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Cognition & cognitive psychology

Cognitive Psychology - Head Work

by Kellogg, Ronald T.


"This is a very thorough and complete text that is very well written. I was particularly impressed that the book incorporated and integrated the literatures on neuroscience and individual differences."


-- Randall Engle, Georgia Institute of Technology


As with his best-selling First Edition, Ronald T. Kellogg seeks to provide students with a synthesis of cognitive psychology at its best, encapsulating relevant background, theory, and research within each chapter. Understanding cognitive psychology now requires a deeper understanding of the brain than was true in the past. In his thoroughly revised Second Edition, the author highlights the tremendous contributions from the neurosciences, most notably neuroimaging, in recent years and approaches cognition in the context of both its development and its biological, bodily substrate.

An Instructor’s Manual on CD-ROM is available to qualified adopters.




Cognitive Psychology

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