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      • Literárne informacné centrum

        The Literary Information Center (LIC) is the window through which Slovak literature is presented to the world. Our primary goal is to facilitate live contact between Slovak and foreign publishers, authors, illustrators and cultural-events organizers and to support mutual collaboration and cultural exchange. LIC acts as an agent for the majority of Slovak authors and houses SLOLIA, the popular grant program for translators and publishers of Slovak literature. LIC also organizes national stands at foreign bookfairs sucha s Bologna, London, Paris, Prague and Budapest.

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        Medical Device Information for Pharmaceutical Technicians

        by Founded by Friedlinde Wilson and Baldur Kohm.Edited by Dr. Anette Vasel-Biergansand Hannelore Eitel-Hirschfeld

        Ranging from eyebaths and compression stockings to electronic cigarettes, the variety of medical aids available is huge. Every day, expert advice on these is needed at the pharmacy. The authors have summarised these aids in a practically oriented way. They provide background information, specifics about the materials, application descriptions, practical tips and product examples. Colourful illustrations show how they are used on or by the patient. Fully updated, the new edition of the book contains not only conventional medical devices but also those asked for at a contemporary community pharmacy. This 11th edition, which has been completely revised, contains: - definitions enabling rapid familiarisation with the topic, - tables that provide an overview, - illustrations and advice tips to help with practical use, - mnemonics and practice questions which help reinforce the knowledge Bonus: QR codes take the user to additional digital material! The ideal companion in training and on the job!

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        Business, Economics & Law
        September 2020

        The politics of freedom of information

        by Ben Worthy

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        The Arts
        July 2024

        Public information films

        British government film units, 1928–52

        by Alan Harding

        In the years after the First World War the British government had to adapt its communication policy to connect with the new mass electorate. This book examines the government's own Film Units and their slow development of the Public Information Film. By reviewing the entire film catalogue produced by the Empire Marketing Board, the General Post Office and Crown Film Units, particular themes are identified which not only reflect the demands of the Units' sponsors but also the anxieties and concerns of the 1930s and 1940s. The impact of the films is explored through the contemporary reaction of the audiences to them. By the time the Crown Film Unit was closed in 1952 a style of Public Information Film had been developed and continued into the 1970s.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        March 2019

        Emotional Intelligence in Tourism and Hospitality

        by Erdogan Koc

        Emotional intelligence (EI) is the capability to recognize one's own emotions and those of others. The use of emotional information guides thinking and behavior, allowing adjustment of emotions to adapt to environments. As tourism and hospitality services are produced and consumed simultaneously, with a high level of contact between employees and customers, the development of EI of employees in tourism and hospitality establishments is vital. This book has a skills-based approach and explains how emotional intelligence can be developed in tourism and hospitality students and employees.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        February 2018

        Sustainable Bamboo Development

        by Zhu Zhaohua, Jin Wei

        This book presents over 40 cases of bamboo development across 22 major bamboo-industry countries and explores the knowledge gained from their successes and failures. It synthesises experiences and exchanges with country experts from international training courses and consultations, study tours, and seminars. Each case includes observations and summaries of discussions related to the development of bamboo-based industries in a healthy, sustainable way, and the facilitation of strategic and balanced development of bamboo in different global regions. Industrial and artisanal bamboo growing and processing is expanding worldwide and this book brings together key experiences to help inform future developments. This book provides an analysis of bamboo plant features, including strong renewability, fast-growing, and high biomass production. It also reviews important ecological functions of bamboos, such as water and soil conservation, carbon sink and storage, and adaptation to climate change, as well as addressing the diversified culture of bamboo and key issues affecting the sector. Sustainable Bamboo Development: - Is authored by an internationally recognised leading expert in the growth and use of bamboo - Takes a holistic view, covering technical, socio-economic, policy, cultural and business development - Provides practical knowledge to guide the development of bamboo sectors - Gives a clear idea and rich examples of what has been attempted in many countries - Acts as a roadmap for using bamboo as a poverty reduction and environmental security tool Highly illustrated and in full colour throughout, this book is an essential resource for all those interested in bamboo, from private sector investors to governmental and development agencies, academic researchers and students.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2022

        Silent Killers

        How Big Food Risks Our Health

        by Wilfried Bommert, Christina Sartori

        Addiction from the supermarket The most powerful drug cartel of the 21st century sells pizzas, chocolate bars and mixed sweets. The promise: a quick and happy snack at low cost. The truth: this “food” isn’t nutritious, but is addictive and fattening, while bringing bumper profits for the investors. “Big Food” is becoming more powerful, but the costs due to the consequences of obesity now risk overwhelming global healthcare services. Obesity ranks as a killer before smoking or high blood pressure. A direct analysis of a man-made epidemic that is dominated by a few large companies and kept going by multiple profiteers. Their motto: “Teach the world to snack.”

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2023

        Kapitalismus ohne Demokratie

        Wie Marktradikale die Welt in Mikronationen, Privatstädte und Steueroasen zerlegen wollen

        by Quinn Slobodian, Stephan Gebauer

        Freiheit und Demokratie, so der Investor Peter Thiel 2009, seien nicht länger kompatibel. Wer die Freiheit liebe, müsse daher versuchen, der Politik in all ihren Formen zu entkommen. Zuflucht suchen könnten Libertäre im Cyberspace, im Weltraum und auf dem offenen Meer. Das mag verblasen klingen, steht aber in einer jahrzehntealten Tradition marktradikaler Ideen: Denker wie Milton Friedman begeisterten sich für das noch unter britischer Oberhoheit stehende Hongkong; Margaret Thatcher träumte von einem Singapur an der Themse. In seinem Buch Globalisten hatte sich Quinn Slobodian mit Versuchen befasst, ökonomische Fragen der demokratischen Willensbildung zu entziehen, etwa durch ihre Übertragung an internationale Organisationen. In Kapitalismus ohne Demokratie geht es nun um eine andere Lösung für das von Thiel beklagte Problem: die Zerschlagung der Welt in Steueroasen, Privatstädte oder Mikronationen. Quinn Slobodian nimmt uns mit auf eine faszinierende Reise durch die Welt der neoliberalen Utopien. Sie führt nach Dubai und Liechtenstein, ins vom Bürgerkrieg zerrüttete Somalia und zu Elon Musks texanischem Weltraumbahnhof. Und sie weitet den Blick auf eine mögliche Zukunft, die uns Sorgen machen sollte.

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      • Trusted Partner
        August 2017

        Common Witness: The Rape of Nankin (1937)

        by The Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre

        Exhibition: Mémorial pour la Paix de Caen, France, October to December 2016. More than 270 historical photos, letters, diaries and media reports. Recorded by western scholars, doctors, priests, diplomats and journalists who were in Nanjing displaying the true history of Sino-Japanese war. Like the Auschwitz massacres, the Nanjing Massacre is also a crime against humanity. More than 300,000 people were killed and more than 20,000 people were rape in less than two months. The beautiful city Nanjing, capital of China at that time, were bombed and ruined. Thanks to those kind international friends who stayed in Nanjing, more than 200,000 Chinese victims were rescued and kept safe. Their letters and photos also recorded the unforgettable holocaust as an impartial third party.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2023

        Muppets in Moskau

        Die völlig verrückte Geschichte, wie die Sesamstraße nach Russland kam

        by Natasha Lance Rogoff, Frank Sievers

        Kurz nach dem Zusammenbruch der Sowjetunion erwartet Natasha Lance Rogoff die Aufgabe ihres Lebens: Sie soll die ur-amerikanische Sesamstraße für das russische Fernsehen adaptieren. Dass es keine Produktion wie jede andere werden wird, zeigt sich bereits im Vorfeld: Der erste Investor entgeht nur knapp einem Bombenattentat, drei Fernsehmanager werden ermordet, und als endlich ein Produktionsbüro bezogen werden kann, wird es kurz darauf vom Militär besetzt. Schließlich sind da noch die Differenzen im russisch-amerikanischen Team: Filme, in denen Männer den Abwasch machen und Patchwork-Familien fröhliche Buchstabenlieder singen, kommen bei den russischen Kreativen nicht gut an – Schwermut und klassische Musik sollen zum Einsatz kommen. Es wird beherzt gestritten, und nur langsam nähern sich beide Seiten an. Am Ende entstehen aber Kulissen und Handpuppen, Filme und Musik, die amerikanische Vorgaben und russische Tradition verbinden. Die Sendung wird ein Riesenerfolg – bis sie von Putin-treuen Fernsehmanagern abgesetzt wird. Mehr als zehn Jahre lang erreichte die russische Ausgabe der Sesamstraße Millionen von Familien. Die Vision der Sendung: eine neue Realität für die Kinder und Enkelkinder des Landes zu entwerfen – zunächst auf dem Fernsehbildschirm und dann im wirklichen Leben. Natasha Lance Rogoff, die amerikanische Produzentin der Sendung, gibt einen Einblick hinter die Kulissen und erzählt eine turbulente Geschichte von Bombenanschlägen, dem Clash der Kulturen und der zarten Hoffnung, dass es so etwas wie Annäherung zwischen zwei Welten geben kann.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2023

        Muppets in Moskau

        Die völlig verrückte Geschichte, wie die Sesamstraße nach Russland kam

        by Natasha Lance Rogoff

        Kurz nach dem Zusammenbruch der Sowjetunion erwartet Natasha Lance Rogoff die Aufgabe ihres Lebens: Sie soll die ur-amerikanische Sesamstraße für das russische Fernsehen adaptieren. Dass es keine Produktion wie jede andere werden wird, zeigt sich bereits im Vorfeld: Der erste Investor entgeht nur knapp einem Bombenattentat, drei Fernsehmanager werden ermordet, und als endlich ein Produktionsbüro bezogen werden kann, wird es kurz darauf vom Militär besetzt. Schließlich sind da noch die Differenzen im russisch-amerikanischen Team: Filme, in denen Männer den Abwasch machen und Patchwork-Familien fröhliche Buchstabenlieder singen, kommen bei den russischen Kreativen nicht gut an – Schwermut und klassische Musik sollen zum Einsatz kommen. Es wird beherzt gestritten, und nur langsam nähern sich beide Seiten an. Am Ende entstehen aber Kulissen und Handpuppen, Filme und Musik, die amerikanische Vorgaben und russische Tradition verbinden. Die Sendung wird ein Riesenerfolg – bis sie von Putin-treuen Fernsehmanagern abgesetzt wird. Mehr als zehn Jahre lang erreichte die russische Ausgabe der Sesamstraße Millionen von Familien. Die Vision der Sendung: eine neue Realität für die Kinder und Enkelkinder des Landes zu entwerfen – zunächst auf dem Fernsehbildschirm und dann im wirklichen Leben. Natasha Lance Rogoff, die amerikanische Produzentin der Sendung, gibt einen Einblick hinter die Kulissen und erzählt eine turbulente Geschichte von Bombenanschlägen, dem Clash der Kulturen und der zarten Hoffnung, dass es so etwas wie Annäherung zwischen zwei Welten geben kann.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2016

        A matter of intelligence

        by Charmian Brinson, Richard Dove

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        Losing Weight and Keeping it off

        A Method With Lasting Results

        by Tatjana van Strien

        In this book Tatjana van Strien, the author of the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire (DEBQ), presents a scientific alternative for all the ‘miracle solutions’ to lose weight. Based on more than 25 years of scientific research, she offers a self-test-method which enables readers to explore what is the cause of their eating problem, what they can do about it, and ultimately lose weight and keep it off.   Target Group: people who want to lose weight, dieticians, doctors, psychologists.

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        Children's & YA
        January 2022

        The Wandering Pussycats. How it All Began

        by Galyna Maniv (Author), Dmytro Pechenkin (Illustrator)

        Mulya and Manyunya the Pussycats are very fond of travelling! And don’t you think that they simply take a stroll next door, no way! They travel around the globe and visit foreign countries, having incredible adventures every time! So, do you want to join the Pussycats in their many journeys? Then follow Mulya and Manyunya through Italy, Greenland, and Finland in this exciting series!   From 3 to 5 years, 2475 words. Rightsholders: ,

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2018

        The Computer Girl

        by Yang Peng

        Yang Peng's Award-winning Novels are a collection of the award-winning works of Yang Peng's many outstanding stories. Not only are the selected articles humorous, but also rich in imagination. They are also rich in profound educational philosophy that can enlighten the mind and help readers to reflect on themselves. A girl A-xue is an intelligent program written by Dawei, which is materialized because of the lightning strike on the computer. Accompanied by A Xue, Dawei’s life has undergone earth-shaking changes. However, the good days are very short, a virus with intelligence - "monsters" built a computer empire in a very short time, in an attempt to control humans... Dawei and A Xue decided to enter the computer world, with "monsters" start a life and death contest!

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        Children's & YA
        October 2021

        The Lost Smile

        by Nadia L. King / Nelli Aghekyan

        When Zaytoon wakes up feeling sad, she goes on a search to find her smile. From the kitchen to the garden, Zaytoon searches high and low,and eventually discovers her smile — it’s smiling at her from her reflection in the window! The Lost Smile is beautifully illustrated colourful picture book that demonstrates the importance of accepting our emotions. Zaytoon’s journey shows children it’s okay to be sad and reassures young readers that sadness can be temporary. Themes include cultural diversity, emotional intelligence, family life and the importance of connecting with nature and animals.

      • Trusted Partner

        The Deathmaster

        by Hugo N. Gerstl

        Does the rescue of 1600 men, women, and children justify aiding and abetting the murder of more than half a million others? Under these circumstances, is it morally imperative for one man to bring down an entire government? A young attorney defends an old man accused of criminal libel and must confront these agonizing ethical questions arising from the Holocaust. Jerusalem, 1953-1954. A 72-year-old pensioner, Malchiel Greenwald, publishes a mimeographed newsletter accusing Rudolph Kasztner, Deputy Minister for Trade and a prominent Israeli politician, of being complicit in the deaths of 800,000 Hungarian Jews during 1944, when he was Chairman of the Hungarian Jewish Rescue Committee. Kasztner demands that the State of Israel bring a criminal libel action against the virtually penniless Greenwald for this defamatory publication. Greenwald manages to convince brilliant lawyer and former Irgun “terrorist,” Samuel Tamir, to take on his defense at no cost. On a frigid December day in 1953, Greenwald could not know, nor could he imagine, that he was about to walk into the history of Israel; and that fourteen months later, when the trial concluded and the verdict was announced, the government of Prime Minister Moshe Sharett would be brought down, and the Holy Land would never be the same again. Even today, more than 65 years later, this tale, which has been largely suppressed until now, remains a “hot potato” in Israel. And international bestselling author Hugo N. Gerstl, author of Assassin, The Wrecking Crew, Scribe, and Against All Odds, himself a nationally known trial lawyer, brings the proceedings to the forefront in this riveting historical thriller. Published by Pangæa Publishing Group,2020. 426 pages – 23 cm x 15 cm

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