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      • Trusted Partner
        February 2448


        by Mishima Yukio

      • Trusted Partner
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        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2019

        Titus Andronicus

        by Jim Bulman, Michael Friedman, Carol Chillington Rutter, Alan Dessen

        Michael D. Friedman's second edition of this stage history of Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus adds an examination of twelve major theatrical productions and one film that appeared in the years 1989-2009. Friedman identifies four lines of descent in the recent performance history of the play: the stylised, realistic, darkly comic, and political approaches, which culminate in Julie Taymor's harrowing film Titus (1999). Aspects of Taymor's eclectic vision of ancient Rome under the grip of modern fascism were copied by several subsequent productions, making Titus the most characteristic, as well as the most influential, contemporary performance of the play. Friedman's work extends Alan Dessen's original study to include Taymor's film, along with chapters devoted to the efforts of international directors including Gregory Doran, Silviu Purcarete, and Yukio Ninagawa.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 1996

        In contact with the Gods?

        Directors talk theat

        by Maria M. Delgado, P. P. Heritage

        In 1994 the Arts Council of Great Britain brought together a number of theatre directors as part of the City of Drama celebrations. This is a collection of interviews and discussions with directors who have helped shape the development of theatre in the last 20 years. They include Peter Brook, Peter Stein, Augusto Boal, Jorge Lavelli, Lluis Pasqual, Lev Dodin, Maria Irene Fornes, Jonathan Miller, Jatinder Verma, Peter Sellars, Declan Donnellan, Ariane Mnouchkine, Ion Caramitru, Yukio Ninagawa and Robert Wilson. In addition to the art and craft of directing, there are discussions on multiculturalism; the "classical" repertoire; theatre companies and institutions; working in a foreign language; opera; Shakespeare; new technologies; the art of acting; design; international festivals; politics and aesthetics; the audience; and theatre and society. Finally, there is an epilogue by Peter Brook, Jonathan Miller and Oliver Sacks. ;

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
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      • Travel & Transport

        On Ise’s Ship

        A Literary Journey across Japan

        by Suso Mourelo

        Suso Mourelo travels throughout Japan. He visits big cities and quiet rural enclaves, with the goal of discovering the places where the novels of his favorite authors took place. We roam the Tokyo of the accursed writer, Osamu Dazai or the small island of Kamishima that served as an inspiration for Yukio Mishima; the Kyoto of Junichirô Tanizaki’s fetish stories or the mountain refuge in which Yasunari Kawabata set Snow Country. With this literary universe as a point of reference, the author wanders across the country, whilst engaging its people, living in the intimacy of their homes, and while he probes the circumstances of a society that is experiencing an amazing mutation. Mourelo creates a story that, in the manner of a long haiku, guides us through the literary memory by the sheer force of sensations and present-day images.

      • September 2019

        El niño que no quiso llorar

        by Jiménez-Barbero, José Antonio

        Again facing his reflection on the mirror, and again the same idea coming to his mind, putting an end to his life. Inside his clenched fist, mum's sleeping pills, his only hope for escaping the hell esecially designed for him by his schoolmates. His little sister's love being his only reason to endure  a life of hardship, Santiago has become, after years suffering the cruellest of bullyings at school, a mere shadow of himself.   Otra vez frente al espejo, y otra vez con la misma idea, quitarse la vida. En el interior de su mano cerrada, las pastillas de dormir de mamá, su única esperanza para escapar del infierno que han fabricado para él sus propios compañeros de colegio. Sin más aliciente para seguir viviendo que el amor por su hermanita Teresa, Santiago se ha convertido, tras años de estar sufriendo acoso en su colegio, en una sombra de sí mismo. La llegada de Lucía, una niña nueva, extraña y diferente, logrará rescatarlo del universo frío e inhóspito en el que vive, y hará renacer en él la esperanza de volver a sonreír. Pero en el colegio, la persecución continúa y Nacho, su principal acosador, no ceja en su empeño de doblegar su espíritu de un forma u otra. Y Santiago, decidido a no dejarse derrotar, acabará transformándose en aquello que más odia.   The arrival of Lucia, a new classmate, different and awkward, will strike some degree of balance in his life, successfully rescuing him from the cold and barren universe he inhabits and triggering a new desire to smile again. But nothing changes at school: the bullying goes on relentlessly and Nacho, the worst bully, won't give up on his whim to break Santiago's spirit one way or the other. But Santiago, firmly determined not to be defeated, will inevitably turn into the thing he hates the most.

      • Fiction
        September 2019

        Heart Land

        by Luz Gabás

        A brilliant novel that brings together a beautiful story of autumn love, a crime investigation, the defense of the earth, and the countryside as a universal heritage. Alira, heiress of the mansion and lands her family has held onto for generations, must choose between staying true to her origins or adapting to the new times. When she thinks she found an answer to her questions, a mysterious disappearance upsets the apparent calm at her home—the only inhabited house in a small abandoned village. A twist of fate makes her face her past and question everything that had been solid for her. From that moment on, she will start to feel something she never knew she was ready for: love!

      • Fiction
        June 2019

        El guardián de Omu

        by Díaz Latorre, José Ignacio

        Juan suffers a spectacular camouflaged traffic accident, since his real objective was suicide. Then he discovers that it was not Juan, but an experienced special agent of the Solar Police of this galaxy, with jurisdiction over the entire solar system and a life completely opposite to what he had. Recover the memory and assume his situation, sharing mission and adventures with Yura, his eternal partner and co-worker.Argos recovers and learns to live "out of the box" again, facing alien species of clear negative polarity in his new mission. The very existence of planet Earth is in your hands.Without a doubt, it is a current and action novel. For minds of the New Earth, awake beings, with intuition, and capable of recreating in their imaginations scenarios, concepts, and fictitious events that could be very close to becoming real potentials in the immediate future.Take back the pleasure of fiction ... Or not.

      • Tejo

        Juego de historias

        by CONRADO BOCCO

        Tejo es un entrelazado de tres historias presentadas con una literatura versátil. Cada una de ellas es dominada con un tono literario diferente. Es una novela conceptual en la que el autor juega con las letras, hechos y personajes desde la tapa hasta el Fin. El lector podrá ir saltando por los relatos o elegir solo uno de ellos. La historia de Adriano es divertida, juvenil; la de Camila es familiar y también histórica, de dramas y misterios, enclavada en la Argentina del 70. La de Extensísima de Los Milagros es un viaje a un tiempo desconocido, para descubrir los sucesos que vivió una civilización de nuestra Patagonia. A través de su mensaje,interpela a la sociedad actual. Tejo es una propuesta diferente, de la mano de una escritura ocurrente, profunda y emocionante, donde todos los hechos se conectan muy cerca del punto final.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2021

        La era de Casandra

        Una apología del no saber

        by David Casacuberta

        La era de Casandra cuestiona la actual moda ensayística de intentar reducir la complejidad de nuestra sociedad a algún principio abstracto y mal definido con el que se pretende explicar todas las facetas de nuestra vida, ya sea ofreciendo escenarios apocalípticos u optimismos ingenuos. Como alternativa, el texto propone una epistemología del no saber, de aceptar que no existen modelos que lo puedan explicar todo y resolver cada problema desde su contexto concreto y la incertidumbre inevitable. En un tono ameno y a veces irónico, se analizan así tendencias actuales como el neurocientismo y creer que puede entenderse toda actividad humana con solo examinar detalladamente nuestras neuronas, la cultura de la cancelación, pasando por las teorías que presentan el mundo digital como un entorno manipulador del que no podemos escapar.

      • Children's & YA

        The Guest and Other Sinister Stories

        by Dávila, Amparo

        Through a selection of thrilling and exciting illustrated stories, Mexican author, Amparo Dávila, and Argentinian illustrator, Santiago Caruso, create a fascinating reading spectrum for young audiences. This set combines classic tales of the author: “Petrified trees” and “Concrete music”, alongside with fantastic stories as “The guest”, the story of an ordinary woman hunted by an unknown creature; “High kitchen”, a short story where miniature beings confront their inevitable fate, among others.

      • December 2018

        Lluvia oblicua

        Poesía portuguesa actual

        by Varios autores

        Aparecen en este volumen los autores que contruyen el día a día de la poesía portuguesa. Escribe Lamas: "Esmerados en producir un lenguaje nuevo para su poesía, los poetas nacidos entre 1967 y 1992 en Portugal, más que ser subsidiarios de sus mayores, han sabido asimilar, no sin un sesgo irónico, todos los momentos brillantes del llamado "Siglo de Oro" de la poesía portuguesa, pero a su vez han incorporado con mayor naturalidad que sus predecesores, nociones de otras coordenadas líricas, donde destacan las estrategias discursivas de la poesía norteamericana: el objetivismo, el confesionalismo o el tono narrativo/conversacional de los poetas beat. Además de una más radical asimilación del pathos irracional destilado del dadaismo y el surrealismo. Aparecen antologados en este volumen Joao Luis Barreto Guimaraes, Luis Quintais, Luis Felipe Parrado, Alexandre Sarrazola, Manuel de Freitas, Daniel Jonas, Rui Lage, Miguel Manso, Nuno Brito, Cláudia R. Sampaio, Andreia C. Faria, Breatriz Hierro Lopes, Sara F. Costa, Francisca Camelo, Bruno M Silva, Mafalda Sofía Gomes, J. Carlos Taixera y David Teles Pereira.

      • Crime & mystery fiction (Children's/YA)

        Mystery at Los Piñones

        by Beatriz García-Huidobro

        Diego is invited by his cousin's family to spend the holidays in Los Piñones, a small village where they have a house for recreation and that only gets a little bit livelier with the arrival of summer. But all the calm of the place will be disturbed by the mysterious disappearance of the queen of the fair on the very day of her coronation.

      • Crime & mystery fiction (Children's/YA)

        Mystery in the Camp

        by Beatriz García-Huidobro

        The follow up of the adventures of Diego and his friends. This time the mystery moves to a camp located in the Andes mountains. There, the stories of suspense are intertwined and will keep the readers' interest.

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