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      • Codice Edizioni srl

        Codice Edizioni was founded in Turin in September 2003 with the goal of renovating Italy’s traditional non-fiction and popular science publishing; science in its many variations (physics, evolutionism, technology, natural sciences), as a key to interpreting modern society

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        KETER - Der Aleppo–Kodex

        by Amnon Shamosh

        KETER - Der Aleppo–Kodex  - von  Amnon Shamosh Der bekannte Autor stellt in diesem illustrierten Buch seine Forschungen über den Aleppo-Kodex, hebräisch: Keter * vor. Der Keter ist wohl das früheste bekannte Manuskript, das den gesamten Bibeltext umfaßt. Mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit ist es heute das am besten erhaltene Quellendokument  für den biblischen Text selbst und ermöglicht Einsichten über den Stil und die Art und Weise der Überlieferung **. Er hat somit einen kanonischen Status erreicht und eine herausragende Bedeutung unter den frühen hebräischen und jüdischen Manuskripten Der Keter war das Manuskript, das Maimonides zu Rate zog, als er die verbindlichen Regeln für die künftige Beschriftung der Torah – Rollen aufstellte (belegt durch seinen Kommentar: „Ich nutzte es als Grundlage für eine Abschrift der Sefer – Torah, die ich gemäß dem Gesetz geschrieben habe“). Die Rabbiner und Alten der jüdischen Gemeinde von Aleppo konnten den Kodex rund sechshundert Jahre lang in ihrer Synagoge bewahren. Das Drama (wenn nicht sogar Trauma seines Verlustes) als die Synagoge während der anti-jüdischen Verfolgungen nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg in Brand gesteckt wurde, mündete schließlich in große Erleichterung: der Kodex wurde fast vollständig wiederentdeckt. Nach intensiven und engagierten Restaurierungen befindet er sich heute in Jerusalem.  (über den Autor siehe Die Safras) * (zu deutsch: Krone), Handschrift der Bibel in Buchform im Gegensatz zur Schriftrolle ** Hebräisch: Massorah, d.h. die mündliche und schriftliche Tradition, mit der die heiligen Texte überliefert und von Generation zu Generation weitergegeben wurden.

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        Food & Drink

        Tea Book

        by Studio of Fashion and Life

        This book is a tea encyclopedia for those who are new to tea. It includes detailed explanations of 67 kinds of famous teas, 37 practical tea brewing exercises, and 33 tea therapeutic methods and prescriptions. Adopting a large number of exquisite pictures and easy-to-understand words, Tea Book allows readers to receive a complete and clear knowledge of tea from the growing environment, quality characteristics to purchasing criteria, and obtain a profound understanding and appreciation of Chinese tea culture.

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        by Amnon Shamosh

        Michel Ezra Safra & Sons is a family saga by a well-known Israeli writer, Amnon Shamosh. The story is semibiographical and takes place partly in Aleppo, Syria, the birthplace of the author. The book describes the life, struggles, and dispersion of a well-to-do Syrian Jewish family during the course of three generations, beginning in the mid-1930’s. The story of the Ezra Safra family is the tale of a Middle Eastern Jewish society and its basic traditional values, which are constantly challenged by other norms, both circumstantial and universal. Shaken by local and global upheavals, the family, headed by Michel and his pretty wife Linda, is driven from their hometown of Aleppo during riots in the aftermath of the United Nations resolution in late 1947 on the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine. Michel, a practical figure, continues to rule his worldwide business empire. His grip on his children seems to loosen, however, though he still enjoys their respect and love. Rachmo, the eldest son and heir apparent, runs the Paris branch of the family business, but his conduct as a family man does not live up to his parents’ standards. Albert, his younger brother, abhors business and shuns the course he is expected to take. He finds an outlet in Zionist underground activity, including “smuggling” Jews into Palestine. Five other Safra sons and daughters emigrate to Europe, America, and Israel. What concerns Michel most, disturbing and haunting him, is not the state of his financial empire, but a grave “sin” that he has committed. When the old synagogue of Aleppo was set on fire, Michel rescued the “Aram Zova” Torah scroll and managed to keep it from burning. He removed a piece from this priceless, sacred scroll and secreted it in a safe in Nice, France. Although this treasure is protected, Michel construes the tragedies that befall the family as divine punishment. Throughout the novel, the reader follows Michel on his worldwide travels, settling family and business affairs, burdened by poor health and by his conscience. The life of his son Albert, now an influential member of a collective settlement in Israel, is completely alien to him. The saga of the Ezra Safra family draws to a finale when Michel dies heartbroken a few days after his grandson is killed during the 1967 Six-Day War. Later, Rachmo, who was made party to his father’s secret, dies of a heart attack upon learning that the scroll in Nice has been stolen. Linda agrees to join her children in Israel, but refuses to live with them. She chooses to live a solitary life, surrounded by photos and memories of the past. Michel Ezra Safra and Sons was made into a highly successful mini-series for  the Israeli television.   French and Spanish translations of the entire novel are available! 348 pages, 14.5X21 cm

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        September 2009

        Library of Chinese Classics :The Classic of Tea

        by Jiang Xin, Jiang Yi

        The Book of Tea is written by Lu Yu, who is hailed as the "Tea Saint." It was written in the first year of Jianzhong in the Tang Dynasty (AD 780). As the first tea in China and even in the world, "The Book of Tea" pioneered the Chinese tea ceremony and the precedent for the tea "writing study and learning", and its historical and cultural value has so far been unmanned. "The Book of Tea," a comprehensive account of planting tea, picking tea, tea, tea, tea, recorded tea, Yong tea and other rich content. "Continued Tea" Written in the "Book of Songs" was born about a thousand years later, the author is Qing Dynasty scholar Lu Tingcan. "Continued Tea" followed the "tea by" way, the word number is "tea" ten times. This tea monograph collects Luo Hongfu on the historical materials of tea after the Tang Dynasty, which has fine examination, clear definition and high academic and historical value. "The Book of Songs" and "Continuation of the Tea" is a pair of tea culture books in natural sciences and social sciences, material and spiritual clever combination of the shiny treasure. The translation of this translation and English translation by the Dalian University of Technology College of Foreign Languages Jiang Yi, Professor Jiang Xin completed.

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        Food & Drink
        May 2022

        Tea ceremony: from tea to understand tea

        by wang jianrong

        The distance from tea lover to tea master is just a book. There are more than 600 sharp images in this book, which showing you how to understand the drink, how to buy good quality tea leaf, how to make a nice cup of tea, how to taste the tea, and knowing about every aspect of tea. The book will lead you from tea ceremony, tea art and tea history of green tea, black tea and Pu'er tea to build your bourgeois life.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2019

        Chinese Tea Culture in Guzhang

        by Xie Hui

        Guzhang County, in western Hunan, is one of the birthplace of Chinese tea culture where several kinds of famous Chinese tea are produced and national industries and technology systems developing tea are set up.   The book focuses on tea culture, and describes how people in Guzhang County realized poverty alleviation as well as lived a better life in the process of planting tea, making tea, and promoting tea. The book is about 120,000 words divided into four chapters: the first chapter introduces the spirit of tea makers through the story of Guzhang "Tea King", history of tea in Guzhang, wishes of tea planters, and the development of tea industry; the second chapter tells the stories of tea makers who manage the tea industry and promote Guzhang tea; the third chapter talks about the innovation and brand of Guzhang tea; the fourth chapter relates how outsiders contributed to the growth of Guzhang.

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        July 2009

        From Qumran to Aleppo

        A Discussion with Emanuel Tov about the Textual History of Jewish Scriptures in Honor of his 65th Birthday

        by Herausgegeben von Lange, Armin; Herausgegeben von Weigold, Matthias; Herausgegeben von Zsengellér, József

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        Science & Mathematics
        March 2022

        Encyclopedia of Scale Insect Pests

        by Takumasa Kondo, Gillian Watson

        Scale insects feed on plant juices and can easily be transported to new countries on live plants. They sometimes become invasive pests, costing billions of dollars in damage to crops worldwide annually, and farmers try to control them with toxic pesticides, risking environmental damage. Fortunately, scale insects are highly susceptible to control by natural enemies so biological control is possible. They have unique genetic systems, unusual metamorphosis, a broad spectrum of essential symbionts, and some are sources of commercial products like red dyes, shellac and wax. There is, therefore, wide interest in these unusual, destructive, beneficial, and abundant insects. The Encyclopedia of Scale Insect Pests is the most comprehensive work on worldwide scale insect pests, providing detailed coverage of the most important species (230 species in 26 families, 36% of the species known). Advice is provided on collection, preservation, slide-mounting, vouchering, and labelling of specimens, fully illustrated with colour photographs, diagrams and drawings. Pest species are presented in two informal groups of families, the 'primitive' Archaeococcids followed by the more 'advanced' Neococcids, covered in phylogenetic order. Each family is illustrated and diagnosed based on features of live and slide-mounted specimens, with information on numbers of genera and species, main hosts, distribution, and biology. For the important pest species, coverage includes information on the morphology of live and slide-mounted specimens, common names, principal synonyms, geographical distribution, plant hosts, plant damage and economic impact, reproductive biology, dispersal, and management strategies including biological, cultural and chemical control, sterile insect techniques, regulatory control, early warning systems and field monitoring. An additional complete list of scale insect pests worldwide is provided, comprising 642 species in 28 scale insect families (about 8% of the 8396 species of living scales known), with information on plant hosts, geographical distribution and validation sources. Beneficial uses of scale insects as sources of red dyes, natural resins and waxes, as agents for invasive weed control. The importance of their honeydew to bees for making honey, and as a food source to other animals, are included. Academic researchers, students, entomologists, pest management officials in agribusiness or government including plant quarantine identifiers, extensionists, farmers, field scientists and ecologists will all benefit from this book.

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        June 1988

        Codex Manesse

        Die Miniaturen der Großen Heidelberger Liederhandschrift

        by Ingo F. Walther

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        June 1988

        Codex Manesse

        Vier Miniaturen aus der Manessischen Liederhandschrift. Konrad von Altstetten – Dietmar von Ast – Schenk von Limpurg – Heinrich von Veldeke

        by Konrad von Altstetten, Dietmar von Ast, Schenk Schenk von Limpurg, Heinrich von Veldeke

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        Die Safras

        by Amnon Shamosh

        Die Safras  eine Familiensaga von Amnon Shamosh Dieser halbbiographische Roman beginnt in den 30er Jahren des letzten Jahrhunderts und schildert das Leben und die Diaspora einer gutsituierten jüdischen Familie aus Syrien über drei Generationen und verschiedene Kontinente hinweg. Wegen lokaler Aufstände in Folge der Resolution der Vereinten Nationen für die Errichtung eines jüdischen Staates in Palästina wird die Familie Safra aus der Stadt Aleppo vertrieben. Familienoberhaupt Michel kann mit großem Geschick und Erfolg das weltweit tätige Geschäftsimperium der Familie fortführen, aber der Einfluß auf seine Kinder lockert sich nach und nach. Der älteste Sohn Rachmo führt zwar erfolgreich die Geschäfte in Paris, aber sein dortiges Familienleben entspricht nicht mehr den Vorstellungen seiner Eltern. Albert, der jüngere Bruder, verachtet die Geschäfte des Vaters und weigert sich, den Weg zu gehen, der von ihm erwartet wird. Er findet Zuflucht bei zionistischen Untergrundgruppen, die Juden nach Palästina schmuggeln und lebt schließlich in einem Kibbuz. Auch die anderen fünf Kinder wandern nach Europa, Amerika und Israel aus. Was Michel gleichzeitig mehr und mehr beunruhigt ist eine Tat, die er vor Jahren begangen hat. Als die alte Synagoge von Aleppo in Brand gesteckt wurde, konnte er die uralte Torahrolle retten. Er behält sie für sich. Michel sieht nach und nach die Entfremdung von seiner Familie als göttliche Strafe für die Entwendung der Rolle, eine Todsünde. Gebrochenen Herzens stirbt er schließlich, kurz nachdem sein Enkel beim Sechstagekrieg ums Leben gekommen ist. Amnon Shamosh wurde 1929 in Syrien geboren, emigrierte als Kind nach Tel Aviv, studierte in Jerusalem und wurde Gründungsmitglied eines Kibbuz, wo er seitdem lebt. Die Safras wurde auch als Fernsehserie verfilmt und war ein riesiger Publikumserfolg. Der Roman liegt auch in arabischer Übersetzung vor. Shamosh ist Autor zahlreicher Bücher für Kinder und Erwachsene.  Er erhielt viele Auszeichnungen, darunter der Preis des israelischen Staatspräsidenten für Literatur. Rechte in deutscher und anderen Sprachen

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        Children's & YA

        Strange book

        by Alexander Asatiani

        All books have either writing, pictures or both in it, but the book that Ellen got as a gift has neither. It does, however, have extraordinary recording powers. Like in so many of Sandro’s stories, in The Strange Book it is completely natural for dreams to merge with reality. Through the matter-of-fact occurrence of unlikely events, The Strange Book tells a story of growing up without abandoning the inner child.

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