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      • Suryastra

        Founded in 2006, Suryastra is an integral media company, representing classic, mythical, enlightening works to be expressed globally across media.

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      • Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial

        PRH Grupo Editorial is an industry leader in publishing and distribution in the Spanish language. Our objective is the publishing of books for all types of readers, for all ages and across all formats - be it print, digital or audio - in all the countries in which it operates: Spain, Portugal, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and the USA (Miami). Our backlists feature more than 38 Nobel Prize winners and hundreds of the most recognized and widely-read authors in the world.

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      • Trusted Partner
        March 2021

        Im Wir und Jetzt

        Feministin werden

        by Priya Basil, Beatrice Faßbender

        Aufgewachsen zwischen zwei Frauen – Mutter und Großmutter –, die gegensätzlicher nicht sein könnten, sucht Priya Basil ihre eigene feministische Stimme. Getrieben von der Vergangenheit, der Vielfalt der Positionen und einer außerordentlichen Erfahrung – der kollaborativen Übernahme eines Modemagazins durch 39 Frauen – beschreibt sie ihren Weg zu mehr Gerechtigkeit und Gleichheit. Brilliant verbindet Priya Basil Selbstverortung mit Philosophie und mitreißender Gesellschaftsanalyse. Und liefert mit Hilfe vieler Verbündeter eine Antwort auf die Frage: Was tun gegen die tief verwurzelte Abwertung von Frauen in unserer Sprache, Geschichte und Gesellschaft? Feministin werden, im Wir und Jetzt.

      • Trusted Partner
        Pharmaceutical industries
        November 2009

        Pesticide Manual, 15th edition

        A World Compendium

        by Edited by Clive D S Tomlin

        The fifteenth edition of The Pesticide Manual provides the most comprehensive information on active ingredients for the control of crop pests in the world. Completely revised and updated, with information supplied by manufacturing companies worldwide, the latest edition contains 30 new entries including more than 20 new synthetic molecules. It also features 1,436 profiles and lists over 2,600 products.

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        Forestry & related industries
        March 2013

        Silviculture of Trees Used in British Forestry

        by Edited by Peter S Savill

        Fully updated throughout, this new edition describes the silvicultural characteristics of trees commonly grown in the UK, including all important native species and a selection of some of the most significant exotics. With details of climatic zones, soils, productivity, pests and diseases, this book provides concise but detailed information regarding the establishment and management of forests. Detailed drawings of leaves and fruits are also provided to aid with identification, making this a useful resource for students and forestry professionals.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2019


        by Priya Basil, Beatrice Faßbender

        »Ich lade dich ein.« Ein Satz, der Vorfreude weckt: auf einen anregenden Abend bei leckerem Essen und guten Gesprächen. Doch die berühmte Gastfreundschaft ist noch viel mehr als das –sie ist ein vielseitiges Geben und Nehmen, das Familie, Freunde und Fremde einschließt und in jeder Kultur etwas anders ist. Die in London geborene, in Kenia aufgewachsene und heute in Berlin lebende Autorin Priya Basil erzählt von den indisch-kenianischen Traditionen ihrer Familie, von einer unerwarteten Einladung zum Spargelessen und einer Massenspeisung in einem Sikh-Tempel mitten in Berlin. Sie hält ein leidenschaftliches Plädoyer für ein gastfreundliches Europa und lädt dabei immer wieder in ihre eigene Küche ein. Denn die besten Gespräche führt man bekanntlich an einem reich gedeckten Tisch: über Gott und die Welt, Politik und Kultur und über die Frage, ob es eigentlich bedingungslose Gastfreundschaft gibt.

      • Trusted Partner
        Pest control
        December 2011

        Fungicide Resistance in Crop Protection

        Risk and Management

        by Edited by Tarlochan S. Thind.

        Pathogen resistance to fungicides has become a challenging problem in the managing of crop diseases and has threatened the performance of some highly potent commercial fungicides. Worldwide, resistance to more than 100 different active ingredients has been reported. This book compiles information on fungicide resistance over the past three decades on the status, development, and processes involved in the build-up of resistance in pathogens to different groups of fungicides, while also suggesting various measures for managing this problem.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 1999

        Inducible Gene Expression in Plants

        by Edited by Paul H S Reynolds

        The use of inducible gene expression systems is a rapidly developing area of plant molecular biological research. There is considerable interest in the use of these systems as research tools, not only because they allow expression of genes which may be, for example, developmentally lethal, but also because they allow for controlled experiments to be performed in a true isogenic background. They also have the potential to provide a means by which desired characters are expressed in field-based systems in the future.

      • Trusted Partner
        Agricultural science
        October 2015

        Crop Improvement, Adoption and Impact of Improved Varieties in Food Crops in Sub-Saharan Africa

        by Edited by Dr Thomas S. Walker, Jeffrey Alwang

        Following on from the CGIAR study by Evenson and Gollin (published by CABI in 2003), this volume provides up-to-date estimates of adoption outcomes and productivity impacts of crop variety improvement research in sub-Saharan Africa. The book reports on the results of the DIIVA Project that focussed on the varietal generation, adoption and impact for 20 food crops in 30 countries. It also compares adoption outcomes in sub-Saharan Africa to those in South Asia, and guides future efforts for global agricultural research

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      • Trusted Partner
        November 2002

        Persistence and Change in Rural Communities

        A Fifty Year Follow-up to Six Classic Studies

        by Edited by Albert E Luloff, Richard S Krannich

        In the 1930s and 1940s the US Department of Agriculture undertook detailed studies of six US rural communities representing various patterns of social and economic change that were affecting rural America. These studies became classics in the literature on rural communities, and for the past half-century have helped to develop major theoretical perspectives in community sociology.Fifty years later the same study areas were revisited by a team of rural sociologists, with the goal of assessing what changes have occurred and what community characteristics have persisted. This book assesses these changes in rural life."This volume is an important addition to the sociological literature on rural communities."Willis Goudy, The Agricultural History Review, 2003

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2003

        Intellectual Property Rights in Agricultural Biotechnology, 2nd Edition

        by Edited by Frederic H Erbisch, Karim M Maredia

        During the past twenty-five years, biotechnology has revolutionized agricultural research. The enormous potential, together with a landmark decision by the US Supreme Court to allow the patenting of genetically-engineered organisms has encouraged private sector companies to invest in agricultural biotechnology research programmes. This has contributed to a rapid growth in interest in intellectual property rights as applied to this subject.The first edition of this book was published in 1998. Now fully revised and updated it presents definitive information on intellectual property law in a simplified form (with a minimum of legal jargon). New chapters have been added which cover plant variety protection and farmers rights, and additional case studies.

      • Trusted Partner
        Animal breeding
        November 1996

        Principles of Poultry Science

        by Edited by S P Rose

        Poultry are farmed and are important sources of protein throughout the world. All students of agriculture are likely to be required to study poultry science to at least an introductory level. However, hitherto there has been no suitable textbook serving the needs of students taking a general introductory course in poultry science. This book aims to fill this gap. It explains the science underlying the productive processes of growth, reproduction and incubation. The applications of nutrition and breeding techniques are described. The book covers all the commercially important poultry species, including turkeys, quail, guinea fowls, ducks and geese, but the main emphasis is on the domestic fowl. The overall purpose is to provide the student with an understanding of the characteristics and physiological responses of domesticated poultry, with particular reference to production. The emphasis is on modelling responses rather than on biochemical and hormonal processes. The author stresses basic concepts and models, rather than practical production systems, so that the book should have worldwide applicability. The book represents a key text for degree and advanced diploma courses in agriculture.

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        Tourism industry
        December 1997

        Leisure Management

        Issues and Applications

        by Edited by Michael F Collins, Ian S Cooper

        The World Leisure and Recreation Association (WLRA) held its fourth World Congress in Cardiff, Wales, in July 1996. The overall theme was “Leisure and the Quality of Life In the 21st Century”. At the congress, the Management Commission, the newest of WLRA’s Commissions, attracted 78 papers in the management and access theme, from 16 countries.This book presents edited and revised versions of 18 of the most significant papers from the management section of the congress. The papers are diverse in topic, focus and geography, but demonstrate the vigour and developing nature of management studies in leisure, both of an applied and theoretical nature. Two themes in particular are developed: issues, such as access to leisure services, pressures of visitor numbers on rural areas, and contracting out of services to the private sector; and applications of different theories and approaches to managing leisure resources and customers. Case study material is presented from locations as diverse as Australia, Brazil, Canada, Spain and the UK. Overall, the book will be invaluable as supplementary reading for students of leisure studies and for lecturers, researchers and practitioners in leisure management.

      • Trusted Partner
        Parasitology (non-medical)
        December 2002

        Macrocyclic Lactones in Antiparasitic Therapy

        by Edited by J Vercruysse, R S Rew

        Macrocyclic lactones are chemical compounds that represent the main treatment for parasitic diseases of animals, not only for helminth infections, but also a number of major ectoparasitic infestations.There has been no comprehensive book on this subject for more than a decade and this book fills this gap and provides detailed coverage of the basic science of these drugs and their mode of action, as well as their clinical use in farm and companion animals and in humans.

      • Trusted Partner
        Agricultural science
        April 1998

        Lupins as Crop Plants

        Biology, Production and Utilization

        by Edited by J S Gladstones, C Atkins, John Hamblin

        Lupins have until recently remained wild or semi-domesticated species of minor interest to agriculture, although their value as a rotation crop was noted 2,000 years ago. However, with the advent of the science of genetics in the early twentieth century, full domestication of Lupinus species for use as crops was begun, by the combination of favourable genes such as those for low alkaloid content, non-shattering pods and soft seeds. As a result several lupin species have become an important part of temperate farming systems as a high protein crop for both animal and human consumption. This book gives an authoritative account of the history, distribution and taxonomy of Lupinus species and the current knowledge of all aspects of their agronomy and impact on agriculture, including breeding, genetics and biotechnology, nutrition, nitrogen fixation, transport physiology, toxins, stress responses, pests and diseases, agronomy and farming systems, composition and food uses, economic value and trade. Contributions are made by researchers in Australia and Europe who have had key roles in lupin research. The book is essential reading for botanists, agronomists, plant breeders and geneticists involved with lupins and other grain legumes or with an interest in crop domestication and evolution. It also provides important information for lecturers and students of agriculture and for professionals in the livestock and food industries.

      • Trusted Partner
        Genetics (non-medical)
        September 2002

        Quantitative Genetics, Genomics and Plant Breeding

        by Edited by Manjit S Kang

        This book provides an overview of the rapidly developing integration and interdependence of quantitative genetics, genomics, bioinformatics and their application to plant breeding. Chapters have been developed from a symposium held in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in March 2001, although additional contributions have also been commissioned especially for this volume. The main topics covered include: quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping, genomics, bioinformatics and marker-assisted selection; tissue culture and alien introgression for crop improvement; and advances in genotype by environment interaction/stability analysis.

      • Trusted Partner
        Insecticide & herbicide technology
        August 1996

        Illustrations of Quarantine Pests for Europe

        by Edited by I M Smith, Anne S Roy

        This book is a companion volume to Quarantine Pests for Europe, published originally in 1992 by the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO) and CAB INTERNATIONAL (CABI) for the European Union. The previous book provides information on identity, hosts, geographical distribution, biology, detection and identification, means of movement and dispersal, pest significance, phytosanitary measures and a bibliography for all the quarantine pests listed by EPPO and the European Union, but does not contain any illustrations. A second edition of Quarantine Pests for Europe will be published at the end of 1996. The present book contains approximately 400 colour illustrations, most of them new in relation to the very first illustrations of the EPPO Data Sheets which appeared in Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin in the 1980s. The book covers most of the quarantine pests listed by EPPO and the European Union, including those which have been added to the quarantine lists since 1992. Thus it will be compatible with the second edition of the volume of text data sheets. The quarantine pests concerned are either not present in the Euro-Mediterranean region, or only present to a limited extent and submitted to official control measures. The sequence of presentation is as for the text volume, i.e. insects, nematodes, fungi, bacteria, viruses, parasitic plants. Within each chapter, the pest illustrations appear in alphabetical order. An index including scientific names and synonyms is included at the end of the book. Accompanying text is presented in both English and French. Although it has not been possible to illustrate every listed quarantine pest, this book provides a unique collection that will help phytosanitary inspectors, plant health officers, and others working in the field of plant quarantine, or plant protection in general, to recognize and identify quarantine pests. The book is published by EPPO in association with CABI, and is available for sale exclusively through CABI.

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        Limnology (freshwater)
        December 2004

        Organic Phosphorus in the Environment

        by Edited by Benjamin L Turner, Emmanuel Frossard, Darren S Baldwin

        Organic phosphorus is involved in almost every biological process. Organic forms of phosphorus often dominate in soils and aquatic systems and many organisms possess complex mechanisms enabling them to access phosphorus from organic compounds. However organic phosphorus remains the most poorly understood aspect of the global phosphorus cycle. This book brings together the latest research and opinion on the biogeochemistry of organic phosphorus from a wide range of disciplines and focuses specifically on the characterisation and transformations of organic phosphorus in terrestrial and aquatic systems. It examines analytical procedures for the chemical characterization of organic phosphorus in environmental samples, processes regulating organic phosphorus in the environment, and integration of the process at the ecosystem level. Ecological, chemical, microbiological and analytical aspects are explored. Written by a team of leading experts, the book will provide an invaluable reference for all those interested in organic phosphorus.

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