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        Health & Personal Development
        December 2019 - December 2024

        Admonitions for the Yan Clan

        by Yan Zhitui,Li Hualei

        Yan family instructions is an influential work of Yan Zhitui, a famous scholar in the northern and Southern Dynasties. It is a systematic and complete family education textbook. It is the author's experience summary about setting up oneself, running a family, dealing with affairs and learning. It has a great influence on the history of family education in traditional China and enjoys the reputation of "ancient and modern family motto, as the ancestor". The purpose of Yan Zhitui's writing this book is to systematically sort out his life experience and experience and pass it on to future generations, hoping to rectify the style of the family and help future generations.

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        July 2014

        Bi Nu

        by Su Tong

        This novel, with boundless imagination, takes us back to the age of remote antiquity and presents a collage of dazzling and fascinating scenes – nine ways of crying mastered for survival, a funeral held for oneself before sending winter clothes to her lover, scaring away urchins by acting as a witch, being paraded through the streets as an assassin, and frogs all going to the Great Wall … The tenacity and loyalty of Bi Nu time and again rises above conspiracies and evils of the human world. In the turbulent days of oppression by the powerful, this girl from the bottom of the society creates a legend with her passion of love and kindness.

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        The Six Hundred Year History of the Forbidden City

        by Yan Chongnian

        "A Forbidden City tells half of Chinese history." This book takes the six hundred year history of the Forbidden City as a clue, tells stories built around the Forbidden City, and represents stories of the emperors, generals and ministers of state, the concubines, even the bodyguards, eunuchs, imperial doctors, and other people on the historical stage of the Forbidden City. There are not only well-known historical events but also secret histories of the palace, with more than 500 historical figures vividly interpreting the vicissitudes of life in the book.   The famous historian Yan Chongnian, with his unique vision, selects the most representative historical stories and integrates the events of the changeable Forbidden City of six hundred years into the book. He uses popular and witty diction, combined with his life experience of more than eighty years, to make serious history no longer boring and difficult to understand, so that official history can also be lively and interesting. This is a popularizing history book suitable for readers of all ages. They can better understand the Forbidden City in the palace world built by Yan Chongnian, appreciate the splendid history of Chinese civilization, and develop new insights into life.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Painting and Psychological Development for Children

        by YAN Hu

        Painting and Psychological Development for 2-6 Years Old Children mainly introduces the link among children’s sensitive period, temperament type and children’s painting. It provides detailed education analysis and suggestion strategy through the specific presentation of numerous painting cases. It hopes to help parents interpret children’s painting in a more direct and targeted way in an effort to help them understand children’s psychological status, and as a result to improve the healthy development of children’s personal quality. Painting and Psychological Development for 6-9 Years Old Children mainly narrates that we can not only evaluate children’s personal qualities, emotions, family relations, interpersonal relations and others, more importantly, we can also apply it into the education process of children’s growth. Painting and Psychological Development for 9-12 Years Old Children mainly tells that children in this age group are more mature with a gradually stronger self-consciousness and distinctive features presented in painting. Through this book, one cannot only understand how the self-consciousness and logical thought develop for 9-12 years old children. More importantly, one can understand children’s psychological and emotional status. For the emotional problems such as pressure, anxiety, and rebellion or behavioral problems that are likely to occur in this age group, the author, Dr Yan Hu proposed effective solutions in the book.

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        March 2021

        Collector's Edition of Illustrations of Yan Zhen's Works: Above Living

        by Yan Zhen

        "Above Living" is a novel by Yan Zhen. The author uses meticulous meticulous brushwork to describe college life and academic ecology one by one. From the examination and employment of doctoral students, to the work and life of college teachers, the distribution of papers and page fees, academic seminars, awards, application for topics, competition for administrative positions, and even the application and acquisition of students' election cadres, examinations, and grants Wait, there are so many stories about corruption in colleges and universities, which are rarely encountered by readers outside colleges. He even wrote about the real situation of another type of intellectuals, represented by "I", who have conscience and pursuit, but have no choice but to survive in the real environment. Although these people have also succumbed to reality, they still have a trace of longing for the independent personality of Chinese traditional intellectuals deep in their hearts. The special feature of "Above Living" is that it has a detailed description of the academic ecology and "survival" ecology of colleges and universities, which is of pioneering significance, and is happy to see by people who care about education and knowledge communities. Moreover, this novel is written with great meaning, with the height of literature and the height of thinking.

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        September 2009

        Die Sandelholzstrafe


        by Mo Yan, Karin Betz

        In seinem großen historischen Epos inszeniert Mo Yan eine farbenprächtige Pekingoper aus der deutschen Kolonialgeschichte seines Heimatlands. Vor der Kulisse einer untergehenden Epoche treten fünf Figuren auf die Bühne der Geschichte und kämpfen für das, was sie bewahren wollen, und für die, die sie lieben. Viel Neues geschieht im China des Jahres 1899: Von überall her drängen fremde Menschen in das zuvor verschlossene Reich. Sie bringen etwa die Eisenbahn, die bei der Provinzstadt Gaomi über die Gräber der Ahnen verlaufen soll. Vieles geht aber auch zu Ende in diesen letzten Tagen des Jahrhunderts: Das Kaiserreich liegt in Agonie, ebenso wie Sun Bing, der Opernsänger und Anführer des Aufstands gegen die Trasse und deren Erbauer. Um seinen Ungehorsam zu ahnden, bündelt die Staatsmacht all ihre Kräfte und verordnet ein letztes Mal die Sandelholzstrafe, die grausamste und zugleich kunstvollste der überkommenen Foltermethoden. Leib und Leben nicht allein des Opfers, sondern auch seiner Tochter, ihres Ehemanns, ja selbst des Henkers und des Richters stehen mit diesem Urteilsspruch auf dem Richtplatz der Geschichte. In einem der bedeutendsten chinesischen Romane der jüngsten Zeit spielt Mo Yan virtuos das Spiel der Masken, Perspektiven und Kontraste. Gewalt und Poesie, Empathie und schwarzer Humor, Derbheit und Feinsinn, die Fülle des westlichen Romans und die Eleganz der chinesischen Oper gehen in seiner bilderreichen und suggestiven Sprache Hand in Hand.

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        The Fat

        by Yingchun Zhu

        Fat is a collection of essays on the topic of fat , which was carefully edited and designed by Zhu Yingchun, the winner of "The most Beautiful Book in the world", after six years of manuscript preparation. The book invites more than 100 authors to tell the story of "fat" together, as well as a number of well-known artists to draw illustrations in the text. The book includes memories of famous people from all walks of life, such as Shen Changwen, Zhong Shuhe, Su Tong, Li 'er, Ye Zhaoyan, Mai Jia, Zhang Jiajia and Jiang Fangzhou, as well as stories of people of different ages and fields and people from other countries and regions. Fat is not only a kind of food, but also a period of memory, which embodies the bitter past, sweet memories and ongoing stories of sweetness, bitterness and bitterness from generation to generation. 《肥肉》是一本以“肥肉”为话题的散文集,由“世界最美的书”获奖者朱赢椿历时六年约稿,精心编辑与设计而成。本书邀请到百余位作者共同讲述“肥肉”的故事,以及多位知名画家制作内文插画。既有沈昌文、钟叔河、苏童、李洱、叶兆言、麦家、张嘉佳、蒋方舟等社会各界知名人士关于肥肉的珍贵记忆,也收录民间不同年龄、不同领域的人和其他国家、地区的人们的肥肉故事。 肥肉不仅是一种食物,更是一段时代记忆,凝聚了一代又一代人辛酸的过往、甜蜜的回忆以及正在发生的酸甜苦辣的故事。物价已回不到往昔,肥肉又有了新故事。全新增订版特别收录陈晓卿、封新城、石光华、地主陆、田原、史航、汪天稳等好文。书中囊括的这几代人的胃,比世间档案更懂中国。

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        March 2021

        Collector's Edition of Illustrations of Yan Zhen's Works: Because of Women

        by Yan Zhen

        "Because of a Woman" is a full-length novel. The heroine Liu Yiyi, like all intellectual women, yearns for love and pursues independence, but after graduating from university, she was brutally encircled and suppressed by men, money and desire. She rushed from the left to the right and couldn't break through. She looked around at a loss and went to sink. The one who should love realizes that it is even more of a dead end. In the end, he succumbed to fate and walked into a dull marriage. She has never used her feet to stand firmly on the ground, allowing her love to last forever with a certain spiritual connotation, she just wove a beautiful dream floating and dizzy, counting on someone to help her To achieve the highest happiness in her life. In the face of every reality, because she was a woman, she repeatedly chose to compromise and choose temporary satisfaction, losing to the weakest part of human nature. The author conducts a detailed anatomy of this common story. Liu Yiyi's plight represents the true plight of some intellectual women. The novel deeply embodies the author's sense of anxiety.

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        Children's & YA

        The Path of Golden Flowers

        China Story Picture Books

        by Ge Cuilin

        China Story Picture Books is the first set of children's picture books launched by the Bingxin Award Committee. This set of books covers the works of seven Bingxin Award-winning writers of different ages including children's literature masters and promising young writers. The illustrations are full of traditional Chinese cultural elements such as dragon lantern dance, paper cutting, oil paper umbrella, and bamboo. Powerful painters at home and abroad are invited to do illustrations, which brings interesting fusion and collision of Chinese and foreign cultures to the books. In addition to the original illustrations, the stories are more touching. Every child can harvest the courage and wisdom for growing up from these stories.   The series consists of 7 picture books: The Dragon Lantern, The Path of Golden Flowers, The Child in Three-Story Attic, The School Day Gifts, The Secret of Crossing, The Slope of Sisters.   The Path of Golden Flowers tells a traditional Chinese folk tale about persistence and inheritance. Once upon a time, a skillful carpenter surnamed Tong walked along a dangerous mountain road. He casually scattered some wood shavings, and these shavings took root and then bloomed with golden flowers, formed a path of golden flowers.

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        September 2009

        Library of Chinese Classics :The Classic of Tea

        by Jiang Xin, Jiang Yi

        The Book of Tea is written by Lu Yu, who is hailed as the "Tea Saint." It was written in the first year of Jianzhong in the Tang Dynasty (AD 780). As the first tea in China and even in the world, "The Book of Tea" pioneered the Chinese tea ceremony and the precedent for the tea "writing study and learning", and its historical and cultural value has so far been unmanned. "The Book of Tea," a comprehensive account of planting tea, picking tea, tea, tea, tea, recorded tea, Yong tea and other rich content. "Continued Tea" Written in the "Book of Songs" was born about a thousand years later, the author is Qing Dynasty scholar Lu Tingcan. "Continued Tea" followed the "tea by" way, the word number is "tea" ten times. This tea monograph collects Luo Hongfu on the historical materials of tea after the Tang Dynasty, which has fine examination, clear definition and high academic and historical value. "The Book of Songs" and "Continuation of the Tea" is a pair of tea culture books in natural sciences and social sciences, material and spiritual clever combination of the shiny treasure. The translation of this translation and English translation by the Dalian University of Technology College of Foreign Languages Jiang Yi, Professor Jiang Xin completed.

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        Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        January 2018

        Meishan Wushu

        Chinese Martial Arts

        by Yan Xizheng

        Meishan Wushu is the national intangible cultural heritage in China. This book focusing on Meishan Wushu is divided into five chapters. Chapter 1 is general introduction. Chpater 2 introduces 3 kinds of Meishan Wushu. Chapter 3 shows Meishan martial arts tactics in detail. Chapter 4 presents wushu routines in an all-round way. Chapter 5 tells martial arts lovers how to learn Meishan Wushu on their own. The author, Yan Xizheng, has studied Meishan Wushu for more than 50 years and spent 10 years writing this book, which promotes China's traditional culture and shows the essence of Chinese martial arts Meishan Wushu.

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        April 2023

        Posthuman Journey Trilogie

        by Pat To Yan, John Birke, Ulrike Syha

        Das zentrale Motiv der Reise verbindet diese Trilogie: Wohin die Figuren auch gehen, sie sind in einem Transitzustand, in Umbruchssituationen, auf der Flucht und auf der Suche nach den Bedingungen für eine freie Gesellschaft. Eine kurze Chronik des künftigen China erzählt eine Bewegung gegen den Strom: Alle fliehen vor dem Krieg in den Süden des Landes, während »Der Außenstehende« die Rückreise antritt ins Zentrum der Katastrophe, um sich mit seiner verdrängten traumatischen Geschichte zu konfrontieren. Eine posthumane Geschichte beginnt mit einem Soldaten, der vom Homeoffice aus feindliche Gebiete bombardiert. Als sein Sohn ohne Gesäß geboren wird, reist er an den Kriegsort und versucht Verantwortung für die eigene Schuld zu übernehmen. Überall im Universum Klang ist der philosophischste Teil der Trilogie. Er spielt im All und auf einem noch unbekannten Planeten. Die Erde wird von einem schwarzen Loch geschluckt. Ein Mann versucht seine Geliebte wiederzufinden, die dabei in einen anderen Bewusstseinszustand transformiert wurde. Pat To Yans Szenarien sind bevölkert von mythologisch inspirierten und allegorischen Figuren, zwischen Mensch und Tier, zwischen Mensch und Androide. Sie bewegen sich stets in parallel existierenden Bewusstseinsebenen und Timelines. Seine vom magischen Realismus beeinflusste Schreibweise erzählt vom Sterben, Leben und Überleben in politisch repressiven Systemen. »Wenn du über die Grausamkeit der Realität schreiben willst, darf es nicht realistisch sein.« Das unheimliche Mädchen aus Teil 1, Eine kurze Chronik des künftigen China

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        December 2017

        Wake Me Up at 9 AM

        by A Yi

        The title comes from a Borges interview, in which Borges planned to write a short story entitled Wake Me Up At 9 AM but he didn’t write it at last. A Yi borrowed this title. In A Yi’s story, looped in the night of his birthday, Hong Yang asks his wife Jin Yan to wake him up at nine AM the next morning, but he doesn’t wake up any longer. The book recalls how Hong Yang, an illiteracy who has been simply considered as an outlaw, becomes well known in the town by taking advantage of his violence and necessary schemes, with the narrative of a hurried and perfunctory funeral. Love, belief, brotherhood and affection have nothing to do with him. The novel makes a scroll-type portrayal of the vanishing village and people living in the village by virtue of him.

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        September 2013

        Die irgendwie richtige Richtung

        Eine Pilgerreise

        by Gideon Lewis-Kraus

        »Jakobsweg – Zielstrebigkeit – 10. Juni«. Was soll das? Er kann sich beim besten Willen nicht mehr erinnern, warum er das in sein Notizbuch geschrieben hat. Gideon ruft seinen Freund Tom an, und der weiß es. Sie sind zum gemeinsamen Pilgern verabredet. Am 10. Juni geht es los. Der Weg ist das Ziel, alles andere ist egal. Hauptsache, die Richtung stimmt, irgendwie. Santiago di Compostela ist weit entfernt, aber Berlin mit seinen Galerieeröffnungen, Bars und Clubs glücklicherweise auch. Pilgernd will er sich von den Zwängen der grenzenlosen Freiheit befreien. Und der ersten großen Krise seines Lebens entkommen, in die er geriet, als der Vater, ein schwuler Rabbi aus New Jersey, die Familie verließ, um mit seinem Freund zusammenzuziehen. Pilgernd kommt er dem eigenen Glück und dem Mysterium seiner Familie, Vaters verborgenem Leben, auf die Spur. Zum Schluss hat sich etwas verändert. Er hat sich verändert. Er hat das Rätsel seines Lebens gelöst. »Im Verlauf eines Jahres, im Verlauf dieses schönen, lebensklugen, drogen-, freundschaft- und sexverherrlichenden Buches wird Gideon Lewis-Kraus geradezu in eine Pilgerschaftsabhängigkeit geraten und von Ort zu Ort ziehen, fort aus der Welt der unendlichen Freiheiten oder der unendlichen Abhängigkeiten, hinüber in die Wanderwelt der Notwendigkeit.« Volker Weidermann, FAS

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