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      • Piergiorgio Nicolazzini Literary Agency (PNLA)

        The Piergiorgio Nicolazzini Literary Agency (PNLA), established in 2000, represents writers in Italy and worldwide, either direct or through co-agents in several territories.PNLA negotiates film and TV rights with major Italian and international production companies. PNLA represents foreign publishers, agents and writers from the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, from Europe, South America and the Asian countries (China, Korea, Japan).

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        The Arts
        December 2022

        The cinema of Pedro Almodóvar

        by Ana María Sanchez-Arce

        This book offers a comprehensive film-by-film analysis of Spain's most famous living director, Pedro Almodóvar. It shows how Almodóvar's films draw on various national cinemas and genres, including Spanish cinema of the dictatorship, European art cinema, Hollywood melodrama and film noir. It also argues that Almodóvar's work is a form of social critique, his films consistently engaging with and challenging stereotypes about traditional and contemporary Spain in order to address Spain's traumatic historical past and how it continues to inform the present. Drawing on scholarship in both English and Spanish, the book will be of interest to undergraduate and postgraduate students of film studies and Hispanic studies, scholars of contemporary cinema and general readers with a passion for the films of Pedro Almodóvar.

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        March 2018

        Goethe und Sylvie

        Briefe und Gedichte

        by Paul Raabe

        Ab 1776 war Goethe häufig zu Gast bei August Friedrich Carl von Ziegesar, Minister in Gothaischen Diensten und Berater von Herzog Carl August von Sachsen-Weimar. 1802 lernt er in Jena auch dessen jüngste Tochter Sylvie (1785 – 1855) kennen. In der Folge tauschen die beiden Briefe aus, Goethe wird später Pate ihres ersten Kindes. Die Ottilie aus seinem Roman Die Wahlverwandtschaften soll Sylvie nachgebildet sein. »Deutschlands bekanntester Bibliothekar«, Paul Raabe, hat alle Dokumente dieser wenig bekannten Freundschaft gesammelt und mit einem Essay versehen. Die Texte, erstmals 1961 erschienen, macht die Insel-Bücherei nun endlich wieder zugänglich.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Air empire

        British imperial civil aviation, 1919–39

        by Gordon Pirie, Andrew Thompson, John M. MacKenzie

        Air empire is a fresh study of civil aviation as a tool of late British imperialism. The first pioneering flights across the British empire in 1919-20 were flag-waving adventures that recreated an era of plucky British maritime exploration and conquest. Britain's development of international air routes and services was approved, organised and celebrated largely in London; there was some resistance in and beyond the subordinate colonies and dominions. Negotiating the financing and geopolitics of regular commercial air service delayed its inception until the 1930s. Technological, managerial and logistical problems also meant that Britain was slow into the air and slow in the air. Propaganda concealed underperformance and criticism. The study uses archival sources, biographies, industry magazines and newspapers to chronicle the disputed progress toward air empire. The rhetoric behind imperial air service offers a glimpse of late imperial hopes, fears, attitudes and style. Empire air service had emotional appeal and symbolic value, but disappointed in practice.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2010

        Pedro Páramo


        by Juan Rulfo, Dagmar Ploetz

        Der übermächtige Großgrundbesitzer Pedro Páramo hat in dem heruntergekommenen Dorf Comala »Ordnung«, Friedhofsruhe geschaffen. Doch die Toten reden sehr lebendig in ihren Gräbern weiter, erzählen seufzend von seinen Untaten, und die Lebenden scheinen schon lange tot zu sein. Die ferne Regierung kümmert sich nicht um Armut und Leid in dieser wüsten Einöde. Der junge Juan Preciado erzählt diese Geschichte – als postumen Monolog und im Dialog mit einer Bettlerin, neben der er im Grab liegt. Die Kraft dieses Romans liegt in seiner Prosa von strenger Schönheit, es bewegt und verzaubert. Der einzige Roman des Mexikaners Juan Rulfo (1917 - 1986) beeinflußte die moderne lateinamerikanische Literatur wie sonst nur die Werke von Borges, García Márquez oder Onetti.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2015

        The sociology of unemployment

        by Tom Boland, Ray Griffin

        The sociology of unemployment is an analysis of the experience and governance of unemployment. By considering unemployment as more than just the absence of work; the book explores unemployment as a distinctive experience created by the welfare state. Each chapter explores an aspect of the experience or governance of unemployment; beginning with how people talk about their experience of being unemployed individually and collectively, to the places of unemployment, and on to the processes, policies and forms of the social welfare system. Clear explanations of classic theories are explored and extended, all against the backdrop of new primary research. Chapter by chapter, The sociology of unemployment challenges the 'deprivation theory of unemployment' which dominates sociology, psychology and social policy, by focusing on how governmental power forms the experience of unemployment. As a result, the book is both an introductory text on the sociology of unemployment and a fresh, critical perspective. ;

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        Sociology: work & labour
        July 2015

        The sociology of unemployment

        by Edited by Tom Boland and Ray Griffin

        The sociology of unemployment is an analysis of the experience and governance of unemployment. By considering unemployment as more than just the absence of work; the book explores unemployment as a distinctive experience created by the welfare state. Each chapter explores an aspect of the experience or governance of unemployment; beginning with how people talk about their experience of being unemployed individually and collectively, to the places of unemployment, and on to the processes, policies and forms of the social welfare system. Clear explanations of classic theories are explored and extended, all against the backdrop of new primary research. Chapter by chapter, The sociology of unemployment challenges the 'deprivation theory of unemployment' which dominates sociology, psychology and social policy, by focusing on how governmental power forms the experience of unemployment. As a result, the book is both an introductory text on the sociology of unemployment and a fresh, critical perspective.

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        Children's & YA

        Silver Flood (1). The Mystery of Ray´s Rock

        by Alex Falkner/ Torben Weit

        The seven children are completely cut off from civilisation, mobile phones don’t work anymore and there’s no sign of help. Strange things happen on the island. Plants and animals grow unnaturally fast, their supplies are raided ... And as other groups of school children emerge, a life and death race begins for Eddie, Milla and their classmates to be rescued from the island. The first instalment of the ‘Silver Flood’ duology: a dangerous adventure with exciting plot twists and scare-factor. For all readers of survival and adventure stories aged 10+. Fast-paced reading for boys and girls, for outdoor kids and all those on their way! The final volume 2, GONE MISSING ON RAY’S ROCK, will be published on 7th April 2020!

      • Trusted Partner

        Escritores Peligrosos (Dangerous Writers)

        by Pedro Juan Gutiérrez

        Pedro Juan Gutiérrez an important cuban story teller, reveals through this book a group of interviews made to important writers and intelectuals from Cuba and the World as Gunter Grass or Mario Benedetti where they give intersting points of view concerning literature and society.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2003

        Träume aus Plüsch


        by Pedro Lemebel, Matthias Strobel

        Pedro Lemebel wurde irgendwann in den fünfziger Jahren in Chile geboren und zählt in seinem Land, nicht nur wegen seiner offen gelebten Homosexualität, zu den schillerndsten Figuren der Kulturszene. 1987, noch zu Zeiten der Pinochet-Diktatur, gründete er die Performancegruppe "Stuten der Apokalypse". Er ist Mitautor des in Chile sehr erfolgreichen Satiremagazins The Clinic (der Titel spielt auf die Londoner Klinik an, in der sich Pinochet aufhielt, als ihm die Auslieferung nach Spanien drohte). Träume aus Plüsch ist nach drei Chronikbänden sein erster Roman.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2021

        A Manual for Agribusiness Value Chain Analysis in Developing Countries

        by Benjamin Dent, Ray Collins

        Value Chain Analysis (VCA) diagnoses the current state of a value chain and makes recommendations to improve its effectiveness and efficiency. Applying VCA in developing countries is very often subject to limited time and funding. This manual shows how VCA principles can be applied under such circumstances. It explains how to undertake an affordable VCA that still generates valid data and so produces recommendations that will have impact. The manual has four parts: Part 1: Our Approach to Value Chain Thinking - sets out the principles and practice of taking a value chain approach. Part 2: Conducting Value Chain Analysis - covers planning a VCA, conducting consumer research, interviewing, analysing, creating recommendations and reporting. Part 3: Case Studies - illustrates successful VCAs with case studies e.g. Ghanaian pineapples and Kenyan indigenous chicken. Part 4: Further Reading and Biographies The practical style and content will make this manual accessible to a wide audience: NGO practitioners; government policymakers and extension officers; private sector managers and consultants; and academics for teaching and researching.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2012

        Das Syndikat


        by Ray, Fran

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2010

        Die Saat


        by Ray, Fran

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2013

        Der Skandal


        by Ray, Fran

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        June 2017

        Frauen der 1920er Jahre

        Glamour, Stil und Avantgarde

        by Thomas Bleitner, Man Ray, Edward Steichen, Claude Cahun, Dora Kallmus

        In den 1920er Jahren war vieles wagemutiger, unkonventioneller und exzessiver als heute. Keine Zeit hat so viel Glamour, Stil und Avantgarde hervorgebracht, und eine nie gekannte Experimentierlust erobert Bühnen, Kunstateliers, den Sport und so manches Schlafzimmer. Frauen machen den Flug- und Führerschein, sie greifen zur Filmkamera, sie designen eine neue Mode, sie rauchen und trinken und tanzen fröhlich am Abgrund. Thomas Bleitner stellt in diesem opulent bebilderten Band legendäre und unvergleichliche Frauen aus Film, Fotografie, Sport, Mode und Kunst vor, die in den 1920er Jahren in Berlin, Paris und New York alte Rollenmuster auf den Kopf stellten und damit für Furore sorgten. »Als die Frauen begannen, ihre Röcke zu kürzen und ihre Haare zu stutzen, war dies der größte Umbruch in der Geschichte der Mode der letzten hundert Jahre.« New York Vogue vom 1. Juli 1928

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        Mind, Body, Spirit

        May the Loveforce Be With You

        Kali-Ki Reiki: Healing Through Divine Mother & Yogic Wisdom

        by Rajashree Maa

        May the Loveforce Be With introduces a new lineage in energy healing, Kali-Ki ReikiTM, that was revealed to the author, Joni Dittrich, Ph.D. (Rajashree Maa), in a series of mystical encounters with the Divine Mother appearing as the goddess Kali Maa. The book brilliantly tells the stories of these encounters and presents the healing symbols that She revealed, explaining how these symbols can be used both for mind-body healing and spiritual awakening, or what Rajashree Maa calls "wisening." While traditional reiki systems also use symbols to transmit healing energy, the symbols introduced in Kali-Ki Reiki are seen as unique, three-dimensional, active, intelligent forms of light that tap into certain universal energy frequencies that are particularly attuned to the evolving conscious awareness as well as the personal and societal dilemmas of our current times. The fact that these symbols were revealed by Divine Mother to a woman in this era points to a need in today's world to re-establish our connection with the feminine forces of nature and spirit. The healing energy transmitted through these symbols is called Loveforce, which is considered to be the manifesting, creative, and healing power of the Limitless Love that is the Source of all that is.

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