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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        January 1997

        Von Viren und Menschen

        Forschung im Wettlauf mit der Aids-Epidemie

        by Montagnier, Luc / Übersetzt von Wendt, Stefano

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2023

        Von Viren, Fledermäusen und Menschen

        Eine folgenreiche Beziehungsgeschichte

        by Eckerle, Isabella

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        June 2022

        Die Kunst, unserer Sehnsucht zu folgen

        Spiritualität in Zeiten des Umbruchs

        by Michael Bordt SJ

        Viren, Klima- und Strukturwandel – wir leben in Zeiten des Umbruchs. Das spüren wir im Alltag und es fällt uns schwer, dem etwas entgegenzusetzen. Etwas, das uns Ruhe, Halt und Tiefe gibt. Auch in Religionen finden viele Menschen keine Antworten mehr. Aber die Sehnsucht nach Sinn und Spiritualität, die gehört zu uns Menschen dazu. Viele lenken sich davon ab, andere sind ihr auf der Spur: Sie wandern durch den Wald, machen etwas Künstlerisches, verreisen an einen einsamen Ort, besuchen ein Yogaretreat oder einen Meditationskurs. Das Interesse an spirituellen Praktiken wächst – auch wissenschaftlich. Philosoph und Bestsellerautor Michael Bordt SJ schöpft aus der über Jahrhunderte gewachsenen spirituellen Praxis des Jesuitenordens und zeigt Wege, wie wir unserer Sehnsucht folgen können. Dabei nimmt er auch die anderen Religionen in den Blick. Raus aus dem alltäglichen Hamsterrad, hin zu einer neuen Geistesgegenwart und einer Heimat in uns selbst – und die ist für jede und jeden erreichbar.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2021

        Im Wald, im Holzhaus


        by Michael Krüger

        Als vor einem Jahr die Viren-Katastrophe über uns kam, begann Michael Krüger, mit einer schweren Gürtelrose geschlagen, gerade eine Therapie gegen seine Leukämie. Und weil seine Immunabwehr auf null stand und ihn ein ferner Husten umgeworfen hätte, musste er sich von Menschen fernhalten. Er lebt seither in einem Holzhaus in der Nähe des Starnberger Sees. Von dort hat er seine poetischen Botschaften geschickt, Meditationen aus der Quarantäne, die viele Monate lang im Magazin der Süddeutschen Zeitung abgedruckt wurden und eine große Resonanz fanden. Fünfzig Blicke auf die Natur und die „Natur“, auf die unmittelbare Umgebung eines eingeschränkten Lebens und über den Horizont hinaus, aber auch Blicke nach innen, auf Vergänglichkeit, Krankheit und Tod. Und weitere Gedichte aus dieser Zeit enthält der Band, dessen letztes einen Rat bereithält: „Man muss Umwege nehmen, viele, nicht alle, / um das Ziel nicht zu schnell zu erreichen. / Das Ziel? / (…) Jetzt bloß keine Angst kriegen und stehen bleiben, / denn dann war der ganze Umweg für die Katz.“

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        October 2020

        Medium, Bote, Übertragung

        Kleine Metaphysik der Medialität

        by Sybille Krämer

        Was ist ein Medium? Die zeitgenössische Mediendebatte rekonstruiert Medien zumeist in Begriffen technischer Mittel und Apparate und (v)erklärt sie zum archimedischen Punkt unseres Weltverhältnisses. Das neue Buch von Sybille Krämer unternimmt einen Perspektivenwechsel: Was bedeutet es, wenn wir Medien nicht als Mittel, sondern als Mitte und Mittler bestimmen? Die Antwort darauf wird durch das »Botenmodell« gegeben, das Übertragung als ein kulturphilosophisches Schlüsselkonzept ausweist. Der Bote erscheint in diesem Zusammenhang als die Figur eines Dritten, der zwischen heterogenen Welten plaziert ist und damit Kommunikation und Austausch ermöglicht. Die kulturstiftende Leistung des Übertragens wird am Beispiel der imaginären Figur des Engels, der Krankheitsübertragung durch Viren, der Eigentumsübertragung durch Geld, der Sprachübertragung in der Übersetzung, der Gefühlsübertragung in der Psychoanalyse und schließlich der Übertragung von Wahrnehmung und Wissen durch Zeugen analysiert. "Aisthetisierung" – im Sinne des Wahrnehmbarmachens eines Abwesenden bzw. eines Unsinnlichen – erweist sich dabei als die Elementaraufgabe von Medien. Sybille Krämer will mit ihrem Buch den Boden bereiten für eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit unserem demiurgischen Selbstverständnis als Homo faber bzw. Homo generator. Was bedeutet es, wenn wir uns eher als Bote denn als Macher und Konstrukteur begreifen?

      • Health & Personal Development

        Love and Health

        by Christian Licht

        Why are we longing for love? Because it determines our lives. Everything revolves around love. Considering that love ist he energy of life and that it is dependent on our state of health whether life is more or less beautiful makes clear that the presence of love in lives is crucial to health. This book illuminates many novel issues of love, health, and their interdependencies. For instance, the significant importance of having the right attitude towards the love act as well as the consequences of a wrong attitude towards it are outlined. The causes of the emergence of cancer of the sexual organs and efficient preventive measures are presented. In addition to that, reflex zones of the primary sexual organs are delineated for the first time.

      • Home nursing & caring
        March 2020

        Pediatrician consultation

        by Peter Büttner

        What is wrong with my child? Is it developing normally? What can I do to make him happy and have a good time? Parents worry about their child. Most of the time, there are amazingly simple answers that take away these worries. Illnesses and injuries: everything important for quick reference Development and growth: what is normal, when do I need to intervene? Everyday life and relationships: understanding and supporting children and adolescents The interdisciplinary guide to childhood and adolescent illnesses and conditions. Including: How do I create a trusting relationship with my child? Health - Recognizing and treating diseasesDr. med. Büttner, explains how to recognize diseases, which natural course they usually take and what you can do yourself to make your child feel well again quickly. As a conventional physician and homeopath, he describes conventional therapy and gives alternatives from naturopathy.  Relationship - understanding and supporting childrenThe second part of the guidebook deals with topics related to parenting. Family, school and society place many demands on you as parents - in addition, you have your own ideas and ideals. Putting all this into practice can be quite exhausting.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2020

        Prinzip Mensch

        Macht, Freiheit und Demokratie im Zeitalter der Künstlichen Intelligenz

        by Paul Nemitz/Matthias Pfeffer

        The Human Imperative. Power, Freedom and Democracy in an Era of Artificial Intelligence   Human or algorithm - who is calling the shots for our future in this age of Artificial Intelligence? The power that digital corporations in Silicon Valley exert is astronomical, and this poses a serious threat to democracy and independence as we know them.Paul Nemitz and Matthias Pfeffer present an impressive analysis of how current attempts to implement an ethical regulation of Artificial Intelligence are too shortsighted and limited.The authors provide a detailed examination of this topic, concentrating specifically on the role being played by the public sphere and the threats posed against journalism in the digital age. They call for a strict regulation of Artificial Intelligence and a reconceptualization of the principles that define humanity, which must be defended against the principles of the

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA


        by ELA PEROCI

        SLIPPER KEEPER KITTYWritten by Ela PerociIllustrated by Ančka Gošnik Godec This favourite children’s story will surely find its way into all those homes where children tend to forget to tidy up. Slipper Keeper Kitty gathers up all the slippers that children leave lying around, patches them, and sews new ones to order. She’s a kitty that teaches children to be neat in a warm and caring way.  Format: 26.5 x 21 cm26 pages | Age: 3+

      • Agriculture & farming
        January 2012

        Microbial Diversity and Functions

        by D. Joseph Bagyara ,K.V.B.R. Tilak & H.K.Kheri

        The book contains 31 articles written by distinguished scientists of the country having expertise in dealing with the microbes and exploiting their potential for the benefits of mankind. The articles included in the book are thought provocating and deals with: o the topics of Taxonomy, Diversity and Applications of VAM fungi in different Ecosystems o Applications of Microbial Technology for Treatment of effluents of a Gelatine Factory, Biodiversity of Mycotoxigenic Fungi and Trichoderma, o Useful microbes of Mangrove Ecosystem, Extremophiles, PGPRs, Phytotoxins, Litter decomposition, Biopesticides, Botanical Pesticides, biofertilizers and so many others including major concerns about the Evolution and Conservation of Microbial Biodiversity. o All the articles written by the authors are original, timely and appropriate.

      • Agriculture & farming
        September 2018

        Climate Resilient Agriculture

        Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies

        by Manish Bhan, Vijay Singh Tomar, Kamal Kishore Agarwal, Sahib Singh Tomar & Sunil Dutta Upadhyaya

        Climate is a vital factor that influences land use, crop quality, its productivity as well as all the other of agricultural systems. The significant impact of climate change is visible on human societies and natural ecosystems around the world. This impact will be more severe on agriculture if global warming continues. As per estimates of IPCC (2014), the agriculture, forestry and other land use contributes 24% of global greenhouse gas emissions. These emissions need to be reduced to avoid the serious impact of climate change using mitigation measures and adaptation strategies. Currently, unreliable and seasonal variations in weather have emerged as a serious challenge for sustainability influencing vegetation, biodiversity, livestock, soil, water, and other natural resources. In the last decade, more occurrence of extreme weather events affected farming community directly in their agricultural growth. The matter is of great concern to country like India, which require more produce from rainfed fields and shrinking crop land. To understand the problems occurring due to climate change, concerted efforts are required for mitigation and adaptation to reduce the vulnerability of rainfed agriculture and making it resilient. Agricultural output as well as the livelihood of people who depend on it, are particularly vulnerable to climate change, and it is important that we assess adaptation mechanisms to reduce these vulnerabilities. These practices should play a vital role to reduce GHG emissions by improving efficiency of farm inputs and others like agroforestry interventions for green agricultural technologies. Similarly, adoption of conservation agriculture, suitable cultivars, changing sowing dates, irrigation scheduling, and recycling waste water and solid waste in agriculture are some of the options for developing climate resilient agriculture. The book has been divided into major heads as: Climate Change and Indian Agriculture, Climate Change Management Strategies in Agriculture, Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Indian Agriculture, New Technologies in relation to Climate Change and with contribution from major research institutes, universities by eminent scientists, faculty members the book will fit into the needs of all concerns.

      • Agriculture & farming
        June 2022

        The Fungi As Pathogenic and Beneficial Microbes

        by Suresh G. Borkar

        The fungi as microbe is present everywhere; in mountains and soil crust; in water and water bodies like rivers, oceans, lakes, ponds and glaciers; on plant surfaces, food grains, fruits and vegetables; on de-composting materials; on fabrics and leather in damp weather; air cooling systems; in environmental air outside and inside homes; on animals and human body parts etc. The well develop fungal growth can be seen with naked eyes on some of the material, while the fungal structures are only visible in microscope. These fungal microbe are harmful as pathogens to cause diseases in crop plants, food product, fruits and vegetables, in human being, animals, birds and marine wealth etc. However, some of the fungal species are beneficial to mankind, agriculture and environment. These are sources of food products, antibiotics, enzymes, organic acids, plant nutrient supplier, composting agents, biological control agents and so on. Most of us are unaware of all these facts about this fungal microbe, as this knowledge is not yet passed on to the generations although they play important role in our life at one or other point of time. It is a high time for all of us to know about this fungal microbe and the role they play in our life.

      • Children's & YA
        April 2022

        The Wild Meadow

        Discover the diversity of a hidden world

        by Angelika Huber-Janisch, Annette Zacharias

        Crawling, chirping, flying and buzzing: a meadow is full of action! And a wild meadow is a fascinating place: A miniature biotope just waiting to be discovered. This book aims to raise awareness among children and adults of how to help preserve what we consider to be everyday, run-of-the-mill meadows, because they are not only home to a wide range of flowers, but innumerable creatures above and below ground. Meadows play a decisive role in a well-functioning ecosystem. This book takes a look at the flowers and plants, fungi and mosses which grow here and which children can then examine more closely on their next walk. And there are various animals and phenomena underground, too – an exciting microcosm whose diversity is little known.

      • Home nursing & caring
        January 2021

        Aroma blends for mother and child

        Natural body care during pregnancy, birth and the first year

        by Ingeborg Stadelmann

        Natural body care during pregnancy, birth and the first year This handbook is the ideal complement to Ingeborg Stadelmann's "A consultation of a Midwife". It offers you many tips and recommendations on how to safely use the original Stadelmann® aroma blends from the Bahnhof-Apotheke Kempten during pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding, as well as on the baby. Natural blends are valuable companions for body care and everyday ailments. They have proven themselves for massages and baths, wraps and rubs, for room scenting and as natural perfumes. Four application areas help to quickly find all topics from anxiety to teething problems.

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