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      • Serpentine Books

        Independent publisher of crime, thrillers, sci-fi, mysteries, romantic comedies and mash-ups.

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      • E-planet Educational Services

        About E-planet E-planet Educational Services is an international organisation created by a dedicated and enthusiastic team of experts on education, marketing and development. Our goal is to provide our partners, students and customers with top-level services and products. That is why we have developed a unique, fully integrated company for ESL (English as a Second Language) educational services and business training. We combine traditional methods with cutting-edge technology to achieve a variety of purposes!

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      • Trusted Partner


        Témoignage d’une franco-israélienne … Broché

        by Francoise Hoffmann

        Que savez-vous vraiment d’Israël ? Depuis 1948, ce jeune Etat connu pour avoir fait refleurir le désert et intégré des millions de rescapés de la Shoah et ceux fuyant les vents froids de l’antisémitisme, est aujourd’hui à la pointe du progrès et malgré tout fait l’objet de reportages biaisés qui dégradent son image. La propagande palestinienne s’impose dans la bataille médiatique et gangrène les relations diplomatiques d’Israël avec nombre de chancelleries.Ce témoignage décrit les impacts d’une actualité fracassante sur la vie quotidienne à l’ombre du cumulonimbus. Ce gros nuage annonciateur d’orages dans un ciel d’azur symbolise le hiatus entre la normalité et l’enfer des violences endurées.L’auteure guide le lecteur pas à pas dans la courte Histoire d’Israël. À l’aide de faits documentés, souvent occultés, elle livre sa version des faits. Cet ouvrage répond à la nécessité de déconstruire les mythes et falsifications encryptés dans les consciences et étrangers à la vérité. Il analyse également le rôle de la Ligue Arabe dans cette vaste supercherie.La lecture de ce livre exige l’ouverture d’esprit requise pour la découverte d’un monde méconnu et attachant. Du parallèle établi entre la France et l’Etat hébreu, ressort une inimitié entre deux pays qui n’ont pas vocation à se mal aimer alors que les attentats islamistes font rage, et que des Juifs français s’installent en Israël.Francoise Hoffmann est née en France alors que ses parents pourchassés par Les lois de Vichy réussissent à survivre. De sa première visite en Israël, elle revient transformée et fera son alya avec son mari sioniste lui-aussi et leur deux enfants. Les abondantes notes consacrées aux événements dramatiques, à sa vie personnelle et à son engagement dans le travail social contribuent grandement à l’écriture de ce livre. 384 Pages, Published in 2020

      • Fiction


        by Feldrik Rivat

        VINGT ANS APRÈS LA 25E HEURE, QU'EST DEVENU LE MONDE ? « À quoi sert de conter l’histoire des grands hommes du passé si nous ne pouvons pas les faire revenir à la vie ? » Il est dit que maintenant, à Paris, les tours Cuprifères grimpent jusqu’aux cieux. Que la ville flotte pour moitié dans le vent, portée par des ballons de verre. Que les morts reviennent à la vie. Il est dit que maintenant, à Paris, les savants d’antan conversent avec les savants d’aujourd’hui. Que les artistes, les penseurs, les ingénieurs de tous les temps travaillent à construire le monde de demain. Il est dit que maintenant, à Paris, des messagers d’argile soufflent la parole des anciens avant de tomber en poussière.  Les rumeurs volent, depuis les cercles polaires jusqu’aux sables libyens, mais qui, en vérité, pourra vous dire ce qui se trame à Paris-Capitale ?

      • Fiction
        October 2020


        When Gerfaut learns that Brittany, land of legends, is also called the gate of hell, he knows that he will have to face the impossible.

        by Gilles Milo-Vacéri

        In Brittany (western France), near Yeun Elez, a ghosthunter vanishes during an investigation, two childrendisappear and a man is crucified and beaten to death.The prosecutor panics and calls Major Gerfaut as abackup. When the latter learns that this land of legendsis also called the gate of hell, he knows that he will haveto face the impossible, starting with the secret of theFortress of the Cursed.Used to sadistic killers and defying the invisible, Gerfautexpects the worst. Unfortunately, there is always aworse than the worst ...

      • 2019

        Juillet, le Nord

        by Andréane Frenette-Vallières

        La Côte-Nord, les grands déserts de toundra, la mer, l’omniprésence du vent: que font ces choses à la voix, au corps ? Comment teintent-elles le rapport à soi, mais également à l’autre ? Plus qu’une rencontre, cela devient une inscription de cette femme dans la pleine nature, à la recherche, dirait-on, de la relation la plus simple qui soit à ce qui l’entoure et la touche. La fragilité ici est brute, la solitude, induite par l’isolement, et la vastitude des lieux, extrême.Pour en apprendre davantage sur cet éditeur, cliquez ici :

      • Children's & YA
        November 2018

        The Princess who Loved Rose / La Princesse qui aimait les roses

        BILINGUAL EDITION : EN+FR animated read aloud / animé avec audio

        by Eva Lou

        An empowering story about a princess who strives to be worthy of her kingdom - and a clever inventor to boot! In collaboration with iconic classical music label Deutsche Grammophon.   Suggested Age: 5~8.   From the award-winning collection [National Parenting Product Award, Family Choice Award, among others] of Madeleine Editions, which takes children on a voyage around the world. Today’s destination: Morocco!   Madeleine Editions presents beautiful, immersive story experiences for modern families. Our mission is to help children cultivate an ear for languages and a taste for the creative arts during this sensitive age. Each story is an original collaboration between writers, musicians and illustrators from all over the world.  FR : L’histoire d’une princesse dans un royaume au cœur du désert. Suite à une série d’événements déconcertants, elle décide de devenir une princesse digne de son royaume, doublée d’une inventrice très maline !   En collaboration avec le légendaire éditeur musical Deutsche Grammophon.   Âge conseillé : 5~8 ans   Un conte Madeleine Editions, dont la collection primée fait voyager les enfants aux quatre coins du monde. Aujourd’hui, direction Maroc !   Madeleine Editions propose aux familles d’aujourd’hui de merveilleuses expériences de lecture immersives. Notre mission : aider les enfants à développer le don des langues et le goût de l’art à un âge où ils sont particulièrement réceptifs. Chaque histoire naît d’une collaboration unique entre des auteurs, des musiciens et des illustrateurs du monde entier.

      • Children's & YA

        Look and Find. Barcelona's Museums

        by Robert García

        1 city, 11 museums, and more than 150 objects to find! Hours of fun for all ages on an amazing visit to the most outstanding museums in Barcelona. From Museu Blau to CosmoCaixa, going through Museu del Disseny, Museu Egipci, La Casa dels Entremesos, MACBA, Museu Marítim, Fundació Joan Miró, Museu de la Música, Fundació Antoni Tàpies or Museu de la Xocolata. Illustrated by Robert Garcia, Gaur Estudio.

      • Children's & YA
        October 2019

        Tout le monde dort

        by Iris Amizlev / illustrated by Pnina C. Gagnon

        Everyone Sleeps is an ABC-book for the whole family. This book presents 26 animals, depicted both awake and asleep. It combines several educational features: promoting thoughts of sleep, teaching children about various worldwide animals and how they sleep, learning the alphabet, enhancing vocabulary, instilling a passion for animals, and promoting original artwork. The book is also characterized by a high quality and colorful graphic design.

      • Fiction


        by Adrien Mangold

        Progress won't let us a choice. The Great Blue led Humanity to the brink of extinction. A thousand years later, five megalopolis were built. Numeris, leader of the  technological progress, is the target of all ambitions. Revenge, idealism, power, fuel the cyclone that befalls on the authorities.  In its eye, Thomas Milas. Great defender of the android cause, he fights to develop artificial intelligence to the point to make it exceed man IQ. Yet, there are experiments you'd better avoid when the enemy watches you, hunts you you, is you…


        by Writtent by André Marois, illustrated by Julien Castanié

        Tantalum is a rare, precious and highly sought-after metal. What would it tell us if it could reveal everything? Discover its adventures as it travels from the Democratic Republic of Congo where it is extracted, through Asia where it is transformed, to finally arrive in our cell phones. And after that ? What does it become? Tantalum tells us everything. Miles away from the usual guilt speech we often hear, this graphic novel rather leads to an awareness of our excessive consumption, a reflection on where the objects we use every day really come from.

      • Métal Hurlant 5

        Métavers : les émotions synthétiques

        by Various

        Le mythique Métal Hurlant est de retour avec une nouvelle formule, alternant les numéros originaux avec les numéros vintage Chaque année, retrouvez quatre nouveaux numéros consacrés à la science-fiction : deux numéros dédiés à la création, avec des histoires et articles inédits, et deux numéros consacrés à la « première génération Métal ». La rédaction travaille sous la direction de Jerry Frissen et sous l’égide d’un ange tutélaire bien particulier : l’inimitable Jean-Pierre Dionnet, l’un des pères fondateurs de la revue.

      • Children's & young adult fiction & true stories
        July 2020

        What if tomorrow... the continuation!

        by Michel Piquemal

        Eleven short stories as striking as they are corrosive, showing the possible abuses of a world very close to ours - the world of tomorrow. What if tomorrow... humanity were to become stupid? What if tomorrow... we could spy on each other's private lives? What if tomorrow... money has an expiration date? What if tomorrow... our pets wear glasses? We grind our teeth, but always with humor. The whole thing brushes a future that looks like a misunderstanding of what is already a little bit of our worrying reality.

      • Children's & young adult: general non-fiction

        Ces grands procès qui ont changé le monde

        by Francesca Trop

        Comment concevoir les règles les plus justes et les plus universelles, afin de permettre à tous de mieux vivre ? Des premiers mythes de l’humanité jusqu’à l’histoire contemporaine, cet album documentaire raconte, commente et illustre 24 grands procès, répartis sur tous les continents, qui ont, chacun à leur façon, fait avancer la société.  - How to imagine the fairest and most universal rules, in order to allow everyone to live better? From the first myths of humanity to contemporary history, this documentary album tells, comments and illustrates 24 major trials, spread over all continents, which have, each in their own way, pushed society forward.

      • Sucré, salé, poivré et compagnie

        by Written by Jacques Pasquet, illustrated by Claire Anghinolfi

        Sweet, Salty, Peppery and Company A brilliant nonfiction book about spices found throughout the world: salt, pepper, chilli pepper, mustard, ginger, cinnamon, vanilla, chocolate, coffee, tea... Where do they come from ? In which way and form do they get to us? What shapes can they take ? How are they grown, and then transformed? With his undeniable storytelling talent, Jacques Pasquet explains to us everything we need to know about spices: their story, where they come from, and even some legends surrounding them! Claire Anghinolfi offers us realistic and stylized illustrations painted in gouache.

      • Children's & YA
        October 2020

        The Revenge of the Ill-mannered Orphans

        by Carolina Capria, Mariella Martucci

        Series - With zero choice in the matter, four little girls end up living in a mansion, which is literally falling apart, with a guardian, who’s literally gross. Then, a tornado comes and sweeps away misunderstandings, pessimism, and even their guardian. The tragicomic events are told in a light, irreverent style offering a glimpse into the lives of kids forced to grow up faster.

      • Empreinte

        by Guillaume Beaudoin

        Over the past few years, photographer Guillaume Beaudoin has visited more than 60 countries, taking aerial, landscape and underwater photos of incredible beauty and sensitivity. From sailboat hitchhiking in the islands of the South Pacific to a stint with Ocean Cleanup and time spent with the last nomadic peoples of Africa and Asia—Guillaume goes where the wind and his fancy lead him. By giving a voice to those he meets on his journey, Guillaume explores the impact of climate change and globalization on communities around the world. He also chronicles these communities’ capacity to adapt and the initiatives they’ve implemented to face today’s upheavals. This is a profoundly human book, halfway between a travelogue and a documentary, in which the author weaves a reflection about the search for meaning, our Western lifestyle and the importance of individual effort. Because all great movements begin with a single step.

      • Fiction

        À présent, vous pouvez enterrer la mariée

        by Oren Miller

        Hyppolite Bartoli is mad with grief. His daughter is found dead on her wedding day, burnt dead with her wedding gown left pristine. Not trusting for a second the local policemen, he asks two investigators known for their talent to resolve the most uncanny cases for help.  Soon enough, the mystery darkens and death takes its toll, varying the pleasure: mass shooting, cannibalism, unexplainable fits of madness and poisoning... All of it feeding the craziest of leads and multiplying the least condemnable suspects of Monaco's good society. Is the key to the case to be found within the highest circles... or merely under the veil of the bride?

      • Children's & young adult fiction & true stories

        Straight Ahead

        by Emmanuelle Rey

        Mauve, Tito and Diamond have been walking along the highway, under the scorching July sun, for the past three days. It was Mauve who decided everything, on a whim, when she realised that this time, her mom had really messed up. And, at fifteen, it was out of the question to be separated from her eight and two-year-old brothers to live with yet another rotten foster family. So the three siblings leave Montpellier and their chaotic life, closely tailed by the police. They leave to find Thierry and Martine, whose smiles and ratatouille chicken Mauve remembers fondly. They start walking straight ahead to Marseille and La Pointe Rouge, with the hope of a new life. Straight Ahead follows the singular path of Mauve and her two brothers, filled with life-altering adventures and realistic characters. Furthermore, in a series of flashbacks, Mauve tells us all about her mother—an eccentric woman who certainly doesn’t seem able to take care of her children, but who is full of love for them nonetheless. • The complexity of a mother-child relationship, when a mother’s love isn’t enough to make up for her shortcomings • The unique bond between siblings that will help them deal with life on the road • Interesting encounters and experiences — good and bad — that teach valuable life lessons

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