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Business, Economics & Law

Selected Studies on Economics and Finance - Head Work

by Editor(s): Selim Başar, A. Alkan Çelik, Turgut Bayramoğlu


Due to increased capital movements and the development of information technologies, economics and finance have recently become an area of interest for everyone. This book provides information on selected topics related to economics and finance for anyone who is interested in economics and finance. In addition, theoretical knowledge is provided for the different subjects in academic studies. For this reason, this study, which consists of 22 chapters, has selected different topics on the agenda.

Selected Studies on Economics and Finance

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Author Biography

Selim Başar is a Professor in the Department of Economics at Ataturk University, Turkey. He obtained his BA from Istanbul University, and his MA and PhD in Economics at Ataturk University, both in Turkey. His interest areas include macroeconomics and financial economics. He has written a large number of books, book chapters and articles about economics. A. Alkan Çelik is an Associate Professor of Economics at Kavram Vocational School, Turkey. He obtained his BA in Business Administration at İstanbul University, his MA at Beykent University, and his PhD in Economics at Marmara University, all in Turkey. His research interests include political and institutional economics.Turgut Bayramoğlu is an Assistant Professor of Economics at Bayburt University, Turkey. He obtained his BA in Public Administration at Uludag University, his MA at Sakarya University, and his PhD in Economics at Ataturk University, all in Turkey. His research interests include international economy and sustainable economy.

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