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        by Taisen Deshimaru

        A story of bravery and false starts, Autobiography of a Zen Monk candidly recounts the author’s development from a highly mischievous Japanese boy into a world-renowned Sensei (Teacher) of Zen. While countless memoirs exist written by Zen students and teachers, few are as engaging and as tantalizing as Taisen Deshimaru’s. Looking back at his early life, growing up in Japan, from the viewpoint of his status as a Zen teacher in Paris, the author reflects on his earliest misadventures—from defacing a valuable painting of Bodhidharma as a child, to turning the “Zen stick” on a young monk during a retreat. Adventures abound with stories about alcohol and women, during his student years, and his activities during World War II in working for the arms industry in Malaysia, where he was sympathetic to the underground freedom movement. This first English-language translation of Taisen Deshimaru’s autobiography will be prized for its clear and honest documentation of this great master’s life. Many people all over the world have been influenced by Deshimaru’s Zen teachings, especially his book on Zen and the martial arts. This memoir fills an important gap in our knowledge of his teacher, Kodo Sawaki’s influence on the world of Zen. The story of how Deshimaru met Sawaki as a boy, even slept in the same room with him, and later received monastic ordination is the story of a lifelong friendship of two extraordinary characters in the history of modern Zen. Deshimaru’s influence extends beyond Zen practitioners, though, especially in those interested in the martial arts, as he touches on his martial arts experience as a young man and offers a look into the master’s early training. Additional interest extends to historians who recount the supposed “scandals” of Zen masters’ participation in the war effort. Although Deshimaru’s viewpoint is decidedly subjective, he was intimately acquainted with priests and generals alike, and approaches the difficult subject with a refreshing lack of judgmental disdain which counterbalances many other more lopsided works. Translator, Richard Collins, a longtime Zen practitioner, and currently the Abbot of the New Orleans Zen Temple, is a literature scholar and author of several books including No Fear Zen, Hohm Press, 2014. His knowledge of the subject matter and his finesse with language combine to make this book a delightful read for those who appreciate wellwritten memoir.

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        The Arts
        June 2021

        Algerian national cinema

        by Guy Austin

        This topical and innovative study is the first book on Algerian cinema to be published in English since the 1970s. At a time when North African and Islamic cultures are of increasing political significance, Algerian National Cinema presents a dynamic, detailed and up to date analysis of how film has represented this often misunderstood nation. Algerian National Cinema explores key films from The Battle of Algiers (1966) to Mascarades (2007). Introductions to Algerian history and to the national film industry are followed by chapters on the essential genres and themes of filmmaking in Algeria, including films of anti-colonial struggle, representations of gender, Berber cinema, and filming the 'black decade' of the 1990s. This thoughtful and timely book will appeal to all interested in world cinemas, in North African and Islamic cultures, and in the role of cinema as a vehicle for the expression of contested identities. By the author of the critically-acclaimed Contemporary French Cinema.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        Algerian national cinema

        by Guy Austin

        This topical and innovative study is the first book on Algerian cinema to be published in English since the 1970s. At a time when North African and Islamic cultures are of increasing political significance, Algerian National Cinema presents a dynamic, detailed and up to date analysis of how film has represented this often misunderstood nation. Algerian National Cinema explores key films from The Battle of Algiers (1966) to Mascarades (2007). Introductions to Algerian history and to the national film industry are followed by chapters on the essential genres and themes of filmmaking in Algeria, including films of anti-colonial struggle, representations of gender, Berber cinema, and filming the 'black decade' of the 1990s. This thoughtful and timely book will appeal to all interested in world cinemas, in North African and Islamic cultures, and in the role of cinema as a vehicle for the expression of contested identities. By the author of the critically-acclaimed Contemporary French Cinema.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        December 2008

        Contemporary French cinema

        An introduction (revised edition)

        by Guy Austin

        Contemporary French cinema is an essential introduction to popular French film of the last 35 years. It charts recent developments in all genres of French cinema with analyses of over 120 movies, from Les Valseuses to Caché. Reflecting the diversity of French film production since the New Wave, this clear and perceptive study includes chapters on the heritage film, the thriller and the war movie, alongside the 'cinéma du look', representations of sexuality, comedies, the work of women film makers and le jeune cinéma. Each chapter introduces the public reception and critical debates surrounding a given genre, interwoven with detailed accounts of relevant films. Confirmed as a major contribution to both Film Studies and French Studies, this book is a fascinating volume for students and fans of French film alike. ;

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      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        June 2021

        Contemporary French cinema

        An introduction (revised edition)

        by Guy Austin

        Contemporary French cinema is an essential introduction to popular French film of the last 35 years. It charts recent developments in all genres of French cinema with analyses of over 120 movies, from Les Valseuses to Caché. Reflecting the diversity of French film production since the New Wave, this clear and perceptive study includes chapters on the heritage film, the thriller and the war movie, alongside the 'cinéma du look', representations of sexuality, comedies, the work of women film makers and le jeune cinéma. Each chapter introduces the public reception and critical debates surrounding a given genre, interwoven with detailed accounts of relevant films. Confirmed as a major contribution to both Film Studies and French Studies, this book is a fascinating volume for students and fans of French film alike.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        August 2016

        Algerian national cinema

        by Guy Austin

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        Contemporary French cinema

        An introduction (revised edition)

        by Guy Austin

        Contemporary French cinema is an essential introduction to popular French film of the last 35 years. It charts recent developments in all genres of French cinema with analyses of over 120 movies, from Les Valseuses to Caché. Reflecting the diversity of French film production since the New Wave, this clear and perceptive study includes chapters on the heritage film, the thriller and the war movie, alongside the 'cinéma du look', representations of sexuality, comedies, the work of women film makers and le jeune cinéma. Each chapter introduces the public reception and critical debates surrounding a given genre, interwoven with detailed accounts of relevant films. Confirmed as a major contribution to both Film Studies and French Studies, this book is a fascinating volume for students and fans of French film alike.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        Claude Chabrol

        by Guy Austin

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2012



        by Sibylle Lewitscharoff

        Ein Schwabe in Rom: Der erfolgreiche Produzent Montgomery Cassini-Stahl dreht »Jud Süß«, eine Neuverfilmung des antisemitischen Machwerks, mit der er den historischen Jud Süß Oppenheimer ehren will. Mitten in den Dreharbeiten bricht der Titelheld am Morgen nach der Liebesnacht mit einer jungen Frau vor dem Pantheon tot zusammen. Erzählt wird in Rückblenden – von der Kindheit des Jungen mit dem exotischen Namen im Stuttgarter Vorort Degerloch, vom Tod des Bruders, vom Leben in Rom. Schließlich ist aus dem Außenseiter der große Filmproduzent Cassini-Stahl geworden, der sein bisher größtes Projekt verwirklicht und dabei selbst in die Rolle des Jud Süß schlüpfen muß. Montgomery ist ein Roman über den Ausbruch aus spießiger Enge, die Suche nach einer anderen Wahrheit und die Doppelbödigkeit der Dinge. Vor dem glitzernden Hintergrund der römischen Cinecittà dringt der Filmproduzent Montgomery Cassini-Stahl in die Tiefen deutscher Vergangenheit ein und wird mit den Schlüsselerlebnissen des eigenen Lebens konfrontiert.

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        Documentary films
        July 2013

        Watching the World

        by Thomas Austin

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        June 2012

        Watching the World

        Screen documentary and audiences

        by Thomas Austin

        Screen documentary has experienced a marked rise in visibility and popularity in recent years. What are the reasons for the so-called 'boom' in documentaries at the cinema? How has television documentary met the challenge of new formats? And how do audiences engage with documentaries on screen? Watching the world extends the reach of documentary studies by investigating recent instances of screen documentary and the uses made of them by audiences. The book focuses on the interfaces between textual mechanisms, promotional tactics, and audiences' viewing strategies. Key topics of inquiry are: film and televisual form, truth claims and issues of trust, the pleasures, politics and the ethics of documentary. Case studies include Capturing the Friedmans, Être et Avoir, Paradise Lost, Touching the Void, and wildlife documentaries on television. This compelling and accessible book will be of interest to both students and fans of documentary. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2002

        »Wenn ich auf mein bisheriges Leben zurückblicke, dann muß ich leider sagen«

        Jurek Becker 1937–1997

        by Karin Kiwus, Wolfgang Trautwein, Karin Kiwus

        Karin Kiwus, geboren 1942 in Berlin, lebt dort. Sie war Verlagslektorin in Frankfurt a. M. und Hamburg, Dozentin in Austin/Texas und Berlin sowie Sekretär der Sektion Literatur an der Akademie der Künste Berlin. Karin Kiwus, geboren 1942 in Berlin, lebt dort. Sie war Verlagslektorin in Frankfurt a. M. und Hamburg, Dozentin in Austin/Texas und Berlin sowie Sekretär der Sektion Literatur an der Akademie der Künste Berlin.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2008

        Das Auge des Osiris

        Ein klassischer Kriminalroman aus dem Jahre 1911

        by Freeman, R. Austin

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2017

        Long Poems: Death in a Stone Cell and Floating Wood

        by Lofu

        Lofu is widely acknowledged as a great poet in contemporary Chinese poetic circles. He has made great contributions through his long poems, which have served to promote the development of contemporary Chinese poetry. His collection of long poems includes “Death in a Stone Cell” and“Floating Wood”. Lofu was a nominee for the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2001 for his long poem “Floating Wood”.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        January 2021

        Li, Miss Bee and the Honey Rocket

        by Robert Austin / Alina Everatt

        Miss Bee and her friends are as busy as bees, because they are planning an extraordinary trip! They thought, designed, worked hard, and a little harder for a little longer… until they finally got everything they needed. They used every single help they can find to embark on an incredible journey; would you like to join them? A marvellous story of a little girl wanting to visit outer space, Miss Bee is intriguing as it is amusing. With its dynamic tone and alluring illustrations, Miss Bee’s story will keep your child’s attention until the very end

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        Micronutrient Depleters: Acid Blockers

        Things to know about medicines and micronutrients

        by Uwe Gröber and Prof. Dr. Klaus Kisters

        This guide provides patients with important medical information about interactions of their drug products with vitamins and minerals. These interactions are not always listed in the accompanying package inserts. Those who take acid blockers such as omeprazole or pantoprazole may not only develop disorders relating to calcium, magnesium, vitamin D and bone metabolism in the long term, but above all become deficient in vitamin B12. This way, patients can improve their treatment, reduce the side effects of their medication and increase their quality of life!

      • Trusted Partner
        October 1983


        Ein sprachphilosophischer Essay

        by John R. Searle, Rolf Wiggershaus, Renate Wiggershaus

        Searles Essay über Sprechakte steht in der Tradition der angelsächsischen ordinary language philosophy, die sich - nach dem Scheitern der Versuche, eine ›ideale‹ empiristische Wissenschaftssprache zu konstruieren - darauf konzentriert, das faktische Funktionieren der natürlichen Sprache zu beschreiben. Austin hatte bemerkt, daß wir mit bestimmten Äußerungen (wie Grüßen, Danken oder Versprechen) zugleich eine Handlung vollziehen, und hatte diesen ›performativen‹ Charakter später auf alle sprachlichen Äußerungen ausgedehnt. Searle knüpft an diese Entdeckung an und liefert mit dem vorliegenden Werk einen Entwurf jener von Austin geforderten »neuen Theorie, die vollständig und allgemein darlegt, was man tut, wenn man etwas sagt«.

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