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      • Trusted Partner
        January 2019

        Depression and Bipolar Disorder, Second Edition

        by Vatsal G. Thakkar, M.D. and Christine Adamec; Foreword by Pat Levitt, Ph.D., Vice President, Chief Scientific Officer, and Director, The Saban Research Institute; Director, USC Neuroscience Graduate Program

        Depression and bipolar disorder are part of a group of mental illnesses called mood disorders. People with these conditions may experience unusual and extremely low or elevated moods as well as unpredictable mood swings. These disorders can also affect one's physical well-being. For many years people who suffered from mood disorders such as depression or bipolar disorder were stigmatized for their problems. Most doctors and medical scientists now believe that these illnesses are caused by chemical imbalances in the brain and can be treated with medication and talk therapy. Depression and Bipolar Disorder, Second Edition provides the basic facts needed to understand the different types of depression and related disorders and what defines them, including the typical symptoms, possible causes, and current treatments.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2019

        Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias, Second Edition

        by Sonja M. Lillrank, M.D. and Dana K. Cassell; Foreword by Pat Levitt, Ph.D., Vice President, Chief Scientific Officer, and Director, The Saban Research Institute; Director, USC Neuroscience Graduate Program

        Dementias are brain disorders that impair memory, thinking, behavior, and physical activity. Alzheimer's disease is the most common form, affecting 50 to 60 percent of dementia patients, and yet the exact cause of Alzheimer's and how best to detect it early remain unknown. Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias, Second Edition provides helpful clarification of this group of diseases and their specific types. It explains how to recognize the symptoms of dementia or Alzheimer's disease, how these disorders are diagnosed, the latest theories about their cause, and how they can be treated. Also covered are the outlook for future prevention and treatment and resources providing further information for those seeking help coping with dementia.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2019

        Eating Disorders, Second Edition

        by Pamela K. Keel and M. Foster Olive, Ph.D.; Foreword by Pat Levitt, Ph.D., Vice President, Chief Scientific Officer, and Director, The Saban Research Institute; Director, USC Neuroscience Graduate Program

        Eating disorders are better understood and recognized now than in years past, but they remain a serious health risk for many people. Celebrity icons and Internet models with "perfect" body types and faces are hugely popular in all media, encouraging many consumers to strive to mimic their favorites and live up to unrealistic ideals for appearance. More than eight million people in the United States, most of whom are adolescent girls and young women, have developed eating disorders. Although the problem may seem like a physical one, these disorders are believed to be psychological in nature.  Eating Disorders, Second Edition explains major eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder. It also discusses their causes and risk factors as well as available treatments.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2019

        Personality Disorders, Second Edition

        by Heather Barnett Veague, Ph.D and M. Foster Olive, Ph.D.; Foreword by Pat Levitt, Ph.D., Vice President, Chief Scientific Officer, and Director, The Saban Research Institute; Director, USC Neuroscience Graduate Program

        Personality disorders are patterns of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about the environment and oneself that are negative, abnormal, or stressful. They typically persist over time and involve perceptions, thoughts, and behaviors upsetting to the individual who experiences them and which cause significant problems in the person's relationships and professional and social activities. They can include antisocial behavior, acute shyness or sensitivity, negative perceptions, and more severe forms, such as paranoia or schizophrenia. Personality Disorders, Second Edition defines and explains these behavioral patterns, which are organized into three types, or clusters, the social and medical issues related to them, and how doctors can treat them.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2019

        Schizophrenia, Second Edition

        by Heather Barnett Veague, Ph.D and M. Foster Olive, Ph.D.; Foreword by Pat Levitt, Ph.D., Vice President, Chief Scientific Officer, and Director, The Saban Research Institute; Director, USC Neuroscience Graduate Program

        Schizophrenia is a severe and debilitating disease of the brain that affects approximately 1 percent of the population worldwide. This psychotic disorder causes severe mental disturbances that disrupt thought patterns, speech, and regular daily activities of life. Those with schizophrenia can exhibit odd or disturbing behaviors. The disorder can be devastating to those who suffer from it, as well as frightening and exhausting for their families. However, recent research on the causes of schizophrenia, its diagnosis, and the effectiveness of different treatments provides a more hopeful outlook for those affected. Schizophrenia, Second Edition describes the symptoms of this disease and the impact it has on patients and their loved ones. It also examines how scientific studies seek to untangle the multiple causes of schizophrenia and reviews research on how well drug and nondrug treatments work for schizophrenia patients.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2019

        Anxiety Disorders, Second Edition

        by Sucheta Connolly, David Simpson, Cynthia Petty, and Christine Adamec; Foreword by Pat Levitt, Ph.D., Vice President, Chief Scientific Officer, and Director, The Saban Research Institute; Director, USC Neuroscience Graduate Program

        From obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD) to phobias to generalized anxiety disorder, millions of people suffer from clinical anxiety that affects their everyday lives. New research shows that some of these disorders may have neurological causes and may be treated with medications and therapy. Anxiety Disorders, Second Edition examines the many different types of anxiety, their typical symptoms, possible causes, and treatments that may help people who suffer from them. This eBook will help readers better understand the problems associated with this group of mental disorders and gain a broader perspective on how anxiety, when not properly treated, can affect every facet of a person's life.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        Negotiating the auteur

        Dominique Cabrera, Noémie Lvovsky, Laetitia Masson and Marion Vernoux

        by Julia Dobson

        This book provides the first detailed analysis of the work of four important contemporary directors whose work falls between the reductive labels of 'auteur cinema' and 'popular cinema'. Their work is contextualised within this timely investigation into the shifting relationship between the privileged status of the auteur and questions of genre, gender and cinematic production in France today. This important contribution to understanding the shifting landscapes of contemporary French film identifies an essential intermediacy in the films of these directors, which works to undo a series of dominant oppositions, generic template and contestation, public collectivity and personal intimacy, to offer a new perspective on the location of the political in contemporary French cinema. The four chapters provide detailed critical analysis of films by Dominique Cabrera, Laetitia Masson, Noémie Lvovsky and Marion Vernoux, and present common thread including the possible construction of social intimacy, the political demystification of romance narratives and the role of nostalgia, to argue that their work uses popular genres in order to challenge dominant cultural representation that resonates beyond the immediate parameters of contemporary French cinema. This book will be of interest to researchers working in French and European cinema, to students of Film Studies and French and Francophone Studies, and to film enthusiasts.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        Francois Truffaut

        by Diana Holmes, Robert Ingram

        First in a series designed to situate and explain the films of French directors. A concise, accessible and original reading of Truffaut's films. A timely evaluation of the films of a popular director whose work features on most A-level French syllabuses and on the majority of University French Studies programmes both in the UK and the USA .

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2020

        Allein unter Briten

        Eine Entdeckungsreise

        by Tuvia Tenenbom, Isi Tenenbom, Karen Witthuhn

        Als Dramatiker und Gründer des Jewish Theater of New York wusste Tuvia Tenebom schon immer gutes Theater zu schätzen. Und wo kommen die besten Stücke zur Aufführung? In Großbritannien natürlich! Grund genug also, der Insel mal wieder einen Besuch abzustatten, zumal in einer Zeit, in der das große Brexit-Schauspiel über die Bühne geht. Ist es eine Komödie? Ist es eine Tragödie? Oder schlicht absurdes Theater?, wollte er von den Briten wissen. Das war zumindest der Plan. Aber: Der Mensch denkt, und Gott lacht, wie es so schön heißt. Denn seine Reise – die ihn über viele Monate durch das Vereinigte Königreich führte und während der er in Winston Churchills Zimmer ein Nickerchen machte, mit Jeremy Corbyn Katz und Maus spielte, mit Nigel Farage verbotenen Tabak rauchte, ein Monster verspeiste und einem Geist nachstellte – gestaltete sich ganz anders als angenommen. Die meisten Inselbewohner wollten nämlich mit ihm nur bedingt über den Brexit sprechen, dafür redeten sie bereitwillig über andere Themen – Themen, die ihnen am Herzen lagen, wie der allgegenwärtige Antisemitismus. Die Gespräche, die Tuvia Tenenbom mit Lords und Ladies führte, mit Politprofis und Pub-Philosophen, Wohlhabenden und Habenichtsen, Geistesgrößen und Geistlichen, mit Gangstern und Beauty Queens, mit Antisemiten und Palästina-Romantikern u.v.m., zeichnen nicht nur ein erhellendes Stimmungsbild der englischen Gesellschaft, sondern zeigen auch, dass sie zutiefst gespalten ist und erbittert um ihre Identität und ihre Zukunft kämpft.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2016

        Allein unter Amerikanern

        Eine Entdeckungsreise

        by Tuvia Tenenbom, Isi Tenenbom, Michael Adrian

        Seit über drei Jahrzehnten lebt Tuvia Tenenbom in New York. Als er sich 2015 für seine neue Großreportage erstmals auf eine Reise quer durch die USA begab, ahnte er nicht, was ihn erwarten würde: »Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass die Vereinigten Staaten so völlig anders sind, als ich immer angenommen hatte. Lange Jahre war ich überzeugt, dass ich sie ziemlich gut kennen würde. Aber ich bin mir da nicht mehr so sicher. Erst jetzt entdecke ich so nach und nach das wahre Amerika, Stück für Stück, Mensch für Mensch, Staat für Staat.« Tenenbom reiste von Florida bis nach Alaska, von Alabama bis nach Hawaii, vom Deep South und Bible Belt bis an die Großen Seen und die Westküste, sprach mit Politikern und Predigern, mit Evangelikalen, Mormonen und Quäkern, mit Rednecks und Waff ennarren, Kriminellen und Gefängnisinsassen, mit Indianern und Countrymusikern, Antisemiten und Zionisten, mit Obdachlosen und Superreichen und vielen, vielen mehr. Die USA rühmen sich, »das Land der Freien und die Heimat der Tapferen« zu sein. Das wahre Amerika jedoch, so Tenenboms bestürzende Erkenntnis, ist weder frei noch tapfer, sondern ängstlich darauf bedacht, alle Freiheiten einzuschränken. Es ist in sich zutiefst gespalten, rassistisch und hasserfüllt. »Kann sich die Menschheit auf die USA verlassen? Ich würde es nicht tun.«

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2023

        Gott spricht Jiddisch

        Mein Jahr unter Ultraorthodoxen | Vom Autor des Bestsellers »Allein unter Juden«

        by Tuvia Tenenbom, Isi Tenenbom, Michael Adrian

        Mea Schearim, die Stadt der 100 Tore, ist ein Viertel von Jerusalem, das fast ausschließlich von ultraorthodoxen Juden bewohnt wird. Um diese unfassbar aufregende und fremde Welt und ihre Spiritualität erfassen und verständlich machen zu können, muss man dort gelebt haben – so wie Tuvia Tenenbom, der in Mea Schearim aufgewachsen ist und nach vielen Jahren in New York hierher zurückgekehrt ist, um sich seiner Vergangenheit zu stellen: Denn Tenenbom entstammt selber einer ultraorthodoxen Familie, lernte in einer Jeschiwa, und ihm wurde eine Zukunft als einer der ganz großen Rabbis prophezeit. Dies machte seinen Aufenthalt auch zu einer Reise in die eigene Kindheit. Tenenbom wollte wissen, wie sich die orthodoxe Kultur und Lebensweise verändert und wie sich eine restriktive Welt in einer immer restriktiver werdenden Welt entwickelt hat. Um diese Frage zu beantworten, wird er für lange Monate wieder einer von ihnen und tut das, was sie tun: in die Synagogen und in die Jeschiwas gehen, zum Rebbe, zum Rabbi, auch zu den Extremisten unter ihnen, mit ihnen zu essen und stundenlang zu singen, zum Schabbat mit den Familien zusammenzusitzen und Jiddisch mit ihnen zu sprechen, und er gewinnt so ihr Vertrauen, dass sich ihm die Menschen öffnen und dass ihre Welt des Glaubens in ihrer ganzen Faszination und in ihrer ganzen Widersprüchlichkeit offenbar wird.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2008

        Five Directors

        Auteurism from Assayas to Ozon

        by Edited by Kate Ince

        Auteurism - the idea that a director of a film is its source of meaning and should retain creative control over the finished product - has been one of film studies' most important paradigms ever since the French New Wave of the late 1950s and early 1960s, and the adoption of the term auteur by Andrew Sarris. Through the popular, controversial and critically acclaimed films of Olivier Assayas, Jacques Audiard, the Dardenne borthers, Michael Haneke and Francois Ozon, this book looks into how the meaning of 'auteur' has changed over this half-century, and assesses the current state of Francophone auteur cinema. It combines French philosophical and sociological approaches with methodologies from the Anglo-American fields of gender studies, queer theory and postmodernism. This volume will be of interest to researchers and students of film studies, European cinema and French and Francophone studies, as well as to film enthusiasts.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        Five Directors

        Auteurism from Assayas to Ozon

        by Kate Ince

        Auteurism - the idea that a director of a film is its source of meaning and should retain creative control over the finished product - has been one of film studies' most important paradigms ever since the French New Wave of the late 1950s and early 1960s, and the adoption of the term auteur by Andrew Sarris. Through the popular, controversial and critically acclaimed films of Olivier Assayas, Jacques Audiard, the Dardenne borthers, Michael Haneke and Francois Ozon, this book looks into how the meaning of 'auteur' has changed over this half-century, and assesses the current state of Francophone auteur cinema. It combines French philosophical and sociological approaches with methodologies from the Anglo-American fields of gender studies, queer theory and postmodernism. This volume will be of interest to researchers and students of film studies, European cinema and French and Francophone studies, as well as to film enthusiasts.

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      • Trusted Partner

        Compendium of Neuropsychological Tests: Attention, Executive Functions, and Memory

        by Prof. Dr. Vitor Geraldi Haase / Annelise Júlio Costa (Eds.)

        This Compendium describes the neuropsychometric basis, construction, and usage of a variety of widely used neuropsychological tests, covering the domains of attention, executive functions, and memory.   This title provides a comprehensive overview over the essential aspects of neuropsychological assessment with test recommendations for certain patients or research objectives.   It is a source for beginning and advanced neuropsychologists to make informed decisions when selecting tests. The tests presented in this title have been adapted in a wide range of countries and can be used very efficiently in neuropsychological diagnostics.   Target Group: clinical psychologists, neuropsychologists, psychiatrists, teachers and students

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        April 2011

        Postnationalist African Cinemas

        by Alexie Tcheuyap

        Postnationalist African cinemas convincingly interrogates the ways in which African narratives locate postcolonial identities and forms beyond essentially nationalist frameworks. It investigates how the emergence of new genres, discourses and representations, all unrelated to an overtly nationalist project, influences the formal choices made by contemporary directors. By foregrounding the narrative, generic, discursive, representational and aesthetic structures of films, this book shows how directors are beginning to regard film as a popular form of entertainment rather than political praxis. Tcheuyap investigates filmic genres such as comedy, dance, crime and epic alongside cultural aspects including witchcraft, sexuality, pornography and oracles. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        May 2023

        Modern European cinema and love

        by Richard Rushton

        Modern European cinema and love examines nine European directors whose films contain stories about romantic love and marriage. The directors are Jean Renoir, Ingmar Bergman, Alain Resnais, Michelangelo Antonioni, Agnès Varda, François Truffaut, Federico Fellini, Jean-Luc Godard and Éric Rohmer. The book approaches questions of love and marriage from a philosophical perspective, applying the ideas of authors such as Stanley Cavell, Leo Bersani, Luce Irigaray and Alain Badiou, while also tracing key concepts from Freudian psychoanalysis. Each of the filmmakers engages deeply with notions of modern love and marriage, often in positive ways, but also in ways that question the institutions of love, marriage and the 'couple'.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2003

        Multimedia mit Director MX

        Projektplanung, Interfacedesign und interaktive 3D-Animation (für Mac und PC)

        by Khazaeli, Cyrus Dominik; Terstegge, Christian

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