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Communication studies

Writing and Producing Radio Dramas - Head Work

by de Fossard, Esta


Throughout the world, the media is used in various ways to promote social awareness and initiate social development. Of all the available means of communication, radio is still the one with the maximum reach in most developing countries. This book, the first in a three-book series titled Communication for Behavior Change, offers extremely practical guidance on how to design, write, and produce radio dramas aimed at motivating social change.

Written by a leading teacher and practitioner of Entertainment–Education, it is the only available book which provides complete and hands-on instructions for creating successful radio serial dramas for behavior change. The text is interspersed with examples which show how entertainment and education have been woven together to create awareness programs that are both popular and effective. Extracts from several successful scripts from many countries are also provided to demonstrate what has previously clicked with the audience.
Writing and Producing Radio Dramas

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