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      • Trusted Partner
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        Children's & YA
        July 2022

        StoryWorld - Amulett der Tausend Wasser (Band 1)

        by Sabrina Kirschner

        StoryWorld – Amulet of a Thousand Waters (Vol. 1) A theme park like you've never seen before ... This is where stories come true! • Gripping adventure quests and a tribute to reading and storytelling• Westworld for children: Attractive setting in an amusement park, a new adventurous theme world in each volume• Realistically anchored in children's lives – with a fantastic twist• Opulent b/w illustrationsWhat happens in Volume 1:Apart from their love of books and their pets, arch-enemies Sascha and Chloe have nothing in common - Sascha, the unappreciated loner, and Chloe, idolized by her classmates. Of all people, these two rivals win the main prize at the reading competition: a ticket to the brand-new adventure park StoryWorld.The park is surrounded by all sorts of rumors, and no one really knows what awaits visitors there. Their journey takes Sascha and Chloe by seaplane to a secluded island. At the heart of the park is a huge library, from which the girls can look down on seven fantastic theme worlds. The library is filled with spotless white books, each of which stands for a story to be experienced in the worlds - that's the only way to fill the pages.Sascha and Chloe choose The Realm of Thousand Waters and are to have their own adventure there under the spell of the sea dragon. This park has nothing in common with an ordinary amusement park - in this park, between fantasy and reality, a dark secret is guarded, which is to be explored in the further volumes.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 1990

        Das Chagrinleder


        by Honoré Balzac, Erika Wesemann, Hedwig Lachmann

        Honoré de Balzac gilt mit seiner »Menschlichen Komödie«, diesem Kolossalgemälde nationaler Geschichte und menschlicher Leidenschaften, als der größte Erzähler seines Jahrhunderts. Der Roman »Das Chagrinleder«, 1831 erstmals erschienen und Teil der »Philosophischen Studien«, versetzt den Leser in das glänzende, vergnügungssüchtige Paris kurz vor der Julimonarchie. Im Mittelpunkt des phantastisch-geheimnisvoll anmutenden und zu seiner Zeit sehr erfolgreichen Romans steht der junge verarmte Adlige Raphael de Valentin, der, nach seinen gescheiterten literarischen Versuchen und erfolglosen Bemühungen um die Gunst der schönen, aber gefühllosen Gräfin Fœdora, seine letzte Hoffnung in die Kraft eines magischen Talismans setzt, der ihm um einen teuren Preis zu Ansehen und Reichtum verhelfen soll.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 1981


        Worte, Lieder, Szenen. Ausgewählt und mit einem Nachwort herausgegeben von Franz H. Mautner

        by Johann Nestroy, Franz H. Mautner, Franz H. Mautner

        1801 7. Dezember: Johann Nepomuk Nestroy wird als zweites Kind des Hof- und Gerichtsadvokaten Johann Nestroy und seiner Frau Magdalene, geb. Konstantin, in Wien geboren. 1810-1816 Besuch des Akademischen Gymnasiums, dann des Gymnasiums der Schotten. 1814 April: Tod der Mutter. 1817-1820 Studium der Philosophie an der Universität Wien. 1818 Dezember: Nestroy singt die Baßsolopartie in Händels Timotheus im Redoutensaal. In der Folge gibt er meist humoristische Gesangs- und Sprechrollen auf Liebhaberbühnen. 1820 Beginn des Jurastudiums, das er nach zwei Semestern wieder abbricht. 1822 August: Erfolgreiches Debüt als Sarastro in Mozarts Zauberflöte am k. u. k. Hoftheater. Abschluß eines Zweijahresengagements. 1823 September: Heirat mit Wilhelmine von Nespiesni. Engagement am Deutschen Theater in Amsterdam, wo er am 18. Oktober sein Debüt als Kaspar in Webers Freischütz gibt. 1824 April: Geburt des Sohnes Gustav. 1825 Engagement am Nationaltheater in Brünn. 1826 April: Die Polizei annulliert Nestroys Vertrag in Brünn wegen Extemporierens. Mai: Verträge mit den Theatern in Graz und Preßburg, wo er bis 1831 abwechselnd – neben Gastspielen u. a. in Klagenfurt und Wien – tätig ist. 1827 Wilhelmine verläßt Nestroy. 1828 Nestroy lernt in Graz seine Lebensgefährtin, die Sängerin Marie Weiler, kennen. 1831 Vertrag für sich und Marie Weiler am Theater an der Wien, wo er ab 1832 auch als Bühnenautor tätig ist und Rollen in seinen eigenen Stücken gibt. 1833 11 April: Uraufführung der Zauberposse mit Gesang Der böse Geist Lumpazivagabundus oder Das liederliche Kleeblatt am Theater an der Wien. 9. Oktober: Uraufführung der Zauberposse Robert der Teuxel ebenda. 1834 Abwendung vom Zauberstück; Nestroy schreibt nur noch lokale Possen, Parodien und satirische Volksstücke. 1835 22. April: Uraufführung der Posse mit Gesang Eulenspiegel oder Schabernack über Schabernack am Theater an der Wien. 24. September: Uraufführung der Lokalposse mit Gesang Zu ebener Erde und im ersten Stock ebenda. November: Da Nestroy auf der Bühne den Journalisten Franz Wiest verspottet hat, wird er zu einer fünftägigen Arreststrafe verurteilt, die er im Januar des folgenden Jahres verbüßt. 1836 6. Mai: Uraufführung der Posse mit Gesang Die beiden Nachtwandler oder Das Notwendige und das Überflüssige am Theater an der Wien. 1837 16. November: Uraufführung der Posse Das Haus der Temperamente am Theater an der Wien. 1838 Dezember: Der Direktor des Theaters an der Wien Carl Carl übernimmt zusätzlich die Leitung des Theaters in der Leopoldstadt, wo Nestroy im Januar des folgenden Jahres das erste Mal auftritt. 1840 April: Geburt der Tochter Maria Cäcilia. 16. Dezember: Uraufführung der Posse Der Talisman am Theater an der Wien mit Nestroy als Titus Feuerfuchs. 1841 Juni: Gastspiel in Prag. Juli: Gastspiel in Hamburg. 24. November: Uraufführung der Posse mit Gesang Das Mädl aus der Vorstadt am Theater an der Wien. 1842 10. März: Uraufführung der Posse mit Gesang Einen Jux will er sich machen am Theater an der Wien. August: Gastspiel in Prag und in Brünn. 1844 9. April: Uraufführung der Posse mit Gesang Der Zerrissene am Theater an der Wien. Juli: Gastspiel in Prag. August: Gastspiel in Berlin. 1845 Februar: Scheidung von seiner Frau Wilhelmine. April: Direktor Carl muß die Leitung des Theaters an der Wien niederlegen. September: Gastspiel in München. 1846 Juli und August: Gastspiel in Prag. 1847 Mai-Dezember: Umbau des Theaters in der Leopoldstadt; in dieser Zeit Gastspiele in Brünn, Prag, Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt am Main und Wiesbaden. 10. Dezember: Wiedereröffnung des Theaters in der Leopoldstadt unter dem Namen Carl-Theater mit Nestroys Einakter Die schlimmen Buben in der Schule. 1848 Nestroy hält sich während der Revolution und der Rückeroberung durch die kaiserlichen Truppen in Wien auf. 1. Juli: Uraufführung der Posse mit Gesang Freiheit in Krähwinkel am Carl-Theater, die die Ereignisse der Märzrevolution zum Hintergrund hat. 1849 13. März: Uraufführung der Travestie mit Gesang Judith und Holofernes am Carl-Theater. 1850-1853 Gastspiele in Ofen, Pest, Lemberg, Linz, Triest, Brünn, Prag und Berlin. 1854 August: Direktor Carl erliegt einem Schlaganfall. November: Nestroy wird Pächter und Direktor des Carl- Theaters. 1856 Juni-Juli: Besuch mit Tochter Maria Cäcilia in Berlin und Hamburg. Dezember: Nestroy überträgt formell die Administration des Carl-Theaters an Marie Weiler. 1858 Nestroy vereinbart mit den Erben Carls die Übergabe des Carl-Theaters für den 1. November. 1860 Oktober: Ende von Nestroy Direktionstätigkeit. Übersiedlung nach Graz. 1862 18. Mai: Nestroy erleidet einen Schlaganfall und stirbt am 25. Mai. 1890 24. Oktober: Nestroys Volksstück Der alte Mann mit der jungen Frau, bereits 1849 entstanden und von der Zensur verboten, wird in einer entstellenden Bearbeitung u. d. T. Der Flüchtling in Wien uraufgeführt.

      • October 2023

        Frost Stars


        by Anna Fleck

        A story you’ll melt into: a magical new love story from romantasy conjurer Anna Fleck A lost boy, a determined girl: a love amid ice and snow Fascinating northern world inspired by “The Snow Queen” Told with real depth and Anna Fleck’s incomparable humour Elvy stopped believing in fairy tales a long time ago. But when her secret crush Erik vanishes in an inexplicable snowstorm in the middle of Stockholm, she finds it’s all true: a legendary wintry force has returned, and is hell-bent on revenge.   In order to save Erik, Elvy sets off for the far north, protected by a magical talisman – the Frost Star. Her journey takes her through snow-bound forests into the glow of the northern lights, and into the world of Aelfar, imps and magic. Elvy fights for the love of her life, for a fantastic friendship… and for the fate of two worlds. In her new trilogy, Anna Fleck once again creates a fascinatingly strange, breathtaking world you will want to inhabit for a long time, and a whole cast of lovable, charismatic and wonderfully lifelike characters. Trust in the Frost Star!

      • October 2013

        Winter Magic

        by Elizabeth Sinclair

        Someone is hunting shadow demons. A magical amulet is trying to control Val. A sexy cowboy vamp is tired of waiting. When unknown demon hunters from a dark religious sect focus on killing Shade, Val’s ex-boyfriend and shadow demon, she has to bury her feelings of rejection and do her job as Paladin for the Demon Underground. But protecting Shade is more difficult than she ever imagined. Shade is fighting his own internal demons as long-suppressed memories begin to surface. Lola, Val’s inner succubus, can barely suck, which leaves Val dangerously weak. Austin, Lola’s vamp of choice over Val’s objections insists his job is to protect the Paladin regardless of Val’s opinion on the matter. Fang is distracted by the impending birth of his pups. Val is distracted by Austin and the tangle of feelings she has for two gorgeously irritating guys who couldn’t be more different. When she learns the demon hunters’ shocking identities, Val will need all her allies ready, willing and able to help her fight. Even with luck, the cost of saving the world may be more than Val can bear to pay.

      • March 2023


        by Meggie Ramm

        A new graphic novel series for emerging readers about accepting yourself and others from up-and-coming author-illustrator Meggie Ramm Batcat loves being all alone in their home on Spooky Island. Up in their tree house, they pass the time playing video games and watching TV. But when Batcat suddenly finds themself haunted by an annoying, ice cream–stealing ghost, they visit the local Island Witch for a spell to remove their ghastly guest permanently! With their Ghost-B-Gone spell in hand, Batcat travels across Spooky Island to gather ingredients—to the Cavernous Caves where the bats tell them they’re too round to be a bat, and to the Whispering Cemetery where the cats will help only if they commit to being a true cat. But Batcat is neither and that's what makes them special, right? From up-and-coming author Meggie Ramm comes a sweet and fun story about accepting yourself when you're perfectly in-between here and there.

      • May 2023


        by Aisha Saeed, Huda Al-Marashi, Jamilah Thompkins-Bigelow, S. K. Ali

        Four kids meet at an airport for one unforgettable night in this middle-grade novel by four bestselling and award-winning authors When a thunderstorm grounds all flights following a huge Muslim convention, four unlikely kids are thrown together. Feek is stuck babysitting his younger sister, but he’d rather be writing a poem that’s good enough for his dad, a famous poet and rapper. Hanna is intent on finding a lost cat in the airport—and also on avoiding a conversation with her dad about him possibly remarrying. Sami is struggling with his anxiety and worried that he’ll miss the karate tournament that he’s trained so hard for. And Nora has to deal with the pressure of being the daughter of a prominent congresswoman, when all she really wants to do is make fun NokNok videos. These kids don’t seem to have much in common—yet. Told in alternating points of view, Grounded tells the story of one unexpected night that will change these kids forever.

      • March 2023


        by Marianna Baer

        A teenage girl begins secretly forging paintings, plunging her into a dark and dangerous imaginary world Indigo and her mother, once-famous artist Zoe Serra, have barely been scraping by since her mom's breakdown. When a gallery offers Zoe a revival show for her unfinished blockbuster series, Wolfwood, Indigo knows it's a crucial chance to finally regain stability. Zoe, however, mysteriously refuses. Desperate not to lose the opportunity, Indigo secretly takes up the brush herself. It turns out, there might be a very good reason her mother wants nothing to do with Wolfwood. Painting submerges Indigo into Wolfwood itself—a dangerous jungle where an army of grotesque, monstrous flora are in a violent battle with a band of girls. As Indigo enters Wolfwood again and again, the line between fantasy and reality blurs. It's a tenuous balancing act: keeping her forgery secret and her mind lucid, all while fighting her attraction to Kai, the son of the gallery owner. And by the time Indigo realizes the true nature of the monsters she's up against, it might be too late—and the monsters might just win.

      • The Grave King / Book Three: The Talisman of Angle of Death

        by Siamak Golshiri

        Siamak Golshiri has created yet another masterpiece. The most important factor of importance about this book is its genre (Horror.) The author who has proven he is the master of horror, successfully delivers all the elements of the craft in his stories. On the other hand, the subject matter of the first installation is quite unique and this also adds to its value.   The narrative itself seems attractive enough for all readers of the age group. The storyline does not leave the reader on their own for one second and the ebbs and dips of it, creates a promising grip for the future installments of the series. Character development, descriptions, and creation of atmosphere in the narrative are among the strengths of The Grave King: The Lost Girls. The creativity and imagination entangle not only the young readers, but also the curious minds of older readers and this acts as a magnet to draw more readership to the series.

      • 2017

        Chuck Chicken: The Magic Egg

        by N/A

        Everyone's favourite feathery crew from Chuck Chicken now appears in this series of wonderfully drawn and coloured comic books. Fans can read about Chuck's greatest adventures, from when he gained the golden egg talisman to his battles with villians such as Dr. Mingo, Sinister Emperor and more. Th first volume of this series, The Magic Egg, depicts how Chuck first obtained the mystical golden egg talisman and figured out the legendary animal powers that consist within it. He transforms into the amazing Rhino Punch and Speeding Cheetah to defeat the evil Don and Dex.

      • 2017

        Chuck Chicken: Scrambled Egg

        by N/A

        Everyone's favourite feathery crew from Chuck Chicken now appears in this series of wonderfully drawn and coloured comic books. Fans can read about Chuck's greatest adventures, from when he gained the golden egg talisman to his battles with villians such as Dr. Mingo, Sinister Emperor and more. Th first volume of this series, The Magic Egg, depicts how Chuck first obtained the mystical golden egg talisman and figured out the legendary animal powers that consist within it. He transforms into the amazing Rhino Punch and Speeding Cheetah to defeat the evil Don and Dex.

      • 2017

        Chuck Chicken: Zombie Invasion

        by N/A

        Everyone's favourite feathery crew from Chuck Chicken now appears in this series of wonderfully drawn and coloured comic books. Fans can read about Chuck's greatest adventures, from when he gained the golden egg talisman to his battles with villians such as Dr. Mingo, Sinister Emperor and more. Th first volume of this series, The Magic Egg, depicts how Chuck first obtained the mystical golden egg talisman and figured out the legendary animal powers that consist within it. He transforms into the amazing Rhino Punch and Speeding Cheetah to defeat the evil Don and Dex.

      • 2017

        Chuck Chicken: Road To Danger

        by N/A

        Everyone's favourite feathery crew from Chuck Chicken now appears in this series of wonderfully drawn and coloured comic books. Fans can read about Chuck's greatest adventures, from when he gained the golden egg talisman to his battles with villians such as Dr. Mingo, Sinister Emperor and more. Th first volume of this series, The Magic Egg, depicts how Chuck first obtained the mystical golden egg talisman and figured out the legendary animal powers that consist within it. He transforms into the amazing Rhino Punch and Speeding Cheetah to defeat the evil Don and Dex.

      • 2017

        Chuck Chicken: The Mysterious Stone

        by N/A

        Everyone's favourite feathery crew from Chuck Chicken now appears in this series of wonderfully drawn and coloured comic books. Fans can read about Chuck's greatest adventures, from when he gained the golden egg talisman to his battles with villians such as Dr. Mingo, Sinister Emperor and more. Th first volume of this series, The Magic Egg, depicts how Chuck first obtained the mystical golden egg talisman and figured out the legendary animal powers that consist within it. He transforms into the amazing Rhino Punch and Speeding Cheetah to defeat the evil Don and Dex.

      • 2017

        Chuck Chicken: The Robot Zilla

        by N/A

        Everyone's favourite feathery crew from Chuck Chicken now appears in this series of wonderfully drawn and coloured comic books. Fans can read about Chuck's greatest adventures, from when he gained the golden egg talisman to his battles with villians such as Dr. Mingo, Sinister Emperor and more. Th first volume of this series, The Magic Egg, depicts how Chuck first obtained the mystical golden egg talisman and figured out the legendary animal powers that consist within it. He transforms into the amazing Rhino Punch and Speeding Cheetah to defeat the evil Don and Dex.

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