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      • Trusted Partner
      • Family history, tracing ancestors


        by Jan Prins

        This book outlines the lives of the Jewish woman Eva in time for World War II, fleeing for the Nazi `s, from Germany to the Red Light District in Amsterdam, and it ends up on the fringes of society, in the Life ended. A dramatic encounter with a namesake a result both shall live. Continue with a terrible secret their whole life continues in the spirit of this secret and the cause of suffering the consequences. From different points of this drama comes to life in this novel, and has a surprisingly end ---------------- In dit boek wordt het leven geschetst van de Joodse vrouw Eva die in de tijd voor de Tweede Wereldoorlog, op de vlucht voor de Nazi`s, vanuit Duitsland op de Wallen in Amsterdam terecht komt en daar aan de zelfkant van de maatschappij, in Het Leven, beland. Een dramatische ontmoeting met een naamgenoot heeft tot gevolg dat beiden met een verschrikkelijk geheim verder moeten leven. Hun hele verdere leven blijft in het teken staan van dit geheim en ook de oorzaak daarvan ervaart de gevolgen. Vanuit verschillende invalshoeken komt dit drama in deze roman tot leven en kent een verrassend slot.

      • Romance

        Vrij Worden

        by Jan Prins

        A resident of the Rosa Spier house in Laren takes us through various stages of life. It will be shown including aspects that were previously hidden from us, but they have a major impact on our daily lives, such as the Skull & Bones and Freemasonry. The book is a hybrid of the description of a part of the personal life of the author and a description of his quest for the Beautiful in all its forms. ---------------- Een bewoner van het Rosa Spier Huis in Laren voert ons door allerlei fasen van het leven. Er worden o.a. aspecten getoond die eerder voor ons verborgen waren, maar die van grote invloed zijn op ons leven van alledag, zoals die van de Skull & Bones en van de Vrijmetselarij. Het boek is een mengvorm van de beschrijving van een deel van het persoonlijke leven van de auteur en een beschrijving van zijn zoektocht naar het Schone in al zijn vormen.

      • History
        June 2014

        Seks, drugs en rock en roll in de gouden eeuw

        by Benjamin Roberts

        In Seks, Drugs en Rock 'n' Roll in de Gouden Eeuw (‘Sex, Drugs, and Rock ‘n’ Roll in the Golden Age’), historian Benjamin B. Roberts paints a fascinating portrait of the lives of young men int he first half of the seventeenth century. He describes the riotous behaviour of prominent figures such as Rembrandt – born in 1606 – and brings the values of his rebellious peers to life. Roberts convincingly demonstrates that young men rebelled then as they do now, and moved against previous generations. They grew out their hair, wore outrageous clothes, smoked, drank too much, got into fights with the city guards, cheated, and sang bawdy songs. This accessibly written book paints a vivid portrait of youth culture in the Golden Age; a time when the advent of printing allowed for a rapid spread of a culture of permissiveness. The spread of liberal ideas, together with the rising incomes, created a new generation of ‘bad boys’. Using hilarious examples, Roberts shows that deviant behaviour is timeless.

      • Slow Living

        by Eva Krebbers

        AN ODE TO SLOW LIVING, NATURE & THE JOY OF CREATING We live in a world where everything is getting faster and more digital. To counterbalance this, more and more people have the need to create, to learn something new and see tangible results. This book is an ideal start for those who like a lot of different things and want to take a closer look at some DIY crafts. The Slow Living Inspiration Book is divided into seasons, so you can get inspired per season. There are projects by author Eva Krebbers herself, while she visits for more specialist projects (such as painting with plants, making wreaths and felting) an expert with many followers on social media. In this way, the book immediately gets a lot of attention through various channels and people on social media. * Lots of creative inspiration * Beautiful photography * Fits perfectly in the slow living trend * More than 25 creative projects * Big social media campaign Word count 41.310

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2015

        Het jaar dat de muur viel

        De val van het communisme in het Oostblok

        by Jule Hinrichs

        November 2014 saw the quarter-century anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, one of the most poignant events in the past century. The inhabitants of Berlin broke the graffiti-covered concrete down with hammers or pickaxes and climbed over the wall. The historic milestone was followed on televisions around the world. After forty years of separation between communism and capitalism, the Iron Curtain opened on November 9th 1989. Which economic and political developments preceded this event? The arrival of Gorbachev in 1985 ushered in the Glasnost period. With this, hope for more liberty of action in Eastern Europe grew in satellite states such as Poland and Hungary. In 1989, the Communists in Hungary decided to hold free elections. In the summer of that year, the same happened in Poland. That same summer, the Hungarians began to remove the barbed wire at the Hungarian-Austrian border. Through this gap, East Germans fled en masse from Hungarian campsites to the West. It was the prelude to the dramatic decision of the GDP to open the border on November 9th 1989.

      • The Happiness Workbook

        by Eva Brobbel

        The Happiness Workbook translates the latest scientific findings on happiness and mindfulness into practical, daily assignments, meditations and writing exercises. Over the course of eight weeks, you’ll work on improving your sense of happiness and wellbeing. The Happiness Workbook provides you with the latest research in the field of happiness in relation to thankfulness, mindfulness, the brain, thoughts, emotions, food and exercise. Each week, you’ll tackle another area in with exercises, tests, tips and writing assignments. You don’t just learn about happiness, you start applying it as you go! The Happiness Workbook is a practical guide for those looking to experience more happiness in their everyday life.

      • The Mindfulness Workbook

        by Eva Brobbel

        The Mindfulness Workbook teaches you to deal with things like stress and worrying, by redirecting your attention to the present. In this activity book you will find the complete Mindfulness course as one complete package. The simple but effective exercises are designed to train your focus and attention. The accompanying audio, available as download or cd, contains several mediations. With over 60 exercises in the book and 10 audio meditations, you can get started right away, from the comfort of your home. The Mindfulness Workbook contains (writing) assignments, questionnaires, self tests, and tips. After 8 weeks, you’ll be familiar with the ins and outs of Mindfulness and you will have gained experience in meditation and learn how to be more present in the moment. Not a luxury in a society crammed with input and distraction!

      • The Chagall Atlas


        The Chagall Atlas follows Jewish artist Marc Chagall, whose personal and artistic life collided with world history more than once. Born in the 19th Century in anti-Semitist Czarist Russia, Chagall travelled to 20th Century Paris, where Cubism and Fauvism were about to change art forever. During World War I, he was ‘stuck’ in his hometown Vitebsk, right at the Eastern Front of a war that seamlessly merged into the Russian Revolution. Chagall could literally see the Revolution unfold from the window of his office in St. Petersburg. Chagall spent the twenties and thirties in Berlin and Paris, trying not to think about World War II that loomed over Europe. His spectacular escape from Vichy France to the US, where Chagall and his family spent the war along with other exiled artists, is a fantastic story in its own right. After the War, Chagall settled in the South of France, where he lived next door to Picasso and Matisse. But it wasn’t until later in life, against the backdrop of the Cold War and the foundation of the State of Israel, that he fully came into his own as an artist.

      • Medicine
        November 2020

        Arzt*in als Ganzes; sinnvoll arbeiten, sinnvoll leben

        by Angèle van de Ven, Lodewijk Schmit Jongbloed und mit beiträgen von Pascal Berberat

        Spitzenreiter in den Niederlanden ‘Ärtz*in als Ganzes‘ ist ein Buch gefüllt von Ideen für Ärzt*innen, die Vertiefung in ihrer Arbeit und ihrem Leben suchen. Es stellt tiefgründige Fragen über ihre professionelle und persönliche Entwicklung. Außerdem liefert es erkennbare Beschreibungen über verschiedene Laufbahn- und Lebensphasen. Mit Humor, in Word und Bild, ist dieses Buch eine farbenfrohe Entdeckungsreise zu möglichen weniger bekannten Teilen ihrer selbst. Reflektion ist das Schlüsselwort, aber in unorthodoxer Art und Weise repräsentiert.   Referenzen "‘Es freut mich sehr, dass wir unsere Student*innen und jungen Ärzt*innen mit diesem inspirierenden und farbenfrohen Buch unterstützen können. Wir wollen uns damit auf den subjektiven und menschlichen Anteil der Medizin und v.a. auf  die Ärzt*innen in ihrer Rolle konzentrieren, und nicht, wie üblich, nur auf Krankheiten oder die Organisation der Arbeit. Ein wertvolles Werkzeug, um Selbstreflexion zu fördern, zum Nachdenken, Fühlen und Handeln anzuregen, so dass die menschliche Kompetenz als Ärzt*in erhalten bleibt und weiter wachsen kann. Ich persönlich bin überzeugt davon, dass wir als Ärzt*innen diese regelmäßige Selbstreflexion brauchen und dies nicht nur für unsere Patientinnen und Patienten, sondern v.a. für unser eigenes Wohlbefinden. Besonders in Krisensituation, wie jetzt in der aktuellen COVID-19 Situation, brauchen wir diese Fähigkeit mehr denn je. Jedem von uns ist wohl in der letzten Zeit bewusst(er) geworden, wie notwendig solche Prozesse sind, denn oft bringt eine Krise unterbewusste Gedanken, Gefühle und Überzeugungen mit aller Kraft ans Tageslicht. Durch die aktive Auseinandersetzung mit sich selbst im Hinblick auf die eigene professionelle Rolle wird es gelingen, Zufriedenheit und Motivation für das Lebenswerk als Ärzt*in - in jeder Phase - zu finden oder zu erneuern."    Prof Dr med Pascal Berberat Professor für Medizindidaktik und Bildungsforschung; TUM Medical Education Center, Fakultät für Medizin, Technische Universität München   ------------------------   "Junge Ärzt*innen sich entwickeln zu lassen, ist wahrscheinlich das Wichtigste und Prägendste im ganzen Berufsleben. Was will ich? Was will ich nicht? Und: Was kann ich? Was kann ich (noch) nicht – essentielle Fragen nach Leidenschaft und Talent. Dieses Buch begeistert mich, weil es auf eine einfache und prägnante Art hilft, diese und andere essentielle Fragen zu stellen - in jeder Lebensphase und immer wieder. Durch Reflexion, Selbsteinsicht und Orientieren an Vorbildern meistern Sie die Herausforderung, Ihren eigenen Weg zu finden zum Arzt als Ganzes, zur Ärztin als Ganzes – Für Ihre Patient*innen, Ihre Familie und vor allem für sich selbst."    Prof. Dr. Götz Wietasch Anästhesist, Ausbildungsbeauftragter und ehemaliges Mitglied der Niederländischen Ärztekammer

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2014


        Antisemitisme - een 21e eeuwse geschiedenis

        by Remco Ensel

        Where does freedom of speech end and do insults, threats, and hate speech begin? Why does a rapper sing that more Muslims than Jews were killed during the Holocaust? This book addresses the 21st century wave of anti-Semitic incidents in the streets and on the internet, the distortions of historic commemoration in our country and the problems with education about the Holocaust. It is an incisive analysis of a multicultural drama in which anti-Jewish statements play a crucial role. By going back in time, Remco Ensel puts the new anti-Semitism in the context of post-war history of protest and provocation. From the student protests in the sixties to the Second Intifada, from ‘zionazi’ to ‘Adolf Sharon’, the Rushdie affair to Mohammed B. The book is based on extensive archival research in Morocco and the Netherlands and on conversations with journalists and politicians, such as Bertus Hendriks, Job Cohen, Elatik Fatima Ahmed Marcouch, Ronny Naftaniel and many others.

      • Science: general issues
        September 2007

        De sublieme eenvoud van relativiteit

        Een visuele inleiding

        by Sander Bais

        Bais wrote a cute pictorial monograph that smoothly takes you to the very heart of the theory that shook the foundations of science a century ago. Einstein’s 1905 papers on special relativity marked a turning point in our understanding of such fundamental notions a space, time, mass and energy. In an elegant sequence of easy to follow steps through a splendid series of spacetime diagrams Sander Bais gives you the thrill of discovering Einstein’s sublime but extremely counter intuitive reality yourself. The chapters cover subjects like , the postulates, simultaneity, causality, contractions and dilations, and energy and momentum. Discover in a pictorial way why moving clocks run slow, why things cannot move faster then the speed of light, or why mass and energy are equivalent… A delightful journey for the curious mind, the critical student, and the teacher who wants to inspire, but also for all those who want to recapture this beautiful body of knowledge. This book is not as much a philosophical or historical reflection on special relativity, as a manual that with a few words brings you the essential contents of this unique theory. A guided tour full of thought provoking riddles, paradoxes and brainteasers that might keep you awake, fortunately their many back-of- the-envelope resolutions are also included. This book is as close to a do-it-yourself relativity kit as you can get. The author nicely exploits the fact that one image can say a lot more than a full page of algebra, and where algebra is hard to remember some of Bais’ diagrams are hard to forget.

      • What is water?


        A mushroom container sends father and son on a small voyage of discovery in the kitchen. You can fill the container with water, and freeze it. But it can turn back into water as well. Or turn into steam, which disappears through the chimney. And then it comes back as rain. As water. Which you can put in the container.

      • Pete the parakeet

        by Mark Haayema

        Gus has built a beautiful aviary. There’s room for a hundred birds. At least. But only Pete lives there. Pete the parakeet. Pete likes having the place to himself. But then other birds move into his aviary. One after another. Pete doesn’t like that one bit. Will he be able to adjust to this new situation? A book about birds of different feather flocking together.

      • History of engineering & technology
        December 2013

        The Contractors

        The Story of British Civil Engineering Contractors

        by Hugh Ferguson , Mike Chimes (Author)

        Fully illustrated in colour, The Contractors, is the first history of the challenges and adventures faced by British civil engineering contractors from their emergence with canal construction in the late-eighteenth century to the present day. Extraordinarily ambitious, largely unrecognised men who built the world’s infrastructure – its roads and railways, canals and bridges, docks and harbours, lighthouses and breakwaters, sea works and flood defences, water supply and irrigation, urban drainage and sewerage, gas works and power stations, and buildings of all shapes and sizes – these contractors took considerable risks, many failed in the process but others thrived and developed into some of the most powerful and influential industrialists of their day. Including profiles of many of the key figures and organisations in the industry through the ages, The Contractors explains what the business is about and where it comes from, sharing with a wider audience the exploits of these adventurers, haracterised by their inspiring leadership, sheer hard work, a strong constitution and perseverance in the face of adversity. Over time, the contractor has changed: from the great Victorian contractors, towering men whose business was their personal affair, through the twentieth century which has seen the rise of the corporate contractor, specialist contractors and the blurring of the distinction between consulting engineers and contractors, to the larger firms of recent years becoming larger through merger and acquisition but, as the examples in this book demonstrate, there is still room for the entrepreneur with vision, leadership and drive to become a highly successful contractor. The Contractors is a compulsory read for all those working in the industry, including civil engineers, those interested in the industry and its impact on the world, and the wider public. Readers will experience the boom of the canal and railway eras, working at home and abroad, the difficulties and opportunities brought by wars, the equipment used and the specialists and sub-contractors of today, fully illustrated with unique material from ICE and the firms themselves. Following the success of The Civil Engineers, Hugh Ferguson BSc(Eng) CEng FICE MCIHT and Mike Chrimes MBE BA MLS MCLIP bring their extensive experience and unique insight and passion to civil engineering contractors.

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