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      • Babel-Bridge Literary Agency

        Babel-Bridge specialises in translation rights representation world-wide on behalf of publishing houses and agencies.   At Babel-Bridge, every single book is carefully selected for its potential ability to travel, be it for its universal theme, its commercial hook or stunning artwork, or indeed all three.   Babel-Bridge represents mainly books from the Nordics and the UK, but we wish to grow the portfolio to include beautiful books that tick the aforementioned boxes from other corners of the world. To that end, Babel-Bridge will rely on close collaboration with subagents, who are strongly placed to identify the books that are most likely to travel, but where the rights holder lacks the network abroad.

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      • Soore Mehr Publishing Co.

        Soore Mehr Publishing Co. is one of the Best and huge Publishing group in Iran, and established 1998, we selected 7 years as the best Publisher in Iran and get the prize with cultural ministry Of Iran. we published about 5000 title books up to now, and we publish about 300 new title( 1st edition) every year, we have fiction, Non-fiction, Poem, War story and Memory for Adults. we translate and published mor than 150 titles to Foreign languages, it's included: English,Arabic,Russian,spanish,.... 5 Audio books in English Language. we published up to 2000 titles E-books at Private e-book Reader.

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2023

        Ali Baba und die vierzig Räuber

        by Burkhard Neie, Enno Littmann

        Diese Geschichte ist weltbekannt: Der arme Holzfäller Ali Baba, der, im dichten Geäst verborgen, das geheime Codewort »Sesam, öffne dein Tor!« einer Räuberbande mit angehört hat, findet in der Felsenhöhle deren »Schätze«: Teppiche, Gewänder, Goldmünzen und Edelsteine. Um seine bescheidenen Verhältnisse zu verbessern, nimmt er einige der Goldstücke mit nach Hause. Doch die Räuber kommen ihm auf die Spur und Ali Baba kann sich nur mit Hilfe seiner schlauen Dienerin Mardschana retten. Das Märchen gehört zu den berühmtesten Erzählungen Scheharazades aus Tausendundeiner Nacht. Der Illustrator und Buchgestalter Burkhard Neie hat sich des klassischen Textes für die Insel-Bücherei angenommen und eine Ausgabe geschaffen, die so prächtig ist, dass sie selbst in der Bibliothek einer Königin stehen könnte!

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Do As You Are Told, Baji

        by Lola Shoneyin

        Baji goes to Kwoi in Kaduna State to spend the weekend with Baba, his grandfather. Baba takes Baji to his farm, but soon discovers that Baji does not often do as he is told. As an eventful day on the farm comes to an end, fun-loving Baji has an interesting encounter with a stubborn donkey.

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        Sai Baba

        Mensch, Heiliger, Gott

        by Lanz, Karin; Rao, Narasimha

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        Children's & YA

        Machher Jhol

        by Richa Jha and Sumanta Dey

        When Gopu’s father (Baba) falls sick, the visually impaired Gopu knows he would have to step out alone. He negotiates the crowds, the markets, and the traffic of the city of Calcutta, all by himself, to reach his grandma’s house to get her to cook Baba’s favourite fish curry. Does he succeed in bringing it home to him?  In this book, Richa Jha writes as much about the courage of Gopu as she does about the sounds and smells of a bustling metropolis. Sumanta Dey brings alive the city of Calcutta between the covers of this book and makes the readers feel they are walking alongside Gopu.

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        Die Abenteuer des Hadji Baba

        Ein orientalischer Abenteuerroman

        by James Morier, Hermann Rosenau

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        Short stories (Children's/YA)

        Myroslava and Others From Our Yard

        by Olha Kupriyan

        Myroslava and Others from Our Courtyard'' by Olha Kupriyan is a funny and sincere story for young readers about all those miracles and ups and downs that happen to us only in childhood, when you are ten and the holidays are the whole life lasting a summer! Mykyta and Myroslava are friends, they squabble and reconcile again, learn to earn their first money by walking the Baba Sonya’s dog or little Zlata, try to summon the Rubber Booty... And they also share all the joys and sorrows, they know how to enjoy small things, such as a piece of the Dream airplane in the sky!

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        Maja und Muckefuck jagen Hasi Baba

        Eine tierische Geschichte

        by Frank, Karlhans

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      • Trusted Partner

        Ali Baba und die 40 Räuber

        Und die Geschichten von den nächtlichen Abenteuern des Kalifen aus 1001 Nacht

        by Enno Littmann

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2008

        Sieben Derwische

        Anatolische Legenden

        by Nedim Gürsel, Monika Carbe, Gerhard Schweizer

        Nedim Gürsel hat ein schmales Buch über sieben große Figuren des Sufismus geschrieben. Er hat Anatolien durchstreift auf den Spuren von Rûmi (Konya), Haci Bektas (inneres Anatolien), Abdal Musa (Taurusgebirge), Kaygusuz Abdal (Alanya), Merkez Efendi (Manisa), Geyikli Baba und Emir Sultan (Bursa), um von dem legendären Leben der Derwische zu berichten, von den Landschaften und der Geschichte, die ihr Denken beeinflußt haben. Der anatolische Sufismus zeigt das Bild eines toleranten und offenen Islam. »Ich schildere meine Eindrücke«, schreibt Gürsel, »vom Besuch der Kultorte, aber ich erzähle auch, aus meiner Sicht und in meinem Stil, von ihren Legenden und wie diese heiligen Figuren des Islam heute von der Bevölkerung wahrgenommen und verehrt werden.« Sieben Derwische führt in die Welt des anatolischen Sufismus ein, anschaulich, durch Gürsels Berichte von seinen Reisen in Raum und Zeit - gespickt mit Zitaten, Anekdoten, Legenden und Gesprächen vor Ort.

      • Trusted Partner


        by Myrna Shiboleth

        GESCHICHTEN AUS SHA’AR HAGAI, von Myrna Shiboleth In Geschichten aus Sha’ar Hagai nimmt uns Myrna Shiboleth mit auf die außergewöhnliche Reise ihrer Emigration aus den Vereinigten Staaten, als Pionierin in Israel. Sie lässt uns an ihrem Leben und ihren Reisen in Afrika und Europa teilnehmen und erzählt, wie sie dazu kam, eine faszinierende Hunderasse zu züchten, die heute allgemein als Israel Canaan bekannt ist.Die geschilderten Episoden sind zuweilen äußerst humorvoll und scharfzüngig. Wir begleiten sie auf ihren abenteuerlichen Bemühungen, in einem von den Behörden aufgegebenen, mit Einschusslöchern übersäten Bunker heimisch zu werden und ein Leben mit Familie, Freunden sowie einer bunten Schar vierbeiniger und gefiederter Zeitgenossen Fuß zu fassen. Sie teilt ihre Geschichten von wilden Wüstenhunden, über Baba, die mit der Flasche großgezogene Hyäne, Ricky den überaus neugierigen Waschbär, Shusha, den Fuchs bis hin zu Um Fathi, der arabischen Dorfhexe und lässt uns an ihren Kämpfen und ihrem unermüdlichen Elan teilhaben. Jeder ihrer wundersamen Charaktere lehrt uns etwas darüber, was es bedeutet, ein Mensch zu sein.   Myrna Shiboleth ist Tierverhaltensforscherin, weltweit bekannte Hundezüchterin und Hundeschau-Schiedsrichterin. Sie ist als weltweite Autorität über die Hunderasse Canaan bekannt, eine der wenigen noch vorhandenen Wildhundrassen, die durch ihre Arbeit in den Vereinigten Staaten und anderen Ländern eingeführt wurden.Die Autorin lebt mit zahlreichen Hunden, die sie züchtet, auf ihrer malerischen Farm Sha’ar Hagai im Hügelland außerhalb von Jerusalem und ist im Internet unter zu finden.

      • Trusted Partner


        by Myrna Shiboleth

        LOS CANES DE SHAAR HAGAI En Los canes de Shaar Hagai, Myrna Shiboleth nos lleva de la mano en un extraordinario periplo, al emigrar de Estados Unidos, al ser pionera en Israel, al vivir y viajar en África y Europa y al establecer la fascinante raza canina conocida ahora en todo el mundo como perros de Canaán de Israel. En episodios a la vez hilarantes y conmovedores, nos unimos a ella mientras lucha por establecer un hogar en un refugio de hormigón —acribillado por las balas y abandonado por las autoridades— y por crearse una vida que comparte con familiares, amigos y una variedad de mascotas de pelo y plumas. Ella comparte sus relatos, desde los perros salvajes del desierto, Baba la hiena criada por cuidadores, Ricky el curiosísimo mapache, Shusha el zorro y hasta Um Fathi, la bruja del poblado árabe local, a través de los cuales permite aprehender la esencia de la lucha y la fortaleza. Cada uno de estos increíbles personajes nos enseña algo acerca de lo que significa ser humano. Myrna Shiboleth es conductista de animales, criadora de perros campeona mundial y juez en exposiciones caninas y es reconocida como una autoridad en todo lo que concierne a los perros de Canaán, una de las pocas razas de perros salvajes que quedan, en cuya introducción en Estados Unidos y en otros países cumplió un papel esencial. La autora vive entre los perros que cría en su pintoresca granja en Shaar Hagai, que se puede encontrar en unas alturas en el camino a Jerusalén, o en la página web en 20×13 cm, 518 páginas, edición en tapa blanda, numerosas ilustraciones en blanco y negro. por Myrna

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      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        October 2004

        Through the forest. Across the sky. On the water. Trilogy

        by Serhii Oksenyk

        Book 1. The Bald Man. When a twelve-year-old boy has to take on his young shoulders a burden of responsibility for others, when the whole forest is against him, when he is the only one to decide what is good and what is bad, every step of a dangerous journey might be the last… will the hero be able to reach the goal of his journey? Will he manage to save people and not to turn into a werewolf? Will it help him that he is a teenager or it will be an obstacle? Book 1. The Bald Man. When a twelve-year-old boy has to take on his young shoulders a burden of responsibility for others, when the whole forest is against him, when he is the only one to decide what is good and what is bad, every step of a dangerous journey might be the last… will the hero be able to reach the goal of his journey? Will he manage to save people and not to turn into a werewolf? Will it help him that he is a teenager or it will be an obstacle?Book 1. The Bald Man. When a twelve-year-old boy has to take on his young shoulders a burden of responsibility for others, when the whole forest is against him, when he is the only one to decide what is good and what is bad, every step of a dangerous journey might be the last… will the hero be able to reach the goal of his journey? Will he manage to save people and not to turn into a werewolf? Will it help him that he is a teenager or it will be an obstacle?Book 1. The Bald Man. When a twelve-year-old boy has to take on his young shoulders a burden of responsibility for others, when the whole forest is against him, when he is the only one to decide what is good and what is bad, every step of a dangerous journey might be the last… will the hero be able to reach the goal of his journey? Will he manage to save people and not to turn into a werewolf? Will it help him that he is a teenager or it will be an obstacle? Book II. LelyaCould be there anything more frightening than when The Bald Man and The Barefoot come to the village? Who steals magic stuff from kids? How to transform yourself into a flying old witch whose name is Baba Yaga? Where does the last way of the werewolves end? You will find the exciting answers to all these questionsin this new novel about the adventures of Lelya, The Bald Man and their friends in horrible world where almost nothing good and bright left…But there is no other world! Book III. AN ENGINEER. Looks like we have already found out what is that evil Force that wants to destroy all people and all living creatures on the Earth but nobody knows how to overcome it. The Bald Man proposed a plan, which looked so hopeless, terrifying, and adventurous that nobody liked it - nor Marichka, neither Lelya or The Beard Man, but yet all our heroes and even the rooster named Falkon agree to participate and to help. It is scary even to imagine how the story might end. And yet – where did this dark underground Force came from? Why is it so hostile to everything alive? The answers to these questions probably are hidden in the fate of another character, who called himself an Engineer. The last book of a trilogy “Through the forest. Across the sky. On the water” is as full of fantastic adventures and adventure fiction as the two previous ones: “The Bald Man” and “Lelya”.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 1994

        Siete cuentos

        by P. Beardsall

        One of the core authors of the '60s boom in Latin American fiction, Julio Cortázar made a contribution of international importance to the development of the short story as a literary form. This collection spans his writing career and includes La Noche Boca Arriba and Final del Juego (1956), Las Babas del Diablo (1959), La Isla a Mediodia (1966), Recortes de Prensa and Queremos Tanto a Glenda (1981) and Botella al Mar (1982). Of the seven stories, some are famous examples of his contribution to the genre of 'fantastic' literature, while others demonstrate his social and political concerns. Cortázar can be a challenging and demanding writer. Peter Beardsell's edition, with its comprehensive introduction and notes to the text, selected vocabulary and discussion section suggests that he is also enjoyable and accessible to readers at all levels. ;

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