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      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        February 2018

        Sustainable Bamboo Development

        by Zhu Zhaohua, Jin Wei

        This book presents over 40 cases of bamboo development across 22 major bamboo-industry countries and explores the knowledge gained from their successes and failures. It synthesises experiences and exchanges with country experts from international training courses and consultations, study tours, and seminars. Each case includes observations and summaries of discussions related to the development of bamboo-based industries in a healthy, sustainable way, and the facilitation of strategic and balanced development of bamboo in different global regions. Industrial and artisanal bamboo growing and processing is expanding worldwide and this book brings together key experiences to help inform future developments. This book provides an analysis of bamboo plant features, including strong renewability, fast-growing, and high biomass production. It also reviews important ecological functions of bamboos, such as water and soil conservation, carbon sink and storage, and adaptation to climate change, as well as addressing the diversified culture of bamboo and key issues affecting the sector. Sustainable Bamboo Development: - Is authored by an internationally recognised leading expert in the growth and use of bamboo - Takes a holistic view, covering technical, socio-economic, policy, cultural and business development - Provides practical knowledge to guide the development of bamboo sectors - Gives a clear idea and rich examples of what has been attempted in many countries - Acts as a roadmap for using bamboo as a poverty reduction and environmental security tool Highly illustrated and in full colour throughout, this book is an essential resource for all those interested in bamboo, from private sector investors to governmental and development agencies, academic researchers and students.

      • Trusted Partner
        Family & home stories (Children's/YA)
        October 2017


        El nombre del barco

        by María José Ferrada, Ana Penyas

        On May of 1937, during the Spanish Civil War, 456 sons and daughters of republican fighters took the transatlantic boat Mexique, that set sail in Bordeau to arrive in Mexico. Previsions were that they would stay there three or four months, but the Republican defeat and the beginning of the Second World War changed that brief exile into a definitive one.  This books tells the story not only of those children, but also about the ship, being aware that we do not know how many boats try to cross our oceans every day, moving human beings that have full rights to a proper way of living and not to stand over a land that tears apart below their feet.

      • Trusted Partner
        True stories (Children's/YA)
        August 2018


        by María Jose Ferrada, María Elena Valdez

        Thirty-four poems, one for each of the young children (all under the age of 14) that were executed, arrested or disappeared during the Chilean dictatorship. A book dedicated to all those little Chilean victims, but also to all the children that each day suffer the consequences of violence.

      • Trusted Partner
        Poetry (Children's/YA)
        August 2018


        Poemas breves salvajes

        by María José Ferrada, Ana Palmero

        "Hidden in his horn he guards the secret of the jungle”. This might be as well the beginning of a novel, but it's an inspired riddle about wild animals. The illustrations in high varnish of this edition highlight the different skin textures of each animal and invites the reader to discover a new way of reading in a tactile and playful way.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences

        En manos de otros

        Infancia y abandono en la Barcelona del siglo XV

        by Ximena Illanes Zubieta

        Este libro explica cómo fue el abandono de niñas y niños en la Barcelona del siglo XV, deteniéndose en tres etapas esenciales: la escena del abandono, el cuidado de los lactantes en manos de nodrizas y el aprendizaje en casas ajenas. En cada fase se revisan las condiciones de integración y marginación, la presencia de lo femenino y los relatos de amores y desamores. Las historias que aquí se recogen permiten comprender las diferentes dimensiones del abandono, acto que involucraba no solo a los infantes expuestos, sino también a su entorno. Los niños en su mayoría eran abandonados en las puertas del Hospital de la Santa Creu de Barcelona durante las horas menos transitadas para evitar el juicio social. Las cartas que acompañaban a los infantes reflejan el drama de la pobreza y, por ende, la incapacidad forzosa de las madres para asumir el rol de la crianza. Al reconstruir el contexto de la época, el lector tiene la posibilidad de realizar un ejercicio de empatía que vuelve el foco de atención al presente. Es inevitable percibir las duras realidades que se mantienen a lo largo del tiempo y el casi irreparable sufrimiento que causa la soledad en los primeros años de vida.

      • Children's & YA

        Summer in Barcelona

        by Andrea Izquierdo, Elena Pancorbo

        XIMENA arrives in Barcelona with just one goal in mind:to put herself to the test. Perhaps her new flatmate LAIAcan coax her out of her shell. After all, studying in adifferent city is the perfect opportunity to find yourself. Ifthat’s not the case, someone needs to tell LILY, who’s lefteverything behind to move to London... and now she’sleft TOM too. Not even AVA gets what’s going on betweenthose two. JC’s just as confused about his own relationshipstatus as well as his best friend ALFRED’s love life. Whoon Earth’s going to understand the on-off relationshiphe’s got going on with MIREIA? Especially now he’s metXIMENA... They say the spark of a summer romanceignites quickly but leaves you with your fingers burnt. Butsometimes, just sometimes, the flame keeps on burning...

      • The Arts
        August 2019


        by Fernanda Arêas Peixoto and Adrián Gorelik (editors)

        Organized by Fernanda Arêas Peixoto, professor at the Department of Anthropology of the University of São Paulo, and Adrián Gorelik, professor at the University of Quilmes, this book is the result of a collective research project about the cultural urban history in South America, which was developed by a group of South American researchers. Using as a compass the notion of “cultural arena”, this work performs a reflection on the city as a place of cultural germination, experimentation and resistance. Some cities – Buenos Aires, Santiago, Lima, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Salvador, Montevideo, among others – are studied in order to capture the intimate and inextricable relations between city and culture.

      • Djô

        by Gilles Eduar

        One day, Djô, a little yellow monkey who dreams of flying, winds up in a circus, where he makes friends with the elephant Rebab. Rebab is old and tired and wants to go back to the place he was born. On their journey back to the forest, Djô and Rebab discover the true meaning of friendship.

      • January 2018

        Educação popular em saúde: Desafios atuais

        by Cruz, Pedro José Santos Carneiro

        A presente obra pretende ser uma contribuição para uma série de movimentos reflexivos por aqueles(as) que constroem a Educação Popular em Saúde no país em seus diferentes cenários e contextos, seja nos serviços de saúde, nos centros de ensino e pesquisa, nos movimentos sociais ou na gestão das políticas públicas sociais. No cenário contemporâneo é imprescindível perguntar: em que medida as práticas da Educação Popular em Saúde estão produzindo reflexões e atitudes concretas para a luta pelos direitos sociais e humanos em nosso país, de modo que eles não sejam diminuídos, nem extintos? Quais têm sido os obstáculos para que tais práticas possam lutar contra a instituição e implementação de políticas e leis que possam vir a comprometer, se não a retirar, direitos socialmente e historicamente conquistados pela classe trabalhadora e seus aliados nesse país, bem como combater iniquidades e injustiças sociais historicamente construídas em nosso continente? É então fundamental novas perspectivas e novos olhares para o campo da Educação Popular em Saúde e suas várias interfaces, compartilhando de outras experiências e desvelando as diferentes possibilidades e obstáculos que vão se revelando na prática. Isso deve ser pensado para que as práticas de EPS sejam permanentemente qualificadas e possam avançar consistentemente na construção de alternativas para os principais desafios colocados ao Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS).

      • March 2020

        Women, empowerment and legacy

        by Silvana Mello

        Woman, empowerment and legacy, offers the possibility to discuss woman in a brazilian and overall scenario, their challenges, particularities, difficulties and the reflection and analysis of the unequal society that we face everyday. Through the choose of a strong theme like this, the author Silvana Mello, searches to contribute and leaves a positive mark for the future female generations.

      • Los Once (The Eleven)

        by Roberto Santiago

        Los superheroes de Roberto Santiago is a unique publishing project by Roberto Santiago, the author of LOS FUTBOLÍSIMOS (more than 4 million copies sold) and LOS FORASTEROS DEL TIEMPO (more than 600,000 copies sold). This long-term project consists of several independent collections, and have been launched with the first two series: Los Once (The Eleven) and Las Princesas Rebeldes (The Rebel Princesses). Over the months to come, the multiverse will expand with the release of more titles in these series and the arrival of additional collections in bookshops: Los Gamers Piratas (The Pirate Gamers), El Escuadrón K (K Squad)… and other surprises!   These superheroes will turn kids into super-readers with a fantastic combination of adventures, superpowers, entertainment, topical issues and humour.   “Superheroes don’t just take us on a journey to a fairer world; they help us become better people. And that is always the main goal of literature: to open our eyes and help us to understand, grow and think”. - Roberto Santiago

      • Health & Personal Development
        August 2020

        Beauty from inside out

        Health, balance and well-being

        by Juliana Garcia Dias

        Health, lifestyle, healthy recipes, balance of body and soul. The book endocrinologist Juliana Garcia Dias gathers tips, technical information and his clinical experience. Praised by Peter Neville journalist and prefaced by doctor Cynthia Valerio, the text of the author of the idea that "everything is interconnected and our body listens to what our mind, our thoughts and our energy speech." Beauty from the inside out - provides us with essential alerts off, weightings and contributions so that you can live in the best way: with quality. Expert in their field of knowledge, Juliana Garcia Dias preaches a Medicine "integrated and increasingly modern technology and precise is the prevention, control, treatment and cure of diseases." The author focuses on the observation of individuals, shows us how some simple daily choices can "change the path of our healthy life," reveals myths and truths, presents issues of the feminine universe. According to the author: "in the ancient language, care of our emotions leading us to enlightenment. In contemporary language, care of our emotions means more well-being and quality of life."

      • Religious & spiritual fiction
        March 2020

        Exu te ama

        by Adriano Paciello (author)

        Assassinados em decorrência de suas escolhas malditas, Pedro e seu irmão caíram. Cinquenta anos depois, Pedro reencarna e tem uma nova chance de aprender, enquanto seu irmão, torna-se o exu que o acompanha, com a missão de reencontrar Pedro e ajudá-lo a descobrir trajetos mais dignos, tentar mudar-lhe o futuro e dirimir novos enganos.Exu não é inquisidor, mas sim o portador da luz nas trevas, mas só a recebe quem merece. Um dia resgatado, agora cabe a ele resgatar, pois é este seu trabalho: separar espíritos obsessores dos dignos, apontar os espíritos de luz e desencaminhar os mal-intencionados.Exu é tudo isso e muito mais. Laroiê! Exu é mojubá!

      • The Arts
        April 2018


        by Fernão Pessoa Ramos and Sheila Schvarzman (editors)

        In this series, a compilation of texts by researchers and specialists seeks to sketch an updated and detailed panorama of Brazilian cinema. In this first volume, Brazilian cinema is analyzed from the 1910s onwards, addressing silent movies, the beginning of sound film, the chanchada (musical comedies) and the independent cinema of Rio de Janeiro in the 1930s-1950s, and the educational role of cinema in Getúlio Vargas’s government. The book concludes with an essay on Companhia Cinematográfica Vera Cruz, an important Brazilian film studio of the 1950s. Ebook version brings aditional texts: “Cinema in Rio Grande do Sul (1918-1934), by Glenio Povoas, and “Massaini, producer and distributor (1935-1992): a lesser known aspect of Brazilian cinema”, by Luciano Ramos.

      • Fiction


        by Alvaro Vanegas

        Ivan, a banker and frustrated musician, suddenly finds himself in the middle of a horde of angry zombies. Now his only goal is to meet his wife, but communicating with her is impossible and getting where she is is very difficult when thousands of people want to kill him and turn him into their breakfast. Virus is an urban history that deals bluntly with human nature and whose vertiginous rhythm doesn't allow the reader to take their eyes off its pages.

      • The Flight of the Blue Macaw

        by Maria José Silveira

        A moving coming of age story about a first love and political resistance during the military regime in Brazil, putting up some universal questions about the individual’s role in a dictatorship. André, aged thirteen, is absolutely charmed by Lia, his new neighbour. The young woman recently moved into the house next door together with her husband and her uncle. During their long conversations, the young nurse tells him that it’s her dream to study and become a barefoot doctor. Then one day, André e finds out that Lia an her husband are involved into a clandestine resistance group against the military regime. To save Lia and her comrades from being caught by the military police, André takes a very high risk. When the police comes during the night to hunt the neighbours’ house, they have already gone . . . The narration is completed by the comic strips André had drawn in his teenage days and an authentic political pamphlet that plays a crucial role in the story. By choosing a teenager’s perspective, Maria José Silveira poses some very important questions about dictatorship in general and makes them accessible for young people.

      • Children's & YA


        by Marcia Kupstas

        An unforgettable journey changes the way the protagonist Maurícia faces life, releasing her from her daily fears and anxieties.  The adventures and challenges the youth faces allow the reader to see himself/herself in the reference universe where the characters are inscribed, as well as share their spheres of action. The storyline takes us through the Brazilian Amazon and gets Machu Picchu, the ruins of the Inca city in Peru, involving Archeology and UFOs.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2019


        by Adauto Novates (editor)

        The eleventh book in the series Mutations, Dissonances of progress discusses how the progress of technology brought undeniable benefits to humanity – such as advances in medicine and communication –, improving our daily life. On the other hand, it brought speed and superficiality to the relations of the human being with its surroundings, and degraded several aspects of current life with the exacerbation of individualism, the substitution of moral values, the overestimation of religious beliefs, the economy as the utmost referential of life in common, the knowledge of specialists to the detriment of thinkers. The essays in this volume analyze this situation and indicate paths for reflection.

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