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      • Literary studies: poetry & poets


        by Aaron Abeyta

        Abeyta blends the contrasting rhythms of the English and Spanish languages, finding music in a simple yet memorable lyricism without losing the complexity and mystery of personal experience. His forty-two poems take the reader on a journey through a contemplative personal history that explores communal, political and societal issues as well as the individual experiences of family and friends. With his distinctive voice, Abeyta invites people of all cultures to enter his poems by exploring the essence of humanity as expressed by his particular Hispanic culture and heritage. Marked by intimacy and deep sentiment, Colcha not only acquaints us with the land of Abeyta's people, but also reveals the individuals from his life and family history in the most colourful and delicate detail. Abeyta's reflections on the plight, loves, joys, failures, and exploitation of the common person in such poems as 'cuando se secan las acequias', 'untitled (verde)', and 'cinco de mayo' belong to the literary heritage of such poets as Pablo Neruda, Federico Garcia Lorca, and Wait Whitman.

      • Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2016

        Bellas Ficciones/ Beautifull Ficcions

        by Yolanda Pantin

        Yolanda Pantin's Bellas Ficciones pushes what constitutes a poetic proposal to the limits. The familiar has become the essential substance of the poem.

      • Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2017

        Delitos de poca envergadura

        by Simón Ergas

        Delitos de poca envergadura reúne relatos breves ilustrados que retratan lo agobiante de la existencia bajo las normas de convivencia social. Los cuentos abordan el absurdo, lo insólito o el sinsentido al que nos sometemos para mantener el orden público. Este libro ganó el PREMIO A LA EDICIÓN 2017 en la categoría Ficción.

      • September 2016


        El talismán del yemení

        by Reyes Puerta, Sergio

        In the year 825 A.C., Abderraman II, the Emir of Cordoba, ordered the construction of Madina Mursiyya, the actual city of Murcia. Not many years before, a little boy called Omar, witness to one of the turning points that would spark off a bloody civil war in the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula, finds and secretly hides a pendant that will later disclose its power and significance. Always in the company of the aforementioned talisman, which belonged to the Yemeni man murdered next to the river Sangonera, Omar will be forced to act as a spy amid the fratricidal conflict if he wants to save his father from the unfair fate that abides him, shake off the yoke of his stepbrothers and recover his beloved from the grip of the emir and his favourite eunuch. For those purposes, he will have to get involved in the foundation of the city and at the same time confront, with the help of those who should have been his natural enemies, a number of intriguing characters who should have been his allies all through an extraordinary plot full of magic, innocence and adventures.   En el 825 d.C. el emir de Córdoba, Abderramán II, ordenó la fundación de la ciudad de Mursiyya, la actual Murcia. Pocos años antes el pequeño Omar, testigo de uno de los decisivos sucesos que incitarían una cruenta guerra civil en el sureste de la península ibérica, encuentra y esconde un colgante que más tarde revelaría su poder e importancia. Acompañado de dicho talismán, propiedad del Yemení asesinado junto al río Sangonera, Omar deberá actuar como espía en el fraticida conflicto si quiere salvar a su padre de su injusto destino, liberarse del yugo de sus hermanastros y recuperar a su amada de las garras del emir y de su eunuco predilecto. Para ello deberá colaborar en la fundación de la ciudad sin dejar de enfrentarse, con la ayuda de los que deberían haber sido sus enemigos naturales, a intrigantes personajes de su propia facción en una insólita historia llena de magia, inocencia y aventuras. La sorprendente novela en la que la vida de nuestro entrañable protagonista Omar se entreteje con la de cerca de un centenar de personajes reales de los siglos IX y anteriores, y con la Historia de Murcia, su huerta y el resto de la antigua cora de Tudmir (Región de Murcia, Alicante, y parte de Almería y Albacete), y la del resto de al Andalus.

      • Fiction


        by Selection and editing by Marta Mearin and Juan Francisco Bascuñán Illustrations: Joanna Styrylska-Gałażyn

        Historical is a journey through the lives of 15 women who made history, based on illustrations of them by Polish artist Joanna Styrylska-Gałażyn. These graphic representations are accompanied by texts of diverse literary genres, written especially for this edition by young writers of different nationalities: Chilean, Latin American, Catalan. For each character, a brief biography and a text is included that seeks to connect the reader to the woman being honored, mixing real information with fictitious events: some occur in the future, others explore the most intimate dimension of the protagonist or personify her through poetry. The illustrations and stories that make up this book seek to make visible the importance of women in the immense number of areas from which they have been systematically excluded: science, art, technology, sports, activism and academia, among others. In this way, the book concentrates different aspects of feminist struggles capable of transcending time and space.

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