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      • La Pollera Ediciones

        La Pollera's catalog includes narrative, essay, and chronicle of contemporary and classic authors.

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      • Media Partisans GmbH

        Since 2014 Media Partisans has been creating top quality online content in 10 languages and our cooking brands and DIY/lifehacks brands now have millions of fans around the globe. In 2017 we began producing cookbooks with content from our "Leckerschmecker" cooking brand. Shortly after that we released our first DIY/Lifehacks book with content from our popular "Geniale Tricks" website. Since then we've sold over 230,000 copies of our cookbooks and nearly 50,000 copies of our first DIY/lifehacks book. Considering the strength of our cooking brands in other countries around the world, we now want to offer our books to our fans in other countries. We see great potential in South America where our cooking website Riquísimo has nearly 20 million Facebook subscribers. In Brazil, our cooking brand A Receitaria, also has a huge fanbase of over 8 million Facebook subscribers. These are just a few examples of how strong and global our brands are, and there is great potential in other regions as well. If you're a publisher interested in acquiring printing rights for cookbooks and DIY/lifehacks books with strong brand identities and solid fanbases, please get in touch.

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      • Trusted Partner
        People & places (Children's/YA)
        March 2018

        Mi Barrio

        by María José Ferrada, Ana Penyas

        Every morning Marta goes out and verifies that everytthing is the way it should be: her friends in a terrace playing an eternal game of cards, the same beach as always in the usual place, children having fun in the schoolyard... Just a regular and amazing life in the neighbourhood.

      • 2018

        Elecciones y partidos en América Latina en el cambio de ciclo

        by Alcántara, Manuel; Buquet, Manuel; Tagina, María Laura

        En el presente volumen se abordan los comicios celebrados entre 2013 y el primer trimestre de 2017, en los dieciocho países de la región, profundizando en el contexto político y económico en el que se celebraron estos comicios y las normas que conforman los respectivos marcos legales, al tiempo que se subrayan las transformaciones acaecidas en los respectivos sistemas de partidos a lo largo de las últimas décadas.

      • January 2018

        Corpo da multidão: Dança e políticas públicas

        by Moura, Gilsamar

        Num período no qual a Dança conquistava o valor de sua especificidade no Brasil, oportunizada pelo apogeu nas políticas culturais federais, Araraquara, cidade do interior Paulista, era cenário de mudanças profundas e transformadoras, caracterizadas por ações específicas do poder público, que resultaram em novas formas de relação entre Estado e Sociedade. Sob os preceitos da Democracia Participativa, agentes culturais e políticos promoveram a reorganização da Cultura na cidade e, a Dança, de forma transgressora, se efetivou como Política Pública. Este livro de Gilsamara Moura transcende a narrativa histórica-evolutiva dos projetos de dança implementados na cidade de Araraquara a partir da articulação de diversas redes amparadas pela Educação e pela Cultura. Ele é, sobretudo, um documento político de uma época, um replicador do desenvolvimento da dança, desde o lugar que habitamos. — Kranya V. Díaz-Serrano

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2018

        Aporías de la democracia

        by Ricardo Espinoza Lolas y Jordi Riba (coords.)

        In this book, we ask ourselves about something that occurs in a generalized way today in the bosom of Western democracies, perhaps already obsolete models of the old representative and liberal democracy. Democracies where, on one hand, people vote, seems, in an "i-reflexive" way; to people, political parties or social movements that express an apparently undemocratic way of life; that is, a way of life that refuses to be mixed with the Other; a way of life that detests the migrant in all its forms; that refuses an open, supportive and cooperative economy; that ultimately pursues a more “firm hand” against anything that threatens identity values. And on the other hand, it is claimed that the representative character has to take steps forward, also thanks to technologies, to move towards a democracy where the co-design of this by citizens is fundamental and absolutely necessary to save what is still there. It remains democratic in this current simulation that is the democracy of neoliberal Capitalism.  * * * En el libro Aporías de la democracia se pregunta sobre algo de aquello que de forma generalizada ocurre hoy en el seno de las democracias occidentales, modelos acaso ya obsoletos de la vieja democracia representativa y liberal. Democracias donde por una lado se vota, parece, de forma “i-reflexiva”; a personas, partidos políticos o movimientos sociales que expresan un modo de vida aparentemente poco democrática; esto es, un modo de vida que rechaza estar mezclado con el Otro; un modo de vida que detesta al migrante en todas sus formas; que rehúsa una economía abierta, solidaria y cooperativa, que persigue, en definitiva, más “mano dura” contra todo lo que atente contra los valores identitarios. Y por otro lado, se reivindica que el carácter representativo tiene que dar pasos adelante, también gracias a las tecnologías, avanzar hacia una democracia en donde el co-diseño de ésta por parte de los ciudadanos sea fundamental y absolutamente necesario para salvar lo que aún queda de democrático en este simulacro actual que es la democracia del Capitalismo neoliberal.

      • March 2019

        Las lentejas de la guerra

        by da Casa de Cantos, Fernando

        This book pays tribute to a whole generation of people condemned to live through one of the most  difficult and turbulent historical periods, not only in Spain but also in the rest of the world.  War Lentils tells human stories of run-of-the-mill individuals who, as everybody, dreamt of a better world, conceived from very different points of view. Alternative solutions were proposed, but none of them was definitely legitimate, ending invariably in a collective failure from which the coming generations should learn.   Este libro supone un homenaje a toda una generación que le tocó vivir unos años convulsos, difíciles, no solo en España sino en todo el planeta.Relata historias de gentes sencillas que ansiaban –como todos– un mundo mejor, visto desde prismas diferentes, con soluciones muy distintas que desembocaron en un fracaso colectivo del que las generaciones siguientes deberíamos aprender.  Los personajes de esta novela son secundarios; podrían haber sido estos como podrían haber sido otros, escogidos entre cientos o miles de testimonios familiares que aún perviven en la memoria más secreta y callada de nuestros mayores. La verdadera protagonista es la Historia: esa, con mayúsculas, que debe ayudarnos a ser mejores personas.

      • Fiction
        July 2020


        by Mario Villén Lucena

        UN REINO DE LEYENDA - EL NACIMIENTO DE UNA DINASTÍA MÍTICA Alarcos, 1195. El ejército musulmán ha derrotado a las tropas dirigidas por el rey castellano Alfonso XI. Asquilula, naqîb andalusí, se siente doblemente feliz: regresa victorioso a casa y al mismo tiempo es informado del nacimiento de su primer nieto: Muhammad bin al-Ahmar. Son tiempos duros para la Península Ibérica, dividida política y culturalmente. En el norte, los territorios cristianos luchan entre sí; en el sur tampoco reina la paz entre los reinos musulmanes de taifas. A lo largo de los años habrá batallas, traiciones y compromisos, treguas y pactos junto a revueltas de ambos bandos. La vida y la muerte penden de un hilo. Pero habrá entonces cuando Muhammad bin al-Ahmar se convierta en el zegrí más destacado en la frontera con Castilla. Aclamado como sayj por el pueblo, lideró su lucha por sobrevivir a los constantes ataques cristianos, luego lo nombró emir y finalmente reunió los restos de al-Andalus que habían dejado los almohades en la famosa batalla denominada Navas de Tolosa.Fernando III el Santo fue su mayor enemigo. Pero bajo el reinado de Ibn Ammar surgió no sólo un reino, sino una nueva dinastía para gloria de al-Andalus y de la Historia: los nazaríes. Y nunca estuvo solo... Esta es una novela sobre batallas, conflictos políticos y aventuras, pero también sobre el amor, la amistad y la esperanza. Se trata de una novela basada en uno de los periodos más convulsos de la Historia, la Reconquista, pero escrita como nunca, desde el punto de vista andaluz. En definitiva, una novela sobre un personaje legendario.

      • Personal & social issues: drugs & addiction (Children's/YA)

        Even if He Is Not Here

        by Cecilia Curbelo

        Bruno plans to run away. Flee from his home, and from his family- or what's left of it - after his father's death. He can’t tolerate seeing everything that matters disintegrate. His brother Guillermo’s attitude and the apparent indifference of his mother only aggravate the situation. Only the music his father listens brings peace to the situation. Bruno and Guille, immersed in the battle to survive the duel, face each other. In that fight they must also face someone else: themselves.

      • Health & Personal Development
        November 2019

        How to make good things happen to you

        Understand your brain, manage your emotions, improve your life.

        by Marian Rojas

        The author offers a deep reflection, sprinkled with useful advice with an edifying aim, on the application of our abilities to achieve a full and happy existence. To this end, she brings together scientific, psychological and human points of view. This full and happy existence is achieved in the knowledge and optimization of certain areas of the brain. With this book we will learn to set goals and objectives, exercise our will, activate emotional intelligence, develop assertiveness, avoid excessive self-criticism and self-demands, and affirm our optimism.

      • Literary studies: plays & playwrights

        Federico García Lorca: Una obra teatral Satírica

        by FERRADA, Susana

        Federico García Lorca: una obra teatral satírica ofrece una lectura inédita de la obra lorquiana que a su vez supone una nueva percepción del poeta al ahondar en una faceta de su controvertida personalidad de la que ninguna otra investigación ha partido para analizar su obra. Este estudio evidencia que lo cómico y lo serio, así como el innegable aspecto crítico, son rasgos satíricos intrínsecos a la obra lorquiana, demostrando que, sin descartar otras modalidades de su praxis dramática, Lorca llevó a cabo su crítica sirviéndose del humor, que oscila entre lo puramente jocoso y el humor negro, y se manifiesta mediante el empleo de técnicas tradicionales de la sátira, con idéntico propósito al del satírico: degradar a su objeto de ataque suscitando sonrisa o repulsa.

      • Fiction
        March 2019

        And they say

        by Susana Sánchez Aríns

        Dicen (And they say) is a family story crossed by Franco's repression.   It tells what is not registered in notarial acts, or in newspapers, or in books, or in provincial archives. It tells a story of a day-to-day silence that became long, very long, and that has conditioned us until now.   Dicen tells real events in a network of voices silenced for generations, it is not written from the political reflection, but from the poetic justice, it is the contemporary account of the Spanish postwar period.   Dicen is an innovative book. It is not poetry, it is not an essay, it is not a short narrative and it is everything at the same time. Written in short sequences, it collects the intimate memory of a family and reconstructs their insignificant lives to show the terror of repression after the civil war. Conversations, poems, stories, essay references, fragmented sequences that the reader orders in a shocking story.   The narration drags the reader to the end by the rhythm, the different voices, the authenticity and the gradual understanding of why that time is silenced.   The author speaks of poetic justice as a way of giving life to those who did not want to be named after their death: the oppressors. This story recovers their names, their ways of acting, their personalities, their power. And it also brings back to life those who died in the ditches or lived marginalized: the victims.   It is very difficult to make historical memory from politics, however, literature is its natural space. An original work, with enormous expressive force and a unique point of view discovered by Susana Sánchez Aríns, an experienced, committed voice.   The book has received the Madrid Booksellers Award for Best Fiction Book 2019. (Premio de los Libreros de Madrid al Mejor Libro de Ficción)

      • Crime & mystery fiction (Children's/YA)

        Mystery in the Camp

        by Beatriz García-Huidobro

        The follow up of the adventures of Diego and his friends. This time the mystery moves to a camp located in the Andes mountains. There, the stories of suspense are intertwined and will keep the readers' interest.

      • September 2019

        Teatro de invasão do espaço urbano: A cidade como dramaturgia

        by Carreira, André

        Este livro reflete sobre as relações entre as linguagens da cena da rua e a cidade como ambiente, discutindo os elementos temáticos, os procedimentos estéticos e seus atritos com as normas que regulam os fluxos urbanos. O foco são os procedimentos que invadem o espaço da cidade modificando momentaneamente seus usos e normas. O autor aborda como o político e o estético se combinam nas experiências nas ruas, considerando que o teatro na cidade é uma linguagem particular que se propõe experimentar o espaço inóspito. O livro se refere a uma grande variedade de formatos e experiências cênicas que rompem com as fronteiras dos espaços convencionais. O estudo analisa dinâmicas das formas teatrais que se fazem no espaço aberto das ruas e praças, ou nos túneis dos metrôs, nas fachadas de edifícios, e até em espaços fechados que estão penetrados pelos acontecimentos que provêm da rua.

      • 2019

        "Dichos de sabios" Jacobo Zadique de Uclés

        by Hugo O. Bizzarri (ed.)

        En el año 1402 Lorenzo Suárez de Figueroa, XXXII Maestre de la Orden de Santiago, encargó a su médico, Jacobo Zadique de Uclés, traducir una colección de sentencias que tituló simplemente Dichos de sabios. Esta obra, compuesta por un prólogo y siete capítulos temáticos, ofrece un largo listado de sentencias sacadas de autores clásicos (como Séneca, Aristóteles, Cicerón, Valero Máximo, etc.), de citas de la Biblia y una cantidad importante de refranes. Conservada en cinco manuscritos, la obra tuvo una difusión considerable en los siglos XV y XVI; sin embargo, ha permanecido inédita hasta nuestros días. La presente edición ofrece por primera vez un texto crítico y un extenso estudio que explica el contexto de producción de la obra y aclara problemas referentes a su fecha de escritura, elaboración, patronazgo y fuentes. Los Dichos de sabios son una pieza fundamental para comprender el ideario político de Enrique III y el entorno literario del Rimado de palacio de Pero López de Ayala.

      • Children's & YA
        April 2021


        by Antonio Ramos Revillas

        Efraín’s life —complicated and with shortcomings— continues impassive, until one day his Mum is violently taken by the police. He and his brothers, Fredy and Marcos, will have to look for all the ways to release her from a cruel system that labels and discriminates them. To build a future for their family, they will have to be cautious of asking help from the wrong people, as any false step could entangle them with the cartels of his neighborhood.

      • SECRETOS DEL CLANDESTINAJE (Secrets of the underground)

        Las vidas que alumbraron el levantamiento zapatista (The lives that illuminated the Zapatista uprising)

        by Federico Ramírez

        Faced with the repression of the popular student movement, which in October 1968 culminated in the Tlatelolco massacre, dozens of guerrilla groups emerged in Mexico. Conceived to confront an implacable enemy, these organizations had to develop and act clandestinely, behind the back of the law, without being able to fully achieve their objective of linking up with the people they were trying to lead towards revolution, since they only came to public light in quick and small propaganda actions or in violent confrontations with soldiers and police, who persecuted with equal ferocity both militants and frightened citizens suspected of sympathizing with the subversives.In society, concerns arose without a clear and reliable answer: Who are these people really? Why do young people who could have a decent future expose themselves to almost certain death? And what is their daily life like; what do they do when they are not robbing banks? Where do they get their weapons? How can they abandon their parents, their partners, their children? What drives the increasingly rare survivors to continue fighting decade after decade without renouncing their ideas? The novel Secretos del clandestinaje offers a comprehensive and authoritative answer to these questions; it is an authentic narrative based on shocking real events that the author witnessed and knew directly from more than twenty years of militancy as a member of the Directorate of the National Liberation Forces and the Command of the Zapatista Army.When opening the book, hundreds of gray men and women who talk, dress, walk, work and travel, without distinguishing themselves from those around them? because their purpose is precisely to go unnoticed while they follow a policeman, acquire military manuals, receive donations of medicines, work in an oil company, rent apartments with assumed names, fill out forms in an embassy, teach or take classes, chat in parks and ice cream parlors, drive a cab, sell ground coffee in markets and restaurants... to fulfill the modest mission that day corresponds to them in the great project: to silently build the revolutionary organization to overthrow the regime.Through the lens of literary art, the reader will see everything from student rallies to jungle camps, passing through safe houses, recruitment of combatants, political debates, armed confrontations, persecutions, ambushes... acts, thoughts, emotions of men and women who, in the search for a world of justice and freedom, gave their lives and, if the time came, also their death.     Ante la represión al movimiento estudiantil popular, que en octubre de 1968 culminó con la masacre de Tlatelolco, surgieron en México docenas de grupos guerrilleros. Concebidas para enfrentar a un enemigo implacable, estas organizaciones tuvieron que gestarse y actuar en el clandestinaje, a espaldas de la ley, sin poder lograr a plenitud su objetivo de vincularse con el pueblo al que pretendían conducir hacia la revolución, pues sólo salían a la luz pública en rápidas y pequeñas acciones de propaganda o en violentos enfrentamientos con soldados y policías, quienes perseguían con igual saña tanto a los militantes como a los atemorizados ciudadanos sospechosos de simpatizar con los subversivos.En la sociedad surgían entonces inquietudes sin una contestación clara y confiable: ¿Quiénes son en realidad esas personas? ¿Por qué se exponen a una muerte casi segura jóvenes que podrían tener un futuro decoroso? ¿Y cómo es su diario vivir; qué hacen cuando no andan asaltando bancos? ¿De dónde sacan sus armas? ¿Cómo pueden abandonar a sus padres, su pareja, sus hijos? ¿Qué impulsa a los cada vez más escasos sobrevivientes a seguir luchando década tras década sin renunciar a sus ideas? La novela Secretos del clandestinaje ofrece una respuesta amplia y autorizada a esas preguntas; es una narración auténtica basada en impactantes hechos reales protagonizados y conocidos directamente por el autor en más de veinte años de militancia como integrante de la Dirección de las Fuerzas de Liberación Nacional y de la Comandancia del Ejército Zapatista.Al abrir el libro saldrán a escena centenares de hombres y mujeres grises que hablan, visten, caminan, laboran y viajan, sin distinguirse exteriormente de quienes los rodean… porque su propósito es precisamente pasar desapercibidos mientras siguen a un policía, adquieren manuales militares, reciben donativos de medicinas, trabajan en una empresa petrolera, rentan departamentos con nombres supuestos, llenan formularios en una embajada, imparten o toman clases, charlan en parques y neverías, conducen un taxi, venden café molido en mercados y restaurantes… para cumplir la modesta misión que ese día les corresponde en el gran proyecto: construir en silencio la organización revolucionaria para derrocar al régimen.Con el lente del arte literario verá el lector desde mítines estudiantiles hasta campamentos en la selva, pasando por casas de seguridad, reclutamiento de combatientes, debates políticos, enfrentamientos armados, persecuciones, emboscadas… actos, pensamientos, emociones de hombres y mujeres que en la búsqueda de un mundo de justicia y libertad entregaron su vida y, si acaso llegó el momento, también su muerte.

      • Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        February 2022

        Away Days

        by Álvaro de Grado

        There is no better journalism than the one that is done on the ground, there is no better literature than the one that takes us far from home and there is no better passion than the one that is breathed in the stands during a football match in England. Álvaro de Grado made a decision in 2013 that changed his life: moving to Manchester. This book is the journey of someone who, from that day on, always plays as a visitor. It is the x-ray of a unique way of feeling football that emerges in the Premier League stadiums but also in the most modest fields. This book does not give news, it narrates the adventures and misadventures of a correspondent. It tells stories about a land and a people to whom the ball owes everything.

      • Football (Soccer, Association football)
        February 2020

        Rivalidades crónicas

        10 ciudades europeas a través de sus derbis

        by Jordi Brescó and Pau Riera

        Football shapes cities, and derbies turn them upside down. Two friends travel to ten European cities (Istanbul, Belfast, Belgrade, Sheffield...) to narrate and photograph them, and use football as their gateway and common thread. Because the king of sports is an instrument as effective as any other to delve into the political, social, economic and cultural reality of a place.

      • Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        November 2020

        Kafka en Maracaná

        90 partidos. 90 autores. 90 relatos

        by David García Cames, Miguel Ángel Ortiz and Marcel Beltran

        Football breaks down all doors, including those of literature. Contrary to popular belief, there are many writers who at some point were attracted by the mystery of the goal or the fervor of the stands. The ball sneaks into the work and life of authors who have built bridges between these two apparently dissociated worlds. From Marguerite Duras to Eduardo Galeano, passing through Albert Camus, Roberto Bolaño, Svetlana Aleksiévich or Federico García Lorca. This book is 90 games that were played one day. This book is made up of 90 stories, halfway between the chronicle and the tale, with which tribute is paid to 90 extraordinary creators who have influenced our way of understanding football.

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