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      • Al Masriah Al Lubnaniah

        Al-Masriah Al-Lubnaniahwas established to create and maintain a high status in the publishing field and the Arab world,andalways has the aim of producing quality books in its content and shape.

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      • MSL Master

        MSL Master focuses on developing Chinese learning materials for young adult and adult students. We are keen to solve problems they face when learning Chinese. When students are not making progress, we usually find problems else where.  Take a brief look at our products here:

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      • Fiction

        EVERNA Crimson Eagle

        Fireheart Legacy, Book One

        by Andry Chang

        Starting out as a carefree fool, Cristophe Deveraux never expected his career as a monster hunter to turn into more than just a livelihood. With his smart-aleck cousin Carolyn as partner, they battled various monsters, solving supernatural quests that were way beyond their academical know-how. Along the course of adventure, Cristophe and Carolyn made friends with some extraordinary people: Robert Chandler, a ranger trying to make peace with his past; Paolo Marvellini, a dwarf priest struggling to protect his family from the conspiracy around him; and many more heroes in the land, all with their unique personalities, abilites (and problems). (Original Language) Ditempa dengan dendam dan duka masa kecilyang mendalam, Robert Chandler tumbuh menjadiprajurit pemberani, lalu pemburu bayaran yang handal.Tanpa beban dan hanya menikmati kebebasan,Cristophe sama sekali tak menyangka segalasepak terjangnya akan membawanya ke pusat prahara.Dipertemukan oleh takdir, keduanya berjuangbersama para pahlawan lainnya, menumpastunas angkara yang kembali merambah Terra Everna.Majulah, Ksatria Cahaya! Penuhi takdirmu!

      • Easy reading through Manga Child Coaching

        by Erika Takeuchi,Ryo Masaki(Artork),Moto Kirishima(Scenario writing)

        Aya, 24 years old, was spending depressing days at home, after she failed to become a classic pianist and lost her confidence.One day she happens to see a screaming child magically calming down from a word from a piano tutor, begin to find interest and behave spontaneously. Aya, hoping reconstruct herself, by learning how to educate children, decides to join Eri’s the piano class as a tutor.While learning Eri’s Child Coaching tips, Aya learns development stages of children, how to see things from their standpoint and build sympathy. Aya is very surprised to see how her proper reaction and approach will help children develop themselves, and at the same time find herself living positively as well.

      • Fiction
        October 2020

        EVERNA Rajni Sari


        by Andry Chang

        Rajni Sari, princess of Rainusa is forced to flee from the palace to catch up with her mother, Lastika. Together with Jaka, a market thug appointed as the palace guard, Sari goes through various adventures and faces powerful adversaries. The love between Sari and Jaka grows, but her destiny as Lastika's daughter, who turns out to be Calon Arang, separates herself and Jaka. Sari prefers her mother. Unable to reject the legacy of strength from her mother, Sari relents and accepts her mother's orders to become her successor, the ruler of dark powers. Sari is on the crossroads: following her mother's orders or following her heart's wishes. Sari's choice then triggers a new fight between Light and Darkness, namely Barong and Calon Arang, which will simultaneously determine Rainusa's future. Favorite Winner in the 2019 Comico x Elex E-Novel Challenge Contest.

      • Religious & spiritual fiction
        January 2020

        Ciento once mil

        by Díaz Latorre, José Ignacio

        This novel narrates part of the life of Naraka Patel, but it could also have narrated that of anyone else, a path always riddled with evidence that we must learn to interpret.The young Naraka escapes from his family at a very young age. He lived in a small village near Delhi, and was fleeing from an abusive father who was about to kill him. On his way he grows, and crosses the north of India until he reaches Kathmandu (Nepal), where he enters as a Buddhist monk in a monastery, being recognized as the incarnation of Lama Savitri Parvati Rinpoche.Throughout his exciting life experience he achieves enlightenment, becoming the lama of the well-known Kopan monastery. He ends his days in an isolated retreat in a cave in the Mustang region of northern Nepal, where using the "Phowa" technique he achieves a lucid and conscious death.Naraka, during his retirement, writes multiple texts, this book being a small part specially dedicated to western culture, where some of his valuable and fully valid teachings are shown.

      • September 2019

        El niño que no quiso llorar

        by Jiménez-Barbero, José Antonio

        Again facing his reflection on the mirror, and again the same idea coming to his mind, putting an end to his life. Inside his clenched fist, mum's sleeping pills, his only hope for escaping the hell esecially designed for him by his schoolmates. His little sister's love being his only reason to endure  a life of hardship, Santiago has become, after years suffering the cruellest of bullyings at school, a mere shadow of himself.   Otra vez frente al espejo, y otra vez con la misma idea, quitarse la vida. En el interior de su mano cerrada, las pastillas de dormir de mamá, su única esperanza para escapar del infierno que han fabricado para él sus propios compañeros de colegio. Sin más aliciente para seguir viviendo que el amor por su hermanita Teresa, Santiago se ha convertido, tras años de estar sufriendo acoso en su colegio, en una sombra de sí mismo. La llegada de Lucía, una niña nueva, extraña y diferente, logrará rescatarlo del universo frío e inhóspito en el que vive, y hará renacer en él la esperanza de volver a sonreír. Pero en el colegio, la persecución continúa y Nacho, su principal acosador, no ceja en su empeño de doblegar su espíritu de un forma u otra. Y Santiago, decidido a no dejarse derrotar, acabará transformándose en aquello que más odia.   The arrival of Lucia, a new classmate, different and awkward, will strike some degree of balance in his life, successfully rescuing him from the cold and barren universe he inhabits and triggering a new desire to smile again. But nothing changes at school: the bullying goes on relentlessly and Nacho, the worst bully, won't give up on his whim to break Santiago's spirit one way or the other. But Santiago, firmly determined not to be defeated, will inevitably turn into the thing he hates the most.


        by Editors: Ibnor Azli Ibrahim and Mohd Hafiz Safiai

        Buku yang diberi judul Balai Cerap Astronomi: Menjunjung Wahyu Mengukuh Tamadun ini mengandungi 13 bab berkaitan perkembangan dan peranan balai cerap meliputi topik perbahasan berikut: balai cerap dalam lipatan sejarah Islam; kemunculan balai cerap astrofiqh dan khidmat bakti terhadap Islam; Balai Cerap Al-Biruni: mutiara falak Sabah; Balai Cerap Al-Khawarizmi Negeri Melaka bukti perkembangan ilmu falak di Malaysia; balai cerap astrofiqh sebagai penjana ekonomi; peranan balai cerap moden masa kini; kepelbagaian program di balai cerap: “astronomi untuk semua”; cabaran modal insan dalam balai cerap astronomi di Malaysia; sumbangan balai cerap astronomi amatur dalam memaknai hubungan insan dan angkasa; keperluan kajian topografi rukyat al-hilal dalam pembinaan Observatorium Indonesia; deskripsi historis dan prospektus ilmiah kaleidoskop observatorium Imah Noong Indonesia; and Observatorium Ilmu Falak Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara (OIF UMSU) dan kontribusinya dalam penelitian waktu subuh. Buku ini diharapkan dapat menyemarakkan semangat penyelidik dalam meningkatkan kemajuan ilmu falak, sekali gus menjadi wadah dalam memartabatkan budaya penyelidikan ilmu falak di mata dunia.

      • Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2018

        El Talón de Hierro

        by Jack London

        El manuscrito Everhard contiene la historia de un socialista revolucionario quien, como político y líder de masas obreras, busca la génesis de una gran revuelta para lograr la igualdad y detener el avance de una oligarquía avasalladora, llamada por él el Talón de Hierro. El texto, encontrado y examinado con debidas notas al pie por una sociedad del futuro donde estos abusos ya no ocurren, retrata el momento en que los trabajadores despiertan y la aristocracia los golpea para reprimir sus luchas por los derechos sociales, llevando el capitalismo a un extremo autodestructivo. Si bien esta novela publicada en 1908 fue considerada una distopía en los Estados Unidos, sus alcances proféticos incitaron a futuros editores a utilizar portadas con la imagen de Salvador Allende. Además ejerció una fuerte influencia en otras obras sobre gobiernos totalitarios, la más famosa de ellas 1984 de George Orwell.

      • Children's & YA
        April 2021


        by Antonio Ramos Revillas

        Efraín’s life —complicated and with shortcomings— continues impassive, until one day his Mum is violently taken by the police. He and his brothers, Fredy and Marcos, will have to look for all the ways to release her from a cruel system that labels and discriminates them. To build a future for their family, they will have to be cautious of asking help from the wrong people, as any false step could entangle them with the cartels of his neighborhood.


        by Author:Norkhairiah Hashim

        Buku ini memberikan pengenalan tentang Kemahiran Abad 21 sebagai tuntutan di dalam era pendidikan masa kini. Penulis juga memberigakan kepentingan kemahiran abad 21 khususnya dalam Pendidikan Islam. Terdapat tujuh dimensi kemahiran abad 21 yang dihuraikan penulis di dalam buku ini antaranya kemahiran komunikasi, kemahiran kolaborasi, kemahiran pengaturan kendiri, kemahiran teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi, kemahiran menyelesaikan masalah dan inovasi, kemahiran konstruksi pengetahuan dan kemahiran hidup dan karier. Kepentingan kemahiran abad 21 dalam pendidikan Islam disentuh didalam penulisan ini dengan mengaitkan matlamat serta hala tuju pendidikan Islam selaras dengan kehendak falsafah pendidikan Islam. Buku ini juga mengutarakan beberapa teori daripada tokoh-tokoh Islam tentang pengajaran dan pembelajaran dan menghubungkaitkan kerelevenan teori berkenaan terhadap penerapan kemahiran abad 21 dalam pendidikan Islam. Buku ini sesuai dijadikan rujukan dan panduan para guru atau pendidik dalam bidang pendidikan Islam mahupun bukan bidang pendidikan Islam. Secara ringkasnya, buku ini juga dimuati dengan beberapa strategi, pendekatan dan kaedah yang sesuai diaplikasikan dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Dalam konteks Negara Brunei Darussalam, buku pengenalan kemahiran abad 21 ini juga mengongsikan pengimplementasian kemahiran abad 21 dalam sistem pendidikan negara abad ke 21 (SPN 21) dan keselarasannya dalam menuju wawasan negara 2035 iaitu ke arah melahirkan rakyat yang berpendidikan dan berkemahiran


        by Authors: Mohd Shahril Ahmad Razimi, Norkhairiah Hashim, Norliza Mahalle, Norsurilawana Sulaiman and Nur Thaqifah Salihah Salleh

        Buku ini merupakan himpunan penulisan bab yang membincangkan dimensi agromakanan Halal sebagai satu aliran untuk memahami konsep, praktis, sikap dan tingkahlaku terhadap tumbuh-tumbuhan, pohon herba, tumbuhan berkayu dan sayur-sayuran halal negara. Pertanian juga tidak terlepas dalam memberikan penekanan terhadap aspek kehalalan dalam proses dan pengendaliannya. Maka dengan itu, Sistem dimensi agromakanan halal masa depan yang cekap dan berdaya tahan berpotensi dalam meningkatkan pendapatan kepada pengeluar makanan di sepanjang rantaian makanan serta berupaya menyediakan makanan berkhasiat dan berpatutan selaras dengan teras utama kerangka sekuriti makanan negara dan Halalan Tayyiban. Perkara ini secara langsung akan memainkan peranan yang penting dalam masyarakat manusia yang berfungsi, kerana ia memenuhi kehendak pengambilan pemakanan harian yang merupakan satu daripada keperluan fisiologi asas manusia. Sebagaimana negara lain, sistem makanan negara halal ini beroperasi berdasarkan asas sektor agromakanan yang bercirikan jaringan interaksi yang kompleks diantara berbagai pihak yang berbeza dari segi profil, tanggungjawab, kepentingan dan kepakaran. Peranan sektor agromakanan dalam pengeluaran makanan memberi impak yang tinggi kepada aspek ekonomi, sosial, dan alam sekitar sesebuah negara. Impak ekonomi dan sosial kepada sektor agromakanan. Kesimpulannya, sektor agromakanan Halal di rantau Asia diharapkan akan menggunakan semua penunjuk potensi dan ekonomi sebagai asas untuk memacu sektor agromakanan Halal yang lebih kehadapan untuk tempoh 10 tahun akan datang dalam cara yang ditetapkan dengan berpandukan kepada agama dan jaminan agromakanan yang sihat lagi selamat.

      • Art techniques & principles
        March 2020

        Clothes Drawing Encyclopedia Including Action and Folds

        Learn How to Draw Clothes from the Basics to Different Angles

        by Rabimaru, supervised by Unsetsu (Masa Mode Academy of Art)

        This book will teach you how to draw casual, business and school wear from different angles, including how clothes look in movement. You will also learn the mechanics of folds to give clothes a natural look with just a few extra lines. You will always want to keep this great reference by your side!

      • December 2021

        The Making of Chinese-Sinophone Literatures as World Literature

        by Edited by Kuei-fen Chiu and Yingjin Zhang

        In The Making of Chinese-Sinophone Literatures as World Literature, Kuei-fen Chiu and Yingjin Zhang aim to bridge the distance between the scholarship of world literature and that of Chinese and Sinophone literary studies. This edited volume advances research on world literature by bringing in new developments in Chinese/Sinophone literatures and adds a much-needed new global perspective on Chinese literary studies beyond the traditional national literature paradigm and its recent critique by Sinophone studies. In addition to a critical mapping of the domains of world literature, Sinophone literature, and world literature in Chinese to delineate the nuanced differences of these three disciplines, the book addresses the issues of translation, genre, and the impact of media and technology on our understanding of “literature” and “literary prestige.” It also provides critical studies of the complicated ways in which Chinese and Sinophone literatures are translated, received, and reinvested across various genres and media, and thus circulate as world literature. The issues taken up by the contributors to this volume promise fruitful polemical interventions in the studies of world literature from the vantage point of Chinese and Sinophone literatures.

      • Business, Economics & Law
        March 2020

        Harvard Business Review’s 10 Must Reads: Pengurusan Diri Sendiri

        by Richard Boyatzis, Heike Bruch, Clayton M. Christensen, Diane L. Coutu, Stephen R. Covey, Peter F. Drucker, Stewart D. Friedman, Sumantra Ghoshal, Daniel Goleman, Edward M. Hallowell, Robert S. Kaplan, Catherine McCarthy, Annie McKee, Wiliam Oncken Jr., Robert E. Quinn, Tony Schwartz, Donald L. Wass

        Pengurusan Diri Sendiri is the Bahasa Melayu edition of the best-selling book Harvard Business Review’s 10 Must Reads on Managing Yourself. The book comprises a definitive collection of articles on self-management that can inspire readers to stay engaged and productive throughout their personal and professional lives.   Each chapter in the book is an article from renowned authors such as Peter F. Drucker, Stephen R. Covey and Donald L. Wass. Readers will gain practical insights into becoming a better leader, balancing personal and professional commitments, overcoming obstacles and managing responsibilities at the workplace.   This book is suitable for aspiring and experienced leaders, professionals and general readers.   Click here for more information

      • Food & Drink
        April 2019

        Arepas colombianas: técnicas profesionales de cocina

        by Carlos Gaviria Arbeláez

        Sweet, salty or with a neutral flavor, arepas, an essential food in the diet of Colombians, are the protagonists in this book, which compiles the preparation techniques of 60 different types of arepas.   From a dough that is assembled in different ways, either freehand, with a cutter, stuffed with double dough, stuffed with double arepa, cooked on the grill, slabs, pots, ovens or fried, the arepas that are prepared in the different areas of the country are arracacha, rice, corn, fermented corn, peeled and threshed corn; yam, potato, banana, wheat and cassava. Round in shape and variable in size, arepas, too, vary according to the secondary ingredients that are added, such as milk, butter, cheese, pork fat, egg, meat or pea.   Easy to prepare, hot or cold, arepas are delicious at any time of the day; with coffee or chocolate, they always go well.

      • Menús para impresionar

        by Elena Segura

        Book with amazing recipes to surprise your guests accompanied by gastronomic curiosities

      • Food & Drink
        September 2020

        Envoltorios colombianos (cocina en hojas)

        Técnicas profesionales de cocina

        by Carlos Gaviria Arbeláez

        “In Colombia, the art of cooking with leaves is a legacy of our indigenous cuisine, this means that, since before the arrival of the Spaniards, the aboriginal women cook was already taking advantage of a great variety of leaves and with them, she prepared different recipes, many of them which during the colonial years were intervened by Spanish and African cooks, and thus contributed to the miscegenation and the enrichment of our current cuisine” (taken from the prologue, written by Julián Estrada Ochoa). Please get rid of the myth that cooking corn, grinding and wrapping is expensive, requires field, needs many people, or that it is Christmas. This book allows you to get a friendly approach to these preparations and that, together with the arepas, let's start cooking our dough with identity and pride.

      • Business, Economics & Law
        March 2020

        Harvard Business Review’s 10 Must Reads: Komunikasi

        by Gary A. Williams, Robert B. Miller, Robert B. Cialdini, Deborah Tannen, Jay A. Conger, Leslie Perlow, Stephanie Williams, Nick Morgan, Stephen Denning, Kimberly D. Elsbach, John Hamm, Holly Weeks

        Komunikasi is the Bahasa Melayu edition of the best-selling book Harvard Business Review’s 10 Must Reads on Communication. The book comprises a collection of compelling reads that can inspire readers to communicate effectively and convincingly within an organisation.    Each chapter in the book is an article from leading experts including Deborah Tannen, Jay Conger and Nick Morgan. Readers will gain practical knowledge on how to engage with an audience, successfully pitch a business idea, win support of others, and inspire colleagues towards achieving a goal.   This book is suitable for aspiring and experienced leaders, professionals and general readers who wish to improve their communication skills. Click here for more information

      • Health & Personal Development
        June 2019

        The Body Shaper. Training and nutrition for women

        by Nacho Villalba

        The Body Shaper is the first book on strength training created specifically for the woman of the 21st century, who has very little time to train in the gym or can only do it at home. The Body Shaper is a revolutionary method very easy to understand and which is committed to a healthy lifestyle so that, regardless of your age, you can meet your goals. This book is about breaking down barriers and myths about strength training performed by women to achieve a shaped and toned physique. It includes both HIIT-type cardio and bodybuilding training programs to develop in the gym as well as functional circuits to train at home. In addition, it includes very simple but complete information on food and nutritional supplements according to age and has specific nutrition plans depending on each goal set. The author, Nacho Villalba, after more than 30 years of professional experience in the world of sports as a personal trainer and numerous recognitions and awards, has designed this new women's training system by launching it together with Romina Belluscio, model and television presenter. Romina Belluscio demonstrates, in the first person, the results with this new method: a molded and toned body, achieving an even more feminine physique. In short, The Body Shaper offers, in a very simple and concise way, hypertrophy and muscle toning workouts along with a meal plan to reduce body fat or gain muscle mass, as well as a greater knowledge about food and nutritional supplements. The definitive and revolutionary book for women's training. * * * The Body Shaper es el primer libro de entrenamiento de fuerza creado específicamente para la mujer del siglo XXI, que tiene muy poco tiempo para entrenar en el gimnasio o solo puede hacerlo en casa. The Body Shaper es un revolucionario método muy fácil de entender y que apuesta por un estilo de vida saludable para que, independientemente de tu edad, puedas cumplir tus objetivos. Este libro trata de derribar barreras y mitos sobre el entrenamiento de fuerza realizado por la mujer para conseguir un físico moldeado y tonificado. Incluye tanto programas de entrenamientos de musculación y ejercicio cardiovascular tipo HIIT para desarrollar en el gimnasio como circuitos funcionales para entrenar en casa. Además, incluye información muy sencilla pero completa sobre la alimentación y suplementos nutricionales según la edad y cuenta con planes de nutrición específicos dependiendo de cada objetivo marcado. El autor, Nacho Villalba, tras más de 30 años de trayectoria profesional en el mundo del deporte como entrenador personal y numerosos reconocimientos y premios, ha diseñado este nuevo sistema de entrenamiento femenino poniéndolo en marcha junto a Romina Belluscio, modelo y presentadora de televisión.Romina Belluscio demuestra, en primera persona, el resultado con este novedoso método: un cuerpo moldeado y tonificado, consiguiendo un físico aún más femenino. En definitiva, The Body Shaper ofrece, de forma muy sencilla y concisa, entrenamientos de hipertrofia y tonificación muscular junto a un plan de comidas para reducir grasa corporal o ganar masa muscular, además de un mayor conocimiento sobre la alimentación y suplementos nutricionales. El libro definitivo y revolucionario para el entrenamiento femenino.

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