrobes ont leur chef, le roi AAA. Sugira reçoit un accueil chaleureux dans sa propre cavité buccale. Bonnes Imitananapréparent une soirée pour elle dans les célébrations de la danse africaine et Rwandaise.Ce monde de «Imitanana» est un monde comme les autres. Nous avons des concours debeauté, du travail communautaire, des concerts et bien d'autres jeux amusants et familiersavec les enfants. Sugira apprend à protéger et à préserver l'hygiène bucco-dentaire via des batailles menéescontre les mauvais microbes imitanana menées par le méchant appelé Zezeze.

      • Food & Drink
        March 2016

        Health Tonics for Kids

        by Cheung Pui Fong

        Food therapists in “Health Tonics for Kids” recommend “nutritional soups”, “food to boost brain power”, “meals to strengthen the spleen and stomach”, and “nutritional snacks”, amongst others in the 78 recipes, which also include dietary remedies for children’s common illnesses.

      • Education
        April 2020

        Leading Healthy and Thriving Schools in Hong Kong

        Theory and Practice

        by Robin M. B. Cheung with Amelia S. C. Lo, Vera M. W. Keung and Amy C. M. Kwong

        The academic setting has a significant influence on the well-being of children and teens. Effective school leadership is, therefore, essential in promoting a healthy school environment. This book, the first of its kind in Hong Kong, establishes the kind of leadership a health-promoting school needs to be successful. It explains the steps school leaders should take to promote health, beginning with an explanation of the link between health and education and then moving into a discussion of how schools can be transformed and what sort of leaders are required for such a transformation. These changes can be applied in individual classrooms and schools as well as more broadly across whole education systems. The theoretical healthy school framework outlined in the main text by Dr Robin Cheung, a seasoned scholar-practitioner in the field of school health promotion, is complemented by success stories written from interviews conducted by Dr Cheung’s co-authors, which are included in the supplemental material of the book. These anecdotes and quotes from these stories enliven the text and narrate how principals in Hong Kong have transformed their schools into successful and thriving health-promoting educational settings. This volume draws particular attention to the role of leadership and management in promoting health and learning in educational and academic settings that will be of interest to school leaders, policy makers, and educators alike. Leading Healthy and Thriving Schools in Hong Kong: Theory and Practice is the first book in the Healthy Settings Series, which focuses on the upstream, midstream, and downstream approaches for improving population health and reducing health inequity in various settings and contexts.

      • Health & Personal Development
        January 2015


        Understanding Phobias; How To Look Great On Any Budget; Positive Thinking, Positive Living; Yoga and Meditation; A Guide to Diabetes; Healing Foods; Live Longer, Extend Your Life; Detox; A Guide to Headaches and Migraines; The Healthy Eating Plan; A Guide to Back Pain; Practising Reiki

        by Katherine Wright, Rossalyn Patrick, Jennie Austin, Stella McGovern, Dr David Fong

        SERIES SUMMARY, BOOK BY BOOK :   Title: UNDERSTANDING PHOBIAS  Author: Katherine Wright Phobia is characterised by an overwhelming fear or dread of certain objects, animals, events or situations. It can cause severe restriction of everyday activities and, at its worst, intense misery and suffering for the phobic person. In spite of the fact that the experience of phobia is commonplace, phobics themselves frequently go to great lengths to hide the existence of their condition and do not seek treatment that would be helpful to them. The message of this book, Understanding Phobias, is that there is a great deal that can be done to relieve the phobia sufferer, ranging from self-help measures and alternative therapies to psychotherapeutic treatment programmes.   Title: HOW TO LOOK GREAT ON ANY BUDGET Author: Katherine Wright Looking good, and feeling great, is within the reach of most people as long as they have right products, diet, attitude and discipline. Beauty is no longer something possessed by a blessed few. Modern beauty products mean that improving your looks is nothing like the chore it used to be, and few things put a spring in your step like knowing that you look well-groomed, glowing with health and dressed to impress. Many thousands of people have had surgical procedures to enhance their breasts, lift sagging skin and tired-looking features, and subsequently report increased happiness and confidence. But it might not even be necessary to go that far – the answer to a fresher face and more confident outlook could be in your beauty or hairdressing salon, bathroom cabinet, wardrobe or even your fridge! And sometimes the answer is in your head!   Title: POSITIVE THINKING, POSITIVE LIVING  Author: Dr David Fong A positive book bursting with useful advice and invaluable tips. Learn where self-doubt comes from, its effects and how to banish it. Learn how to grow from negative experiences and use them to your benefit. No rash claims – no miracle cures – just a practical and achievable approach to improving your life.   Title: YOGA AND MEDITATION Author: Katherine Wright Yoga and Meditation provides a helpful introduction to the journey towards self-enlightenment, and fitness through yoga and focus. The book shows you clear and concise instructions for the major positions and meditation techniques. It also gives sound practical advice for creating a lifestyle that is conducive to inner calm. The book shows you yoga positions through line drawings.   Title: A GUIDE TO DIABETES Author: Katherine Wright We’ve all heard of diabetes but what does the average person know about it? With growing numbers diagnosed with it, and untold others suffering from it without knowing, it’s important to be informed about this common condition. Diabetes affects the body’s ability to process the sugar (or glucose) that we get from the food we eat. This is caused by a problem in the body’s production and use of a hormone called insulin. There are two kinds of diabetes: type 1, where the body cannot produce insulin, and type 2, where the body does not produce enough or becomes resistant to insulin. Both types can cause serious health problems, however, with medication and careful attention to lifestyle, people with diabetes can lead normal, healthy, active lives. For anyone suffering from diabetes – or for those who feel they may be at risk of developing it – it is important to become informed about the condition. This book aims to present an overview of the many aspects of this complex disorder, to help increase understanding. Covering symptoms and treatments, as well as dietary and lifestyle recommendations, this is an invaluable introduction to living with diabetes,   Title: HEALING FOODS Author: Katherine Wright Great advances have been made in medicine and science in recent years and there is no doubt that these advances have made, and will continue to make, an enormous difference to people’s health and quality of life. However, there has also been a growing realisation that medicine does not have all the answers. When it comes to a healthy lifestyle, there is universal agreement among nutritionists, doctors and scientists about the importance of diet in both the incidence and prevention of disease. Healing Foods looks at the health-enhancing and healing properties of a wide range of foods, helping to explain why these should be included in our daily diet. Individual entries contain a description of the food in question, its essential properties and health benefits, advice on how much should be eaten and cooking methods where appropriate.   Title: LIVE LONGER, EXTEND YOUR LIFE Author: Katherine Wright Humankind has always been fascinated with finding an ‘elixir of life’. This, of course, is the stuff of fantasy. However, in modern times, new medical developments and scientific breakthroughs already mean that successful treatments are now being used against some of the major killer diseases of the past. Other developments in medical science, especially in the field of genetics, are aimed at directly tackling the ageing process itself. A few scientists have even gone as far as to claim that future research will eventually enable ageing to be written out of the human genome altogether! Live Longer, Extend Your Life explores the ways in which an ordinary person can influence his or her own life span and health to achieve longevity and a healthy and active old age.   Title: DETOX Author: Rosalyn Patrick Detox outlines a plan for a healthy diet, which will enhance your body’s natural functions. Within days you will feel refreshed, with your energy levels increased. Your skin will become clearer, your hair glossier and stronger, and your moods highly improved. Contains recipes and some juice recipes.   Title: A GUIDE TO HEADACHES AND MIGRAINES Author: Katherine Wright Explore the symptoms, causes and treatments of tension, cluster or migraine headaches. Look at the role of complementary therapies in the treatment, management and prevention of headaches and migraines.   Title: THE HEALTHY EATING PLAN. Author: Stella G. McGovern This is a helpful and inspiring book as it explains how we should eat and exercise for good health, and then gives a section for recording your diet and exercise so you can chart your progress towards your health goals and target weight and size.   Title: A GUIDE TO BACK PAIN Author: Katherine Wright Back pain is a universal human experience, being an ailment that affects most people throughout the world in one form or another at some stage in life. It is a problem that has many ramifications, not only for the individual sufferer but also for friends and family, the workplace, economy and society as a whole. The aim of this book is to provide straightforward, useful information about the workings of the human back and the things that may go wrong to cause pain. It also provides guidance on the alleviation and management of such pain.   Title: PRACTISING REIKI Author: Jennie Austin This is an updated edition of an affordable and useful book on reiki by Jennie Austin who both writes about reiki, and practices it. Reiki is a way of healing and cleansing your body, and this book is an ideal introduction to a complementary therapy than can bring both positive changes to both mental and physical health, and also help in the process towards self-discovery.

      • January 2020

        Transforming "Sacred Religion" into Daoism

        Festival, Belief, and Culture in the Chinese Society of Malaysia

        by Fong-mao Lee

        This book discusses the religious phenomena among the Chinese population of Malaysia. It has four main purposes. First, the research compares the Chinese people in Malaysia with those in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau and shows how a “religion-festival integration” (jiao jie yiti) developed in the multi-ethic religious and cultural environment in Malaysia; this is demonstrated by the high participation of Buddhist and Taoist adherents in the festivals.  Second, the above perspective enables us to understand how ancestor-related practices, such as the relocation incident in Malacca and Yishan in Kuala Lumpur and the ancestral worship in Pulau Pinang, came to be defined by the local people as a “sacred religion”; the “sacredness”  of these practices is particularly emphasized.   Third, the author aims to develop the concept of “idea transplanting” (linian yizhi), by which the celestial inspection of the gods on earth (dai xun), the Nine Emperors  (Jiuhuang), the Immortal Masters (Xian shi ye) and the “tang fan” land  are transplanted to Malaysia. The popularity of these gods and practices among Malaysian Chinese comes from their trans-local qualities. After Malaysia became a nation-state, they served to solidify the Chinese in Malaysia, leading to the subsequent development of “the Festival of the Nine Emperors” and “the Festival of Fude Culture”. The book finally argues that Malaysian Chinese are good at applying “the art of unification” to organize religious associations. On a small scale, they united neighborhoods and temples to support Chinese religion. More generally, they set up the General Daoist Association. In the name of Daoism, local temples were united and adherents demanded that the state add the new religious category of Daoism in their citizenship registration. “Sacred Religion” has thus been transformed into “Daosim,” uniting the Chinese into a distinct ethnic category in Malaysia. This argument is a novel and major contribution to Southeast-Asian studies.

      • Nine Speeches on Chinese Art History


        by Fong Wen, Tan Shengguang

        This book is one of the series of “Wen Fong’s Complete Works of Chinese Art History” series. It includes nine independent and inseparable articles which are Wen Fong’s series of speeches in recent years. Starting from exploring the special visual language and artistic style of Chinese art, the author is dedicated to exploring the unique value of Chinese art and constructing the outline of Chinese art history in the contemporary international context. The book combining history with theory, with lots of colorful illustrations, is a masterpiece of cross-cultural study of Chinese art history.

      • Adventure stories (Children's/YA)

        The Marvellous Adventures of Maggie and Methuselah

        A Mystery in Hong Kong

        by Sarah Brennan, Charly Cheung

        Maggie loves hanging out with her best friends Methuselah (her talkative African Grey parrot) and Edmund (the richest boy in Hong Kong), but she loathes attending boring parties with her high-flying mum and dad! Little does she know that a Family Fun Day at Government House will trigger a thrilling adventure involving one of Hong Kong’s greatest mysteries: what happened to the immensely valuable Chater Collection, which was hidden on the eve of the Japanese invasion in World War Two? A funny, exciting story for pre-teens set in one of the world’s most exotic cities, where cultures meet and risks are for the taking! For readers aged 8 to 12 who love mystery, history and adventure!

      • Asian Vegetables

        by Caroline Ho-Yi Wang, Patricia Ho-Yi Wang, Stéphanie Ho-Yi Wang, photos by Virginie Gosselin

        If bok choy has been able to acquire a prominent place on Western shelves, many other Asian vegetables still remain unknown. But these tasty, nutritious vegetables can be easily grown in temperate, and even northern, climates! Caroline, Stephanie andPatricia Ho-Yi Wang, three sisters of Cantonese origin, have made it their mission to introduce these vegetables, which everyone will love, in a unique book that is both a guide to gardening and a cookbook, as well as the story of a family. Presenting 15 Asian vegetables according to each season, the book offers advice to Sunday gardeners as well as future market gardeners on how to organically grow and harvest these vegetables, as well as provides preservation techniques, nutritional information and cookingmethods. Around forty recipes, some of which were created by famous chefs, are presented as well. The Wang sisters also explore the world of Asian vegetables from a cultural point of view, tracing the place that these hold in their own lives and in those of their family members, many of whom left China to emigrate to Madagascar before finally settling in Quebec. A true homage to the earth, good food and one’s roots!

      • Children's & YA
        September 2021

        L'univers bleu d'Anouka

        by Vida Simon

        Anouka est une petite fille qui collectionne les choses bleues. Sa collection a commencé par quelques petits objets, puis elle a rempli toutes les pièces de la maison. Une lampe bleue, du sel bleu, un papillon bleu, des ombres bleues... Anouka se rend compte que sa collection pourrait s'agrandir à l'infini : il y aura toujours plus de choses bleues à trouver. Un album foisonnant qui permet de familiariser les enfants au processus artistique d’une manière imaginative et ludique. - There is a girl named Anouka who collects blue things.It first started with a few small objects on a tray. Then it grew and filled every room in the house. A blue lamp, blue salt, a blue butterfly, blue shadows... Anouka realizes that the collection could grow to infinity – there will always be more blue things to be found. A rich album which allows children to familiarize themselves with the artistic process in an imaginative and playful way.

      • Cook'n Roll again

        by Audrey BASSET

        Because rock’n roll is never dead, here are brand new recipes for all lovers of cook and rock !

      • Science fiction
        August 2021

        Seasons Between Us

        Tales of Identities and Memories

        by Susan Forest (editor), Lucas K. Law (editor), Jane Yolen, Alan Dean Foster, Maurice Broaddus, Candas Jane Dorsey, Rich Larson, S.B. Divya, Patrick Swenson, Amanda Sun, Karina Sumner-Smith, and more

        What is a life well-lived? How should life be lived? What kind of stories will you leave behind?   Travel with twenty-three speculative fiction authors through the seasons of life to capture the memories, identities, and moments of stepping through the portal of change, as they cope with their own journeys of growing older.   From the moment of birth, through each threshold of our lives, to the moment we take our last breath, we age. Some of us leap into a hopeful future, some cling to the knowns of our former selves, some wander obliviously through the minefields and poppies of change. Something is lost, something is gained in each season. Things forgotten, things remembered.   A child redefines identity and belonging in post-Soviet Hungary. A girl blossoming to adult awareness exchanges life for death in rural Canada. A college student chooses between the magic of ancient spirits and the magic of daily happiness in modern Japan. In futuristic India, a mother finds joy in the balance between family and career. Under the Andulasian sun, a mathematician consults his older self in affairs of love. In alternate Tanzania, a husband and wife discover wisdom in memory loss. A robot eases an old man's grief, and a grandmother opens her heart when she listens to her child. And many more hopeful stories.   Featuring Original Stories by Maurice Broaddus, Vanessa Cardui, C.J. Cheung, Joyce Chng, Eric Choi, S.B. Divya, Alan Dean Foster, Bev Geddes, Maria Haskins, Tyler Keevil, Rich Larson, Karin Lowachee, Brent Nichols, Heather Osborne, Y.M. Pang, Karina Sumner-Smith, Amanda Sun, Patrick Swenson, Bogi Takács, Hayden Trenholm, Liz Westbrook-Trenholm, Jane Yolen, and Alvaro Zinos-Amaro.   With an Introduction by Candas Jane Dorsey   Edited by Susan Forest and Lucas K. Law   The anthologies in this award-winning series (Strangers Among Us, The Sum of Us, Where the Stars Rise, Shades Within Us) have been recommended by Publishers Weekly, Booklist (American Library Association), Kirkus Reviews, Library Journal, School Library Journal, Locus, Foreword Reviews, and Quill & Quire.   To learn more about this publisher, click here:

      • May 2021


        A topical novel about the fertile social mutations triggered by a pandemic. How a highly lethal disease will allow a mother and a son to find their way back to each other...

        by Hélène Le Bris

        France, summer 2029. A strange disease with an unspeakable name, called “Plague” for convenience, is sweeping the country. Deadly and highly contagious, it strikes in successive waves, upsetting the economy and social relations and overturning democracy. It eventually withdraws to Paris, placed under lockdown.On either side of the medical barricade, a mother and her grown son witness contrasting events, she in her village, repopulated by townspeople spared from the virus, and he imprisoned in a devastated Paris. Their past opposes them, their present also keeps them apart: she struggles with paperwork in the filthy workshop next to her house, and he enjoys his job as a guide for the Louvre Museum. As the plague takes its toll, an unexpected reconciliation gradually takes place.Their relationships with their loved ones also change. A couple of overworked caregivers, a distraught garage owner, and an emotional fortune teller experience with them the shock that the plague imposes on human relationships.


        When Oksana meets Max, the attraction she feels for him is instantaneous, almost too strong. But Max is fierce and difficult to understand. What does he hide deep inside?

        by Océane Ghanem

        One winter evening, Oksana goes to a nightclub to celebrate her best friend Steeve’s birthday. To get away from his sister Camelia, she sits at the bar and orders a beer. Oksana eventually notices a man in the crowd who catches her eye. He fascinates her upon first glance. She herself doesn’t understand this obsession of hers, this want to know his every move throughout the evening. She only wishes to rid herself of the sadness she feels deep down.As for Max, he enjoys his evening with his friends and roommates. However, the constant gaze of this woman at the bar intrigues and disturbs him much more than he would like. He tests her reactions, sometimes by slipping away from the dance floor while she looks away, sometimes by provoking her with mindless flirting and dancing. This curiosity will finally drive him to join her at the bar. A relationship develops between them over time, creating a strong and powerful bond.Despite this, both protagonists have secrets they would rather keep to themselves. How far will they be willing to go to prevent the other from knowing?

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