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        Children's & YA

        Siberian haiku

        by Jurga Vile, Lina Itagaki

        This graphic novel tells a story of a Lithuanian boy Algiukas, who in 1941 together with his family was deported to Siberia. His aunt Petronella brings along a book of the Japanese haiku poems. In exile, she inspires the deportees not to succumb to the despair and to see the beautiful side of life.   AWARDS Main Prize in Book Art Contest 2017 Best Book of the Year by IBBY Lithuania 2017 Best Illustrations for a Children’s Book by IBBY Lithuania 2017 White Raven 2017 The Aloysius Petrikas Literary Prize for Children’s Book of the Year 2018 Children’s Book of the Year 2018 (Lithuania) IBBY Honor List 2020 Nomination at the Angoulême International Comics Festival 2020 Selection for Children’s Book Jury in Latvia 2020 International Jānis Baltvilks Award in Latvia 2020 Nomination for Bologna Ragazzi Award 2020 in Italia Latvian edition of “Sibīrijas haiku” was included in the Latvian PEN list of the most important books published in Latvia in 2020 Nomination at the International Book Contest “Reading St. Petersburg,” 2021 (Russia) Nomination for Latvian Literature Prize 2020 Nomination for the Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis 2021 in the young adult book category

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Poetry (Children's/YA)
        August 2018


        Poemas breves salvajes

        by María José Ferrada, Ana Palmero

        "Hidden in his horn he guards the secret of the jungle”. This might be as well the beginning of a novel, but it's an inspired riddle about wild animals. The illustrations in high varnish of this edition highlight the different skin textures of each animal and invites the reader to discover a new way of reading in a tactile and playful way.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2013


        Der Baum des Lebens. Ein Lesebuch

        by Felicitas Bovis

        Über die Zeiten und Kulturen hinweg hat der Ginkgo die Menschen in seinen Bann gezogen – als Symbol für Liebe, Hoffnung und Frieden. Insbesondere durch die Form des geteilten Blattes wurde er zum Sinnbild des dialektischen Yin und Yang, des weiblichen und männlichen Prinzips, von Leben und Tod. Goethe inspirierte er zu seinem berühmten Gedicht »Ginkgo biloba« – seitdem ist der Ginkgo auch in der westlichen Literatur ein immer wiederkehrendes Motiv. Dieser Band versammelt die schönsten Texte über diesen berühmten Baum: Märchen und Haikus aus Japan und China, Texte und Gedichte von Siegfried Unseld, Günter Eich, Peter Härtling, Felix Pollak und vielen anderen.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2007

        Leben ohne Poesie


        by Peter Handke, Ulla Berkéwicz, Ulla Berkéwicz

        1969 erschien, wie es damals hieß, ein »Reader« von Peter Handke, der den Untertitel trug: Prosa Gedichte Theaterstücke Hörspiele Aufsätze. Die dort abgedruckten Gedichte waren dem im selben Jahr publizierten Band Die Innenwelt der Außenwelt der Innenwelt entnommen, in dem der Autor 42 für Lyrik bisher nicht verwendete Textformen entdeckte: etwa Die Aufstellung des 1. FC Nürnberg vom 27.1.1968, den Vorspann zum Film Bonnie und Clyde usw. Und obwohl Peter Handke in den darauffolgenden Jahren als Prosa- und Theaterautor in den Vordergrund trat, wendete er sich nicht von der Ausdrucksform Gedicht ab. Dies belegen etwa die Langgedichte Leben ohne Poesie oder Blaues Gedicht in dem Band Als das Wünschen noch geholfen hat (1974), das Gedicht an die Dauer (aus dem Jahre 1986) sowie die Haikus in den Notizbüchern, etwa den 2005 veröffentlichten Gestern unterwegs.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2015

        Kilroy was here

        Ein immerwährender Kalender

        by Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Kat Menschik

        Zum Lesen, Verwerfen, Mitschreiben und Selbstdichten. Mit einer kurzen Geschichte vom geheimnisvollen Leben Kilroys und einem Daumenkino von Kat Menschik. Zur Aufmunterung des Denkens: ein Dreizeiler für jeden Tag »Der schlichte Dreizeiler / entwaffnet die Ungeduld / durch seine Kürze.« Kilroys Dreizeiler reichen für ein ganzes Jahr. Obwohl das japanische Wort haiku soviel bedeutet wie »lustiger Vers«, können es die hier präsentierten Dreizeiler nicht mit dieser ehrwürdigen Tradition aufnehmen; denn Kilroy hält es mit dem einfachen Kreidestrich. Das Graffito zieht er dem Tweet, dem Blog und dem Chat vor. Man kann seine Dreizeiler also in die Tasche stecken. Sie handeln von allem, was der Fall ist, beispielsweise von einem Frosch oder von der Europäischen Zentralbank. Wem der zu einem jeden Jahrestag gebotene Dreizeiler aber nicht gefällt, der kann ihn einfach durchstreichen und einen anderen verfassen. Denn in Kilroys kleinem Buch gibt es nicht nur unter jedem Jahrestag Platz für Notizen, sondern auch genügend Freiraum für neue, selbsterfundene Dreizeiler. Eine kurze Geschichte Kilroys und wie er sich in jede FAZ-Ausgabe des Jahres 2014 zu schmuggeln verstand, lässt den »Immerwährenden« denn doch ein gutes Ende nehmen. Und sollte noch immer jemand an Kilroys Existenz zweifeln, so wird ihn Kat Menschiks Daumenkino davon überzeugen, dass er quicklebendig ist.

      • The Arts
        October 2020

        Haiku Illustrated

        by Hart Larrabee

        Haiku is an ancient form of Japanese poetry. Its structure has become popular inother languages and today it is probably the best-known form of poetry worldwide.There are few rules to haiku, but they are strict: 17 phonetic sounds, a sense ofcutting images or ideas, and a reference to a season. From those restrictions, poetshave written about many things, from the year’s first blossom to aging, frommosquitoes humming to insects singing, from catching one’s shadow to crossing astream in the summer.Haiku Illustrated features 75 classic poems from four poets – Matsuo Bashō, YosaBuson, Kobayashi Issa and Masaoka Shiki – which range across more than 200 yearsof Japanese poetry.Each poem is presented in Japanese script, along with romanized Japanese (romaji) and an English translation. Each haiku is accompanied by an artwork illustrating an aspect of the poem, such as the traditional Japanese art of cherry blossom, Mount Fuji or village life. Beautifully produced in traditional Chinese binding and with a timeless design, Haiku Illustrated is an expert celebration of one of the most beautiful and accessible forms of poetry in the world.

      • The Arts
        April 2020

        Il Giappone in controluce. Acquerelli, haiku e tanka: tre anime, un unico spirito

        by Floriana Porta

        Questo prezioso libro dedicato al Giappone raccoglie acquerelli, haiku (brevi componimenti di diciassette sillabe) e tanka (componimenti di trentuno sillabe): istantanee poetiche di grande fascino e suggestione, dove scritto e dipinto si fondono con originalità e ricercatezza. Le poesie sono caratterizzate da un linguaggio snudato ed essenziale, molto intenso ed evocativo, e concentrano l'attenzione sulla descrizione della natura e degli eventi umani direttamente collegati a essa. L'Autrice mette in dialogo antichissime forme poetiche giapponesi con la contemporaneità; ne consegue che tempi e luoghi molto distanti fra loro percorrano gli stessi ignoti sentieri, con un ritmo compositivo di grande equilibrio. Haiku e tanka - rigorosamente senza punteggiatura - sono accompagnati da dipinti realizzati dall'Autrice ad acquerello. Versi e pennellate si fondono armonicamente: la parola poetica permette di cogliere - in un solo sguardo - il rapporto immediato con le bellezze e le magie del Giappone, mentre la pittura concentra in sé tutti i poteri dell'incanto e del mondo che ci circonda.

      • Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2022

        Writing Haiku: A Beginner's Guide to Composing Japanese Poetry

        Includes Tanka, Renga, Haiga, Senryu and Haibun

        by Bruce Ross

        A world of dewAnd within every dewdropA world of struggleThe iconic three-line haiku form is increasingly popular today as people embrace its simplicity and grace—and its connections to the Japanese ethos of mindfulness and minimalism. Say more with fewer words.This practical guide by poet and teacher Bruce Ross shows you how to capture a fleeting moment, like painting a picture with words, and how to give voice to your innermost thoughts, feelings, and observations. You don't have to be a practiced poet or writer to write your own haiku, and this book shows you how.In this book, aspiring poets will find: Accessible, easy-to-replicate examples and writing prompts A foreword that looks at the state of haiku today as the form continues to expand worldwide An introduction to related Japanese haiku forms such as tanka, haiga, renga, haibun, and senryu A listing of international journals and online resources Do you want to tell a story? Give haibun a try. Maybe you want to express a fleeting feeling? A tanka is the perfect vehicle. Are you more visual than verbal? Then a haiga, or illustrated haiku, is the ideal match. Finally, a renga is perfect as a group project or to create with friends, passing a poem around, adding line after line, and seeing what your group effort amounts to.Ross walks readers through the history and form of haiku, before laying out what sets each Japanese poetic form apart. Then it's time to turn to your notebook and start drafting some verse of your own!

      • Poetry


        by Collective

        Discover haikus by poets from all over the world who wrote on the subject of peace from unique and personal—sometimes even tender or comical—point of views. This book is intended for all ages, depicting inner peace, feelings, the world’s beauty, all those little things that make us stand still and listen, love life despite our internal and external bustle and confusion. Haiku urges everyone to write and live (intensely) every day to its fullest. L’iroli has chosen to crystallize the universal theme of peace in the form of haiku, which has been their focus for the last 15 years. The translation into five languages (French, Japanese, Spanish, English, German, and the authors’ native language) offers to the reader a kaleidoscopic vision of each poem.

      • Children's & young adult poetry, anthologies, annuals
        November 2019

        Wünsch dich ins Wunder-Weihnachtsland Band 12

        Erzählungen, Märchen und Gedichte zur Advents- und Weihnachtszeit

        by Martina Meier (Hrsg.)

        Es saß einmal ein Floh im Stroh,in einer Krippe irgendwo,der, während er sein Frühstück plante,von dem Ereignis noch nichts ahnte,das bald geschehen sollte, hier –umgeben bloß von Mensch und Tier. (Heike Westendorf)Nun, um welches Ereignis es sich hier handelt, dürfte wohl klar sein: die Geburt Jesu, dieses Mal aus der Sicht eines kleinen Flohs erzählt. Auch in diesem Jahr haben wieder Autorinnen und Autoren aus Deutschland, Österreich, der Schweiz und Polen Märchen und Erzählungen, Haikus und Gedichte für den 12. Band „Wünsch dich ins Wunder-Weihnachtsland“ zusammengetragen, um unseren Lesern eine wunderschöne (Vor-)Weihnachtszeit zu bescheren.

      • Poetry
        June 2021

        Tanpura's Strum

        A Collection of Haiku, Tanka, and Micropoems

        by Jesal Kanani

        Jesal has always been drawn to making beautiful connections with seemingly disparate ideas. She's been able to draw out the juxtaposition of two unrelated images in a haiku, giving birth to a new meaning, which combines two distinct thoughts into one. If we look at urban existence – its natural state of being is fraught with dissonance: the push and pull of expectations, the contradictions within roles, but Jesal sees connections and synergy with this seeming contradiction thru the haiku and tanka  which reach out as perfect forms to Jesal, to express this state of modern living.   Both — arising out of and also nestled within, this constant churn and thrum of life are nectar-like moments that make us feel most alive, impassioned, at other times crushingly human. This poetry is an attempt to catch those pearls of consciousness, those moments that float up to the surface above the rough raw tumble of the day. Maybe it is the ordinary, that when looked at with repose, reflection transmutes into something extraordinary? The tanka’s brevity: a click, ka—snick! is a snapshot in words. A wide ranging collage, from motherhood, heartbreak, loss, love, to the tangible: vegetables, beaches, forests and salons, is put together in this collection through these textual snapshots. Read together, they aim to paint a dense picture of urban life of women, as they grapple with successfully navigating the world.    By saying little, sharing just the silhouettes of an image, Jesal's haiku and tanka, invite the readers to color in the rest with their own experiences and imagination, thereby making these poetic forms unusually relatable. I hope the grace and beauty of these ancient forms of poetry find resonance with you and readers through this modern, relatable and excellent rendition, by Jesal.

      • Poetry (Children's/YA)

        A Year… Poems for the Seasons

        by Ángeles Quinteros, Ángeles Vargas

        With the arrival of every season, a new celebration starts: the sweet flavor of watermelon in the summer, the strange language of the wind in the autumn, the mirrors towards the other worlds that hide the swamps in the winter, the bursting of cherry blossoms in the spring. A Year... brings together short poems, written with the traditional Haiku structure. The poems narrate the little things that children experience during the different seasons of the year. The fleeting beauty of nature's cycles is captured in synthetic postcards made from cut-out paper. They are agile and entertaining verses, surprising and delicate, which open the wide field of visual imagination and of the very memories.

      • June 2009

        Maniac haikus

        by Rubén Bonet

        Although this is a collection of aphorisms, plus manifest, plus short stories, the book achieves its homogeneity due to the extreme and sarcastic sense in its style. Probably the manifesto "Adopt a writer" is one of the texts with the highest sense of humor that has been published lately; although the writer himself and other artists would see this text not as something funny, but as a real option for the survival of the arts in general. Jaikús maniacos (collection of playful and anarchist writings) represents Rubén Bonet’s personal return to the scene.

      • Fortune-telling & divination
        September 2021

        The Power of Symbols, Sacred Images for Meditation and Divination

        Immagini Sacre per Meditare e Divinare

        by Stefano Fusi

        THE POWER OF SYMBOLS Sacred Images for Meditation and Divination by Stefano Fusi Artwork by Stefano Fusi Product Details 41 cards + 68-page guidebook+gold extra thin point marker Guide book size: 85 x 130 mm Card size: 85 x 130 mm ISBN: 978-1-955680-03-5 Imprint: Edizioni LAlbero All our oracles are designed and printed in Italy using only 100% ecofriendly material and non toxic inks and varnishes. Symbols are the signs that reveal and perpetuate the unlimited universe in our world and in our common life. They reveal meanings beyond those obvious to the senses and to our rational sphere. They exist before we can imagine or think about them: like genes and DNA on the physical plane, symbols pre-exist us, they carry with them the original instructions of life. They exist in nature and we have then encoded them to express in perceptible and comprehensible forms the essential forces that structure existence since the beginning. They are a synthetic map of the motions of what we call energy.The Power of Symbols is a deck of 41 Oracles with guide book.

      • On puppy's nose, a grasshopper

        Haiku on the four seasons

        by Rodoula Pappa/Seng Soun Ratanavanh

        Such a deep sleep! On our puppy’s nose, a grasshopper!

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