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      • Trusted Partner
        November 1994

        Die Multioptionsgesellschaft

        by Peter Gross

        Die Moderne ist der unaufhörliche Versuch, die Kluft zwischen gelebten Wirklichkeiten und erträumten Möglichkeiten zu überwinden. Ihre Geschichte nimmt sich aus wie ein gigantisches ›Guinnesbuch der Rekorde‹. Immer schneller, immer weiter, immer mehr – so lautet die Devise in allen Lebensbereichen. Peter Gross analysiert die Verheißungen und Wiedersprüche des Fortschrittsgedankens in einer offenen Gesellschaft, die keine ernstzunehmenden Feinde mehr hat. Er beschreibt die individuellen und gesellschaftlichen Folgen des unendlichen Begehrens nach ›Mehr‹. Er fragt, ob die abendländische Fortschrittslektion angesichts schwindender Ressourcen und knapper werdender Verteilungsspielräume relativiert werden muß. Er stellt zur Diskussion, ob die Anerkennung von Unterschieden, ob Differenzakzeptanz die Gegenformel sein könnte zur transpolitischen Programmatik einer endlosen Ausfaltung immer neuer Möglichkeiten und Teilhabehoffnungen. Peter Gross, Dr. rer. pol., geb. 1941, 1979-1989 Professor für Sozialstruktur im internationalen Vergleich an der Universität Bamberg, seit 1989 Professor für Soziologie an der Hochschule St. Gallen (Schweiz).

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2012


        Antisemitismus nach Auschwitz in Polen

        by Jan T. Gross, Friedrich Griese

        Bei Pogromen gegen Juden wurden in Polen nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg mehr als 1500 Menschen getötet. Woher kam dieser Haß? Wieso nahm der Antisemitismus derart aggressive Formen an? Jan T. Gross zeigt, wie sich der traditionelle katholische Antisemitismus durch die deutsche Besatzung radikalisierte und nach der Befreiung durch die Rote Armee fortbestand, vor allem im Glauben an einen »jüdischen Bolschewismus«. Der Autor schildert die Auseinandersetzungen innerhalb der polnischen Gesellschaft um das Verhältnis zu den Juden, er zeigt detailliert, wie es 1945 und 1946 zu den großen Pogromen von Rzeszów, Krakau und Kielce kam. Diese waren keine Erscheinungen am Rande der Gesellschaft, sondern sie fanden mit Unterstützung der Bevölkerung statt. Gross sieht im polnischen Antisemitismus ein Zeichen der »Angst«: die Angst vor den Rückkehrern und nicht zuletzt die Angst, den Besitz der jüdischen Nachbarn wieder zu verlieren, den man sich unter den Deutschen angeeignet hatte.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2023

        An Interprofessional Approach to Veterinary Nutrition

        by Rachel Lumbis, Tierney Kinnison

        In veterinary practice, the interface between veterinarians, veterinary nurses or technicians, and paraprofessional team members is crucial. It influences patient care, the incidence of medical errors, client satisfaction, the success of the veterinary practice and revenue generation. Ensuring a coherent approach to the maintenance of the animal health and wellbeing is of paramount importance, yet challenges such as interprofessional prejudice, contrasting motivations, and a lack of recognition, respect, empowerment or trust, can prevent best practice. Nutrition is one of the most important considerations in the maintenance of health, and plays a critical role in disease management, patient recovery and hospital outcome. Owners are increasingly aware of nutrition's role in optimising pet health, yet considerable misinformation can make this one of the most difficult aspects of pet ownership. Playing a central role as a source of expert information, the veterinary healthcare team must rise to the challenge of optimising pet nutrition. This book: - Provides evidence-based theory in an accessible and practical way to help veterinary healthcare teams implement interprofessional approaches to nutritional care and support; - Demonstrates how robust interprofessional practice and teamwork help to overcome challenges; - Emphasises collaborative working across the healthcare team. With effective interprofessional communication and collaboration considered a key factor in the successful implementation of nutritional assessment, forming a positive team environment founded on respect, trust and mutual support helps to overcome challenges and provide the best outcome for both pets and their owners.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        December 2020

        2021 Antiques Auction Record:miscellaneous

        by Xin Hong

        This book is the only one that follows the art auctions for 21 consecutive years in China. It has 5 volumes respectively on jadeite jewelry, porcelain, miscellaneous, jade ware, calligraphy and paintings. Each volume contains all the auction items’ photos and details, and all the auction data from over 50,000 items of 40 more art categories in 2020.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2020

        2021 Antiques Auction Record:Porcelain

        by Xin Hong

        This book is the only one that follows the art auctions for 21 consecutive years in China. It has 5 volumes respectively on jadeite jewelry, porcelain, miscellaneous, jade ware, calligraphy and paintings. Each volume contains all the auction items’ photos and details, and all the auction data from over 50,000 items of 40 more art categories in 2020.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        2021 Antiques Auction Record:Jade jewelry

        by Xin Hong

        This book is the only one that follows the art auctions for 21 consecutive years in China. It has 5 volumes respectively on jadeite jewelry, porcelain, miscellaneous, jade ware, calligraphy and paintings. Each volume contains all the auction items’ photos and details, and all the auction data from over 50,000 items of 40 more art categories in 2020.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2020

        2021 Antiques Auction Record :Jade article

        by Xin Hong

        This book is the only one that follows the art auctions for 21 consecutive years in China. It has 5 volumes respectively on jadeite jewelry, porcelain, miscellaneous, jade ware, calligraphy and paintings. Each volume contains all the auction items’ photos and details, and all the auction data from over 50,000 items of 40 more art categories in 2020.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2020

        2021 Antiques Auction Record :Painting and Calligraphy

        by Xin Hong

        This book is the only one that follows the art auctions for 21 consecutive years in China. It has 5 volumes respectively on jadeite jewelry, porcelain, miscellaneous, jade ware, calligraphy and paintings. Each volume contains all the auction items’ photos and details, and all the auction data from over 50,000 items of 40 more art categories in 2020.

      • Trusted Partner

        Compulsory Training. Preparing and blistering

        Pursuant to Art. 34 ApBetrO

        by Manuela Queckenberg

        If medicines are prepared or blistered in advance, this not only saves time during the course of nursing care but also prevents medication errors. Section 34 of the German Ordinance on the Operation of a Pharmacy (ApBetrO) regulates the procedure and at the same time stipulates staff training. This is the perfect tool to use! The whole field of preparing and blistering, presented on 43 slides: - Basics: definitions and statutory requirements - Requirements: rooms, staff, hygiene, and occupational safety and health - Prerequisites: quality and plausibility - Drug products: whitelist and blacklist - Manufacture: from deblistering to labelling The content of the 2nd edition has been updated. The volume now contains many new photos and illustrations. Training slides, explanatory text and the form for documenting the training can be found as usual on the tabletop display and for download. Whether new employees or old hands – everyone benefits!

      • Trusted Partner

        Das verlorene Paradies

        Christoph Kolumbus und die Folgen

        by Sale, Kirkpatrick

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2017

        Children have an Unknown Power

        by Yongxin ZHU

        In this book, Mr. Yongxin Zhu selects to interpret the celebrated dictums of Montessori which are related to family education. Some of the celebrated dictums point out the importance of children education, some of them reveal the laws of children’s development, and more of them care how to educate children better. This book is of significance to the development of Chinese family education.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2010


        Wie ich zu fünf Tanten, 34 Cousins und einem neuen Namen kam

        by Ziauddin, Bruno

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2016

        Water Margin(Digital Edition)

        by Shi Nai An

        In the final years of the Song dynasty,China was in a state of political and social turmoil.Besides frequent foreign invasion and a large number of man made and natural disasters there were also constant peasants rebellion.In order to transform society and make it more equitable and human, 108 heroes joined together in Liang Shan to oppose the local officials and genitures.Thus began the corsages and moving drama on which the novel water margin is based.

      • Trusted Partner

        Pharmaceutical Technician Training: the Connecticum

        Learning field-oriented and interdisciplinary 1st school year

        by Simone Gansewig and Dr. Robert Wulff

        Scenes from the life of a pharmaceutical technician in her everyday life in a shared flat and the pharmacy are the gimmicks (and cliffhangers) in this book on pharmaceutical technician training. These develop into their connections to everyday life in a pharmacy and to the pharmaceutical knowledge that is conveyed at pharmaceutical technician school classes. The work combines different media forms and learning types as “Connecticum”. Podcasts, videos, and worksheets that can be accessed via QR code, as well as references to literature and information sources, supplement the content and make learning more varied and interesting. This innovative workbook for pharmaceutical technician training – each school year is accompanied by its own volume - is the ideal partner for subject-oriented and interdisciplinary teaching. It is also suitable for practically-oriented, independent work and a review of the entire training content – with a guaranteed fun factor!

      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development
        December 2019 - December 2024

        Admonitions for the Yan Clan

        by Yan Zhitui,Li Hualei

        Yan family instructions is an influential work of Yan Zhitui, a famous scholar in the northern and Southern Dynasties. It is a systematic and complete family education textbook. It is the author's experience summary about setting up oneself, running a family, dealing with affairs and learning. It has a great influence on the history of family education in traditional China and enjoys the reputation of "ancient and modern family motto, as the ancestor". The purpose of Yan Zhitui's writing this book is to systematically sort out his life experience and experience and pass it on to future generations, hoping to rectify the style of the family and help future generations.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2018

        280 days of perfect prenatal education

        by Wang Shanmi

        According to the changes and needs of pregnant mothers and babies in different periods, this book provides rich and diverse prenatal education materials such as poems, essays, stories, music, art works, hands-on brain games, etc., which can be easily used when you open the book. It also introduces sports prenatal education and nutrition prenatal education, to help pregnant mothers relieve the discomfort during pregnancy, supplement the needed nutrition, and make babies healthier and stronger. *With close professional care and all-round expert guidance, we will spend the perfect 280 days together with the pregnant mother and the baby.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2018

        The Complete Collection of Modern Chinese Prints by Lu Xun

        by Editorial Board of the Complete Works of Modern Chinese Prints Collected by Lu Xun

        This series contains about 1,800 modern prints collected by Lu Xun at that time, which authored by nearly 200 domestic printmakers and currently in the Lu Xun Memorial Hall in Shanghai and the Lu Xun Museum in Beijing. It is showcasing the glorious history of modern Chinese woodcut art: In the 1920s and 1930s, in order to guide the artistic direction of Chinese literary youth, smashed the KMT’s counter-revolutionary cultural " encirclement and suppression", Mr. Lu Xun held a "woodcut workshop" in Shanghai, and cultivated a group of emerging woodcut backbone. These backbones led young artists in various regions of the country to create a large number of realistic works reflecting the suffering and tragic fate of the people at the bottom of the society at that time. They cruelly lashed the dark reality of society and called for national salvation and survival. These young woodcutters sent their woodcut works to Lu Xun, who not only guided their creation personally, but also spared no effort to collect, publicize and promote them to the public. With the active advocacy and support of Mr. Lu Xun, the emerging woodcut movement in China has developed vigorously, driving the modernization of Chinese art and leaving an indelible glorious footprint in the history of Chinese modern culture and art. This complete collection is a companion to the The Complete Collection of Foreign Prints by Lu Xun published in 2014.

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