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        Vorsicht, Arzt

        Krise der modernen Medizin

        by Herausgegeben von Halter, Hans

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        March 1998

        König Oedipus

        Von Sophokles zu Cocteau

        by Halter, Thomas

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        January 1994

        Unterhändler ohne Auftrag

        Die geheime Vorgeschichte des Friedensabkommens zwischen Israel und PLO

        by Halter, Marek; Laurent, Eric / Französisch Schmidt, Thorsten

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        Gender Equity & Reconciliation

        Thirty Years of Healing the Most Ancient Wound in the Human Family

        by Will Keepin and Cynthia Brix

        How can we move forward beyond the anger and outrage to heal and transform, in practical ways, the vast crisis of relations between women and men, and among people of all genders? This book addresses that question. Over the past 30 years, the Gender Equity and Reconciliation International (GERI) project has convened over 300 intensive workshops and trainings in 12 countries, for more than 7,000 people on 6 continents. These groups have engaged in a deep process of unraveling the systemic knots of gender conflicts and developed practical skills for transforming gender relations from the inside out. Another 22,000 people have been introduced to the GERI process in conferences and trainings. Inspired by the principles of Truth and Reconciliation developed by the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa, the GERI project has a longstanding record. This book is full of inspiring stories that document how the methodology of deep truth-telling and collective alchemy dissolves root causes of gender conflict, through skillfully facilitated, heart-centered transformational experiences, which are followed up with ongoing peer support. With contributions from 12 distinguished world leaders in this field, and special inserts from such notable persons as Stanislav Grof, MD, Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo, and Peter Rutter, MD, this book is an invaluable resource for laypersons and professionals, educators and religious leaders who are thoughtfully addressing the gender-based conflicts and needs of young and old in their own homes, therapy practices, organizations and congregations across the globe. Will Keepin, Ph.D. and Rev. Cynthia Brix, Ph.D., are co-founders of Gender Equity & Reconciliation, International.

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        Dietetics & nutrition
        May 2009

        Peptides in Energy Balance and Obesity

        by G Frühbeck

        Obesity is one of the most relevant public health concerns today and it is now evident that body weight control is achieved through highly integrated physiological interactions like nutrient selection as well as being influenced by genetic and environmental factors. Moreover, energy balance regulation is a complex process aimed at maintaining constant energy stores. Presenting a detailed and comprehensive account of the roles of specific peptides in energy balance, food intake control and co-morbidities, this review provides a better understanding of the patho-physiology of energy balance and obesity.

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        March 2008

        Geglückte Balance

        Auf Goethe blickend

        by Friedrich Dieckmann

        Die Frage nach der Modernität Goethes stellt sich für Friedrich Dieckmann nicht – wer Goethe als "Dichterfürsten" vermeintlich rühmt, hat ihn genauso wenig verstanden wie einer, der ihn, in der Nachfolge Ludwig Börnes, als "Fürstenknecht" schmäht. Auch der Klassiker Goethe ist ein Klischee; es sind die Häutungen, die Verwandlungen dieses Autors, die, über die Einschnitte seiner und unserer Zeit hinweg, Gestalt und Werk lebendig machen - man muß nur zu lesen wissen. Hierbei zu helfen ist das Anliegen der zehn Essays, die Dieckmann zum Werk Goethes vorlegt. Der zeitliche Rahmen dieser Essays wird abgesteckt durch den Urfaust, das bestürzend kühne Jugendwerk, das seine Überlieferung der Sorgfalt eines Hoffräuleins verdankt, und den zweiten Teil der Fausttragödie, das große Alterswerk, das Goethe erst nach seinem Tod der Öffentlichkeit übergeben wissen wollte. Dazwischen geht es unter anderem darum, wie schwer sich der Napoleon-Bewunderer Goethe tat, den einschneidenden politischen Wandlungen von 1813/14 standzuhalten, und wie er sie, wenig glücklich, dramatisch verarbeitete, um sich danach in einen Orient der Poesie, den West-östlichen Divan, zu retten. Und in erfrischend unkonventionellen Gedichtinterpretationen zeigt sich die "geglückte Balance" zwischen Liebe und Beruf, Politik und Poesie, die Goethes Lebenshaltung prägt; sie kann heute wie damals ein Anhalt sein.

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        October 2020

        The Eco-Balance on the Plate

        How What We Eat Can Protect the Climate

        by Dr. Malte Rubach

        How much CO₂ is emitted by one serving of spaghetti bolognese? About 1.5 kilograms! This example shows what the meat industry and food logistics mean for the eco-balance of our food. But is it enough to switch to meat-free and dairy-free alternatives or local specialities? Dr. Malte Rubach takes a closer look and reviews our food regime and its impact on our climate. We live in a society influenced by technology and the rising consumption of resources. Rubach argues for a sensible attitude to food and shows what we can still eat with a clear conscience.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2022

        The correspondence of John Dryden

        by Stephen Bernard, John McTague

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 1977

        The Leibniz-Clarke Correspondence

        With extracts from Newton's 'Principia' and 'Optiks'

        by Robert Gavin Alexander

        n 1715 Leibniz wrote to his friend the Princess of Wales to warn her of the dangers Newton's philosophy posed for natural religion. Seizing this chance of initiating an exchange between the two greatest minds in Europe, the princess showed his letter to the eminent Newtonian scientist and natural theologian, Samuel Clarke. From his reply developed an exchange of papers which was published in 1717. The correspondence was immediately seen as a crucial discussion of the significance of the new science, and it became one of the most widely read philosophical works of its time.In this edition, an introduction outlines the historical background, and there is a valuable survey of the subsequent discussions of the problem of space and time in the philosophy of science. Significant references to the controversy in Leibniz's other correspondence have also been collected, and the relevant passages from Newton's Principia and Opticks are appended. In 1715 Leibniz wrote to his friend the Princess of Wales to warn her of the dangers Newton's philosophy posed for natural religion. Seizing this chance of initiating an exchange between two of the greatest minds in Europe, the princess showed his letter to the eminent Newtonian scientist and natural theologian, Samuel Clarke. From his reply developed an exchange of papers which was published in 1717. The correspondence was immediately seen as a crucial discussion of the significance of the new science, and it became one of the most widely read philosophical works of its time. Kant developed his theory of space and time from the problems at issue, and the post-Newtonian physics of the twentieth century has brought a revival of interest in Leibniz's objections: some of the problems are still not finally resolved. In this edition an introduction outlines the historical background, and there is a valuable survey of the subsequent discussions of the problem of space and time in the philosophy of science. Significant references to the controversy in Leibniz's other correspondence have also been collected, and the relevant passages from Newton's "Principia" and "Opticks" are appended. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2022


        by Lorena De Vita, J. Simon Rofe, Giles Scott-Smith

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2010

        The Northern Ireland experience of conflict and agreement

        A model for export?

        by Robin Wilson

        The Northern Ireland Experience of Conflict and Agreement presents a salutary warning to the international community against the fashionable view that there is an 'Irish model' which can be exported to cauterise ethnic troubles around the globe. The book draws on extensive archive research in London and Dublin on the 1970s power-sharing experiment, and on interviews with senior officials and political figures from the two capitals-as well as reconciliation practitioners-about the negotiation and chequered implementation of the Belfast agreement. It shows how stereotyped conceptions of the problem as a product of 'ancient hatreds', allied to solutions based on Realpolitik, have failed to transform Northern Ireland from a fragile peace, following the exhaustion of protracted paramilitary campaigns, to genuine reconciliation. The book concludes with practical proposals for constitutional reforms which would favour genuine power-sharing-rather than merely sharing power out-and set Northern Ireland on the road to the 'normal', civic society its long-suffering residents desire. It will be essential reading not only for academics and postgraduates interested in ethnic conflict but also for policy-makers who confront it in practice. ;

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