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      • Trusted Partner
        October 2010

        Orte jüdischen Lebens

        Ein Spaziergang durch Berlins Mitte

        by Unda Hörner

        Faszination Berlin-Mitte. Blanke Fassaden, bunte Shoppingwelt, dazwischen immer wieder Spuren des Vergangenen. Das Magnus-Haus am Kupfergraben, die Synagoge in der Oranienburger, die jüdische Knabenschule in der Großen Hamburger Straße. Jüdisches Leben prägte lange das Kulturleben, den wissenschaftlichen Diskurs, die Presselandschaft, die Welt der Finanzen und des Konsums, aber ebenso das Berlin der armen Leute, wie es sich im Scheunenviertel fand. Begleitet von Heinrich Heine, Rahel Varnhagen, Kurt Tucholsky, Walter Benjamin, Vicki Baum, Irmgard Keun, Gershom Scholem und vielen anderen erkundet Unda Hörner auf literarischen Streifzügen jüdische Häuser und Geschichte(n). Die Spaziergänge machen anschaulich, wie tief die jüdische Bevölkerung das Gesicht der Stadt geprägt hat.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        August 2018

        Johann Arndts Paradiesgärtlein

        Eine Untersuchung zu Entstehung, Quellen, Rezeption und Wirkung

        by Jeung Keun Park

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        January 1982

        Zen Kunst der Selbstverteidigung


        by Kwon, Jae H

      • Trusted Partner
        May 1994

        Handbuch für WahnsinnsFrauen

        by Luise F. Pusch, Luise F. Pusch

        Bachmann, Ingeborg: Hommage à Maria Callas. Fleißer, Marieluise: Ein Portät Buster Keatons. Dohm, Hedwig: Weib contra Weib. Plath, Sylvia: Papi. Lange, Helene: "Paten" der Mädchenbildung. Rich, Adrienne: Unsichtbarkeit in der Hochschule. Kaléko, Mascha: Die Leistung der Frau in der Kultur. Popp, Adelheid: Als ich von der Schule mein Übersiedlungszeugnis erhalten hatte. Glückel von Hameln: Einen Tag nach der Hochzeit. Glückel von Hameln: Ich will, meine lieben Kinder. Glückel von Hameln: Als wir nach Hamburg kamen. Bombeck, Erma: Drei klassische Mütter-Ansprachen. Baur, Margrit: Ich habe lange überlegt. Baur, Margrit: Vor dem Fenster. Keun, Imgard: Ich spiele nicht mit Männern. McCullers, Carson: Der Tod bleibt sich immer gleich. Haushofer, Marlen: Die Ratte. Gilman, Charlotte Perkins: Die gelbe Tapete. Dickinson, Emily: Die Seele wählt. Droste-Hülshoff, Annette: Das Spiegelbild. Droste-Hülshoff, Annette: Feuer. Kempner, Friederike: Kennst Du das Land. Kempner, Friederike: Vogelin-Prinzeß. Woolf, Virginia: Berufe für Frauen. Kaschnitz, Marie Luise: Nicht gesagt. Baur, Margrit: Ich halte mich an das Beschreibbare. Schwarz-Bart: Die ganze Woche über. LeFort, Gertrud_von: Hymnen an die Kirche. Dickinson, Emily: Er tappt auf deiner Seele. Hildegard von Bingen: Hymnus zu Ehren des Heiligen Geistes. Bachmann, Ingeborg: Auf das Opfer darf sich keiner berufen. Achmatowa, Anna: Im Jahr vierzig. Achmatowa, Anna: Die Dritte. Klüger, Ruth: Noch jetzt, wenn ich Güterwagen sehe. Domin, Hilde: Wen es trifft. Lasker-Schüler, Else: Der Letzte. Sachs, Nelly: Chor der Geretteten. Kolmar, Gertrud: Verwandlungen. Bachmann, Ingeborg: Innen sind deine Augen Fenster. Loos, Cécile Ines: Die Hochzeitsreise. Barrett-Browning, Elizabeth: Wie ich dich liebe? Roten, Iris_von: Der konventionelle Altersvorsprung der Männer in erotischen Beziehungen. Dickinson, Emily: Wilde Nächte. Parker, Dorothy: Der Walzer. Labé, Louise: Küß mich noch.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2003


        Die Herausforderung

        by Ervin Laszlo, Klaus Pemsel, Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, Arthur C. Clarke

        Ervin Laszlo, 1932 in Budapest geboren, gilt als einer der führenden Vertreter der Systemtheorie und allgemeinen Evolutionstheorie. Er ist Autor von zahlreichen Büchern und über 300 weltweit publizierten Zeitschriftenbeiträgen. Laszlo gründete die General Evolution Research Group, die er bis heute leitet, ist Herausgeber der Vierteljahreszeitschrift World Futures - The Journal of General Evolution und der Buchreihe World Futures General Evolution Studies, Mitherausgeber von Behavioral Science, sowie Hauptherausgeber einer vierbändigen Friedensenzyklopädie. Zu den ihm zuteil gewordenen Würdigungen und Ehrungen gehört das Doctorat des Lettres et Sciences Humaines der Pariser Universität Sorbonne, die Ehrenmedaille der Universität Kyung Hee in Seoul, die Ehrendoktorwürde der Wirtschaftsfakultät der Turko School of Economics and Business Management in Finnland und die Ehrendoktorwürde der Fakultät für Geisteswissenschaften des Saybrook Instituts in San Francisco. Er lehrte Philosophie, Futurologie, Ästhetik und Systemwissenschaften an den Universitäten von Yale, Princeton, Northwestern, Houston, Portland State, Indiana und New York und hat darüber hinaus Vorlesungen in verschiedenen Universitäten und Akademien Europas und des fernen Ostens gehalten. Den Vereinten Nationen diente er als Direktor des Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) und war Rektor der Wiener Akademie. 1994 gründete Laszlo den Club of Budapest, der Antworten auf globale Herausforderungen sucht und dem mittlerweile Persönlichkeiten wie Sir Peter Ustinov, Richard von Weizsäcker und der Dalai Lama beigetreten sind. Er ist Mitglied des Club of Rome, der International Academy of Science und der World Academy of Arts and Science sowie des Vorstands der Université Européenne de Paris. Er ist Geschäftsführer von Environnement Sans Frontières, Generalsekretär des European Culture Impact Research Consortium (EUROCIRCON) und wissenschaftlicher Berater des Generaldirektors der UNESCO.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2004

        Philosophie der Kunst

        Vorlesung von 1826

        by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Annemarie Gethmann-Siefert, Jeong-Im Kwon, Karsten Berr

        »Nachschriften sind freilich trübe Quellen« - dieses Heideggerdiktum kann gegen die studentischen Nachschriften zu Hegels Ästhetikvorlesungen nicht geltend gemacht werden. Anders als die von Hotho »geschönte« Ästhetik erweisen sie sich als höchst authentisch und bieten einen aufschlußreichen Einblick in Hegels Gedanken zur Rolle der Kunst in der Kulturgeschichte. Unter den vier Berliner Vorlesungen zur Philosophie der Kunst, die Hegel zwischen 1820 und 1829 gehalten hat, ist besonders jene von 1826 brisant. In ausführlicher Auseinandersetzung mit exemplarischen Kunstwerken stellt er hier der sogenannten »These vom Ende der Kunst« die Behauptung von der Unersetzlichkeit der Künste entgegen. Mit der Mitschrift des Studenten von der Pfordten wird eine vollständige Überlieferung dieser Vorlesung nun erstmals publiziert.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Fiction


        by Kyung Sook Shin

        A NEGLECTED YOUNG WOMAN experiences the violence and isolation of contemporary Korean society. Han Kang’s The Vegetarian meets Elfriede Jelinek’s The Piano Teacher. The book is a close observation of what would otherwise be “a story soon to forget” of a young woman everyone forgot, including her own parents. There are countless moments of casual and not-so-casual moments of violence: a pregnant stray cat rejected by everyone, including the flower shop’s owner who tries throwing it away but relents when the cat crawls back; the landlord’s daughter yearning for a piano, and once obtained, her father destroying it in a fit of rage, prompting his daughter to finally call the police on him; the repeated image of the lush, green dropwort field, the site of San’s happiest memory, but also the beginning of her saddest. These are interspersed with many closely observed details such as a descriptive passage on Venus-fly-traps, a scene with a caged dog, and a plethora of place-names in northern Seoul where the author still lives to this day. The prose is unhurried, concise, and above all, intimate. The original title is taken from the flower violets as well as the aural similarity to the English word “violence”; in other words, the title is English to begin with. Violets was published six years before The Vegetarian. “Kyung-Sook Shin’s novel bears none of the anxiousness or cunning of a narrator eager to grab hold of a reader. She takes her time, pays attention to things that seem insignificant but beautiful, and eventually binds a spell around the reader until the very end. What seems like a series of random thoughts always ends up as a setup to a greater effect down the line, and one marvels at her sense of structure and design. I liken the charm of Shin’s writing to the consolations of a lush plant.” —Park Wanseo, bestselling novelist

      • May 2023

        Justice After War

        Jus Post Bellum in the 21st Century

        by David Chiwon Kwon, Kenneth R. Himes, OFM

        Justice After War is aimed especially to both undergraduate and graduate students, as well as the general audience who want to understand the significance of a recent development within the just war tradition, namely, the increasing attention given to the category of jus post bellum (postwar justice and peace). While examining the interrelated challenges of moral and social norms in both political and legal domains, as well as church practices, this work proposes an innovative methodology for linking theology, ethics, and social science so that the ideal and the real can inform each other in the ethics of war and peacebuilding. The main task of this project, then, is to identify what the author views as three key themes of jus post bellum, and three practices that are essential to implementing jus post bellum immediately after a war: just policing, just punishment, and just political participation. David Kwon endeavors to challenge the view of those who suggest that reconciliation, mainly political reconciliation, is the foremost ambition of jus post bellum. Instead, he attempts to justify the proposition that achieving just policing, just punishment, and just political participation are essential to building a just peace, a peace in which the fundamental characteristic must be human security. It thus demonstrates that human security is an oft-neglected theme in the recent discourse of moral theologians and that a more balanced understanding of jus post bellum will direct attention to the elements composing human security in a postwar context.

      • Fiction


        by Kwon YeonSun

        THOUGH THE BOOK LOOSELY FOLLOWS THE STRUCTURE OF A DETECTIVE NOVEL, finding the perpetrator is not the main objective here. Instead, the work explores grief and trauma, and asks important questions about guilt, retribution, and the meaning of death and life. In the summer of the 2002, when Korea is abuzzwith the Korea-Japan FIFA World Cup, a beautiful nineteen-year-old girl named Hae-on is murdered in what would become known as the High School Beauty Murder. There are two suspects: rich boy Shin Jeongjun, whose car Hae-on was last seen in, and fried chicken delivery boy Han Manu, who witnesses Hae-on in the passenger seat of Jeongjun’s car just a few hours before her death. The novel begins with a scene in which Hae-on’s younger sister imagines a police detective interrogating Han Manu.However, Jeongjun’s alibi turns out to be solid, and no evidence can be pinned on Manu, the identity of the murderer is never discovered. The case remains unsolved for years, throwing the people surrounding the event into turmoil, especially Da-on, who is unable to move on with her life. In the course of the next seventeen years, she undergoes plastic surgery to look like her sister and even gives her own daughter a name very similar to her sister’s, ultimately setting out to discover the truth of what happened, all in hopes that she would recover some ofwhatshehaslost. Lemonistoldatdifferentpointsintimefromthreedifferentalternating female perspectives: Da-on, Hae-on’s younger sister; Tae-rim, Hae-on’s classmate who was jealous of her; and Sanghui, another classmate of Hae-on’s who also knew Da-on.

      • Teaching, Language & Reference
        February 2010

        Korean Grammar in Use_Beginning (English ver.)

        by Ahn Jean-myung, Lee Kyung-ah, Han Hoo-young

        This book is the culmination of educational know-how and systematic grammar organization acquired by the three authors from their experience actually teaching Korean to foreigners in the classroom. In focusing strictly on Korean grammar, this series represents a departure from most current integrated teaching materials, allowing foreign learners to more easily concentrate on grammar in their study of Korean. The authors have included real dialogues and illustrations to make the study of Korean more interesting, especially for those students who have heretofore felt Koran grammar to be difficult. Further, this series equally serves as a general Korean grammar reference that can be used by Korean language instructors both in Korea and abroad who regularly experience the difficulty of teaching Korean grammar first-hand. • Collects the introductory grammar points normally taught in Levels 1 and 2 at most universities affiliated and private language institutes. • Makes it easy for learners to locate those grammar patterns they find the most confusing by providing comparisons of patterns similar in meaning and usage. This way, learners can not only clarify the differences between similar patterns, but also study how they are used differently depending on the situation. • Lets the learner confirm the usage of target grammar points by illustrating how they are used in real conversation. The examples presented are not simply sentences constructed for the purpose of illustrating grammar, but rather examples of how the grammar points are actually used in real life. • Includes special sections on particularly tricky grammar points to allow learners to acquire a more accurate and natural-sounding command of Korean. Further, by presenting a variety of grammatical patterns along with both practice exercises and graphic illustrations, learners can approach the study of Korean grammar with renewed interest.

      • Hotel for Germ

        by Sunghwa Kim, Sujin Kwon

        Did you know that your body is a five-star luxurious hotel for germs? There are millions of rooms for germs inside and outside of your body that you probably haven't noticed that have been there since you were a small baby. What are germs doing in my body? Do they make you sick? Or do they protect you from other bad germs? This book illustrates what germs do in your body and why they are important for us.

      • Thriller / suspense
        June 2011


        by CJ Lyons

        "A perfect blend of romance and suspense. My kind of read." -#1 New York Times bestselling author Sandra Brown Dr. Cassandra Hart is fighting a war. And losing. A deadly drug epidemic, a killer stalking her the ER doctor who never gives up. Cassie's Pittsburgh ER has been deluged by young patients who have overdosed on a new drug, FX. After Cassie discovers that the source of the FX on the streets is her own hospital, her best friend is killed, and Cassie's life is threatened. She is forced to place her trust in Detective Mickey Drake. Drake's irascible charm eventually penetrates the barriers Cassie has built around herself, and their relationship progresses from professional to passionate. After Cassie discovers the truth behind the thefts, she and Drake must confront a killer. In the end, their only weapons are their new-found love and the courage it gives them. Written by a pediatric ER physician, NERVES OF STEEL combines gritty realism with the adrenalin rush of the ER. New York Times Bestseller CJ Lyons uses her insider's knowledge of life behind the scenes to reveal the hidden truth of the medical world: No one is immune to danger.

      • Children's & YA

        K Town Heat

        by Sonia Patel

        WHEN HA-NA DESAI, A HALF INDIAN HALF KOREAN HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR, emmigrates to Los Angeles to leave behind the painful memories of being viciously bullied in her birth city of Seoul, she has to escape a dangerous online relationship that finally leaves her free of her worst enemy—her own shame and self-hate. K-TownHeato​penswithHa-naDesai,a half Indian, half Korean high school senior, immigrating to K-Town, L.A. from Seoul to leave behind the painful memories of being bullied. She’s done cutting herself to survive. She’s done hiding the battle scars. She thinks she’s done being bullied. She throws herself into creating meaningful art and working at her aunt’s Indian market. But Ha-na’s biggest bully, Yi Kyung-seok, has also moved to K-Town, and he wants to be her friend. So does the self-proclaimed “biggest butch in K-Town,” Yun Ji-su. Ha-na gives friendship a shot only to discover that it’s not so easy with an “inner bully that picked up where the kids in Seoul left off,” as her L.A. shrink says. What ​is easier is falling for a handsome stranger, Cody Lee, who DMs her on the Gram. The online relationship consumes Ha-na. But when things with Cody get indecent and dangerous, will she be able to save herself? Because the truth is, what she knows is how to endure abuse, not escape it.

      • Fiction

        A Heart Too Big

        by Eider Rodríguez

        UN CORAZÓN DEMASIADO GRANDE (A Heart Too Big), is a wonderful book of short stories by Eider Rodríguez.   The book was published in 2018 in Basque and in 2019 in Spanish and Catalan (Literatura Random House and Edicions del Periscopi). Eider Rodríguez (1977) writes in Basque and translates herself into Spanish. The Basque edition was awarded the Euskadi Prize for Literature (the most prestigious in the Basque language) and the Booksellers of the Basque Country Prize (alongside with Vivian Gornik’s Fierce Attachments).   Great reviews have appeared in the most influential and prestigious Spanish literary supplements (Babelia, El Cultural, ABC, La Vanguardia). El País/Babelia chose the book as ‘Book of the week’.  And the author has been compared to other talended writers such as John Cheever, Samantha Swheblin, Sara Mesa or Raymond Carver.  The editions in Catalan and Spanish consist of the complete translation of Eider Rodríguez's last book of stories in Basque (also entitled A Heart Too Big, which is about 120 pages) followed by a selection of stories from the three previous books by Eider Rodríguez.   Un corazón demasiado grande was included in the list of Best Books of 2019 by newspapers as El País and ABC.

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