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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2019

        Die neue albanische Küche.

        Mediterran, Modern, Mullixhiu

        by Bledar Kola, Ursula Heinzelmann, Manuel Krug

        Mullixhiu (sprich: Moulijou), das heißt auf Albanisch Müller, und drei Mühlen drehen sich in Bledar Kolas Restaurant den ganzen Tag, in ihnen mahlt er Weizen, Mais und die in Albanien selten gewordenen Sorten Gerste und Hafer. Überhaupt kommen bei ihm ausschließlich lokale Produkte zum Einsatz, wie er es im weltberühmten Noma in Kopenhagen gelernt hat. »Das Noma hat mein Leben verändert«, sagt er, »ich begriff, dass gutes Essen einfach sein muss.« Auch in Albanien, wohin er zurückgekehrt ist, um in seinem Lokal die albanische Küche neu zu erfinden. Ob Zucchini-Salat mit Pflaumen, ein erfrischender Salat mit fruchtigem Touch; ein »dekonstruierter» Burek, in seiner Schlichtheit ein ziemlich spektakuläres Gericht; Dolma aus Weinblättern, vegetarisches Fingerfood vom Feinsten, mit Käse gefüllte und auf Tomaten geschmorte Lamm-Hackbällchen, oder»Qumeshtor«, die albanische Variante der Crème Brûlée, und vieles mehr: Raffiniert, einfach, gut. Die traditionelle Küche Albaniens, geprägt von der osmanischen Vergangenheit des Landes sowie Italien und Griechenland und doch ganz eigen und authentisch, wird hier in 70 Rezepten von Bledar Kola und dem Team seines Restaurants Mullixhiu neu interpretiert.

      • Crime & mystery
        April 2019

        Mord und Liebe inklusive

        by Renate Hemsen

        Juliane, waschechte Kölnerin, ist der Meinung, dass ihre Beziehung zu Mark in letzter Zeit nicht mehr ganz so prickelnd ist, der bevorstehende Karneval ihr im Voraus schon Kopfschmerzen bereitet und sie unbedingt Sonne und Ruhe braucht. So beschließt sie, kurzfristig in die Türkei zu reisen – zum Entsetzen ihrer Freunde, allen voran Mark.Die Sache mit dem Relaxen ist jedoch in diesem Urlaub nicht so ganz einfach, denn als eine Dame des ewig Nadel schwingenden Strickklubs hinterrücks ermordet wird, ist es mit der Ruhe im Hotel schnell vorbei.Und dann ist da ein Mann im besten Alter mit einem Brilli im Ohr, der Juliane mächtig auf den Keks geht ...

      • Children's & YA
        March 2022

        The Code of Life

        All about genes, DNA, genetic engineering and why you are the way you are

        by Carla Häfner/Mieke Scheier

        Understanding the mystery of DNA Why do children look like their parents? Why are some people blond and others brunette, and where do we get our eye colour from? This book explains genetic theory, what genes are, why DNA plays an important role and what all these insights have to do with a curious monk. An exciting journey through the history of science, present-day genetic research and engineering and right through to the question of identity – because who would have thought how much of our personality is defined by our genes and how interesting genes can be? A book in pace with the times: it covers CRISPR and also explains how inoculation with mRna vaccines against coronavirus works.

      • Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        September 2022

        From Wholesome to Deadly

        A mind-expanding journey through the forgotten world of poisonous plants

        by Jan Grossarth

        Survival artists, murder weapons, life-givers Poisonous plants are alchemists. From sunlight, soil and water alone, they create nerve toxins, medicinal substances and hallucinogens. Their history is both many-faceted and exciting and tells of murder, intoxication, brilliant minds and scientific errors. In this book, author Jan Grossarth takes us on a journey through time, presenting the most important poisonous plants, describing mysterious deaths and offering tips on creating your own poison garden. And finally, he ventures a look ahead, as he is convinced that plant toxins are going to revolutionise agriculture and medicine – and safeguard our future.

      • Food & Drink
        November 2019

        Nahrungsmittelintoleranzen - na und?

        Wir kochen wie die Weltmeister!

        by Susanne Panhans

        Do you know what it feels like to be lame, tired, overweight, no power, no fun, your child is suffering about the neurodermidis, you are getting old as fast as like you can't belive it?! Yes this is your thyroid, she is suffering about the wrong food. The hormons are running cazy, your skin and body is getting old - way to fast. When was the last time you had fun, when was the last time you played with your child /grand child's?! Do you really want to keep on watching your own sadly life and keep on suffering?! This is my why! I have food intolerances since more than 30 years and 4 intolerances of 5. I know how you feel. When I started changing my foodstyle, I started feeling better and became healthy and powerful again, became a very successfully sportshooter and won world- and european championship titles. I can show you how to do it. How to chance your foodstyle with your individual foodanalysis. Train your mindset, train your body and show you what delcious food will bring your horsepower on the street. You are more than welcome, please feel free to contact me :)

      • The Forest Gardening Principle

        The Seven Layers to Growing Fruit, Vegetables, Herbs, Nuts and Berries

        by Sandra und Michael Skala

        The special thing about this book is its accessible tone and the authors’ direct, personal approach. Thanks to many years of experience, they know exactly how to create a forest garden and can share vast amounts of practical knowledge – made simple and accessible for everyone, even if you’re totally new to gardening. And it isn’t just (budding) forest gardeners who can benefit from this book; anyone who likes to grow their own can learn something from the many different methodologies explained here. No matter whether you want to plant your own forest garden or just to learn about the different methods this principle uses: in this book you’ll find plenty of useful guidance, valuable tips and tons of inspiration for how to integrate these elements into your very own space. Planning aids, plant lists for the individual layers, and numerous sketches and information tables will help you to implement it all smoothly at home and to find the strategy that works for you. Dig in!

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