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      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        October 2018

        Glimpses of Gardens in Eastern China

        by TUNG Jun, TUNG Ming (translator)

        The architect Chuin Tung introduced the classic beauty of Chinese gardens to the world through this book The interest of garden appreciation: profound interpretation of the spirit and connotation of Chinese gardens  The method of gardening: comprehensive analysis of the details and techniques of garden construction (including architectural and planning, ornament and furniture, rockery, planting)  The history of gardens: detailing the difference between garden history and Eastern and Western gardens   建筑学界一代宗师童寯向世界介绍中国园林之美的经典著作 赏园之趣:深刻解读中国园林的精神与内涵 造园之法:全面分析园林营造的细节与技法(建筑与布局,装修与家具,叠石,植物配置) 园林之史:细述园林历史及东西方园林的区别

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA


        by Fiston Mudacumura

        Sugira est une fille de 7 ans qui vit avec sa mère, Kamaliza. Elle n'aime pas se brosser lesdents. Un jour, elle va à l'école. Ses camarades de classe s'ennuient et l'intimident pour sonodeur. Elle s'est évanouie. Ses deux amies du même quartier commencent également à fuir.Kamaliza, sa mère ne cesse de lui rappeler de se brosser les dents après avoir mangé mais elle n'aime pas ça. Une nuit, elle dort. Dans ses rêves, elle se retrouve dans le royaume de la cavité buccale des microbes surnommé «Imitananana». Il existe de bons microbes quiprotègent les dents et servent la protection de l'hygiène buccale en général. Les bonsmicrobes ont leur chef, le roi AAA. Sugira reçoit un accueil chaleureux dans sa propre cavité buccale. Bonnes Imitananapréparent une soirée pour elle dans les célébrations de la danse africaine et Rwandaise.Ce monde de «Imitanana» est un monde comme les autres. Nous avons des concours debeauté, du travail communautaire, des concerts et bien d'autres jeux amusants et familiersavec les enfants. Sugira apprend à protéger et à préserver l'hygiène bucco-dentaire via des batailles menéescontre les mauvais microbes imitanana menées par le méchant appelé Zezeze.

      • Children's & YA
        June 2017

        Ms. Penny Teaches … Science is Fun!

        by Chen Nai Chi

        Does science give you a headache? Do you find it impossible to get to grips with scientific principles and how to apply them? This book presents 25 essential scientific principles from everyday life, and 75 simple but super-cool scientific experiments and offers children a stress-free way of learning about science.     STEAM education is very popular at the moment, but do you tense up at the thought of physics and chemistry? Do you stress when you think about science? Then let Ms. Penny show you how to do amazing experiments and learn basic scientific principles. She’ll show you the most fun ways to enter the world of science.   Designed as a 12-month course, this book presents 25 essential scientific principles from everyday life through 75 simple and fun experiments. There are clear diagrams explaining the scientific principles, lists of the materials needed and step-by-step instructions, making it super-easy for readers to carry out the experiments. As all the materials needed can be found at home, there’s no need to spend more money on preparing specially. Interesting scientific facts and phenomena from the world around us are brought in too, making science easy to follow and relevant.   Ms. Penny has many years of experience in science education. She has specially designed this collection of experiments to suit the interests of students aged 11 to 15, so they will stop being afraid of science, and want to do experiments every day!

      • Space science
        June 2004

        Evaluation of the National Aerospace Initiative

        by Committee on the National Aerospace Initiative, National Research Council

        The National Aerospace Initiative (NAI) was conceived as a joint effort between the Department of Defense (DOD) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to sustain the aerospace leadership of the United States through the acceleration of selected aerospace technologies: hypersonic flight, access to space, and space technologies. The Air Force became concerned about the NAI’s possible consequences on Air Force programs and budget if NAI program decisions differed from Air Force priorities. To examine this issue, it asked the NRC for an independent review of the NAI. This report presents the results of that assessment. It focuses on three questions asked by the Air Force: is NAI technically feasible in the time frame laid out; is it financially feasible over that period; and is it operationally relevant.

      • Space science
        April 2008

        Assessment of the NASA Astrobiology Institute

        by Committee on the Review of the NASA Astrobiology Institute; Space Studies Board; Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences; National Research Council

        Astrobiology is a scientific discipline devoted to the study of life in the universe - its origin, evolution, distribution, and future. In 1997, NASA established an Astrobiology program (the NASA Astrobiology Institute - NAI) as a result of a series of new results from solar system exploration and astronomical research in the mid-1990s together with advances in the biological sciences. To help evaluate the NAI, NASA asked the NRC to review progress made by the Institute in developing the field of astrobiology. This book presents an evaluation of NAI's success in meeting its goals for fostering interdisciplinary research, training future astrobiology researchers, providing scientific and technical leadership, exploring new research approaches with information technology, and supporting outreach to K-12 education programs.

      • Fiction
        September 2016

        The Deathbearer

        by Angel Arekin

        At 17, Seïs Amorgen is nominated to incorporate the biggest brotherhood of Asclepion’s kingdom. If he says yes, he will become one of the best warriors of the monarchy. If he says no, he will stay the frivolous and arrogant boy playing with the robbers in his hometown. While the shadow is extending through the country, Seïs must take a decision which will impact his life, and he must faces his own demons.


        When Oksana meets Max, the attraction she feels for him is instantaneous, almost too strong. But Max is fierce and difficult to understand. What does he hide deep inside?

        by Océane Ghanem

        One winter evening, Oksana goes to a nightclub to celebrate her best friend Steeve’s birthday. To get away from his sister Camelia, she sits at the bar and orders a beer. Oksana eventually notices a man in the crowd who catches her eye. He fascinates her upon first glance. She herself doesn’t understand this obsession of hers, this want to know his every move throughout the evening. She only wishes to rid herself of the sadness she feels deep down.As for Max, he enjoys his evening with his friends and roommates. However, the constant gaze of this woman at the bar intrigues and disturbs him much more than he would like. He tests her reactions, sometimes by slipping away from the dance floor while she looks away, sometimes by provoking her with mindless flirting and dancing. This curiosity will finally drive him to join her at the bar. A relationship develops between them over time, creating a strong and powerful bond.Despite this, both protagonists have secrets they would rather keep to themselves. How far will they be willing to go to prevent the other from knowing?

      • December 2020


        by Annette Misen

        Jacky, brillant élève, se destine à devenir médecin. Sa droiture se révèle autant une force qu’un écueil dans une société durement frappée par une crise économique sans précédent. Complaisance, la mégalopole dans laquelle il vit, sombre de plus en plus dans la corruption et l’inégalité sociale. Alors que le gouvernement impose une main de fer dans un gant de velours, l’impensable se produit. Un attentat provoque un grand nombre de victimes dont la plupart sont des ministres en poste. Afin de stabiliser la situation vécue dans la mégalopole, l’état d’urgence est ordonné. Le blocus imposé sépare familles et couples, ne permettant plus à certains de rejoindre leur lieu de travail ou d’études.

      • Children's & young adult fiction & true stories

        A Gypsy's Tale

        Tale Series Book 2

        by Julie Sandilands

        Readership - children & young adults Genre: Action & adventure; myth, legends and magical tales Manuscript length: 24,000 words The book has chapter illustrations Book 2 in the Tale series Late autumn 1967. After being banished from Tyndale by the angry villagers, the Gypsies head north and set up camp in Appleby, traditionally a safe haven for the Travelling community, especially in the summer. Ryan befriends Hawkeye, a local gamekeeper, and is quickly made aware that something sinister lurks in the countryside surrounding the quiet town. Forming an unlikely alliance with Ed and Ollie, (two local badgers), the boys find themselves lost in a world of intrigue and suspense. Between them, the group have to uncover the true mystery behind the evil, and, even worse, try to stop it before it threatens not just the countryside, but the inhabitants of Appleby itself. A Gypsy's Tale is a gripping story that will leave you on the edge of your seat.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2019

        La magie de l'empathie

        Théorie et pratique

        by Dre Nicole Audet, M.D.

        Mon père détestait manger des pommes de terre non salées qu’il jugeait fades et sans goût. Comme lui, je reste sur mon appétit après une conversation superficielle et vide de sens. Pour mettre du piquant dans mes relations, j’ai dû y mettre de l’empathie, cette épice mystérieuse qui a le pouvoir de transformer ceux qui la maîtrisent.Dans ce livre, je vulgarise d’abord la théorie de la communication, puis je raconte des moments magiques où l’empathie a fait son œuvre dans ma vie et dans ma carrière. Enfin, je présente des recettes éprouvées pour se préparer à parler et à écouter avec cœur, authenticité et empathie. Ces compétences exigent des efforts de préparation, de concentration et d’ouverture vers l’autre, mais elles rapportent au-delà de toute espérance chez ceux qui les pratiquent et les maîtrisent. Après tout, pour être savoureuse, la patate a besoin de sel tout comme la communication a besoin d’empathie pour rehausser son goût. C’est magique!Mme Ruth Vachon, présidente et directrice générale du Réseau des femmes d’affaires du Québec signe la préface de ce livre.

      • September 2021


        Marie has left her native countryside, and has taken a summer job in a Parisian brasserie. Staying with her parents’ friends, the husband regularly abuses her. So, she silences her shame and her pain, which leads the beast inside her to grow...

        by Camille Lysière

        Marie has just graduated from high school. She leaves her hometown and takes a summer job in a Parisian brasserie. During her stay, she is hosted by a couple, her parents’ friends. He is a shadowy journalist. She is a frustrated housewife. Marie, who dreams of a future in literature, is honored to have Olivier take an interest in her. He enjoys chatting with her, he takes her seriously. Marie feels important when he invites her to his office for a private chat. But this beautiful relationship gradually goes off track. There is that one time by the library when he holds onto her a little longer than necessary. Should she have said or done something?Since then, Olivier comes to her room to talk. The first time he sits on the bed, imploring. The next time, she struggles, but it is not enough. And every other night he comes back. Marie is devastated. Had she seduced Olivier in spite of herself? So she silences her shame and her pain, which leads the beast inside her to grow. Marie is not alone. In 2009, she is experiencing what other 17-year-old women like her have experienced in another times. Claudine in 1937, Isabelle in 1973 and Amandine in 1990. Travelling through time, this striking novel gives us the same story: the tragedy and the arbitrary nature of rape that shatters destinies.

      • Children's & YA
        February 2017

        Hoy es miércoles

        Children whose future has been stolen have only their imagination

        by Patricio Nouveau

        An unknown adult unexpectedly turns up in the lives of Gilmar and Lanh at the same time but in different parts of the world. Gilmar lives in Bolivia and his father works in the old silver miines of Cerro Rico in the city of Potosí; Lanh is an orphan, she was taken in by the Thuy Xuân orphanage in Vietnam after her parents died when the Perfume River flooded. From their native cities, accompanied by the strange adult, they each undertake a journey that will lead them to Sas, a child soldier who, tries to escape during the Sierra Leone civil war to find his family, return to his former life and set out on a new future. The journey brings together three points on the planet, three languages and three cultures whose only relationship is a book whose photographs have disappeared since Sas was kidnapped from his school. The three boys are eleven years old. They are searching for each other, they need to find each other.

      • Humour


        A political romantic comedy erotic crime drama thriller....with some sheep in it, obviously!

        by Andy Frazier

        Some way into the future, when man has self-destructed, the world now populated solely by sheep. Yes, I know it sounds ridiculous but if you transpose a world full of sheep into the current world which is actually, er full of sheep – well people acting like sheep, anyway – you get SHEEPLE.  SHEEPLE After the holocaust, the only life left on earth was with a few simple sheep in one of its deepest corners. For a while it stayed that way but then, finding themselves at the top of the food chain, evolution nudged them on a little bit, until we catch up with them a millennium or so later. Now the evil Daynik and his sidekick run the world from the Ovine office with the help of a few Dollys, and everything is going ticketty-boo, thank you very much. Well it was, until a badly written novel started to create a stir amongst the Dolly ranks, who are now getting ideas. With reports of mutilation and hacking amongst the clones, the Burdoch Corporation printing true stories, and one of the back-benchers making noises about legalising grass, things start to get a bit out of hand for the Prime Muttoneer. Will our sheep-hero, Archie Woventight, uncover the cover-ups? Who really did write 50 Blades of Hay? Where is this Scoutland, where grass grows in meadows? And who is this mysterious Alex? A man?

      • Computer networking & communications
        April 2008

        The Minimum You Need to Know About Service Oriented Architecture

        by Roland Hughes

        2008 Best Books Award Winner in the category Business: Computers/Technology/Internet - USA Book News. Service Oriented Architecture is all the rage these days. Dozens, if not hundreds of books are published on it, and more seem to show up every day. This book isn't awash with buzzwords and jargon. In truth, this book will probably be shunned by the SOA eltie. Rather than focus on the front end, this book focuses on the back end. That Heritage data silo/application where all of the other books just draw a box with "connect somehow" written on it. Most of them try to sell some expensive midleware along the way. Management can and should read the first five chapters in the book. These chapters aren't technical and may very well open their eyes. The remaining chapters are for those programmers given the "connect somehow" task. While OpenVMS is the Heritage platform of choice in this book and Ubuntu is used for the front end development, developers from other platforms should get a lot of ideas by reading this book.

      • Fantasy


        by Helen Harper

        Yuri, a half Japanese-half English girl, has struggled ever since her beloved father drowned when she was a child. The circumstances of his death were anything but natural - he was drawn into a storm by the sensual singing of a group of sirens and Yuri's life has been overshadowed by the threat of the gods of Olympus ever since. However, when she meets Ozzy, a soulful singer who goes on to become one of the country's biggest rockstars, she attempts to put her past behind her. Unfortunately, fate has not finished messing with her just yet. The second book in the Olympiana series, although able to be read as a stand-alone, Lyre follows the classic tale of Orpheus and Eurydice.

      • Agricultural science
        July 2019

        Textbook on Weed Science

        Principles and Practices

        by A.Veeramani

        This book was incorporated with general information about weeds with need based data on losses caused by weeds in agriculture and allied fields which include livestock, horticulture crops etc. and also national level loss in terms of reduction in food grain production in Indian economy. As management of weeds being a core area in crop production, it was dealt in detail on weed biology, weed ecology and also weed survey including sampling techniques. This was followed by various weed control methods specific to crops belonging to agriculture and horticulture. Of the weed management practices, integrated weed management was also discussed as well highlighting important crops grown in India as to follow the same by the farmers and extension workers for recommendation to the needy people. This book also comprises of herbicide history and its classification and characteristics with suitable examples. In addition, mode of action of herbicides, herbicide mixture, combinations, rotations, and their interaction were also given as separate chapter. In the recent decade, development of herbicide resistant crops are getting momentum world over, considering its potentiality, information on the same was also given in detail with suitable findings. Weed shift and its management and economic analysis of weed management were another chapters included in this book.

      • War - The Revolution of Life

        by Rajumoni Saikia

        It is a philosophical book. We are able to know something about our life, humanity, personality, etc inside the book.    Modern society is suffering from several diseases. Countless hazards are existing in the world and people are affected. Chaos is prevailing in every walk of life.   Now people are living like a patient. Maximum people are dying inside. They can't laugh properly, can't do anything freely. They have to fight, have to struggle all the time, and thus becoming a warrior of life. So people are different in their views, work, activity, attitude, and personality.   People are suffering from multiple personalities. The usual faces, finding them in the day - to - day life, who may be anyone, sometimes I do think, am I? Who knows I maybe?  No. Nay. Never. But it should be. Sometimes it's essential for survival.    Multiple personalities are required for saving their own life. That is the main point.  Because it's a common phenomenon in day to day life.     "When one enjoys in l, Me and Myself, the seed of this  disease starts growing Such rapid is the growth, so deep is the hunger, that goes on spreading. Morality and moral value remain in the background. Rejoicing the success that is newly found.   They want to join the blind route and blind race Because they belong to a new race.     Yes, it's commonly found there are many in any field, as if they are competing with someone, they are restless, almost often, why it is? Such a trait of personality is often visible in everyone's eyes, one may not say, one understands and doesn't say, ultimately what the person wants in life. Yes, the pinnacle of life. More frequently it's not good, it breeds a kind of disease, that is self-created, and people know about its consequence.   'The higher reality of consciousness enhances peace, love, harmony, and happiness in our hearts with actions we connectively accomplished through faith."     This is a comprehensive subject, much has to be discussed in detail, at least poet Rajumoni Saikia has started the subject in nutshell in his one of his poems that readers can feel the in depths of the fire of the disease.     Dissociative identity disorder, known as multiple personality disorder is a mental disorder characterized by the maintenance of at least two distinct and relatively enduring personality states.   Undoubtedly multiple character or personality consumes much energy, maybe for overthinking, over-breathing, which everything has its own limit, and everything over is not good for the health, and health of family and society. Therefore, poet Rajumoni Saikia is excellently penning down the topic which almost everyone aware of it, but the poet has brought it limelight, which now on people will study the personality henceforth."     Finally, personality also a part of life. It depends upon how the people maintain in day to day normal life. People always aware of his personality. When it is turned into a disease it destroys the lives. People losses the battle of life and morality.

      • Children's & YA
        February 2022

        The Curiosity Club

        Alice Alone book 1 of 3

        by Sally Harris

        When Alice Chang starts out at her new school, everything isn’t quite as rosy as she’d dreamed. First, she falls out with previous best friend, Gigi, and then she finds that the only after-school club still available is GAS (Girls Achieving at STEM) which Alice considers extremely uncool. However, with the help of an inspirational teacher and two new best friends, Alice discovers that being cool isn’t always what it looks like in teen magazines and that being yourself and being smart can be the coolest thing of all.

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