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      • Trusted Partner
        July 2021

        International Division of the Young Communist Party 4·The Road to Glory

        by Zhou Fei,Song Chunhua

        International Division of the Young Communist Party is a long novel about young people's growth created against the historical background of the establishment and development of the Young Communist International Division of the Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army during the Second Domestic Revolutionary War. The work is in four volumes, using a combination of reality and fiction, with the growth of fictional teenage heroes such as Yin Jie as the main line, interspersed with Chen Guang, Xiao Hua and other typical characters of the International Division of the Young Communist Party, to tell the glorious revolutionary history of this period. These teenage heroes were enthusiastic, resourceful, brave, decisive and righteous, and made outstanding contributions to the cause of national and ethnic liberation.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2021

        International Division of the Young Communist Party 2·Young Heros

        by Zhou Fei,Song Chunhua

        International Division of the Young Communist Party is a long novel about young people's growth created against the historical background of the establishment and development of the Young Communist International Division of the Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army during the Second Domestic Revolutionary War. The work is in four volumes, using a combination of reality and fiction, with the growth of fictional teenage heroes such as Yin Jie as the main line, interspersed with Chen Guang, Xiao Hua and other typical characters of the International Division of the Young Communist Party, to tell the glorious revolutionary history of this period. These teenage heroes were enthusiastic, resourceful, brave, decisive and righteous, and made outstanding contributions to the cause of national and ethnic liberation.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2021

        International Division of the Young Communist Party 3·Turning Iron to Steel

        by Zhou Fei,Song Chunhua

        International Division of the Young Communist Party is a long novel about young people's growth created against the historical background of the establishment and development of the Young Communist International Division of the Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army during the Second Domestic Revolutionary War. The work is in four volumes, using a combination of reality and fiction, with the growth of fictional teenage heroes such as Yin Jie as the main line, interspersed with Chen Guang, Xiao Hua and other typical characters of the International Division of the Young Communist Party, to tell the glorious revolutionary history of this period. These teenage heroes were enthusiastic, resourceful, brave, decisive and righteous, and made outstanding contributions to the cause of national and ethnic liberation.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2003

        Ein neues Menschenbild?

        Gespräche über Hirnforschung

        by Wolf Singer, Wolf Singer

        Der Konflikt zwischen Geistes- und Naturwissenschaften tritt in der aktuellen Diskussion um ein sich wandelndes Menschenbild besonders hervor. Dieser Band enthält eine Reihe von exemplarischen Gesprächen, in denen der Hirnforscher Wolf Singer der Idee vom frei handelnden Menschen den u. a. von neuronalen Prozessen weitgehend determinierten Menschen entgegenstellt, aber auch die Bedeutung von sozialen und kulturellen Faktoren für die geistige Entwicklung des Menschen betont. Kritisch setzt sich Singer mit der Vision einiger Zukunftsforscher auseinander, die die Entwicklung von künstlichen Gehirnen für die nächsten Jahre voraussagen. Die Gespräche mit Singer vermitteln aber auch einen Einblick in seine aktuellen Projekte in der Hirnforschung, die Hoffnung für die Entwicklung neuer Therapieformen geben.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2008

        Hirnforschung und Meditation

        Ein Dialog

        by Wolf Singer, Matthieu Ricard, Susanne Warmuth, Wolf Singer

        Wolf Singer ist einer der weltweit führenden Hirnforscher. Matthieu Ricard war Molekularbiologe, wurde dann buddhistischer Mönch – und Bestsellerautor. Für dieses Buch treten beide in einen Dialog über die Beziehung zwischen Hirnforschung und Bewußtseinstraining. Sie sprechen darüber, welche mentalen Zustände mit meditativen Praktiken herbeigeführt werden sollen, welche neuronalen Vorgänge diesen zugrunde liegen, und sie fragen, ob regelmäßiges Meditieren zu nachweisbaren Veränderungen von Hirnfunktionen führt. Ihr Buch leistet einen wichtigen Beitrag dazu, den Austausch zwischen Naturwissenschaften und den kontemplativen Wissenschaften anzuregen, denn Buddhismus wird hier als eine "Wissenschaft über den Geist" verhandelt und nicht als eine Religion. Ein Thema, das in der Diskussion zentral behandelt wird, sind die Methoden, mit denen der Geist und menschliche Werte trainiert werden können, zum Beispiel Aufmerksamkeit, Altruismus, emotionale Ausgeglichenheit und Glück. Darüber hinaus sprechen Singer und Ricard über die Langzeitwirkungen solchen Trainings. Die Fähigkeit des Gehirns, sich an veränderte Umstände anzupassen, wird meist im Kontext sich verändernder Außenbedingungen untersucht, aber bei der Meditation kommen die Impulse von innen und sollen eine systematische Veränderung der eigenen mentalen Dispositionen bewirken, und folgerichtig wird die Frage gestellt, ob sich zentrale Fragen über die menschliche Natur überhaupt mit neurowissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen verbinden lassen.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2017

        Appreciation of DU Fu’s Works

        by Written by DU Fu Edited by WANG Zhuo Read by ZHANG Jiasheng

        This book incorporates 29 well-known poems and articles by DU Fu—a poet of China’s Tang Dynasty. Each article is equipped with notes, appreciation and translation in modern Chinese. Readers can also listen to the recordings by scanning the two-dimension code of each article or poem.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2017

        Appreciation of YU Dafu’s Works

        by Written by YU Dafu Edited by LIANG Yingchun Read by CHEN Xiguang

        This book incorporates 5 articles and excerpts by YU Dafu. Each article comes with notes and appreciation. Readers can also listen to the recordings by scanning the two-dimension code of each article.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2021

        Effektiver Altruismus

        Eine Anleitung zum ethischen Leben

        by Peter Singer, Jan-Erik Strasser

        Wer so viel Gutes wie möglich tun will, sollte besser auf seinen Verstand hören als auf seinen Bauch. Diese simple Idee ist Ausgangspunkt einer neuen sozialen Bewegung – des effektiven Altruismus. Peter Singer, einer ihrer Gründerväter, zeigt, wie effektives Spenden möglich und warum es richtig ist. Sein Buch ist ein Aufruf zu einem in doppelter Hinsicht gelungenen Leben: Indem man für andere das Bestmögliche tut, gibt man dem eigenen Leben Sinn.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2017

        Appreciation of BAI Juyi’s Works

        by Written by BAI Juyi Edited by TAN Zhenming Read by CAO Can

        This book incorporates 18 well-known articles by BAI Juyi—a poet of China’s Tang Dynasty. Each article comes with notes, appreciation and translation in modern Chinese. Readers can also listen to the recordings by scanning the two-dimension code of each article or poem.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 1975

        Verallgemeinerung in der Ethik

        Zur Logik moralischen Argumentierens

        by Marcus George Singer, Claudia Langer, Brigitte Wimmer

        Ziel dieses Buches ist es festzustellen, wie moralische Urteile rational begründet, wie konfuse moralische Fragen rational aufgelöst und wie moralische Diskurse rational aufgebaut werden können. Damit wird nach Singer das Fundament gelegt für ein rationales Sytem der Moralphilosophie.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2010

        Orangism in the Dutch Republic in word and image, 1650–75

        by Jill Stern, Joseph Bergin, Penny Roberts, Bill Naphy

        This remarkable study represents a completely original presentation of the language and imagery used by the Orangists in the critical period in the mid-seventeenth century Netherlands as they sought the restoration of the stadholderate in the person of the young prince William III. Stern argues that the Orangists had no desire for the prince to become a monarch, rather that they viewed the stadholderate as an essential component of the Dutch constitution, the Union of Utrecht, and fulfilling a key role as defender of the rights and privileges of the citizenry against an overwheening urban oligarchy. Source material is drawn not only from books and political pamphlets but also from contemporary drama, poetry, portraits, prints, and medals. This enables the author to examine the imagery used by the supporters of the House of Orange, in particular the symbols of rebirth and regeneration which were deployed to propagate the restoration of the stadholderate in the person of William III. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2017

        Appreciation of LI Bai’s Works

        by Written by LI Bai Edited by TAN Zhenming Read by SU Ming, PU Cunxin

        This book incorporates 17 well-known poems and articles by LI Bai—a poet of China’s Tang Dynasty. Each article comes with notes, appreciation and translation in modern Chinese. Readers can also listen to the recordings by scanning the two-dimension code of each article or poem.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2017

        Appreciation of MAO Zedong’s Works

        by Written by MAO Zedong Edited by ZHU Chuanshi, LIANG Yingchun Read by FANG Ming

        This book incorporates 30 well-known poems by MAO Zedong. Each poem comes with notes, appreciation and translation in modern Chinese. Readers can also listen to the recordings by scanning the two-dimension code of each article or poem.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 1991

        Spiegel, Schwert und Edelstein

        Strukturen des japanischen Lebens

        by Kurt Singer, Wolfgang Wilhelm, Wolfgang Wilhelm, Wolfgang Wilhelm

        Der in Tôkyô lebende angesehene Literatur- und Filmkritiker Donald Richie stellt Spiegel, Schwert und Edelstein an die Spitze seiner Liste der fünf besten Bücher, die in diesem Jahrhundert von westlichen Autoren über Japan geschrieben worden sind. Spiegel, Schwert und Edelstein ist eine Studie, die auf Beobachtungen und Erfahrungen in Japan zwischen 1931 und 1939 basiert und von dem deutsch-jüdischen Schriftsteller und Gelehrten Kurt Singer nach dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs in Australien zum Abschluß gebracht wurde.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2021

        "Academician takes you to explore" popular science picture book: Mr. Seahorse in his head

        "Academician Takes You to Explore" Popular Science Picture Book

        by Song Xian, Zhang Jiamin

        "Academician Takes You to Explore" is a set of popular science picture books for children aged 6-12. The Shanghai Science and Technology Museum and the Beauty Science Team jointly planned this series of books. Relying on the content, through vivid stories and exquisite paintings, the scientists’ live lectures are adapted into interesting science picture books, so that young readers can appreciate the progress of cutting-edge scientific research in novel stories and pictures. This booklet mainly describes the structure and function of the brain. The story begins with the protagonist Mia and her mother visiting the grandfather in the nursing home on the Double Ninth Festival. It mainly introduces the area and function map of the brain, especially the hippocampus and its important role in our memory.

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        Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        December 2019 - December 2024

        Tian Gong Kai Wu

        by Song Yingxing,Xia Jianqin

        Tian Gong Kai Wu is the first comprehensive work on agriculture and handicraft industry in the world. It introduces the production technology of machinery, bricks, ceramics, sulphur, candles, paper, weapons, gunpowder, textile, dyeing, salt making, coal mining and oil pressing in ancient China. It is also known as the "Encyclopedia of China's 17th century crafts". The book is illustrated in the original text, and the translation is easy to understand.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2009

        Toys and Folk Arts

        by Song Peixian & Dan Ni

        This volume has two parts: the first part introduces 55 kinds of Chinese toys; the second introduces 23 kinds of folk arts.

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