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      • Thames & Hudson Ltd.

        Thames & Hudson was founded in 1949 by Walter and Eva Neurath. Their passion and mission was to create a ‘museum without walls’ and to make accessible to a large reading public the world of art and the research of top scholars.  Today, still an independent, family-owned company, Thames & Hudson is one of the world’s leading publishers of illustrated books with over 2,000 titles in print. We publish high-quality books across ‎all areas of visual creativity: the arts (fine, applied, decorative, performing), architecture, design, photography, fashion, film and music, and also archaeology, history and popular culture. Our children’s books list is also expanding. Headquartered in London, we have a sister company in New York and subsidiary sales and distribution companies in Hong Kong and Paris.

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      • Trusted Partner
        July 1990

        Feuer der Seele

        Gedanken zum Leben, zur Liebe und zur Kunst

        by Vincent Gogh, Ursula Michels-Wenz, Ursula Michels-Wenz

        Zum 150. Geburtstag Vincent van Goghs (1853 bis 1890) erinnert dieser Band mit ausgewählten Zitaten an den »mächtigsten Idealisten und rührendsten Märtyrer in der neuen Kunst, ... der aus übergroßer Liebe zu den Menschen einsam wurde, der aus übergroßer Vernunft wahnsinnig wurde« (Hermann Hesse).Ergänzt werden die Briefzitate durch ein Nachwort mit einem biographischen Abriß, eine Zeittafel sowie eine Literaturliste. Außerdem liegen im insel taschenbuch vor: Vincent van Gogh. Briefe an seinen Bruder. 3 Bände (it 954), Van Gogh in seinen Briefen. Mit Abbildungen (it 177)

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2000

        Der Leuchtturmmörder


        by Vincent Swarte, Hinrich Schmidt-Henkel

        Geoffroy hat sich zurückgezogen von der Welt, die ihn wie einen Hund behandelt. Schuldlos ist er schuldig geworden (am Tod seines Bruders), unter Menschen kann er nicht menschlich sein. Auf der Leuchtturminsel Cordouan ist er sein eigener Herr, und Herr über Leben und Tod, allein der Macht des Leuchtturms unterworfen. Auf diesem kleinen Stück Erde zwischen Wasser und Himmel sind die Übergänge von tot zu lebendig fließend: Was Geoffroy hier unter die geschickten Finger bekommt, erhält ewiges Leben, aber vorher muß es sterben. Geoffroy hat niemanden gebeten, ihn auf Cordouan zu besuchen, und Lise kommt doch. Erst ihr gelingt es, ihn aus der Gewalt des Leuchtturms zu befreien, doch inzwischen ist er verantwortlich für den Tod von fünf Menschen. »Der Leuchtturmmörder« ist ein literarisches Debut von grausamer Eleganz, eine gnadenlos packende Geschichte, die niemanden unberührt läßt. Für sein Psychogramm eines unfreiwilligen Serienmörders wurde Vincent de Swarte vom französischen Verband der Psychiater mit dem Prix Charles Brisset ausgezeichnet.

      • Trusted Partner

        LOGIC – A First Course

        by Prof. A. Blum

        LOGIC – A First Course Prof. A. Blum A rigorous first course in logic for students of philosophy. The book aims to teach a natural deduction technique and to give a thorough intuitive understanding of the metatheory of elementary logic. Prof. Blum, one of Israel’s leading philosophical logicians, has published over 40 articles on logic and related subjects in international journals, and is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Bar-Ilan University. 192 pages, 16.5X23.5 cm

      • Trusted Partner

        LOGIC – A First Course

        by Prof. A. Blum

        A rigorous first course in logic for students of philosophy. The book aims to teach a natural deduction technique and to give a thorough intuitive understanding of the metatheory of elementary logic. Prof. Blum, one of Israel’s leading philosophical logicians, has published over 40 articles on logic and related subjects in international journals, and is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Bar-Ilan University. 192 pages, 16.5X23.5 cm

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2010

        Die Ökonomie als Wissenschaft der leidenschaftlichen Interessen

        Eine Einführung in die ökonomische Anthropologie Gabriel Tardes

        by Bruno Latour, Vincent Lépinay, Gustav Roßler

        Angenommen, Karl Marx hätte das "Kapital" veröffentlicht und niemand hätte es zur Kenntnis genommen. Angenommen, an die Stelle von Marx wären Gabriel Tarde und seine "Psychologie Economique" aus dem Jahr 1902 getreten. Wie wäre das 20. Jahrhundert verlaufen? Und wie sähe die Ökonomie heute aus? Mit diesem Gedankenexperiment eröffnen Bruno Latour und Vincent Lépinay ihren furiosen Essay, in dem sie eine alternative Politische Ökonomie entwerfen. Wesentlicher Bestandteil von Bruno Latours Projekt einer »neuen Soziologie für eine neue Gesellschaft« ist es von jeher gewesen, die Geschichte der soziologischen Theorie und ihre Klassiker einer gründlichen Relektüre zu unterziehen. Zusammen mit dem Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Vincent Lépinay nimmt er sich nun die Geschichte der Ökonomie vor. Vielleicht sind es ja gar nicht die Produktionsverhältnisse, die »Basis«, die die Ökonomie und die Gesellschaft bestimmen, sondern die Ideen, der »Überbau«? Nichts in der Ökonomie ist objektiv, alles ist subjektiv oder, besser noch, intersubjektiv, so Latour und Lépinay. Die Ideen regieren die Welt. Mit Tarde stellen sie Marx von den Füßen auf den Kopf.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2022

        A new naval history

        by Quintin Colville, James Davey, Katherine Parker, Elaine Chalus, Evan Wilson, Barbara Korte, Cicely Robinson, Cindy McCreery, Ellie Miles, Mary A. Conley, Jonathan Rayner, Daniel Spence, Emma Hanna, Ulrike Zimmerman, Max Jones, Jan Rüger

        A New Naval History brings together the most significant and interdisciplinary approaches to contemporary naval history. The last few decades have witnessed a transformation in how this field is researched and understood and this volume captures the state of a field that continues to develop apace. It examines - through the prism of naval affairs - issues of nationhood and imperialism; the legacy of Nelson; the socio-cultural realities of life in ships and naval bases; and the processes of commemoration, journalism and stage-managed pageantry that plotted the interrelationship of ship and shore. This bold and original publication will be essential for undergraduate and postgraduate students of naval and maritime history. Beyond that, though, it marks an important intervention into wider historiographies that will be read by scholars from across the spectrum of social history, cultural studies and the analysis of national identity.

      • Trusted Partner
        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        September 2018

        A History of Pesticides

        by Graham A Matthews

        In this fascinating book, Graham Matthews takes the reader through the history of the development and use of chemicals for control of pests, weeds, and vectors of disease. Prior to 1900 only a few chemicals had been employed as pesticides but in the early 1940s, as the Second World War raged, the insecticide DDT and the herbicide 2-4-D were developed. These changed everything. Since then, farmers have been using a growing list of insecticides, herbicides and fungicides to protect their crops. Their use has undoubtedly led to significant gains in agricultural production and reduction in disease transmission, but also to major problems: health concerns for both users of pesticides and the general public, the emergence of resistance in pest populations, and environmental problems. The book examines the development of legislation designed to control and restrict the use of pesticides, the emergence of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and the use of biological control agents as part of policy to protect the environment and encourage the sustainable use of pesticides. Finally, the use of new technologies in pest control are discussed including the use of genetic modification, targeted pesticide application and use of drones, alongside basic requirements for IPM such as crop rotations, close seasons and adoption of plant varieties with resistance to pests and diseases.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2017

        Not Our Day to Die

        by Michael Sullivan

        It was work for Mike Sullivan–a flying job like the ones he'd done most of his life in many parts of the world–ferrying people, medicine, crops, supplies and almost anything else you can think of among the isolated jungle villages of Guatemala. Life in the farming co-ops there was simple, peaceful, and good, based on bedrocks of family, community, and faith.Then the repression began. A failed attempt at a coup had led to continued fighting between rebels and government, though in areas far from the almost-utopian Ixcan region. U.S. military and CIA intervention helped defeat the insurgency, but the social inequalities that had led to the movement remained, and the revolution went underground. The Guatemalan army, searching everywhere for those who opposed it, increased its control over the isolated jungle area. Co-op directors, teachers, catechists, and then anyone suspected of being one of or assisting the guerrillas was selectively "disappeared." The army turned to a scorched-earth policy, killing animals, burning crops, uprooting fruit trees, destroying towns, massacring their people. Throughout the Ixcan, those who survived fled. Some returned to their original mountain villages, others crossed the border into Mexico, and a third group survived for sixteen years hiding in the jungle–men, women, and children. Primeval growth took over the land as the war with the guerrilla movement raged on to encompass the entire nation.When finally peace accords were signed, the people of the Ixcan returned. Homes were rebuilt, land reclaimed, the area thrived again. But sixteen years were lost, along with countless lives. For Mike Sullivan, who had returned there when his help was needed, the story of those years–of how the people of the Ixcan survived, and of the many who didn't–was one that had to be told. In three visits, he conducted the interviews that form this book, talking with the villagers he'd known long before. At first, they spoke hesitantly, then with the flood force of vivid memory, telling of their first arrival at the Ixcan, the lives they'd made, and the years of the repression and worse. Their stories are gripping, fascinating, painful–but most of all, deeply human as we witness their struggle to survive and feel the force of the simple values that ultimately carried them through to a new and better life.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2018

        Leaving Is a Return

        by A Lai

        “Leaving Is a Return” is the latest collection of essays by writer A Lai. It is divided into four series. The first part is “bronze years”: the meditation and recollection of the hometown. The second part is called “ideal country of vegetation”: a unique understanding of flowers and trees and Rural Movement, in the author's pen, it is an ideal country. The third part is “dust has not fallen”: it is the author's reading notes, as well as the knowledge of literature and reading experience. The fourth part is “music and poetry”: the author's creative experience and writing process and his understanding of many years of writing career. Leaving Is a Return gives us a lot of insights in seemingly ordinary things. The author compares the layers of the mountain to the "staircase" and says "My soul will go to heaven by stepping on these ladders." The author turns his eyes to nature and whispers with the vast world. These beautiful words can let us comprehend the spiritual space of A Lai.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        March 2020

        Amelie Trott and the Earth Watchers

        by Moyra Irving

        This is the extraordinary story of how one small girl stopped a planetary catastrophe. It’s a very timely book, written for the child in us all, with a forceful message about the power of young people to transform the world - a theme currently demonstrated by brave young heroes like Greta Thunberg. And with magical synchronicity, the very week Greta began her lone vigil outside the Swedish government last year, over 1,000 miles (1,897 km) away in the fictional world of books, Amelie Trott took to Parliament Square, London - on a mission to avert the End of the World. It’s a family drama with an international feel - set mainly in England but with episodes in Washington DC and around the world.

      • Trusted Partner

        A. W. Schlegels Shakespeare-Übersetzung

        Untersuchungen zu seinem Übersetzungsverfahren am Beispiel des Hamlet

        by Gebhardt, Peter A

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2001

        Requiem für einen Wilden


        by Vincent Swarte, Hinrich Schmidt-Henkel

        Hören, Riechen und Sehen, jede Wahrnehmung ist dein Höhlenkind, dem Entenmann, dem Menschen aus der ewigen Nacht eine Offenbarung. Wald, Himmel und Vögel sind seine einzigen Freuden. Dann lockt ihn die Stimme einer Frau ans Licht. Sie lehrt ihn das Lieben. Die beiden gehen dahin, wo die wahren Wilden wohnen, in die Stadt. Dort macht der Entenmann Bekanntschaft mit der sogenannten Zivilisation und begegnet seinem künftigen Ziehvater. Von ihm, dem Troubadour, wird er nicht allein in die Künste des Dichtens und Musizierens eingeweiht, sondern auch in die Grausamkeiten des Seins: in Raub, Vergewaltigung und Totschlag. Der junge Mann, der den zartesten Gefühlen Ausdruck verleihen kann, wird gleichzeitig ein immer hemmungsloserer Mörder. Drastisch und poetisch erzählt Vincent de Swarte in seinem philosophischen Roman die Entwicklungsgeschichte eines paradiesisch Unschuldigen in die Bestie Mensch.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        October 2021

        The Lost Smile

        by Nadia L. King / Nelli Aghekyan

        When Zaytoon wakes up feeling sad, she goes on a search to find her smile. From the kitchen to the garden, Zaytoon searches high and low,and eventually discovers her smile — it’s smiling at her from her reflection in the window! The Lost Smile is beautifully illustrated colourful picture book that demonstrates the importance of accepting our emotions. Zaytoon’s journey shows children it’s okay to be sad and reassures young readers that sadness can be temporary. Themes include cultural diversity, emotional intelligence, family life and the importance of connecting with nature and animals.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2013

        Die Rätsel der Identität

        by Vincent Descombes, Jürgen Schröder

        Wer bin ich? Wer sind wir? Heute stellen wir uns solche Identitätsfragen in zunehmendem Maße im Bezug auf die eigene Identität. Es geht uns nicht mehr um die ontologische Tatsache, dass wir als Personen mit uns selbst identisch sind, sondern um unsere »Fähigkeit«, wir selbst zu sein – eine Fähigkeit, die wir auch verlieren können. Dieser neuen, »moralischen« Identitätsfrage, ihrer Entstehungs- und Ausbreitungsgeschichte sowie ihren Fallstricken widmet der französische Philosoph Vincent Descombes einen scharfsinningen Essay. Wie er zeigt, hat sich der moralische beziehungsweise psychosoziale Gebrauch des Identitätsbegriffs seit der Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts rasant verbreitet. Politische Aktivisten fordern allerorten die Anerkennung benachteiligter oder unterdrückter Identitäten und Sozialwissenschaftler entdecken überall »konstruierte« Identitäten. Identitätspolitik ist zu einem zentralen Thema unserer pluralistischen Gesellschaften geworden. Doch wie verhält sich die Berufung auf Gruppenidentitäten zur Rede von der sozialen Konstruiertheit dieser Identitäten? Wie verhält sich überhaupt der moralische Gebrauch des Identitätsbegriffs, dem zufolge eine Person mehr oder weniger sie selbst sein kann, zum ontologischen Gebrauch, nach dem eine Person entweder sie selbst ist oder eben nicht? Diesen Rätseln der »identity politics« und des »identity talk« geht Descombes mit analytischer Schärfe auf den Grund. Seine Forderung: Wir müssen die Sprache der Identität neu erlernen.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Yanou a le palu

        by Vincent Nomo

        Malaria kills millions of people every year around the world. Dying from malaria is the daily life of people in tropical areas. This book is an excellent fun tool for the potential patient but also, more broadly, for learning to read and the cognitive development of children in Africa.

      • Trusted Partner

        Born in A Great Era

        by A Record of Changes in Contemporary Lifestyle

        1978-2018, a big era. Reform and opening up have profoundly affected the changes in the way of life of the Chinese people. The manuscript replays the development of social life in China over the past 40 years of reform and opening up. It mainly sorts out the great changes in our lives in the past 40 years from the aspects of clothing, food, housing, market, love, and play. Adhering to the purpose of "a magazine and the body temperature of an era", the manuscript has a unique perspective and rich details, which can be regarded as a brief history of alternative life with warmth in this era.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        A oficina do Cambeva (Cambeva's workshop)

        by Lido Loschi

        Cambeva's workshop is the first of four books of the collection "Presente de Vô" in partnership with Grupo Ponto de Partida. The book is a mixture of colours and elements that highlight the memory of the world, in which seekers of memories have the mission of bringing light and life to objects found in the travels of two characters: Zalém and Calunga. Cambeva is a restorer who, when the world lost its embrace, tried to reinvent it; he is the grandfather who mends dreams, forgotten things and lost emotions, to whom the seekers ask for help to fix something. In a magical universe, full of children, grandchildren, stories and memories of his lineage of restorers, when faced with this request for restoration, he makes room to bring back an emblematic figure who can no longer sing. A story about memories, care and affection...

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