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        Mind, Body, Spirit


        Intimate Experiences with the Divine through Contemplative Practices

        by Sister Dr. Jenna

        Activate Your Inner Power Through Meditation Contemplate the intimate journey of coming home to yourself as Sister Dr. Jenna and selected sacred storytellers share their true, personal stories about meditation as a gateway into the mystical. Learn how listening to your inner silence can help you overcome life obstacles, reclaim your spiritual power, and immerse in the presence of the Divine. Acclaimed spiritual mentor Sister Dr. Jenna expands the concept of meditation to the highest level—from simple relaxation to ecstatic union with Source. Her wisdom will enhance your understanding of the value of contemplative practices, what happens when you turn within, and how it develops your capacity for selfless service. Experience greater depth in your prayerful moments by removing blocks to the process and dropping into the essence of pure Love. This inner transformation will infuse your daily life with more joy, compassion, maturity, and peace. MEDITATION will inspire you to open your doorway to the Divine.

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        Teaching, Language & Reference
        September 2018

        Study on Yao Literature Panwang Dage and its English Translation

        by Peng Qing

        The book studys the translation of Panwang Dage, a great Yao epic, from Chinese to English. It initially illustrates the text from linguistic level and cultural level, providing the basis for the use of translation strategies and methods focusing on oral literature of the southern ethnic minorities in China. Further, the author conducts theoretical interpretation and derivations, and puts forward some new ideas, like "dynamic equivalence of domestication and foreignization", "progressive translation based on cultural memes", etc., which can work in the translation of Chinese folk classics, especially the epics of southern China.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        The Psychology of Meditation

        Varieties, Effects, Theories, and Perspectives

        by Peter Sedlmeier

        All you need to know about the psychology of meditation: Written by an expert in the field Provides unique theories of meditation approaches Explores traditional and Western approaches Recommends how to improve future research Explores new topics, e.g., negative effects This volume provides state-­of-­the-­art answers to questions about the psychology of meditation, including: what is medi­tation, how does it work, and how can it best be researched? The author succinctly summarizes the benefcial effects of meditation, explores recently emerging topics such as nega­tive effects, provides theories of four main traditional medi­tation approaches, and gives a critical overview of Western approaches to explain the effects of meditation. In conclu­sion, recommendations are made on how to improve future meditation research.

      • Trusted Partner
        Material culture
        January 2002

        The study of dress history

        by Lou Taylor

        Over the past ten years the study of dress history has finally achieved academic respectability. This book shows how the fields of dress history and dress studies are now benefitting from the adoption of new multi-disciplinary approaches and outlines the full range of these approaches which draw on material culture, ethnography, and cultural studies. Raises a series of frank and fresh issues surrounding approaches to the history of dress, including analysis of the academic gender and subject divides that have riven it in the past. Comprehensive, engaging and trenchant, this will become the benchmark volume in the study of dress history.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2008

        Hirnforschung und Meditation

        Ein Dialog

        by Wolf Singer, Matthieu Ricard, Susanne Warmuth, Wolf Singer

        Wolf Singer ist einer der weltweit führenden Hirnforscher. Matthieu Ricard war Molekularbiologe, wurde dann buddhistischer Mönch – und Bestsellerautor. Für dieses Buch treten beide in einen Dialog über die Beziehung zwischen Hirnforschung und Bewußtseinstraining. Sie sprechen darüber, welche mentalen Zustände mit meditativen Praktiken herbeigeführt werden sollen, welche neuronalen Vorgänge diesen zugrunde liegen, und sie fragen, ob regelmäßiges Meditieren zu nachweisbaren Veränderungen von Hirnfunktionen führt. Ihr Buch leistet einen wichtigen Beitrag dazu, den Austausch zwischen Naturwissenschaften und den kontemplativen Wissenschaften anzuregen, denn Buddhismus wird hier als eine "Wissenschaft über den Geist" verhandelt und nicht als eine Religion. Ein Thema, das in der Diskussion zentral behandelt wird, sind die Methoden, mit denen der Geist und menschliche Werte trainiert werden können, zum Beispiel Aufmerksamkeit, Altruismus, emotionale Ausgeglichenheit und Glück. Darüber hinaus sprechen Singer und Ricard über die Langzeitwirkungen solchen Trainings. Die Fähigkeit des Gehirns, sich an veränderte Umstände anzupassen, wird meist im Kontext sich verändernder Außenbedingungen untersucht, aber bei der Meditation kommen die Impulse von innen und sollen eine systematische Veränderung der eigenen mentalen Dispositionen bewirken, und folgerichtig wird die Frage gestellt, ob sich zentrale Fragen über die menschliche Natur überhaupt mit neurowissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen verbinden lassen.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2012

        Muse des Exils

        Das Leben der Malerin Eva Herrmann

        by Manfred Flügge

        Eine märchenhafte Schönheit, Freundin, Geliebte und Muse bedeutender Künstler ihrer Zeit, eine amerikanische Jüdin mit katholisch-bayerischer Erziehung, eine Nomadin zwischen Alter und Neuer Welt – das Leben der Malerin Eva Herrmann war ein Roman mit sehr widersprüchlichen Kapiteln. 1901 als Tochter eines amerikanischen Malers in München geboren, wuchs Eva Herrmann in Bayern auf. Im Alter von achtzehn Jahren kam sie erstmals in die USA und pendelte seitdem zwischen den Kontinenten, reiste in die Sowjetunion und verkehrte in den Exilanten- und Künstlerkreisen in Sanary-sur-Mer und Los Angeles. 1940 verließ sie Europa und lebte bis zu ihrem Tod 1978 in Kalifornien. Erfolg hatte sie mit ihren Schriftsteller-Karikaturen, als erste Frau auf diesem Gebiet. Sie hatte Liebschaften mit Johannes R. Becher, Aldous Huxley, Lion Feuchtwanger, pflegte Freundschaften mit Klaus Mann, Golo Mann, Sybille Bedford, Mercedes de Acosta, Ludwig Marcuse und vielen anderen. Thomas und Katia Mann nahmen sie wie eine Tochter auf. Ihre letzten Lebensjahre verbrachte sie in einer traumhaften Villa über der Bucht von Santa Barbara. Sie widmete sich zunehmend der Astrologie und parapsychologischen Phänomenen. Als Medium empfing sie Diktate von verstorbenen Persönlichkeiten, die sie ab 1976 unter dem Titel »Von drüben« veröffentlichte und in dem ein Post mortem-Nachwort von Thomas Mann abgedruckt ist. Der erfolgreiche Autor Manfred Flügge präsentiert die erste Biographie dieser faszinierenden Frau, die bislang weitgehend unbeachtet geblieben ist. Er hat dazu weltweit in Archiven geforscht, Gespräche mit Zeitzeugen geführt, zahlreiche unbekannte Briefe, Dokumente und Fotos gesichtet und gibt in dieser spannenden Lebensgeschichte auch einen neuen Blick auf andere Künstler des 20. Jahrhunderts frei. - mit Abbildungen

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2024

        Modern Carmelite nuns and contemplative identities

        Shaping spirituality in the Netherlands

        by Brian Heffernan

        Discalced Carmelite convents are among the most influential wellsprings of female spirituality in the Catholic tradition, as the names of Teresa of Avila, Therese of Lisieux and Edith Stein attest. Behind these 'great Carmelites' stood communities of women who developed discourses on their relationship with God and their identity as a spiritual elite in the church and society. This book looks at these discourses as formulated by Carmelites in the Netherlands, from their arrival there in 1872 up to the recent past, providing an in-depth case study of the spiritualities of modern women contemplatives. The female religious life was a transnational phenomenon, and the book draws on sources and scholarship in English, Dutch, French and German to provide insights on gendered spirituality, memory and the post-conciliar renewal of the religious life.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2021

        Meditation in Solitude by the Tiny Window

        by Chen Jiru

        Meditation in Solitude by the Tiny Window is a collection of essays written in classical Chinese language of the Qing Dynasty that integrates life interests, aesthetic art and life philosophy with Chinese tradition. The book is so philosophically-inspired and thought-provoking that it covers various topics such as virtue, self-cultivation, learning, scholarship and career, which is of great enlightening significance for us in daily life.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        January 2012

        A Comparative Study of Judicial Review Systems

        by Zhang Qianfan,BaoWanchao, Wang Weiming.

        This is a comparative study of judicial review systems of various countries, analyzing the history and characteristics of constitutional protection systems while taking into consideration the basic features of Chinese constitutional system. Offering some insights into existing problems and some constructive countermeasures, the research results of this book have significant practical value.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2021

        CAI Yuanpei's Overseas Study Experience in Europe

        by YE Jun

        More than 110 years ago, a novel "New Year's Eve" on the "New Year's Eve" daily report, the Jiangnan rich family named "China-China", 16 years old, from the home, work, and school English, law, German three languages, then travel foreign countries, and finally guide China to achieve the ideal of the world. This Nanke is the protagonist of the New Year's dream, its prototype is the later famous educator Cai Yuanpei.As a Qing Dynasty, Hanlin, who had experienced what turnedam, in order to meet the times, lead the trend, become the president of the Republic of China, the general education of education, and laverse the modernization process of China Education? It has two times before and after, and the 7-year-old European experience will not be mentioned.This book has reached a rigorous research, vivid language, reproduces Cai Yuanpei's Leave Europe, which includes both the study experience from Berlin to Leipzig (1907-1911), which also covers travel from Paris to Toulouse (1913-1916). In addition to the twists and turns of study abroad, the book also depicts many life details and emotional history, so that the road to a generation of awakening is in front of you.

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        The Arts
        October 2018

        Study on Survival of Chinese Classical Opera

        by Wang Fuya

        The book mainly explores Chinese classical opera in terms of the existence, cutural essence and functions, artistic features, and the position in Chinese traditional culture. The author conducts study based on theories of popular culture and folk culture, historical resources of Chinese classical opera, along with various survival tactics for opera like opera adptation and opera prohibition.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2016

        A Study of Ryukyu/Okinawa: Exploring the history and ownership of Diaoyu Islands

        by Huang Tian

        To address the Sino-Japanese dispute of Diaoyu Islands (referred to as Ryukyu Islands by the Japanese), it is necessary to study the history of Ryukyu. In this book, the author collects abundant documents and makes some breakthrough on the unsettled history of Diaoyu Islands. In recent years, Japan has argued that Diaoyu Islands is an outlying island of Okinawa Prefecture, thus should belong to Japan. This book demonstrates that Diaoyu Islands never belongs to Okinawa, supported by suffcient historical facts, effectively refuting the absurdity of Japan’s argument. This book was written in the historical order from Sui Dynasty (581-618) with the earliest records on Ryukyu to the end of the World War II when Ryukyu was eventually included into Japan. Having studied Sino-Japanese relations for many years, the author notes down how Ming and Qing Dynasties of China protected and helped Ryukyu, and how Ryukyu paid tributes to China for fve centuries.

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        Biology, life sciences
        August 2020

        Key Questions in Ecology

        A Study and Revision Guide

        by Paul A. Rees

        An understanding of ecology is an important requirement of a wide range of academic areas, including biology, zoology and environmental science. This book is a study and revision guide for students following programmes of study in which ecology is an important component. It contains 600 multiple-choice questions (and answers) set at three levels - foundation, intermediate and advanced - and grouped into 10 major topic areas: · The history and foundations of ecology · Abiotic factors and environmental monitoring · Taxonomy and biodiversity · Energy flow and production ecology · Nutrient and material cycles · Ecophysiology · Population ecology · Community ecology and species interactions · Ecological genetics and evolution · Ecological methods and statistics The book has been produced in a convenient format so that it can be used at any time in any place. It allows the reader to learn and revise the meaning of ecological terms, the basic processes operating in ecosystems, the dynamics of populations, ecological genetics and the process of evolution, the methods used in ecological surveys, and much more. The structure of the book allows the study of one topic area at a time, progressing through simple questions to those that are more demanding. Many of the questions require students to use their knowledge to interpret information provided in the form of graphs, data or photographs, providing a useful tool for independent study.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Study on Literary Anthropology in Shen Congwen's Works

        by He Xiaoping

        This book takes the homogeneous, isomorphic, and mutual relationship of Shen Congwen's aesthetic thoughts, artistic thoughts and cultural anthropological thoughts as the starting point, and then explores the anthropological characteristics of Shen Congwen's works from the perspective of anthropological ontology, methodology and axiology. The following analyses focusing on the expression form, ideological root, and value and significance to literary creation and cultural construction are an extended study of Shen Congwen's cultural thought, aesthetic thought, artistic creation thought and value.

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        Science & Mathematics
        March 2022

        Key Questions in Animal Behaviour and Welfare

        A Study and Revision Guide

        by Paul A. Rees

        An understanding of animal behaviour and welfare is an important requirement of a wide range of programmes of study including biology, zoology, animal welfare, animal behaviour, psychology and zoo biology. This book is intended as a study and revision guide for students following programmes of study in which animal behaviour and welfare are an important component. It contains 600 multiple-choice questions (and answers) set at three levels - foundation, intermediate and advanced - and grouped into 10 major topic areas: 1. Foundations and history of animal behaviour and welfare 2. Basic concepts and mechanisms in behaviour 3. Biological basis of behaviour 4. Learning, memory and training 5. Territoriality, navigation and migration 6 Animal cognition and communication 7. Behavioural ecology and social behaviour 8. Measuring, recording and analysing behaviour and welfare 9. Animal exploitation and welfare 10 Animal rights, ethics and law The book has been produced in a convenient format so that it can be used at any time in any place. It allows the reader to learn and revise the meaning of terms used in the study of animal behaviour and welfare, methods of recording behaviour and assessing welfare, the physiology of behaviour, learning, memory, cognition, behavioural ecology, animal rights and much more. Many of the questions require students to use their knowledge to interpret information provided in the form of graphs, data or photographs.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1997


        Das Herzstück von "Das tibetische Buch vom Leben und vom Sterben"

        by Sogyal / Übersetzt von Geist, Thomas

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        Versuche - Wege - Erfahrungen

        by Herausgegeben von Ruhbach, Gerhard

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